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synced 2025-01-22 09:11:50 -05:00
354 lines
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* 86Box A hypervisor and IBM PC system emulator that specializes in
* running old operating systems and software designed for IBM
* PC systems and compatibles from 1981 through fairly recent
* system designs based on the PCI bus.
* This file is part of the 86Box distribution.
* Jenkins build pipeline definition.
* Authors: RichardG, <richardg867@gmail.com>
* Copyright 2021-2022 RichardG.
/* ['main builds', 'branch builds'] */
def repository = ['https://github.com/86Box/86Box.git', scm.userRemoteConfigs[0].url]
def commitBrowser = ['https://github.com/86Box/86Box/commit/%s', null]
def branch = ['master', scm.branches[0].name]
def buildType = ['beta', 'alpha']
def tarballFlags = ['', '-s']
def buildBranch = env.JOB_BASE_NAME.contains('-') ? 1 : 0
def osArchs = [
'Windows': ['64'],
'Linux': ['x86_64', 'arm64'],
'macOS': ['x86_64+x86_64h+arm64']
def osFlags = [
'Windows': '-D QT=ON',
'Linux': '-D QT=ON',
'macOS': '-D QT=ON'
def archNames = [
'32': 'x86 (32-bit)',
'x86': 'x86 (32-bit)',
'64': 'x64 (64-bit)',
'x86_64': 'x64 (64-bit)',
'arm32': 'ARM (32-bit)',
'arm64': 'ARM (64-bit)'
def archNamesMac = [
'x86_64': 'Intel',
'arm64': 'Apple Silicon',
'x86_64+arm64': 'Universal (Intel and Apple Silicon)'
def dynarecNames = [
'ODR': 'Old Recompiler (recommended)',
'NDR': 'New Recompiler (beta)',
'NoDR': 'No Dynamic Recompiler'
def dynarecArchs = [
'32': ['ODR', 'NDR'],
'x86': ['ODR', 'NDR'],
'64': ['ODR', 'NDR'],
'x86_64': ['ODR', 'NDR'],
'arm32': ['NDR'],
'arm64': ['NDR'],
'x86_64+arm64': ['ODR', 'NDR']
def dynarecFlags = [
def dynarecSlugs = [
'ODR': '',
'NDR': '-NDR',
'NoDR': ''
def presets = [
def presetSlugs = [
'Regular': '',
'Debug': '-Debug',
'Dev': '-Dev'
def presetFlags = [
'Regular': '-t --preset=regular -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release',
'Debug': '--preset=debug -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -D STATIC_BUILD=OFF',
'Dev': '--preset=experimental -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -D VNC=OFF -D STATIC_BUILD=OFF'
def gitClone(repository, branch) {
/* Clean workspace. */
/* Perform git clone if stashed data isn't available yet, or if
this is not debian.citadel where stash is faster than clone. */
if (env.GIT_STASHED != 'true' || env.NODE_NAME != 'debian.citadel') {
/* Catch network issues in clone. */
try {
/* Perform clone/checkout, making sure to set poll and changelog only
once to avoid interference from new commits pushed inbetween clones. */
def scmVars = checkout(poll: env.GIT_STASHED != 'true',
changelog: env.GIT_STASHED != 'true',
scm: [$class: 'GitSCM',
branches: [[name: branch]],
userRemoteConfigs: [[url: repository]]])
if (env.GIT_COMMIT == null) {
/* Save the current HEAD commit. */
} else if (env.GIT_COMMIT != scmVars.GIT_COMMIT) {
/* Checkout the commit read from the polling log. */
if (isUnix())
sh(returnStatus: true, script: "git checkout ${env.GIT_COMMIT}")
bat(returnStatus: true, script: "git checkout ${env.GIT_COMMIT}")
println "[-] Using git commit [${env.GIT_COMMIT}]"
/* Stash data if required, marking it as stashed. */
if (env.GIT_STASHED != 'true') {
stash(name: 'git', useDefaultExcludes: false)
env.GIT_STASHED = 'true'
/* No need to use stashed data. */
} catch (e) {
/* If clone fails, use stashed data if available, or re-throw exception otherwise. */
if (env.GIT_STASHED != 'true')
throw e;
/* Unstash data. */
unstash(name: 'git')
def removeDir(dir) {
if (isUnix())
return sh(returnStatus: true, script: "rm -rf '$dir'")
return bat(returnStatus: true, script: "rd /s /q \"$dir\"")
def runBuild(args) {
if (isUnix())
return sh(returnStatus: true, script: "chmod u+x '$WORKSPACE/.ci/build.sh' && exec '$WORKSPACE/.ci/build.sh' $args")
return bat(returnStatus: true, script: "C:\\msys64\\msys2_shell.cmd -msys2 -defterm -here -no-start -c 'exec \"\$(cygpath -u \\'%WORKSPACE%\\')/.ci/build.sh\" $args'")
def failStage() {
/* Force this stage to fail. */
catchError(buildResult: 'FAILURE', stageResult: 'FAILURE') {
def x = 1 / 0
pipeline {
agent none
environment {
DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL = credentials('discord-webhook-url')
options {
parameters {
string(name: 'BUILD_TYPE',
defaultValue: buildType[buildBranch],
description: "Build type to pass on to CMake (on main builds) or feature branch identifier (on branch builds).")
stages {
stage('Source Tarball') {
agent none
failFast false
steps {
script {
/* Extract the polled commit from the polling log, so that git checkout
can be used to avoid JENKINS-20518 race conditions caused by the
webhook being triggered more than once in a short period of time.
