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// ClassicalSharp copyright 2014-2016 UnknownShadow200 | Licensed under MIT
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using ClassicalSharp.Model;
using OpenTK;
using OpenTK.Input;
namespace ClassicalSharp {
public static class MathUtils {
/// <summary> Creates a vector with all components at 1E25. </summary>
public static Vector3 MaxPos() { return new Vector3( 1E25f, 1E25f, 1E25f ); }
/// <summary> Clamps that specified value such that min ≤ value ≤ max </summary>
public static void Clamp( ref float value, float min, float max ) {
if( value < min ) value = min;
if( value > max ) value = max;
/// <summary> Clamps that specified value such that min ≤ value ≤ max </summary>
public static void Clamp( ref int value, int min, int max ) {
if( value < min ) value = min;
if( value > max ) value = max;
public static Vector3 Mul( Vector3 a, Vector3 scale ) {
a.X *= scale.X; a.Y *= scale.Y; a.Z *= scale.Z;
return a;
/// <summary> Returns the next highest power of 2 that is ≥ to the given value. </summary>
public static int NextPowerOf2( int value ) {
int next = 1;
while( value > next )
next <<= 1;
return next;
/// <summary> Returns whether the given value is a power of 2. </summary>
public static bool IsPowerOf2( int value ) {
return value != 0 && (value & (value - 1)) == 0;
/// <summary> Multiply a value in degrees by this to get its value in radians. </summary>
public const float Deg2Rad = (float)(Math.PI / 180);
/// <summary> Multiply a value in radians by this to get its value in degrees. </summary>
public const float Rad2Deg = (float)(180 / Math.PI);
public static int DegreesToPacked( double degrees, int period ) {
return (int)(degrees * period / 360.0) % period;
public static int DegreesToPacked( double degrees ) {
return (int)(degrees * 256 / 360.0) & 0xFF;
public static double PackedToDegrees( byte packed ) {
return packed * 360.0 / 256.0;
/// <summary> Rotates the given 3D coordinates around the y axis. </summary>
public static Vector3 RotateY( Vector3 v, float angle ) {
float cosA = (float)Math.Cos( angle );
float sinA = (float)Math.Sin( angle );
return new Vector3( cosA * v.X - sinA * v.Z, v.Y, sinA * v.X + cosA * v.Z );
/// <summary> Rotates the given 3D coordinates around the y axis. </summary>
public static Vector3 RotateY( float x, float y, float z, float angle ) {
float cosA = (float)Math.Cos( angle );
float sinA = (float)Math.Sin( angle );
return new Vector3( cosA * x - sinA * z, y, sinA * x + cosA * z );
/// <summary> Rotates the given 3D coordinates around the x axis. </summary>
public static void RotateX( ref float y, ref float z, float cosA, float sinA ) {
float y2 = cosA * y + sinA * z; z = -sinA * y + cosA * z; y = y2;
/// <summary> Rotates the given 3D coordinates around the y axis. </summary>
public static void RotateY( ref float x, ref float z, float cosA, float sinA ) {
float x2 = cosA * x - sinA * z; z = sinA * x + cosA * z; x = x2;
/// <summary> Rotates the given 3D coordinates around the z axis. </summary>
public static void RotateZ( ref float x, ref float y, float cosA, float sinA ) {
float x2 = cosA * x + sinA * y; y = -sinA * x + cosA * y; x = x2;
/// <summary> Returns the square of the euclidean distance between two points. </summary>
public static float DistanceSquared( Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2 ) {
float dx = p2.X - p1.X;
float dy = p2.Y - p1.Y;
float dz = p2.Z - p1.Z;
return dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
/// <summary> Returns the square of the euclidean distance between two points. </summary>
public static float DistanceSquared( float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2 ) {
float dx = x2 - x1;
float dy = y2 - y1;
float dz = z2 - z1;
return dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
/// <summary> Returns the square of the euclidean distance between two points. </summary>
public static int DistanceSquared( int x1, int y1, int z1, int x2, int y2, int z2 ) {
int dx = x2 - x1;
int dy = y2 - y1;
int dz = z2 - z1;
return dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
/// <summary> Returns a normalised vector that faces in the direction
/// described by the given yaw and pitch. </summary>
public static Vector3 GetDirVector( double yawRad, double pitchRad ) {
double x = -Math.Cos( pitchRad ) * -Math.Sin( yawRad );
double y = -Math.Sin( pitchRad );
double z = -Math.Cos( pitchRad ) * Math.Cos( yawRad );
return new Vector3( (float)x, (float)y, (float)z );
public static void GetHeading( Vector3 dir, out double yawRad, out double pitchRad ) {
pitchRad = Math.Asin( -dir.Y );
yawRad = Math.Atan2( dir.Z, dir.X );
// http://www.opengl-tutorial.org/intermediate-tutorials/billboards-particles/billboards/
public static void CalcBillboardPoints( Vector2 size, Vector3 position, ref Matrix4 view, out Vector3 p111,
out Vector3 p121, out Vector3 p212, out Vector3 p222 ) {
Vector3 centre = position; centre.Y += size.Y / 2;
Vector3 a = new Vector3( view.Row0.X * size.X, view.Row1.X * size.X, view.Row2.X * size.X ); // right * size.X
Vector3 b = new Vector3( view.Row0.Y * size.Y, view.Row1.Y * size.Y, view.Row2.Y * size.Y ); // up * size.Y
p111 = centre + a * -0.5f + b * -0.5f;
p121 = centre + a * -0.5f + b * 0.5f;
p212 = centre + a * 0.5f + b * -0.5f;
p222 = centre + a * 0.5f + b * 0.5f;
/// <summary> Linearly interpolates between a given angle range, adjusting if necessary. </summary>
public static float LerpAngle( float leftAngle, float rightAngle, float t ) {
// we have to cheat a bit for angles here.
// Consider 350* --> 0*, we only want to travel 10*,
// but without adjusting for this case, we would interpolate back the whole 350* degrees.
bool invertLeft = leftAngle > 270 && rightAngle < 90;
bool invertRight = rightAngle > 270 && leftAngle < 90;
if( invertLeft ) leftAngle = leftAngle - 360;
if( invertRight ) rightAngle = rightAngle - 360;
return Utils.Lerp( leftAngle, rightAngle, t );