Finish porting notchy map generator to C.

This commit is contained in:
UnknownShadow200 2017-06-01 22:01:32 +10:00
parent 4b8cea1b5b
commit b647e3d718
6 changed files with 281 additions and 47 deletions

View file

@ -41,11 +41,11 @@ namespace ClassicalSharp.Generator {
void FloodFill(int startIndex, BlockID block) {
if (startIndex < 0) return; // y below map, immediately ignore
FastIntStack stack = new FastIntStack(4);
while (stack.Size > 0) {
int index = stack.Pop();
if (blocks[index] != 0) continue;
if (blocks[index] != Block.Air) continue;
blocks[index] = block;
int x = index % Width;

View file

@ -40,9 +40,11 @@ BlockID EnvRenderer_BlockOn(Real32* fogDensity, PackedCol* fogCol) {
Real32 EnvRenderer_BlendFactor(Real32 x) {
/* return -0.05 + 0.22 * Math_LogE(Math_Pow(x, 0.25f)); */
double blend = -0.13 + 0.28 * Math_LogE(Math_Pow(x, 0.25f));
if (blend < 0) blend = 0;
if (blend > 1) blend = 1;
/* ln[x^0.25] = ln[(e^ln(x))^0.25] = ln[e^(ln(x) * 0.25)] = ln[x] * 0.25 */
Real32 blend = -0.13f + 0.28f * (Math_LogE(x) * 0.25f);
if (blend < 0.0f) blend = 0.0f;
if (blend > 1.0f) blend = 1.0f;
return blend;

View file

@ -14,8 +14,6 @@
#define Math_Abs(x) abs(x)
#define Math_Pow(x, y) powf(x, y)
#define Math_LogE(x) logf(x)
#define Math_PowE(x) expf(x)

View file

@ -18,10 +18,16 @@ bool Gen_Done;
/* Dimensions of the map to be generated. */
Int32 Gen_Width, Gen_Height, Gen_Length;
/* Maxmimum coordinate of the map. */
Int32 Gen_MaxX, Gen_MaxY, Gen_MaxZ;
/* Seed used for generating the map. */
Int32 Gen_Seed;
/* Blocks of the map generated. */
BlockID* Gen_Blocks;
/* Packs a coordinate into a single integer index. */
#define Gen_Pack(x, y, z) (((y) * Gen_Length + (z)) * Gen_Width + (x))

