
73 lines
2.8 KiB

# 86Box A hypervisor and IBM PC system emulator that specializes in
# running old operating systems and software designed for IBM
# PC systems and compatibles from 1981 through fairly recent
# system designs based on the PCI bus.
# This file is part of the 86Box distribution.
# Convenience script for changing the emulator's version.
# Authors: RichardG, <richardg867@gmail.com>
# Copyright 2022 RichardG.
# Parse arguments.
if [ -z "$(echo $newversion | grep '\.')" ]
echo '[!] Usage: bumpversion.sh x.y[.z]'
exit 1
# Extract version components.
newversion_maj=$(echo $newversion | cut -d. -f1)
newversion_min=$(echo $newversion | cut -d. -f2)
newversion_patch=$(echo $newversion | cut -d. -f3)
[ -z "$newversion_patch" ] && newversion_patch=0
# Switch to the repository root directory.
cd "$(dirname "$0")"
get_latest_rom_release() {
# Get the latest ROM release from the GitHub API.
curl --silent "https://api.github.com/repos/86Box/roms/releases/latest" |
grep '"tag_name":' |
sed -E 's/.*"([^"]+)".*/\1/'
pretty_date() {
# Ensure we get the date in English.
LANG=en_US.UTF-8 date '+%a %b %d %Y'
# Patch files.
patch_file() {
# Stop if the file doesn't exist.
[ ! -e "$1" ] && return
# Patch file.
if sed -i -r -e "$3" "$1"
echo "[-] Patched $2 on $1"
echo "[!] Patching $2 on $1 failed"
patch_file CMakeLists.txt VERSION 's/^(\s*VERSION ).+/\1'"$newversion"'/'
patch_file vcpkg.json version-string 's/(^\s*"version-string"\s*:\s*")[^"]+/\1'"$newversion"'/'
patch_file src/include_make/*/version.h EMU_VERSION 's/(#\s*define\s+EMU_VERSION\s+")[^"]+/\1'"$newversion"'/'
patch_file src/include_make/*/version.h EMU_VERSION_MAJ 's/(#\s*define\s+EMU_VERSION_MAJ\s+)[0-9]+/\1'"$newversion_maj"'/'
patch_file src/include_make/*/version.h EMU_VERSION_MIN 's/(#\s*define\s+EMU_VERSION_MIN\s+)[0-9]+/\1'"$newversion_min"'/'
patch_file src/include_make/*/version.h EMU_VERSION_PATCH 's/(#\s*define\s+EMU_VERSION_PATCH\s+)[0-9]+/\1'"$newversion_patch"'/'
patch_file src/include_make/*/version.h COPYRIGHT_YEAR 's/(#\s*define\s+COPYRIGHT_YEAR\s+)[0-9]+/\1'"$(date +%Y)"'/'
patch_file src/include_make/*/version.h EMU_DOCS_URL 's/(#\s*define\s+EMU_DOCS_URL\s+"https:\/\/[^\/]+\/en\/v)[^\/]+/\1'"$newversion_maj.$newversion_min"'/'
patch_file src/unix/assets/*.spec Version 's/(Version:\s+)[0-9].+/\1'"$newversion"'/'
patch_file src/unix/assets/*.spec '%global romver' 's/(^%global\ romver\s+)[0-9]{8}/'"$(get_latest_rom_release)"'/'
patch_file src/unix/assets/*.spec 'changelog version' 's/(^[*]\s.*>\s+)[0-9].+/\1'"$newversion"-1'/'
patch_file src/unix/assets/*.spec 'changelog date' 's/(^[*]\s)[a-zA-Z]{3}\s[a-zA-Z]{3}\s[0-9]{2}\s[0-9]{4}/\1'"$(pretty_date)"'/'
patch_file src/unix/assets/*.metainfo.xml release 's/(<release version=")[^"]+(" date=")[^"]+/\1'"$newversion"'\2'"$(date +%Y-%m-%d)"'/'