exports.run = async (bot, msg) => { msg.guild.fetchMembers().then(guild => { const membersList = guild.members.array(); const selectedUser1 = membersList[Math.floor(Math.random() * membersList.length)].user; const selectedUser2 = membersList[Math.floor(Math.random() * membersList.length)].user; const selectedUser3 = membersList[Math.floor(Math.random() * membersList.length)].user; const stories = [ `${selectedUser1.username} bought ${selectedUser2.username} his favorite video game. This game is called "Pokemon". Then, they became best friends.`, `${selectedUser1.username} wants to become a Pokemon trainer, but he needs to get a Pokemon first!`, `One day, ${selectedUser1.username} decided to go to a shop. He took his motorbike. Once he arrived at the shop, he went inside. He headed right, towards the chips. He grabbed a packet, and headed to check-out. He bumped into ${selectedUser2.username} at the counter, and decided to say hi. They had a little chat, and then decided to gossip about ${selectedUser3.username}. Then, as they were saying some horrible things about ${selectedUser3.username}, they unexpectedly showed up! Then, ${selectedUser1.username} and ${selectedUser2.username} got into a fight against ${selectedUser3.username}.\n\nKids, this is why you don't start drama.\nNow ${selectedUser1.username}, ${selectedUser2.username}, and ${selectedUser3.username} are no longer friends.` ]; const storySelected = [Math.floor(Math.random() * stories.length)]; const { RichEmbed } = require('discord.js'); const embed = new RichEmbed() .setColor(0x00ae86) .setTitle('PokeBot Storytime') .setDescription(stories[storySelected]) .setFooter('PokeBot Beta'); msg.channel.send({ embed }); }); }; exports.conf = { aliases: ['storytime'], guildOnly: true, }; exports.help = { name: 'story', description: 'Tells you a story.', };