View file

@ -28,6 +28,24 @@ void NotchyGen_Generate() {
Gen_CurrentProgress = 0.0f;
Gen_CurrentState = String_FromConstant("");
NotchyGen_CarveOreVeins(0.9f, "Carving coal ore", BlockID_CoalOre);
NotchyGen_CarveOreVeins(0.7f, "Carving iron ore", BlockID_IronOre);
NotchyGen_CarveOreVeins(0.5f, "Carving gold ore", BlockID_GoldOre);
@ -47,12 +65,12 @@ void NotchyGen_CreateHeightmap() {
for (x = 0; x < Gen_Width; x++) {
Real32 hLow = CombinedNoise_Calc(&n1, x * 1.3f, z * 1.3f) / 6 - 4, height = hLow;
if (OctaveNoise_Calc(&n3, x, z) <= 0) {
if (OctaveNoise_Calc(&n3, (Real32)x, (Real32)z) <= 0) {
Real32 hHigh = CombinedNoise_Calc(&n2, x * 1.3f, z * 1.3f) / 5 + 6;
height = max(hLow, hHigh);
height *= 0.5;
height *= 0.5f;
if (height < 0) height *= 0.8f;
Int16 adjHeight = (Int16)(height + waterLevel);
@ -74,20 +92,20 @@ void NotchyGen_CreateStrata() {
for (z = 0; z < Gen_Length; z++) {
Gen_CurrentProgress = (Real32)z / Gen_Length;
for (x = 0; x < Gen_Width; x++) {
Int32 dirtThickness = (Int32)(OctaveNoise_Calc(&n, x, z) / 24 - 4);
Int32 dirtThickness = (Int32)(OctaveNoise_Calc(&n, (Real32)x, (Real32)z) / 24 - 4);
Int32 dirtHeight = Heightmap[hMapIndex++];
Int32 stoneHeight = dirtHeight + dirtThickness;
stoneHeight = min(stoneHeight, maxY);
dirtHeight = min(dirtHeight, maxY);
mapIndex = minStoneY * oneY + z * Gen_Width + x;
mapIndex = Gen_Pack(x, minStoneY, z);
for (y = minStoneY; y <= stoneHeight; y++) {
Gen_Blocks[mapIndex] = BlockID_Stone; mapIndex += oneY;
stoneHeight = max(stoneHeight, 0);
mapIndex = (stoneHeight + 1) * oneY + z * Gen_Width + x;
mapIndex = Gen_Pack(x, (stoneHeight + 1), z);
for (y = stoneHeight + 1; y <= dirtHeight; y++) {
Gen_Blocks[mapIndex] = BlockID_Dirt; mapIndex += oneY;
@ -100,25 +118,148 @@ Int32 NotchyGen_CreateStrataFast() {
Int32 mapIndex = 0;
Int32 x, y, z;
for (z = 0; z < Gen_Length; z++)
for (x = 0; x < Gen_Width; x++)
for (z = 0; z < Gen_Length; z++) {
for (x = 0; x < Gen_Width; x++) {
Gen_Blocks[mapIndex++] = BlockID_Lava;
/* Invariant: the lowest value dirtThickness can possible be is -14 */
Int32 stoneHeight = minHeight - 14;
if (stoneHeight <= 0) return 1; /* no layer is fully stone */
/* We can quickly fill in bottom solid layers */
for (y = 1; y <= stoneHeight; y++)
for (z = 0; z < Gen_Length; z++)
for (x = 0; x < Gen_Width; x++)
for (y = 1; y <= stoneHeight; y++) {
for (z = 0; z < Gen_Length; z++) {
for (x = 0; x < Gen_Width; x++) {
Gen_Blocks[mapIndex++] = BlockID_Stone;
return stoneHeight;
void NotchyGen_CarveCaves() {
Int32 cavesCount = volume / 8192;
Gen_CurrentState = String_FromConstant("Carving caves");
Int32 i, j;
for (i = 0; i < cavesCount; i++) {
Gen_CurrentProgress = (Real32)i / cavesCount;
Real32 caveX = (Real32)Random_Next(&rnd, Gen_Width);
Real32 caveY = (Real32)Random_Next(&rnd, Gen_Height);
Real32 caveZ = (Real32)Random_Next(&rnd, Gen_Length);
Int32 caveLen = (Int32)(Random_Float(&rnd) * Random_Float(&rnd) * 200.0f);
Real32 theta = Random_Float(&rnd) * 2.0f * MATH_PI, deltaTheta = 0.0f;
Real32 phi = Random_Float(&rnd) * 2.0f * MATH_PI, deltaPhi = 0.0f;
Real32 caveRadius = Random_Float(&rnd) * Random_Float(&rnd);
for (j = 0; j < caveLen; j++) {
caveX += Math_Sin(theta) * Math_Cos(phi);
caveZ += Math_Cos(theta) * Math_Cos(phi);
caveY += Math_Sin(phi);
theta = theta + deltaTheta * 0.2f;
