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synced 2025-01-26 19:12:07 -05:00
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using ClassicalSharp.Audio;
using ClassicalSharp.Commands;
using ClassicalSharp.GraphicsAPI;
using ClassicalSharp.Model;
using ClassicalSharp.Network;
using ClassicalSharp.Particles;
using ClassicalSharp.Renderers;
using ClassicalSharp.Selections;
using ClassicalSharp.TexturePack;
using OpenTK;
namespace ClassicalSharp {
public partial class Game : GameWindow {
/// <summary> Abstracts the underlying 3D graphics rendering API. </summary>
public IGraphicsApi Graphics;
/// <summary> Contains the block data and metadata of the player's current world. </summary>
public Map Map;
/// <summary> Represents a connection to a multiplayer or a singleplayer server. </summary>
public INetworkProcessor Network;
/// <summary> List of all entities in the current map, including the player. </summary>
public EntityList Players;
/// <summary> Entity representing the player. </summary>
public LocalPlayer LocalPlayer;
/// <summary> Contains extended player listing information for each player in the current world. </summary>
/// <remarks> Only used if CPE extension ExtPlayerList is enabled. </remarks>
public CpeListInfo[] CpePlayersList = new CpeListInfo[256];
/// <summary> Current camera the player is using to view the world with. </summary>
/// <remarks> e.g. first person, thid person, forward third person, etc. </remarks>
public Camera Camera;
Camera firstPersonCam, thirdPersonCam, forwardThirdPersonCam;
/// <summary> Contains the metadata about each currently defined block. </summary>
/// <remarks> e.g. blocks light, height, texture IDs, etc. </remarks>
public BlockInfo BlockInfo;
/// <summary> Total rendering time(in seconds) elapsed since the client was started. </summary>
public double accumulator;
public TerrainAtlas2D TerrainAtlas;
public TerrainAtlas1D TerrainAtlas1D;
public SkinType DefaultPlayerSkinType;
/// <summary> Accumulator for the number of chunk updates performed. Reset every second. </summary>
public int ChunkUpdates;
/// <summary> Whether the third person camera should have their camera position clipped so as to not intersect blocks. </summary>
public bool CameraClipping = true;
public MapRenderer MapRenderer;
public MapBordersRenderer MapBordersRenderer;
public EnvRenderer EnvRenderer;
public WeatherRenderer WeatherRenderer;
public Inventory Inventory;
public IDrawer2D Drawer2D;
public CommandManager CommandManager;
public SelectionManager SelectionManager;
public ParticleManager ParticleManager;
public PickingRenderer Picking;
public PickedPos SelectedPos = new PickedPos(), CameraClipPos = new PickedPos();
public ModelCache ModelCache;
internal string skinServer, chatInInputBuffer = null;
internal int defaultIb;
FpsScreen fpsScreen;
internal HudScreen hudScreen;
public Events Events = new Events();
public EntityEvents EntityEvents = new EntityEvents();
public MapEvents MapEvents = new MapEvents();
public InputHandler InputHandler;
public ChatLog Chat;
public BlockHandRenderer BlockHandRenderer;
public AudioPlayer AudioPlayer;
public AxisLinesRenderer AxisLinesRenderer;
/// <summary> Account username of the player. </summary>
public string Username;
/// <summary> Verification key used for multiplayer, unique for the username and individual server. </summary>
public string Mppass;
/// <summary> IP address of multiplayer server connected to, null if singleplayer. </summary>
public IPAddress IPAddress;
/// <summary> Port of multiplayer server connected to, 0 if singleplayer. </summary>
public int Port;
/// <summary> Radius of the sphere the player can see around the position of the current camera. </summary>
public int ViewDistance = 512;
internal int MaxViewDistance = 32768, UserViewDistance = 512;
/// <summary> Field of view for the current camera in degrees. </summary>
public int FieldOfView = 70;
internal int ZoomFieldOfView = 0;
/// <summary> Strategy used to limit how many frames should be displayed at most each second. </summary>
public FpsLimitMethod FpsLimit;
/// <summary> Whether lines should be rendered for each axis. </summary>
public bool ShowAxisLines;
/// <summary> Whether players should animate using simple swinging parallel to their bodies. </summary>
public bool SimpleArmsAnim;
/// <summary> Whether mouse rotation on the y axis should be inverted. </summary>
public bool InvertMouse;
public long Vertices;
public FrustumCulling Culling;
int width, height;
public AsyncDownloader AsyncDownloader;
public Matrix4 View, Projection, HeldBlockProjection;
/// <summary> How sensitive the client is to changes in the player's mouse position. </summary>
public int MouseSensitivity = 30;
public bool UseClassicGui = false;
public int ChatLines = 12;
public bool ClickableChat = false, HideGui = false, ShowFPS = true;
internal float HudScale = 1.0f, ChatScale = 1.0f;
public bool ViewBobbing, ShowBlockInHand;
public bool UseSound, UseMusic, LiquidsBreakable;
public Vector3 CurrentCameraPos;
public Animations Animations;
internal int CloudsTexId, RainTexId, SnowTexId, GuiTexId, GuiClassicTexId;
internal bool screenshotRequested;
internal List<WarningScreen> WarningScreens = new List<WarningScreen>();
internal UrlsList AcceptedUrls = new UrlsList( "acceptedurls.txt" ), DeniedUrls = new UrlsList( "deniedurls.txt" );
/// <summary> Calculates the amount that 2D widgets should be scaled by when rendered. </summary>
/// <remarks> Affected by both the current resolution of the window, as well as the
/// scaling specified by the user (field HudScale). </remarks>
public float GuiScale {
get {
float scaleX = Width / 640f, scaleY = Height / 480f;
return Math.Min( scaleX, scaleY ) * HudScale;
/// <summary> Calculates the amount that 2D chat widgets should be scaled by when rendered. </summary>
/// <remarks> Affected by both the current resolution of the window, as well as the
/// scaling specified by the user (field ChatScale). </remarks>
public float GuiChatScale {
get {
float scaleX = Width / 640f, scaleY = Height / 480f;
return Math.Min( scaleX, scaleY ) * ChatScale;
string defTexturePack = "default.zip";
/// <summary> Gets or sets the path of the default texture pack that should be used by the client. </summary>
/// <remarks> If the custom default texture pack specified by the user could not be found,
/// this method returns "default.zip". </remarks>
public string DefaultTexturePack {
get {
string texPackDir = TexturePackExtractor.Dir;
string path = Path.Combine( Program.AppDirectory, Path.Combine( texPackDir, defTexturePack ) );
return File.Exists( path ) ? defTexturePack : "default.zip";
set {
defTexturePack = value;
Options.Set( OptionsKey.DefaultTexturePack, value );
} |