// ClassicalSharp copyright 2014-2016 UnknownShadow200 | Licensed under MIT using System; using ClassicalSharp.Entities; using ClassicalSharp.Events; using ClassicalSharp.Map; using ClassicalSharp.GraphicsAPI; using OpenTK; namespace ClassicalSharp.Renderers { public class ChunkInfo { public ushort CentreX, CentreY, CentreZ; public bool Visible = true, Empty = false; public bool DrawLeft, DrawRight, DrawFront, DrawBack, DrawBottom, DrawTop; #if OCCLUSION public bool Visited = false, Occluded = false; public byte OcclusionFlags, OccludedFlags, DistanceFlags; #endif public ChunkPartInfo[] NormalParts; public ChunkPartInfo[] TranslucentParts; public ChunkInfo( int x, int y, int z ) { CentreX = (ushort)(x + 8); CentreY = (ushort)(y + 8); CentreZ = (ushort)(z + 8); } public void Reset( int x, int y, int z ) { CentreX = (ushort)(x + 8); CentreY = (ushort)(y + 8); CentreZ = (ushort)(z + 8); Visible = true; Empty = false; DrawLeft = false; DrawRight = false; DrawFront = false; DrawBack = false; DrawBottom = false; DrawTop = false; } } public partial class MapRenderer : IDisposable { Game game; IGraphicsApi api; internal int _1DUsed = -1; internal ChunkInfo[] chunks, unsortedChunks; internal bool[] usedTranslucent, usedNormal; internal bool[] pendingTranslucent, pendingNormal; internal int[] totalUsed; ChunkUpdater updater; bool drawAllFaces = false, underWater = false; public MapRenderer( Game game ) { this.game = game; api = game.Graphics; updater = new ChunkUpdater( game, this ); } public void Dispose() { updater.Dispose(); } public void Refresh() { updater.Refresh(); } public void RedrawBlock( int x, int y, int z, byte block, int oldHeight, int newHeight ) { updater.RedrawBlock( x, y, z, block, oldHeight, newHeight ); } public void Render( double deltaTime ) { if( chunks == null ) return; ChunkSorter.UpdateSortOrder( game, updater ); updater.UpdateChunks( deltaTime ); RenderNormal( deltaTime ); game.MapBordersRenderer.Render( deltaTime ); RenderTranslucent( deltaTime ); game.Players.DrawShadows(); } // Render solid and fully transparent to fill depth buffer. // These blocks are treated as having an alpha value of either none or full. void RenderNormal( double deltaTime ) { int[] texIds = game.TerrainAtlas1D.TexIds; api.SetBatchFormat( VertexFormat.P3fT2fC4b ); api.Texturing = true; api.AlphaTest = true; for( int batch = 0; batch < _1DUsed; batch++ ) { if( totalUsed[batch] <= 0 ) continue; if( pendingNormal[batch] || usedNormal[batch] ) { api.BindTexture( texIds[batch] ); RenderNormalBatch( batch ); pendingNormal[batch] = false; } } CheckWeather( deltaTime ); api.AlphaTest = false; api.Texturing = false; #if DEBUG_OCCLUSION DebugPickedPos(); #endif } void CheckWeather( double deltaTime ) { WorldEnv env = game.World.Env; Vector3 pos = game.CurrentCameraPos; Vector3I coords = Vector3I.Floor( pos ); byte block = game.World.SafeGetBlock( coords ); drawAllFaces = game.BlockInfo.IsTranslucent[block]; underWater = drawAllFaces || pos.Y < env.EdgeHeight; // If we are under water, render weather before to blend properly if( !underWater || env.Weather == Weather.Sunny ) return; api.AlphaBlending = true; game.WeatherRenderer.Render( deltaTime ); api.AlphaBlending = false; } // Render translucent(liquid) blocks. These 'blend' into other blocks. void RenderTranslucent( double deltaTime ) { // First fill depth buffer int[] texIds = game.TerrainAtlas1D.TexIds; api.SetBatchFormat( VertexFormat.P3fT2fC4b ); api.Texturing = false; api.AlphaBlending = false; api.ColourWrite = false; for( int batch = 0; batch < _1DUsed; batch++ ) { if( totalUsed[batch] <= 0 ) continue; if( pendingTranslucent[batch] || usedTranslucent[batch] ) { RenderTranslucentBatchDepthPass( batch ); pendingTranslucent[batch] = false; } } // Then actually draw the transluscent blocks api.AlphaBlending = true; api.Texturing = true; api.ColourWrite = true; api.DepthWrite = false; // we already calculated depth values in depth pass for( int batch = 0; batch < _1DUsed; batch++ ) { if( totalUsed[batch] <= 0 ) continue; if( !usedTranslucent[batch] ) continue; api.BindTexture( texIds[batch] ); RenderTranslucentBatch( batch ); } api.DepthWrite = true; // If we weren't under water, render weather after to blend properly if( !underWater && game.World.Env.Weather != Weather.Sunny ) { api.AlphaTest = true; game.WeatherRenderer.Render( deltaTime ); api.AlphaTest = false; } api.AlphaBlending = false; api.Texturing = false; } const DrawMode mode = DrawMode.Triangles; const int maxVertex = 65536; const int maxIndices = maxVertex / 4 * 6; void RenderNormalBatch( int batch ) { for( int i = 0; i < chunks.Length; i++ ) { ChunkInfo info = chunks[i]; #if OCCLUSION if( info.NormalParts == null || !info.Visible || info.Occluded ) continue; #else if( info.NormalParts == null || !info.Visible ) continue; #endif ChunkPartInfo part = info.NormalParts[batch]; if( part.IndicesCount == 0 ) continue; usedNormal[batch] = true; if( part.IndicesCount > maxIndices ) DrawBigPart( info, ref part ); else DrawPart( info, ref part ); if( part.SpriteCount > 0 ) { int groupCount = part.SpriteCount / 4; api.FaceCulling = true; if( info.DrawRight || info.DrawFront ) api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b( groupCount, 0 ); if( info.DrawLeft || info.DrawBack ) api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b( groupCount, groupCount ); if( info.DrawLeft || info.DrawFront ) api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b( groupCount, groupCount * 2 ); if( info.DrawRight || info.DrawBack ) api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b( groupCount, groupCount * 3 ); api.FaceCulling = false; } game.Vertices += part.IndicesCount; } } void RenderTranslucentBatch( int batch ) { for( int i = 0; i < chunks.Length; i++ ) { ChunkInfo info = chunks[i]; #if OCCLUSION if( info.TranslucentParts == null || !info.Visible || info.Occluded ) continue; #else if( info.TranslucentParts == null || !info.Visible ) continue; #endif ChunkPartInfo part = info.TranslucentParts[batch]; if( part.IndicesCount == 0 ) continue; DrawTranslucentPart( info, ref part ); game.Vertices += part.IndicesCount; } } void RenderTranslucentBatchDepthPass( int batch ) { for( int i = 0; i < chunks.Length; i++ ) { ChunkInfo info = chunks[i]; #if OCCLUSION if( info.TranslucentParts == null || !info.Visible || info.Occluded ) continue; #else if( info.TranslucentParts == null || !info.Visible ) continue; #endif ChunkPartInfo part = info.TranslucentParts[batch]; if( part.IndicesCount == 0 ) continue; usedTranslucent[batch] = true; DrawTranslucentPart( info, ref part ); } } void DrawPart( ChunkInfo info, ref ChunkPartInfo part ) { api.BindVb( part.VbId ); bool drawLeft = info.DrawLeft && part.LeftCount > 0; bool drawRight = info.DrawRight && part.RightCount > 0; bool drawBottom = info.DrawBottom && part.BottomCount > 0; bool drawTop = info.DrawTop && part.TopCount > 0; bool drawFront = info.DrawFront && part.FrontCount > 0; bool drawBack = info.DrawBack && part.BackCount > 0; if( drawLeft && drawRight ) { api.FaceCulling = true; api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b( part.LeftCount + part.RightCount, part.LeftIndex ); api.FaceCulling = false; } else if( drawLeft ) { api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b( part.LeftCount, part.LeftIndex ); } else if( drawRight ) { api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b( part.RightCount, part.RightIndex ); } if( drawFront && drawBack ) { api.FaceCulling = true; api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b( part.FrontCount + part.BackCount, part.FrontIndex ); api.FaceCulling = false; } else if( drawFront ) { api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b( part.FrontCount, part.FrontIndex ); } else if( drawBack ) { api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b( part.BackCount, part.BackIndex ); } if( drawBottom && drawTop ) { api.FaceCulling = true; api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b( part.BottomCount + part.TopCount, part.BottomIndex ); api.FaceCulling = false; } else if( drawBottom ) { api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b( part.BottomCount, part.BottomIndex ); } else if( drawTop ) { api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b( part.TopCount, part.TopIndex ); } } void DrawTranslucentPart( ChunkInfo info, ref ChunkPartInfo part ) { api.BindVb( part.VbId ); bool drawLeft = (drawAllFaces || info.DrawLeft) && part.LeftCount > 0; bool drawRight = (drawAllFaces || info.DrawRight) && part.RightCount > 0; bool drawBottom = (drawAllFaces || info.DrawBottom) && part.BottomCount > 0; bool drawTop = (drawAllFaces || info.DrawTop) && part.TopCount > 0; bool drawFront = (drawAllFaces || info.DrawFront) && part.FrontCount > 0; bool drawBack = (drawAllFaces || info.DrawBack) && part.BackCount > 0; if( drawLeft && drawRight ) { api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b( part.LeftCount + part.RightCount, part.LeftIndex ); } else if( drawLeft ) { api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b( part.LeftCount, part.LeftIndex ); } else if( drawRight ) { api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b( part.RightCount, part.RightIndex ); } if( drawFront && drawBack ) { api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b( part.FrontCount + part.BackCount, part.FrontIndex ); } else if( drawFront ) { api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b( part.FrontCount, part.FrontIndex ); } else if( drawBack ) { api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b( part.BackCount, part.BackIndex ); } if( drawBottom && drawTop ) { api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b( part.BottomCount + part.TopCount, part.BottomIndex ); } else if( drawBottom ) { api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b( part.BottomCount, part.BottomIndex ); } else if( drawTop ) { api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b( part.TopCount, part.TopIndex ); } } void DrawBigPart( ChunkInfo info, ref ChunkPartInfo part ) { api.BindVb( part.VbId ); bool drawLeft = info.DrawLeft && part.LeftCount > 0; bool drawRight = info.DrawRight && part.RightCount > 0; bool drawBottom = info.DrawBottom && part.BottomCount > 0; bool drawTop = info.DrawTop && part.TopCount > 0; bool drawFront = info.DrawFront && part.FrontCount > 0; bool drawBack = info.DrawBack && part.BackCount > 0; if( drawLeft && drawRight ) { api.FaceCulling = true; api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b( part.LeftCount + part.RightCount, part.LeftIndex ); api.FaceCulling = false; } else if( drawLeft ) { api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b( part.LeftCount, part.LeftIndex ); } else if( drawRight ) { api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b( part.RightCount, part.RightIndex ); } if( drawFront && drawBack ) { api.FaceCulling = true; api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b( part.FrontCount + part.BackCount, part.FrontIndex ); api.FaceCulling = false; } else if( drawFront ) { api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b( part.FrontCount, part.FrontIndex ); } else if( drawBack ) { api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b( part.BackCount, part.BackIndex ); } // Special handling for top and bottom as these can go over 65536 vertices and we need to adjust the indices in this case. if( drawBottom && drawTop ) { api.FaceCulling = true; if( part.IndicesCount > maxIndices ) { int part1Count = maxIndices - part.BottomIndex; api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b( part1Count, part.BottomIndex ); api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b( part.BottomCount + part.TopCount - part1Count, maxVertex, 0 ); } else { api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b( part.BottomCount + part.TopCount, part.BottomIndex ); } api.FaceCulling = false; } else if( drawBottom ) { int part1Count; if( part.IndicesCount > maxIndices && ( part1Count = maxIndices - part.BottomIndex ) < part.BottomCount ) { api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b( part1Count, part.BottomIndex ); api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b( part.BottomCount - part1Count, maxVertex, 0 ); } else { api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b( part.BottomCount, part.BottomIndex ); } } else if( drawTop ) { int part1Count; if( part.IndicesCount > maxIndices && ( part1Count = maxIndices - part.TopIndex ) < part.TopCount ) { api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b( part1Count, part.TopIndex ); api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b( part.TopCount - part1Count, maxVertex, 0 ); } else { api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b( part.TopCount, part.TopIndex ); } } } } }