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// ClassicalSharp copyright 2014-2016 UnknownShadow200 | Licensed under MIT
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using ClassicalSharp.GraphicsAPI;
using Android.Graphics;
namespace ClassicalSharp {
/// <summary> Class responsible for performing drawing operations on bitmaps
/// and for converting bitmaps into graphics api textures. </summary>
/// <remarks> Uses GDI+ on Windows, uses Cairo on Mono. </remarks>
unsafe partial class IDrawer2D {
public Bitmap FontBitmap;
/// <summary> Sets the bitmap that contains the bitmapped font characters as an atlas. </summary>
public void SetFontBitmap( Bitmap bmp ) {
FontBitmap = bmp;
boxSize = FontBitmap.Width / 16;
fontPixels = new FastBitmap( FontBitmap, true, true );
protected FastBitmap fontPixels;
protected int boxSize;
protected const int italicSize = 8;
protected int[] widths = new int[256];
void CalculateTextWidths() {
for( int i = 0; i < 256; i++ )
MakeTile( i, (i & 0x0F) * boxSize, (i >> 4) * boxSize );
widths[(int)' '] = boxSize / 4;
void MakeTile( int i, int tileX, int tileY ) {
// find first column (from right) where there is a solid pixel
for( int x = boxSize - 1; x >= 0; x-- )
for( int y = 0; y < boxSize; y++ )
int pixel = fontPixels.GetRowPtr( tileY + y )[tileX + x];
byte a = (byte)(pixel >> 24);
if( a >= 127 ) { // found a solid pixel
widths[i] = x + 1;
widths[i] = 0;
protected void DrawBitmapTextImpl( FastBitmap dst, ref DrawTextArgs args, int x, int y ) {
bool underline = args.Font.Style == FontStyle.Underline;
if( args.UseShadow ) {
int offset = ShadowOffset( args.Font.Size );
DrawPart( dst, ref args, x + offset, y + offset, true );
if( underline ) DrawUnderline( dst, x + offset, 0, ref args, true );
DrawPart( dst, ref args, x, y, false );
if( underline ) DrawUnderline( dst, x, -2, ref args, false );
void DrawPart( FastBitmap dst, ref DrawTextArgs args, int x, int y, bool shadowCol ) {
FastColour col = Colours['f'];
if( shadowCol )
col = BlackTextShadows ? FastColour.Black : FastColour.Scale( col, 0.25f );
FastColour lastCol = col;
int xMul = args.Font.Style == FontStyle.Italic ? 1 : 0;
int runCount = 0, lastY = -1;
string text = args.Text;
int point = Utils.Floor( args.Font.Size );
byte* coordsPtr = stackalloc byte[256];
for( int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++ ) {
char c = text[i];
bool code = c == '&' && i < text.Length - 1;
if( code && ValidColour( text[i + 1] ) ) {
col = Colours[text[i + 1]];
if( shadowCol )
col = BlackTextShadows ? FastColour.Black : FastColour.Scale( col, 0.25f );
i++; continue; // Skip over the colour code.
int coords = ConvertToCP437( c );
// First character in the string, begin run counting
if( lastY == -1 ) {
lastY = coords >> 4; lastCol = col;
coordsPtr[0] = (byte)coords; runCount = 1;
if( lastY == (coords >> 4) && col == lastCol ) {
coordsPtr[runCount] = (byte)coords; runCount++;
DrawRun( dst, x, y, xMul, runCount, coordsPtr, point, lastCol );
lastY = coords >> 4; lastCol = col;
for( int j = 0; j < runCount; j++ )
x += PtToPx( point, widths[coordsPtr[j]] + 1 );
coordsPtr[0] = (byte)coords; runCount = 1;
DrawRun( dst, x, y, xMul, runCount, coordsPtr, point, lastCol );
void DrawRun( FastBitmap dst, int x, int y, int xMul,
int runCount, byte* coords, int point, FastColour col ) {
if( runCount == 0 ) return;
int srcY = (coords[0] >> 4) * boxSize;
int textHeight = AdjTextSize( point ), cellHeight = CellSize( textHeight );
int padding = (cellHeight - textHeight) / 2;
int startX = x;
ushort* dstWidths = stackalloc ushort[runCount];
for( int i = 0; i < runCount; i++ )
dstWidths[i] = (ushort)PtToPx( point, widths[coords[i]] );
for( int yy = 0; yy < textHeight; yy++ ) {
