
170 lines
4.9 KiB

// Copyright 2014-2017 ClassicalSharp | Licensed under BSD-3
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using ClassicalSharp.Commands;
namespace ClassicalSharp {
public sealed class Chat : IGameComponent {
public ChatLine Status1, Status2, Status3, BottomRight1,
BottomRight2, BottomRight3, Announcement;
public ChatLine[] ClientStatus = new ChatLine[3];
Game game;
void IGameComponent.Init(Game game) { = game;
void IGameComponent.Ready(Game game) { }
void IGameComponent.Reset(Game game) { logName = null; }
void IGameComponent.OnNewMap(Game game) { }
void IGameComponent.OnNewMapLoaded(Game game) { }
/// <summary> List of chat messages received from the server and added by client commands. </summary>
/// <remarks> index 0 is the oldest chat message, last index is newest. </remarks>
public List<ChatLine> Log = new List<ChatLine>();
/// <summary> List of chat messages sent by the user to the server. </summary>
public List<string> InputLog = new List<string>();
public void Send(string text) {
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) return;
if (game.CommandList.IsCommandPrefix(text)) {
} else {
static char[] trimChars = new char[] { ' ', '\0' };
StringBuffer logBuffer = new StringBuffer(128);
public void Add(string text) { Add(text, MessageType.Normal); }
public void Add(string text, MessageType type) {
if (type == MessageType.Normal) {
} else if (type == MessageType.Status1) {
Status1 = text;
} else if (type == MessageType.Status2) {
Status2 = text;
} else if (type == MessageType.Status3) {
Status3 = text;
} else if (type == MessageType.BottomRight1) {
BottomRight1 = text;
} else if (type == MessageType.BottomRight2) {
BottomRight2 = text;
} else if (type == MessageType.BottomRight3) {
BottomRight3 = text;
} else if (type == MessageType.Announcement) {
Announcement = text;
} else if (type >= MessageType.ClientStatus1 && type <= MessageType.ClientStatus3) {
ClientStatus[(int)(type - MessageType.ClientStatus1)] = text;
game.Events.RaiseChatReceived(text, type);
public void Dispose() {
if (writer == null) return;
writer = null;
#region Chat logger
string logName;
public void SetLogName(string name) {
if (logName != null) return;
name = Utils.StripColours(name);
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(name.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < name.Length; i++) {
if (Allowed(name[i])) buffer.Append(name[i]);
logName = buffer.ToString();
static bool Allowed(char c) {
c == '{' || c == '}' || c == '[' || c == ']' || c == '(' || c == ')' ||
(c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z');
DateTime last;
StreamWriter writer = null;
void LogChatToFile(string text) {
if (logName == null || !game.ChatLogging) return;
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
if (now.Day != last.Day || now.Month != last.Month || now.Year != last.Year) {
last = now;
if (writer == null) return;
if (32 + text.Length > logBuffer.Capacity)
logBuffer = new StringBuffer(32 + text.Length);
logBuffer.Clear() // [HH:mm:ss] text
.Append('[').AppendPaddedNum(2, now.Hour)
.Append(':').AppendPaddedNum(2, now.Minute)
.Append(':').AppendPaddedNum(2, now.Second)
.Append("] ").AppendColourless(text)
writer.Write(logBuffer.value, 0, logBuffer.Length);
void OpenChatFile(DateTime now) {
if (!Platform.DirectoryExists("logs")) {
string date = now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
// Ensure multiple instances do not end up overwriting each other's log entries.
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
string id = i == 0 ? "" : " _" + i;
string path = Path.Combine("logs", date + " " + logName + id + ".log");
Stream stream = null;
try {
stream = Platform.FileAppend(path);
} catch (IOException ex) {
int hresult = Marshal.GetHRForException(ex);
uint errorCode = (uint)hresult & 0xFFFF;
if (errorCode != 32) // ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION
writer = new StreamWriter(stream);
writer.AutoFlush = true;
ErrorHandler.LogError("creating chat log",
"Failed to open or create a chat log file after 20 tries, giving up.");
public struct ChatLine {
public string Text;
public DateTime Received;
public ChatLine(string text) {
Text = text;
Received = DateTime.UtcNow;
public static implicit operator ChatLine(string text) {
return new ChatLine(text);