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using System;
using System.Drawing;
using OpenTK;
using OpenTK.Input;
namespace ClassicalSharp {
public abstract class Camera {
protected Game game;
public abstract Matrix4 GetProjection( out Matrix4 heldBlockProj );
public abstract Matrix4 GetView( double delta );
/// <summary> Calculates the location of the camera's position in the world
/// based on the entity's eye position. </summary>
public abstract Vector3 GetCameraPos( Vector3 eyePos );
/// <summary> Whether this camera is using a third person perspective. </summary>
/// <remarks> This causes the local player to be renderered if true. </remarks>
public abstract bool IsThirdPerson { get; }
public virtual void Tick( double elapsed ) {
public virtual bool MouseZoom( MouseWheelEventArgs e ) {
return false;
public abstract void RegrabMouse();
/// <summary> Calculates the picked block based on the camera's current position. </summary>
public virtual void GetPickedBlock( PickedPos pos ) {
protected float AdjustPitch( float value ) {
if( value >= 90.00f && value <= 90.25f ) return 90.25f * Utils.Deg2Rad;
if( value >= 89.75f && value <= 90.00f ) return 89.75f * Utils.Deg2Rad;
if( value >= 270.00f && value <= 270.25f ) return 270.25f * Utils.Deg2Rad;
if( value >= 269.75f && value <= 270.00f ) return 269.75f * Utils.Deg2Rad;
return value * Utils.Deg2Rad;
public abstract class PerspectiveCamera : Camera {
protected LocalPlayer player;
protected Matrix4 tiltMatrix;
public PerspectiveCamera( Game game ) {
this.game = game;
player = game.LocalPlayer;
tiltMatrix = Matrix4.Identity;
public override Matrix4 GetProjection( out Matrix4 heldBlockProj ) {
float fovy = game.FieldOfView * Utils.Deg2Rad;
float aspectRatio = (float)game.Width / game.Height;
float zNear = game.Graphics.MinZNear;
heldBlockProj = Matrix4.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView( 70 * Utils.Deg2Rad,
aspectRatio, zNear, game.ViewDistance );
return Matrix4.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView( fovy, aspectRatio, zNear, game.ViewDistance );
public override void GetPickedBlock( PickedPos pos ) {
Vector3 dir = Utils.GetDirVector( player.HeadYawRadians,
AdjustPitch( player.PitchDegrees ) );
Vector3 eyePos = player.EyePosition;
float reach = game.LocalPlayer.ReachDistance;
Picking.CalculatePickedBlock( game, eyePos, dir, reach, pos );
internal Point previous, delta;
void CentreMousePosition() {
if( !game.Focused ) return;
Point current = game.DesktopCursorPos;
delta = new Point( current.X - previous.X, current.Y - previous.Y );
Point topLeft = game.PointToScreen( Point.Empty );
int cenX = topLeft.X + game.Width / 2;
int cenY = topLeft.Y + game.Height / 2;
game.DesktopCursorPos = new Point( cenX, cenY );
// Fixes issues with large DPI displays on Windows >= 8.0.
previous = game.DesktopCursorPos;
public override void RegrabMouse() {
if( !game.Exists ) return;
Point topLeft = game.PointToScreen( Point.Empty );
int cenX = topLeft.X + game.Width / 2;
int cenY = topLeft.Y + game.Height / 2;
game.DesktopCursorPos = new Point( cenX, cenY );
previous = new Point( cenX, cenY );
delta = Point.Empty;
static readonly float sensiFactor = 0.0002f / 3 * Utils.Rad2Deg;
private void UpdateMouseRotation() {
float sensitivity = sensiFactor * game.MouseSensitivity;
float yaw = player.nextYaw + delta.X * sensitivity;
float yAdj = game.InvertMouse ? -delta.Y * sensitivity : delta.Y * sensitivity;
float pitch = player.nextPitch + yAdj;
LocationUpdate update = LocationUpdate.MakeOri( yaw, pitch );
// Need to make sure we don't cross the vertical axes, because that gets weird.
