
189 lines
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// Copyright 2014-2017 ClassicalSharp | Licensed under BSD-3
using System;
using ClassicalSharp.GraphicsAPI;
using ClassicalSharp.Model;
using ClassicalSharp.Textures;
using OpenTK;
#if USE16_BIT
using BlockID = System.UInt16;
using BlockID = System.Byte;
namespace ClassicalSharp {
public sealed class IsometricBlockDrawer {
Game game;
TerrainAtlas1D atlas;
int index;
float scale;
VertexP3fT2fC4b[] vertices;
int vb;
CuboidDrawer drawer = new CuboidDrawer();
public void BeginBatch(Game game, VertexP3fT2fC4b[] vertices, int vb) { = game;
lastIndex = -1;
index = 0;
this.vertices = vertices;
this.vb = vb;
Matrix4 m = transform;
game.Graphics.MultiplyMatrix(ref m);
static int colNormal = FastColour.WhitePacked, colXSide, colZSide, colYBottom;
static float cosX, sinX, cosY, sinY;
static Matrix4 transform;
static IsometricBlockDrawer() {
FastColour.GetShaded(FastColour.White, out colXSide, out colZSide, out colYBottom);
Matrix4 rotY, rotX;
Matrix4.RotateY(out rotY, 45 * Utils.Deg2Rad);
Matrix4.RotateX(out rotX, -30f * Utils.Deg2Rad);
transform = rotY * rotX;
cosX = (float)Math.Cos(30f * Utils.Deg2Rad);
sinX = (float)Math.Sin(30f * Utils.Deg2Rad);
cosY = (float)Math.Cos(-45f * Utils.Deg2Rad);
sinY = (float)Math.Sin(-45f * Utils.Deg2Rad);
public void DrawBatch(BlockID block, float size, float x, float y) {
atlas = game.TerrainAtlas1D;
drawer.elementsPerAtlas1D = atlas.elementsPerAtlas1D;
drawer.invVerElementSize = atlas.invElementSize;
bool bright = BlockInfo.FullBright[block];
if (BlockInfo.Draw[block] == DrawType.Gas) return;
// isometric coords size: cosY * -scale - sinY * scale
// we need to divide by (2 * cosY), as the calling function expects size to be in pixels.
scale = size / (2 * cosY);
// screen to isometric coords (cos(-x) = cos(x), sin(-x) = -sin(x))
pos.X = x; pos.Y = y; pos.Z = 0;
RotateX(cosX, -sinX);
RotateY(cosY, -sinY);
// See comment in IGraphicsApi.Draw2DTexture()
pos.X -= 0.5f; pos.Y -= 0.5f;
if (BlockInfo.Draw[block] == DrawType.Sprite) {
SpriteXQuad(block, true);
SpriteZQuad(block, true);
SpriteZQuad(block, false);
SpriteXQuad(block, false);
} else {
drawer.minBB = BlockInfo.MinBB[block]; drawer.minBB.Y = 1 - drawer.minBB.Y;
drawer.maxBB = BlockInfo.MaxBB[block]; drawer.maxBB.Y = 1 - drawer.maxBB.Y;
Vector3 min = BlockInfo.MinBB[block], max = BlockInfo.MaxBB[block];
drawer.x1 = scale * (1 - min.X * 2) + pos.X; drawer.x2 = scale * (1 - max.X * 2) + pos.X;
drawer.y1 = scale * (1 - min.Y * 2) + pos.Y; drawer.y2 = scale * (1 - max.Y * 2) + pos.Y;
drawer.z1 = scale * (1 - min.Z * 2) + pos.Z; drawer.z2 = scale * (1 - max.Z * 2) + pos.Z;
drawer.Tinted = BlockInfo.Tinted[block];
drawer.TintColour = BlockInfo.FogColour[block];
drawer.Right(1, bright ? colNormal : colXSide, GetTex(block, Side.Right), vertices, ref index);
drawer.Front(1, bright ? colNormal : colZSide, GetTex(block, Side.Front), vertices, ref index);
drawer.Top(1, colNormal , GetTex(block, Side.Top), vertices, ref index);
public void EndBatch() {