deltaTheta = deltaTheta * 0.9f + Random_Float(&rnd) - Random_Float(&rnd);
phi = phi * 0.5f + deltaPhi * 0.25f;
deltaPhi = deltaPhi * 0.75f + Random_Float(&rnd) - Random_Float(&rnd);
if (Random_Float(&rnd) < 0.25f) continue;
Int32 cenX = (Int32)(caveX + (Random_Next(&rnd, 4) - 2) * 0.2f);
Int32 cenY = (Int32)(caveY + (Random_Next(&rnd, 4) - 2) * 0.2f);
Int32 cenZ = (Int32)(caveZ + (Random_Next(&rnd, 4) - 2) * 0.2f);
Real32 radius = (Gen_Height - cenY) / (Real32)Gen_Height;
radius = 1.2f + (radius * 3.5f + 1.0f) * caveRadius;
radius = radius * Math_Sin(j * MATH_PI / caveLen);
NotchyGen_FillOblateSpheroid(cenX, cenY, cenZ, radius, BlockID_Air);
void NotchyGen_CarveOreVeins(Real32 abundance, const UInt8* state, BlockID block) {
Int32 numVeins = (Int32)(volume * abundance / 16384);
Gen_CurrentState = String_FromConstant(state);
Int32 i, j;
for (i = 0; i < numVeins; i++) {
Gen_CurrentProgress = (Real32)i / numVeins;
Real32 veinX = (Real32)Random_Next(&rnd, Gen_Width);
Real32 veinY = (Real32)Random_Next(&rnd, Gen_Height);
Real32 veinZ = (Real32)Random_Next(&rnd, Gen_Length);
Int32 veinLen = (Int32)(Random_Float(&rnd) * Random_Float(&rnd) * 75 * abundance);
Real32 theta = Random_Float(&rnd) * 2.0f * MATH_PI, deltaTheta = 0.0f;
Real32 phi = Random_Float(&rnd) * 2.0f * MATH_PI, deltaPhi = 0.0f;
for (j = 0; j < veinLen; j++) {
veinX += Math_Sin(theta) * Math_Cos(phi);
veinZ += Math_Cos(theta) * Math_Cos(phi);
veinY += Math_Sin(phi);
theta = deltaTheta * 0.2f;
deltaTheta = deltaTheta * 0.9f + Random_Float(&rnd) - Random_Float(&rnd);
phi = phi * 0.5f + deltaPhi * 0.25f;
deltaPhi = deltaPhi * 0.9f + Random_Float(&rnd) - Random_Float(&rnd);
Real32 radius = abundance * Math_Sin(j * MATH_PI / veinLen) + 1.0f;
NotchyGen_FillOblateSpheroid((Int32)veinX, (Int32)veinY, (Int32)veinZ, radius, block);
void NotchyGen_FloodFillWaterBorders() {
Int32 waterY = waterLevel - 1;
Int32 index1 = Gen_Pack(0, waterY, 0);
Int32 index2 = Gen_Pack(0, waterY, Gen_Length - 1);
Gen_CurrentState = String_FromConstant("Flooding edge water");
Int32 x, z;
for (x = 0; x < Gen_Width; x++) {
Gen_CurrentProgress = 0.0f + ((Real32)x / Gen_Width) * 0.5f;
NotchyGen_FloodFill(index1, BlockID_Water);
NotchyGen_FloodFill(index2, BlockID_Water);
index1++; index2++;
index1 = Gen_Pack(0, waterY, 0);
index2 = Gen_Pack(Gen_Width - 1, waterY, 0);
for (z = 0; z < Gen_Length; z++) {
Gen_CurrentProgress = 0.5f + ((Real32)z / Gen_Length) * 0.5f;
NotchyGen_FloodFill(index1, BlockID_Water);
NotchyGen_FloodFill(index2, BlockID_Water);
index1 += Gen_Width; index2 += Gen_Width;
void NotchyGen_FloodFillWater() {
Int32 numSources = Gen_Width * Gen_Length / 800;
Gen_CurrentState = String_FromConstant("Flooding water");
Int32 i;
for (i = 0; i < numSources; i++) {
Gen_CurrentProgress = (Real32)i / numSources;
Int32 x = Random_Next(&rnd, Gen_Width);
Int32 z = Random_Next(&rnd, Gen_Length);
Int32 y = waterLevel - Random_Range(&rnd, 1, 3);
NotchyGen_FloodFill(Gen_Pack(x, y, z), BlockID_Water);
void NotchyGen_FloodFillLava() {
Int32 numSources = Gen_Width * Gen_Length / 20000;
Gen_CurrentState = String_FromConstant("Flooding lava");
Int32 i;
for (i = 0; i < numSources; i++) {
Gen_CurrentProgress = (float)i / numSources;
Int32 x = Random_Next(&rnd, Gen_Width);
