ClassiCube is a custom Minecraft Classic and ClassiCube client written in C that works on Windows, OSX, Linux, BSD, and Solaris. **It is not affiliated with (or supported by) Mojang AB, Minecraft, or Microsoft in any way.** ![screenshot_n]( You can grab the latest stable binaries [here]( You can grab the very latest builds [here]( #### What ClassiCube is * Works with both has been removed by Mojang) and accounts. * Lightweight, minimal memory usage compared to the standard client. * Works with effectively all graphics cards that support OpenGL or Direct3D 9. * Provides single-player support, and both a flatgrass and vanilla-type map generator. It **does not** work with 'modern/premium' Minecraft servers. #### Requirements * Windows: XP or later. * OSX: Only tested on OSX 10.5, may or may not work on later versions. * Linux: libcurl and libopenal. #### Instructions Initially, you will need to run ClassiCube.exe to download the required assets from Just click 'OK' to the dialog menu that appears when you start the launcher. **Singleplayer** Run ClassiCube.exe, then click Singleplayer at the main menu. **Multiplayer** Run ClassiCube.exe. You can connect to LAN/locally hosted servers, servers,~~ and servers through the launcher. ###### *Windows specific* *If you are stuck using the built-in OpenGL 1.1 software renderer, you can use the MESA software renderer from either [here]( or [here]( for slightly better performance. Typically though, this occurs because you have not installed GPU drivers.* ###### *Linux specific* *You will likely need to do `chmod +x ClassiCube` before running the game. #### Tips * Press escape (after joining a world) or pause to switch to the pause menu. * Pause menu -> Options -> Controls lists all of the key combinations used by the client. * Note that toggling 'vsync' to on will minimise CPU usage, while off will maximimise chunk loading speed. * Press F to cycle view distance. A smaller number of visible chunks can improve performance. * If the server has disabled hacks, key combinations such as fly and speed will not do anything. * To see the list of built in commands, type `/client`. * To see help for a given built in command, type `/client help `. ### Compiling #### Windows ##### Compiling with Visual Studio: Open ClassiCube.sln and compile it. ##### Compiling with MinGW-w64 I am assuming you used the installer from 1. Install MinGW-W64 2. Use either *Run Terminal* from Start Menu or run *mingw-w64.bat* in the installation folder 3. Compile with the same flags as under **Cross Compiling for windows**, but use *gcc* instead of *i586-mingw32msvc-gcc* ##### Compiling with MinGW I am assuming you used the installer from 1. Install MinGW. You need mingw32-base-bin and msys-base-bin packages. 2. Run *msys.bat* in the *C:\MinGW\msys\1.0* folder. 3. Compile with the same flags as **MinGW-w64**, but also add ```-DUNICODE``` #### Linux Install appropriate libs as required. For ubuntu these are: libx11-dev, libgl1-mesa-dev, libopenal-dev, libcurl4-gnutls-dev or libcurl4-openssl-dev ```gcc *.c -o ClassiCube -lm -lpthread -lX11 -lGL -lcurl -lopenal -ldl``` ##### Cross compiling for windows: ```i586-mingw32msvc-gcc *.c -o ClassiCube.exe -mwindows -lws2_32 -lwininet -lwinmm -limagehlp -lcrypt32 -ld3d9``` #### Mac OSX ```gcc *.c -o ClassiCube -framework Carbon -framework AGL -framework OpenAL -framework OpenGL -lcurl``` #### FreeBSD ```gcc *.c -o ClassiCube -I /usr/local/include -L /usr/local/lib -lm -lpthread -lX11 -lGL -lcurl -lopenal -lexecinfo``` #### OpenBSD Install libexecinfo package if needed. ```gcc *.c -o ClassiCube -I /usr/X11R6/include -I /usr/local/include -L /usr/X11R6/lib -L /usr/local/lib -lX11 -lGL -lcurl -lopenal -lexecinfo``` #### NetBSD ```gcc *.c -o ClassiCube -I /usr/X11R7/include -I /usr/pkg/include -L /usr/X11R7/lib -L /usr/pkg/lib -lpthread -lX11 -lGL -lcurl -lopenal -lexecinfo``` #### Solaris ```gcc *.c -o ClassiCube -lm -lsocket -lX11 -lGL -lcurl -lopenal``` NOTE: You have to change entry->d_type == DT_DIR to Directory_Exists(&path) (TODO do this automatically) #### Other You'll have to write the necessary code. You should read in misc folder. ### Documentation Functions and variables in .h files are mostly documented. Further information (e.g. portablity, style) for the game's source code can be found in the misc folder.