if( update.Pitch >= 90 && update.Pitch <= 270 )
update.Pitch = player.nextPitch < 180 ? 89.9f : 270.1f;
game.LocalPlayer.SetLocation( update, true );
public override void Tick( double elapsed ) {
if( game.ScreenLockedInput ) return;
bool zero( float value ) {
return Math.Abs( value ) < 0.001f;
float HorLength( Vector3 v ) {
return (float)Math.Sqrt( v.X * v.X + v.Z * v.Z );
protected float bobYOffset = 0;
const float angle = 0.25f * Utils.Deg2Rad;
protected void CalcViewBobbing( double delta ) {
if( !game.ViewBobbing || !game.LocalPlayer.onGround ) {
tiltMatrix = Matrix4.Identity;
bobYOffset = 0;
} else {
tiltMatrix = Matrix4.RotateZ( game.LocalPlayer.tilt );
bobYOffset = game.LocalPlayer.bobYOffset;
public class ThirdPersonCamera : PerspectiveCamera {
public ThirdPersonCamera( Game window ) : base( window ) {
float distance = 3;
public override bool MouseZoom( MouseWheelEventArgs e ) {
distance -= e.DeltaPrecise;
if( distance < 2 ) distance = 2;
return true;
public override Matrix4 GetView( double delta ) {
CalcViewBobbing( delta );
Vector3 eyePos = player.EyePosition;
eyePos.Y += bobYOffset;
Vector3 dir = -Utils.GetDirVector( player.HeadYawRadians,
AdjustPitch( player.PitchDegrees ) );
Picking.ClipCameraPos( game, eyePos, dir, distance, game.CameraClipPos );
Vector3 cameraPos = game.CameraClipPos.IntersectPoint;
return Matrix4.LookAt( cameraPos, eyePos, Vector3.UnitY ) * tiltMatrix;
public override bool IsThirdPerson {
get { return true; }
public override Vector3 GetCameraPos( Vector3 eyePos ) {
Vector3 dir = -Utils.GetDirVector( player.HeadYawRadians,
AdjustPitch( player.PitchDegrees ) );
Picking.ClipCameraPos( game, eyePos, dir, distance, game.CameraClipPos );
return game.CameraClipPos.IntersectPoint;
public class ForwardThirdPersonCamera : PerspectiveCamera {
public ForwardThirdPersonCamera( Game window ) : base( window ) {
float distance = 3;
public override bool MouseZoom( MouseWheelEventArgs e ) {
distance -= e.DeltaPrecise;
if( distance < 2 ) distance = 2;
return true;
public override Matrix4 GetView( double delta ) {
CalcViewBobbing( delta );
Vector3 eyePos = player.EyePosition;
eyePos.Y += bobYOffset;
Vector3 dir = Utils.GetDirVector( player.HeadYawRadians,
AdjustPitch( player.PitchDegrees ) );
Picking.ClipCameraPos( game, eyePos, dir, distance, game.CameraClipPos );
Vector3 cameraPos = game.CameraClipPos.IntersectPoint;
return Matrix4.LookAt( cameraPos, eyePos, Vector3.UnitY ) * tiltMatrix;
public override bool IsThirdPerson {
get { return true; }
public override Vector3 GetCameraPos( Vector3 eyePos ) {
Vector3 dir = Utils.GetDirVector( player.HeadYawRadians,
AdjustPitch( player.PitchDegrees ) );
Picking.ClipCameraPos( game, eyePos, dir, distance, game.CameraClipPos );
return game.CameraClipPos.IntersectPoint;
public class FirstPersonCamera : PerspectiveCamera {
public FirstPersonCamera( Game window ) : base( window ) {
public override Matrix4 GetView( double delta ) {
CalcViewBobbing( delta );
Vector3 eyePos = player.EyePosition;
eyePos.Y += bobYOffset;
Vector3 cameraDir = Utils.GetDirVector( player.HeadYawRadians,
AdjustPitch( player.PitchDegrees ) );
return Matrix4.LookAt( eyePos, eyePos + cameraDir, Vector3.UnitY ) * tiltMatrix;
public override bool IsThirdPerson {
get { return false; }
public override Vector3 GetCameraPos( Vector3 eyePos ) {
return eyePos;