if (index > 0) {
if (texIndex != lastIndex) game.Graphics.BindTexture(atlas.TexIds[texIndex]);
game.Graphics.UpdateDynamicVb_IndexedTris(vb, vertices, index);
index = 0;
lastIndex = -1;
int GetTex(BlockID block, int side) {
int texId = BlockInfo.GetTextureLoc(block, side);
texIndex = texId / atlas.elementsPerAtlas1D;
if (lastIndex != texIndex) Flush();
return texId;
static Vector3 pos = Vector3.Zero;
void SpriteZQuad(BlockID block, bool firstPart) {
int texLoc = BlockInfo.GetTextureLoc(block, Side.Right);
TextureRec rec = atlas.GetTexRec(texLoc, 1, out texIndex);
if (lastIndex != texIndex) Flush();
VertexP3fT2fC4b v = default(VertexP3fT2fC4b);
v.Colour = colNormal;
if (BlockInfo.Tinted[block]) {
v.Colour = Utils.Tint(v.Colour, BlockInfo.FogColour[block]);
float x1 = firstPart ? 0.5f : -0.1f, x2 = firstPart ? 1.1f : 0.5f;
rec.U1 = firstPart ? 0.0f : 0.5f; rec.U2 = (firstPart ? 0.5f : 1.0f) * (15.99f/16f);
float minX = scale * (1 - x1 * 2) + pos.X, maxX = scale * (1 - x2 * 2) + pos.X;
float minY = scale * (1 - 0 * 2) + pos.Y, maxY = scale * (1 - 1.1f * 2) + pos.Y;
v.X = minX; v.Y = minY; v.Z = pos.Z; v.U = rec.U2; v.V = rec.V2; vertices[index++] = v;
v.X = minX; v.Y = maxY; v.Z = pos.Z; v.U = rec.U2; v.V = rec.V1; vertices[index++] = v;
v.X = maxX; v.Y = maxY; v.Z = pos.Z; v.U = rec.U1; v.V = rec.V1; vertices[index++] = v;
v.X = maxX; v.Y = minY; v.Z = pos.Z; v.U = rec.U1; v.V = rec.V2; vertices[index++] = v;
void SpriteXQuad(BlockID block, bool firstPart) {
int texLoc = BlockInfo.GetTextureLoc(block, Side.Right);
TextureRec rec = atlas.GetTexRec(texLoc, 1, out texIndex);
if (lastIndex != texIndex) Flush();
VertexP3fT2fC4b v = default(VertexP3fT2fC4b);
v.Colour = colNormal;
if (BlockInfo.Tinted[block]) {
v.Colour = Utils.Tint(v.Colour, BlockInfo.FogColour[block]);
float z1 = firstPart ? 0.5f : -0.1f, z2 = firstPart ? 1.1f : 0.5f;
rec.U1 = firstPart ? 0.0f : 0.5f; rec.U2 = (firstPart ? 0.5f : 1.0f) * (15.99f/16f);
float minY = scale * (1 - 0 * 2) + pos.Y, maxY = scale * (1 - 1.1f * 2) + pos.Y;
float minZ = scale * (1 - z1 * 2) + pos.Z, maxZ = scale * (1 - z2 * 2) + pos.Z;
v.X = pos.X; v.Y = minY; v.Z = minZ; v.U = rec.U2; v.V = rec.V2; vertices[index++] = v;
v.X = pos.X; v.Y = maxY; v.Z = minZ; v.U = rec.U2; v.V = rec.V1; vertices[index++] = v;
v.X = pos.X; v.Y = maxY; v.Z = maxZ; v.U = rec.U1; v.V = rec.V1; vertices[index++] = v;
v.X = pos.X; v.Y = minY; v.Z = maxZ; v.U = rec.U1; v.V = rec.V2; vertices[index++] = v;
int lastIndex, texIndex;
void Flush() {
if (lastIndex != -1) {
game.Graphics.UpdateDynamicVb_IndexedTris(vb, vertices, index);
index = 0;
lastIndex = texIndex;
/// <summary> Rotates the given 3D coordinates around the x axis. </summary>
static void RotateX(float cosA, float sinA) {
float y = cosA * pos.Y + sinA * pos.Z;
pos.Z = -sinA * pos.Y + cosA * pos.Z;
pos.Y = y;
/// <summary> Rotates the given 3D coordinates around the y axis. </summary>
static void RotateY(float cosA, float sinA) {
float x = cosA * pos.X - sinA * pos.Z;
pos.Z = sinA * pos.X + cosA * pos.Z;
pos.X = x;