int fontY = srcY + yy * boxSize / textHeight;
int* fontRow = fontPixels.GetRowPtr( fontY );
int dstY = y + (yy + padding);
if( dstY >= dst.Height ) return;
int* dstRow = dst.GetRowPtr( dstY );
int xOffset = xMul * ((textHeight - 1 - yy) / italicSize);
for( int i = 0; i < runCount; i++ ) {
int srcX = (coords[i] & 0x0F) * boxSize;
int srcWidth = widths[coords[i]], dstWidth = dstWidths[i];
for( int xx = 0; xx < dstWidth; xx++ ) {
int fontX = srcX + xx * srcWidth / dstWidth;
int src = fontRow[fontX];
if( (byte)(src >> 24) == 0 ) continue;
int dstX = x + xx + xOffset;
if( dstX >= dst.Width ) break;
int pixel = src & ~0xFFFFFF;
pixel |= ((src & 0xFF) * col.B / 255);
pixel |= (((src >> 8) & 0xFF) * col.G / 255) << 8;
pixel |= (((src >> 16) & 0xFF) * col.R / 255) << 16;
dstRow[dstX] = pixel;
x += PtToPx( point, srcWidth + 1 );
x = startX;
void DrawUnderline( FastBitmap dst, int x, int yOffset, ref DrawTextArgs args, bool shadowCol ) {
int point = Utils.Floor( args.Font.Size );
int padding = CellSize( point ) - AdjTextSize( point );
int height = AdjTextSize( point ) + Utils.CeilDiv( padding, 2 );
int offset = ShadowOffset( args.Font.Size );
int col = FastColour.White.ToArgb();
string text = args.Text;
if( args.UseShadow ) height += offset;
int startX = x;
for( int yy = height - offset; yy < height; yy++ ) {
int* dstRow = dst.GetRowPtr( yy + yOffset );
for( int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++ ) {
char c = text[i];
bool code = c == '&' && i < text.Length - 1;
if( code && ValidColour( text[i + 1] ) ) {
col = Colours[text[i + 1]].ToArgb();
i++; continue; // Skip over the colour code.
if( shadowCol ) col = FastColour.Black.ToArgb();
int coords = ConvertToCP437( c );
int width = PtToPx( point, widths[coords] + 1 );
for( int xx = 0; xx < width; xx++ )
dstRow[x + xx] = col;
x += width;
x = startX;
col = FastColour.White.ToArgb();
protected Size MeasureBitmappedSizeImpl( ref DrawTextArgs args ) {
if( String.IsNullOrEmpty( args.Text ) ) return Size.Empty;
int textHeight = AdjTextSize( Utils.Floor( args.Font.Size ) );
Size total = new Size( 0, CellSize( textHeight ) );
int point = Utils.Floor( args.Font.Size );
for( int i = 0; i < args.Text.Length; i++ ) {
char c = args.Text[i];
bool code = c == '&' && i < args.Text.Length - 1;
if( code && ValidColour( args.Text[i + 1] ) ) {
i++; continue; // Skip over the colour code.
int coords = ConvertToCP437( c );
total.Width += PtToPx( point, widths[coords] + 1 );
if( args.Font.Style == FontStyle.Italic )
total.Width += Utils.CeilDiv( total.Height, italicSize );
if( args.UseShadow ) {
int offset = ShadowOffset( args.Font.Size );
total.Width += offset; total.Height += offset;
return total;
protected static int ConvertToCP437( char c ) {
if( c >= ' ' && c <= '~')
return (int)c;
int cIndex = Utils.ControlCharReplacements.IndexOf( c );
if( cIndex >= 0 ) return cIndex;
int eIndex = Utils.ExtendedCharReplacements.IndexOf( c );
if( eIndex >= 0 ) return 127 + eIndex;
return (int)'?';
protected int ShadowOffset( float fontSize ) {
if( fontSize < 13 ) return 1;
if( fontSize < 32 ) return 2;
return 3;
protected int PtToPx( int point, int value ) {
return Utils.CeilDiv( value * point, boxSize );
/// <summary> Rounds the given font size up to the nearest whole
/// multiple of the size of a character in default.png. </summary>
protected int AdjTextSize( int point ) {
return point; //Utils.CeilDiv( point, boxSize ) * boxSize;
/// <summary> Returns the height of the bounding box that
/// contains both the given font size in addition to padding. </summary>
protected static int CellSize( int point ) {
return Utils.CeilDiv( point * 3, 2 );
protected void DisposeBitmappedText() {