Int32 z = Random_Next(&rnd, Gen_Length);
Int32 y = (Int32)((waterLevel - 3) * Random_Float(&rnd) * Random_Float(&rnd));
NotchyGen_FloodFill(Gen_Pack(x, y, z), BlockID_Lava);
void NotchyGen_CreateSurfaceLayer() {
OctaveNoise n1, n2;
@ -135,12 +276,13 @@ void NotchyGen_CreateSurfaceLayer() {
Int32 y = Heightmap[hMapIndex++];
if (y < 0 || y >= Gen_Height) continue;
Int32 index = (y * Gen_Length + z) * Gen_Width + x;
BlockID blockAbove = y >= (Gen_Height - 1) ? BlockID_Air : Gen_Blocks[index + oneY];
if (blockAbove == BlockID_Water && (OctaveNoise_Calc(&n2, x, z) > 12)) {
Int32 index = Gen_Pack(x, y, z);
BlockID blockAbove = y >= Gen_MaxY ? BlockID_Air : Gen_Blocks[index + oneY];
if (blockAbove == BlockID_Water && (OctaveNoise_Calc(&n2, (Real32)x, (Real32)z) > 12)) {
Gen_Blocks[index] = BlockID_Gravel;
} else if (blockAbove == BlockID_Air) {
Gen_Blocks[index] = (y <= waterLevel && (OctaveNoise_Calc(&n1, x, z) > 8)) ? BlockID_Sand : BlockID_Grass;
Gen_Blocks[index] = (y <= waterLevel && (OctaveNoise_Calc(&n1, (Real32)x, (Real32)z) > 8)) ? BlockID_Sand : BlockID_Grass;
@ -166,7 +308,7 @@ void NotchyGen_PlantFlowers() {
Int32 flowerY = Heightmap[flowerZ * Gen_Width + flowerX] + 1;
if (flowerY <= 0 || flowerY >= Gen_Height) continue;
Int32 index = (flowerY * Gen_Length + flowerZ) * Gen_Width + flowerX;
Int32 index = Gen_Pack(flowerX, flowerY, flowerZ);
if (Gen_Blocks[index] == BlockID_Air && Gen_Blocks[index - oneY] == BlockID_Grass)
Gen_Blocks[index] = type;
@ -198,7 +340,7 @@ void NotchyGen_PlantMushrooms() {
if (mushY >= (solidHeight - 1))
Int32 index = (mushY * Gen_Length + mushZ) * Gen_Width + mushX;
Int32 index = Gen_Pack(mushX, mushY, mushZ);
if (Gen_Blocks[index] == BlockID_Air && Gen_Blocks[index - oneY] == BlockID_Stone)
Gen_Blocks[index] = type;
@ -228,7 +370,7 @@ void NotchyGen_PlantTrees() {
if (treeY >= Gen_Height) continue;
Int32 treeHeight = 5 + Random_Next(&rnd, 3);
Int32 index = (treeY * Gen_Length + treeZ) * Gen_Width + treeX;
Int32 index = Gen_Pack(treeX, treeY, treeZ);
BlockID blockUnder = treeY > 0 ? Gen_Blocks[index - oneY] : BlockID_Air;
if (blockUnder == BlockID_Grass && NotchyGen_CanGrowTree(treeX, treeY, treeZ, treeHeight)) {
@ -239,31 +381,35 @@ void NotchyGen_PlantTrees() {
bool NotchyGen_CanGrowTree(Int32 treeX, Int32 treeY, Int32 treeZ, Int32 treeHeight) {
/* check tree base */
Int32 baseHeight = treeHeight - 4;
Int32 x, y, z;
for (y = treeY; y < treeY + baseHeight; y++)
for (z = treeZ - 1; z <= treeZ + 1; z++)
for (y = treeY; y < treeY + baseHeight; y++) {
for (z = treeZ - 1; z <= treeZ + 1; z++) {
for (x = treeX - 1; x <= treeX + 1; x++)
if (x < 0 || y < 0 || z < 0 || x >= Gen_Width || y >= Gen_Height || z >= Gen_Length)
return false;
Int32 index = (y * Gen_Length + z) * Gen_Width + x;
if (Gen_Blocks[index] != 0) return false;
Int32 index = Gen_Pack(x, y, z);
if (Gen_Blocks[index] != BlockID_Air) return false;
/* and also check canopy */
for (y = treeY + baseHeight; y < treeY + treeHeight; y++)
for (z = treeZ - 2; z <= treeZ + 2; z++)
for (x = treeX - 2; x <= treeX + 2; x++)
for (y = treeY + baseHeight; y < treeY + treeHeight; y++) {
for (z = treeZ - 2; z <= treeZ + 2; z++) {
for (x = treeX - 2; x <= treeX + 2; x++) {
if (x < 0 || y < 0 || z < 0 || x >= Gen_Width || y >= Gen_Height || z >= Gen_Length)
return false;