This is a backup strategy for FilterProxy's webhook queuing. */
node('master') { /* must run on master node to read polling log */
/* Ignore exceptions as this is not really critical. */
try {
/* Switch to this build's directory. */
dir("${env.JENKINS_HOME}/jobs/${env.JOB_NAME}/builds/${env.BUILD_NUMBER}") {
/* Parse polling log. */
def pollingLog = readFile file: 'polling.log'
def match = pollingLog =~ /Latest remote head revision on [^ ]+ is: ([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/
if (match && match[0]) {
env.GIT_COMMIT = match[0][1]
println "[-] Read git commit [${env.GIT_COMMIT}] from polling log"
} catch (e) {}
/* Adding to the above, run a git clone as soon as possible on any node
to further avoid race conditions caused by busy node executor delays. */
retry(10) {
node('!Windows') {
/* Run git clone. */
gitClone(repository[buildBranch], branch[buildBranch])
/* Clean workspace, in case this is running in a non-build node. */
/* Determine build metadata. */
def buildFlags = "-D \"BUILD_TYPE=$BUILD_TYPE\" -D \"EMU_BUILD=build ${env.BUILD_NUMBER}\" -D \"EMU_BUILD_NUM=${env.BUILD_NUMBER}\""
def buildSuffix = "-b${env.BUILD_NUMBER}"
if (buildBranch > 0) {
def date = new Date().format("yyyyMMdd")
buildFlags = "-D \"BUILD_TYPE=${buildType[buildBranch]}\" -D \"EMU_BUILD=${env.JOB_BASE_NAME.split('-')[1]} build $date.$BUILD_TYPE\""
buildSuffix = "-$date-$BUILD_TYPE"
/* Create source tarball. */
try {
retry(10) {
node('Linux || macOS') {
/* Run git clone. */
gitClone(repository[buildBranch], branch[buildBranch])
/* Switch to temp directory. */
dir("${env.WORKSPACE_TMP}/output") {
/* Run source tarball creation process. */
def packageName = "${env.JOB_BASE_NAME}-Source$buildSuffix"
if (runBuild("-s \"$packageName\" ${tarballFlags[buildBranch]}") == 0) {
/* Archive resulting artifacts. */
archiveArtifacts artifacts: "$packageName*"
} else {
/* Fail this stage. */
/* Clean up. */
} catch (e) {
/* Fail this stage. */
/* Build here to avoid creating a redundant parent stage on the stage view. */
osArchs.each { os, thisOsArchs ->
def combinations = [:]
thisOsArchs.each { arch ->
def archSlug = arch.replace('+x86_64h', '') /* all instances of arch except the one passed to -b */
def thisArchDynarecs = dynarecArchs[archSlug.toLowerCase()]
if (!thisArchDynarecs)
thisArchDynarecs = ['NoDR']
thisArchDynarecs.each { dynarec ->
presets.each { preset ->
def combination = "$os $archSlug $dynarec $preset"
combinations[combination] = {
catchError(buildResult: 'FAILURE', stageResult: 'SUCCESS') {
retry(10) {
node(os) {
stage(combination) {
/* Run git clone. */
gitClone(repository[buildBranch], branch[buildBranch])
/* Switch to output directory. */
dir("${env.WORKSPACE_TMP}/output") {
/* Run build process. */
def packageName = "${env.JOB_BASE_NAME}${dynarecSlugs[dynarec]}${presetSlugs[preset]}-$os-$archSlug$buildSuffix"
def ret = -1
def archName = archNames[archSlug]
if (os == 'macOS')
archName = archNamesMac[archSlug]
dir(dynarecNames[dynarec]) {
dir("$os - $archName") {
ret = runBuild("-b \"$packageName\" \"$arch\" ${presetFlags[preset]} ${dynarecFlags[dynarec]} ${osFlags[os]} $buildFlags")
if (presets.size() == 1)
writeFile file: '.forcedir', text: ''
if ((osArchs.size() == 1) && (thisOsArchs.size() == 1))
writeFile file: '.forcedir', text: ''
if (ret == 0) {
/* Archive resulting artifacts. */
archiveArtifacts artifacts: "**/$packageName*, **/.forcedir", defaultExcludes: false
} else {
/* Fail this stage. */
/* Clean up. */
parallel combinations
post {
always {
script {
/* Send out build notifications. */
if (commitBrowser[buildBranch]) {
try {
/* Notify Discord. */
def result = currentBuild.currentResult.toLowerCase()
discordSend webhookURL: DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL,
title: "${env.JOB_BASE_NAME} #${env.BUILD_NUMBER}",
link: env.BUILD_URL,
result: currentBuild.currentResult,
description: "**Status:** ${result}\n\u2060", /* word joiner character forces a blank line */
enableArtifactsList: false,
showChangeset: true,
scmWebUrl: commitBrowser[buildBranch]
/* Notify IRC, which needs a node for whatever reason. */
node('citadel || rg || master') {
} catch (e) {
/* Force this stage to fail. */
catchError(buildResult: currentBuild.result, stageResult: 'FAILURE') {
throw e;