name: Build latest (Android2) on: [push] concurrency: group: ${{ github.ref }}-android cancel-in-progress: true jobs: build: if: github.ref_name == github.event.repository.default_branch runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 container: image: steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Compile android builds shell: bash id: compile env: COMMON_FLAGS: "-O1 -s -fno-stack-protector -fno-math-errno -Qn" DROID_FLAGS: "-fPIC -shared -s -O1 -fvisibility=hidden -rdynamic -funwind-tables" DROID_LIBS: "-lGLESv2 -lEGL -lm -landroid -llog" run: | LATEST_FLAG=-DCC_COMMIT_SHA=\"${GITHUB_SHA::9}\" DROID_FLAGS="-fPIC -shared -s -O1 -fvisibility=hidden -rdynamic -funwind-tables" DROID_LIBS="-lGLESv2 -lEGL -lm -landroid -llog" ROOT_DIR=$PWD NDK_ROOT="/opt/android-sdk-linux/ndk/25.2.9519653/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin" TOOLS_ROOT=$ROOT_DIR/build-tools SDK_ROOT="/opt/android-sdk-linux/platforms/android-34" mkdir build-tools wget unzip -d build-tools chmod +x build-tools/aapt chmod +x build-tools/dx chmod +x build-tools/zipalign cd $ROOT_DIR/src $NDK_ROOT/armv7a-linux-androideabi19-clang *.c $DROID_FLAGS -march=armv5 $DROID_LIBS $LATEST_FLAG -o cc-droid-arm_16 $NDK_ROOT/armv7a-linux-androideabi19-clang *.c $DROID_FLAGS $DROID_LIBS $LATEST_FLAG -o cc-droid-arm_32 $NDK_ROOT/aarch64-linux-android21-clang *.c $DROID_FLAGS $DROID_LIBS $LATEST_FLAG -o cc-droid-arm_64 $NDK_ROOT/i686-linux-android21-clang *.c $DROID_FLAGS $DROID_LIBS $LATEST_FLAG -o cc-droid-x86_32 $NDK_ROOT/x86_64-linux-android21-clang *.c $DROID_FLAGS $DROID_LIBS $LATEST_FLAG -o cc-droid-x86_64 cd $ROOT_DIR/android/app/src/main # copy required native libraries mkdir lib lib/armeabi lib/armeabi-v7a lib/arm64-v8a lib/x86 lib/x86_64 cp $ROOT_DIR/src/cc-droid-arm_16 lib/armeabi/ cp $ROOT_DIR/src/cc-droid-arm_32 lib/armeabi-v7a/ cp $ROOT_DIR/src/cc-droid-arm_64 lib/arm64-v8a/ cp $ROOT_DIR/src/cc-droid-x86_32 lib/x86/ cp $ROOT_DIR/src/cc-droid-x86_64 lib/x86_64/ # The following commands are for manually building an .apk, see # # # # # # compile java files into multiple .class files cd $ROOT_DIR/android/app/src/main/java/com/classicube javac *.java -d $ROOT_DIR/android/app/src/main/obj -classpath $SDK_ROOT/android.jar --release 8 cd $ROOT_DIR/android/app/src/main # get debug signing key echo -n "${{ secrets.ANDROID_SIGNING_KEY_BASE64 }}" | base64 --decode > debug.keystore # compile the multiple .class files into one .dex file $TOOLS_ROOT/dx --dex --output=classes.dex ./obj # create initial .apk with packaged version of resources $TOOLS_ROOT/aapt package -f -M AndroidManifest.xml -S res -F cc-unsigned.apk -I $SDK_ROOT/android.jar # and add all the required files $TOOLS_ROOT/aapt add -f cc-unsigned.apk classes.dex lib/armeabi/ lib/armeabi-v7a/ lib/arm64-v8a/ lib/x86/ lib/x86_64/ # sign the apk with debug key ( # Note per # - if using apksigner, zipalign must be called before apksigner # - if using jarsigner, zipalign must be called after jarsigner $TOOLS_ROOT/zipalign -f 4 cc-unsigned.apk cc-signed.apk $TOOLS_ROOT/apksigner sign --ks debug.keystore --ks-pass pass:android cc-signed.apk cp cc-signed.apk $ROOT_DIR/src/cc.apk # old v1 only version (doesn't work properly now) #cp cc-unsigned.apk cc-signed.apk #jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore debug.keystore -storepass android -keypass android cc-signed.apk androiddebugkey # jarsigner -verbose # create aligned .apk file #$TOOLS_ROOT/zipalign -f 4 cc-signed.apk $ROOT_DIR/src/cc.apk - uses: ./.github/actions/notify_failure if: ${{ always() && steps.compile.outcome == 'failure' }} with: NOTIFY_MESSAGE: 'Failed to compile android build' WEBHOOK_URL: '${{ secrets.WEBHOOK_URL }}' - uses: ./.github/actions/upload_build if: ${{ always() && steps.compile.outcome == 'success' }} with: SOURCE_FILE: 'src/cc.apk' DEST_NAME: 'cc.apk' - uses: ./.github/actions/notify_success if: ${{ always() && steps.compile.outcome == 'success' }} with: DESTINATION_URL: '${{ secrets.NOTIFY_URL }}' WORKFLOW_NAME: 'android'