Int32 index = (y * Gen_Length + z) * Gen_Width + x;
if (Gen_Blocks[index] != 0) return false;
Int32 index = Gen_Pack(x, y, z);
if (Gen_Blocks[index] != BlockID_Air) return false;
return true;
@ -273,12 +419,11 @@ void NotchyGen_GrowTree(Int32 treeX, Int32 treeY, Int32 treeZ, Int32 height) {
Int32 xx, y, zz;
/* leaves bottom layer */
for (y = treeY + baseHeight; y < treeY + baseHeight + 2; y++)
for (zz = -2; zz <= 2; zz++)
for (xx = -2; xx <= 2; xx++)
for (y = treeY + baseHeight; y < treeY + baseHeight + 2; y++) {
for (zz = -2; zz <= 2; zz++) {
for (xx = -2; xx <= 2; xx++) {
Int32 x = xx + treeX, z = zz + treeZ;
index = (y * Gen_Length + z) * Gen_Width + x;
index = Gen_Pack(x, y, z);
if (Math_Abs(xx) == 2 && Math_Abs(zz) == 2) {
if (Random_Float(&rnd) >= 0.5f)
@ -287,15 +432,16 @@ void NotchyGen_GrowTree(Int32 treeX, Int32 treeY, Int32 treeZ, Int32 height) {
Gen_Blocks[index] = BlockID_Leaves;
/* leaves top layer */
Int32 bottomY = treeY + baseHeight + 2;
for (y = treeY + baseHeight + 2; y < treeY + height; y++)
for (zz = -1; zz <= 1; zz++)
for (xx = -1; xx <= 1; xx++)
for (y = treeY + baseHeight + 2; y < treeY + height; y++) {
for (zz = -1; zz <= 1; zz++) {
for (xx = -1; xx <= 1; xx++) {
Int32 x = xx + treeX, z = zz + treeZ;
index = (y * Gen_Length + z) * Gen_Width + x;
index = Gen_Pack(x, y, z);
if (xx == 0 || zz == 0) {
Gen_Blocks[index] = BlockID_Leaves;
@ -303,11 +449,72 @@ void NotchyGen_GrowTree(Int32 treeX, Int32 treeY, Int32 treeZ, Int32 height) {
Gen_Blocks[index] = BlockID_Leaves;
/* then place trunk */
index = (treeY * Gen_Length + treeZ) * Gen_Width + treeX;
index = Gen_Pack(treeX, treeY, treeZ);
for (y = 0; y < height - 1; y++) {
Gen_Blocks[index] = BlockID_Log;
index += oneY;
void NotchyGen_FillOblateSpheroid(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 z, float radius, BlockID block) {
Int32 xStart = Math_Floor(max(x - radius, 0));
Int32 xEnd = Math_Floor(min(x + radius, Gen_MaxX));
Int32 yStart = Math_Floor(max(y - radius, 0));
Int32 yEnd = Math_Floor(min(y + radius, Gen_MaxY));
Int32 zStart = Math_Floor(max(z - radius, 0));
Int32 zEnd = Math_Floor(min(z + radius, Gen_MaxZ));
Real32 radiusSq = radius * radius;
Int32 xx, yy, zz;
for (yy = yStart; yy <= yEnd; yy++) {
Int32 dy = yy - y;
for (zz = zStart; zz <= zEnd; zz++) {
Int32 dz = zz - z;
for (xx = xStart; xx <= xEnd; xx++) {
Int32 dx = xx - x;
if ((dx * dx + 2 * dy * dy + dz * dz) < radiusSq) {
Int32 index = Gen_Pack(xx, yy, zz);
if (Gen_Blocks[index] == BlockID_Stone)
Gen_Blocks[index] = block;
#define Stack_Push(index)\
stack[stack_size] = index;\
if (stack_size == 32768) {\
ErrorHandler_Fail("NotchyGen_FloodFail - stack limit hit");\
void NotchyGen_FloodFill(Int32 startIndex, BlockID block) {
if (startIndex < 0) return; /* y below map, immediately ignore */
Int32 stack[32768];
Int32 stack_size = 0;
while (stack_size > 0) {
Int32 index = stack[stack_size];
if (Gen_Blocks[index] != 0) continue;
Gen_Blocks[index] = block;
Int32 x = index % Gen_Width;
Int32 y = index / oneY;
Int32 z = (index / Gen_Width) % Gen_Length;
if (x > 0) { Stack_Push(index - 1); }
if (x < Gen_MaxX) { Stack_Push(index + 1); }
if (z > 0) { Stack_Push(index - Gen_Width); }
if (z < Gen_MaxZ) { Stack_Push(index + Gen_Width); }
if (y > 0) { Stack_Push(index - oneY); }

