using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using ClassicalSharp; namespace Launcher2 { public static class Client { static DateTime lastJoin; public static bool Start( ClientStartData data, bool classicubeSkins, ref bool shouldExit ) { if( (DateTime.UtcNow - lastJoin).TotalSeconds < 1 ) return false; lastJoin = DateTime.UtcNow; string skinServer = classicubeSkins ? "" : ""; string args = data.Username + " " + data.Mppass + " " + data.Ip + " " + data.Port + " " + skinServer; return StartImpl( data, classicubeSkins, args, ref shouldExit ); } public static bool Start( string args, ref bool shouldExit ) { return StartImpl( null, true, args, ref shouldExit ); } static bool StartImpl( ClientStartData data, bool classicubeSkins, string args, ref bool shouldExit ) { Process process = null; string path = Path.Combine( Program.AppDirectory, "ClassicalSharp.exe" ); if( !File.Exists( path ) ) return false; CheckSettings( data, classicubeSkins, out shouldExit ); if( Type.GetType( "Mono.Runtime" ) != null ) { process = Process.Start( "mono", "\"" + path + "\" " + args ); } else { process = Process.Start( path, args ); } return true; } internal static void CheckSettings( ClientStartData data, bool classiCubeSkins, out bool shouldExit ) { shouldExit = false; // Make sure if the client has changed some settings in the meantime, we keep the changes if( !Options.Load() ) return; shouldExit = Options.GetBool( OptionsKey.AutoCloseLauncher, false ); if( data == null ) return; Options.Set( "launcher-username", data.Username ); Options.Set( "launcher-ip", data.Ip ); Options.Set( "launcher-port", data.Port ); Options.Set( "launcher-mppass", Secure.Encode( data.Mppass, data.Username ) ); Options.Set( "launcher-ccskins", classiCubeSkins ); Options.Save(); } } }