View file

@ -22,6 +22,21 @@ static void NotchyGen_CreateStrata();
/* Quickly fills the base stone layer on tall maps. */
static Int32 NotchyGen_CreateStrataFast();
/* Hollows out caves in the map. */
static void NotchyGen_CarveCaves();
/* Fills out ore veins in the map. */
static void NotchyGen_CarveOreVeins(Real32 abundance, const UInt8* state, BlockID block);
/* Floods water from the edges of the map. */
static void NotchyGen_FloodFillWaterBorders();
/* Floods water from random points in the map. */
static void NotchyGen_FloodFillWater();
/* Floods lava from random points in the map. */
static void NotchyGen_FloodFillLava();
/* Details the map by replacing some surface-layer dirt with grass, sand, or gravel. */
static void NotchyGen_CreateSurfaceLayer();
@ -39,4 +54,10 @@ static bool NotchyGen_CanGrowTree(Int32 treeX, Int32 treeY, Int32 treeZ, Int32 t
/* Plants a tree of the given height at the given coordinates. */
static void NotchyGen_GrowTree(Int32 treeX, Int32 treeY, Int32 treeZ, Int32 height);
/* Fills an oblate spheroid, but only replacing stone blocks. */
static void NotchyGen_FillOblateSpheroid(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 z, float radius, BlockID block);
/* Floods a block, starting at the given coordinates. */
static void NotchyGen_FloodFill(Int32 startIndex, BlockID block);