mirror of
synced 2025-01-22 17:12:25 -05:00
726 lines
24 KiB
726 lines
24 KiB
//#define NET_DEBUG
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Compression;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Text;
using OpenTK;
namespace ClassicalSharp {
public partial class NetworkProcessor {
public NetworkProcessor( Game window ) {
Window = window;
Socket socket;
NetworkStream stream;
public Game Window;
public string ServerName, ServerMotd;
public bool Disconnected;
bool sendHeldBlock = false;
bool useMessageTypes = false;
bool receivedFirstPosition = false;
public bool UsingExtPlayerList = false;
public void Connect() {
IPAddress address = Window.IPAddress;
socket = new Socket( address.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp );
try {
socket.Connect( address, Window.Port );
} catch( SocketException ex ) {
Utils.LogError( "Error while trying to connect: {0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, ex );
Window.Disconnect( "&eUnable to reach " + Window.IPAddress + ":" + Window.Port,
"Unable to establish an underlying connection" );
stream = new NetworkStream( socket, true );
reader = new FastNetReader( stream );
WritePacket( MakeLoginPacket( Window.Username, Window.Mppass ) );
public void SendChat( string text ) {
if( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( text ) ) {
WritePacket( MakeMessagePacket( text ) );
public void SendPosition( Vector3 pos, byte yaw, byte pitch ) {
byte payload = sendHeldBlock ? (byte)Window.HeldBlock : (byte)0xFF;
WritePacket( MakePositionPacket( pos, yaw, pitch, payload ) );
public void SendSetBlock( int x, int y, int z, byte block ) {
WritePacket( MakeSetBlockPacket( (short)x, (short)y, (short)z, block == 0 ? (byte)0 : (byte)1, block ) );
public void Dispose() {
Disconnected = true;
void CheckForNewTerrainAtlas() {
Bitmap bmp;
Window.AsyncDownloader.TryGetImage( "terrain", out bmp );
if( bmp != null ) {
Window.ChangeTerrainAtlas( bmp );
public void Tick( double delta ) {
if( Disconnected ) return;
try {
} catch( IOException ex ) {
Utils.LogError( "Error while reading packets: {0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, ex );
Window.Disconnect( "&eLost connection to the server", "Underlying connection was closed" );
int received = reader.size;
while( received > 0 ) {
byte opcode = reader.buffer[0];
if( received < packetSizes[opcode] ) break;
Utils.LogDebug( "Remaining {0} bytes ({1} size {2} bytes)", received, (PacketId)opcode, packetSizes[opcode] );
ReadPacket( opcode );
Utils.LogDebug( "Left {0} bytes", reader.size );
received = reader.size;
Player player = Window.LocalPlayer;
if( receivedFirstPosition ) {
byte yawPacked = Utils.DegreesToPacked( player.YawDegrees );
byte pitchPacked = Utils.DegreesToPacked( player.PitchDegrees );
SendPosition( player.Position, yawPacked, pitchPacked );
readonly int[] packetSizes = new int[] {
131, // server identification (1 + 1 + 64 + 64 + 1)
1, // ping (1)
1, // level initialise (1)
1028, // level data chunk (1 + 2 + 1024 + 1)
7, // level finalise (1 + 3(2))
9, // set block client (1 + 3(2) + 1 + 1)
8, // set block (1 + 3(2) + 1)
74, // spawn player (1 + 1 + 64 + 3(2) + 2(1))
10, // player teleport (1 + 1 + 3(2) + 2(1))
7, // relative pos and orientation update (1 + 1 + 3(1) + 2(1))
5, // relative pos update (1 + 1 + 3(1))
4, // relative orientation update (1 + 1 + 2(1))
2, // despawn player (1 + 1)
66, // message (1 + 1 + 64)
65, // disconnect (1 + 64)
2, // set permission (1 + 1)
67, // extension info (1 + 64 + 2)
69, // extension entry (1 + 64 + 4)
3, // set click distance (1 + 2)
2, // custom blocks (1 + 1)
3, // held block (1 + 2)
134, // text hotkey (1 + 64 + 64 + 4 + 1)
196, // extended add player name (1 + 2 + 64 + 64 + 64 + 1),
130, // extended add entity (1 + 1 + 64 + 64)
3, // extended remove player name (1 + 2)
8, // env set colours (1 + 1 + 3(2))
86, // selection cuboid (1 + 1 + 64 + 6(2) + 4(2))
2, // remove selection (1 + 1)
4, // block permissions (1 + 1 + 1 + 1)
66, // change model(1 + 1 + 64)
69, // env map appearance (1 + 64 + 1 + 1 + 2)
2, // env weather type (1 + 1)
8, // hack control (1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2)
// TODO: Finish implementing CPE
// === CPE support list ===
// TextHotKey : unlikely
// ExtPlayerList : yes (only version 1, not 2)
// ChangeModel : planned
// EnvWeatherType : unlikely
static string[] clientExtensions = new string[] {
"EmoteFix", "ClickDistance", "HeldBlock", "BlockPermissions",
"SelectionCuboid", "MessageTypes", "CustomBlocks", "EnvColors",
"HackControl", "EnvMapAppearance", "ExtPlayerList",
#region Writing
private static byte[] MakeLoginPacket( string username, string verKey ) {
byte[] buffer = new byte[1 + 1 + 64 + 64 + 1];
int index = 0;
WriteUInt8( buffer, ref index, 0 ); // packet id
WriteUInt8( buffer, ref index, 7 ); // protocol version
WriteString( buffer, ref index, username );
WriteString( buffer, ref index, verKey );
WriteUInt8( buffer, ref index, 0x42 );
return buffer;
private static byte[] MakeSetBlockPacket( short x, short y, short z, byte mode, byte block ) {
byte[] buffer = new byte[1 + 3 * 2 + 1 + 1];
int index = 0;
WriteUInt8( buffer, ref index, 0x05 ); // packet id
WriteInt16( buffer, ref index, x );
WriteInt16( buffer, ref index, y );
WriteInt16( buffer, ref index, z );
WriteUInt8( buffer, ref index, mode );
WriteUInt8( buffer, ref index, block );
return buffer;
private static byte[] MakePositionPacket( Vector3 pos, byte yaw, byte pitch, byte playerId ) {
byte[] buffer = new byte[1 + 1 + 3 * 2 + 2 * 1];
int index = 0;
WriteUInt8( buffer, ref index, 0x08 ); // packet id
WriteUInt8( buffer, ref index, playerId ); // player id (-1 is self)
WriteInt16( buffer, ref index, (short)( pos.X * 32 ) );
WriteInt16( buffer, ref index, (short)( (int)( pos.Y * 32 ) + 51 ) );
WriteInt16( buffer, ref index, (short)( pos.Z * 32 ) );
WriteUInt8( buffer, ref index, yaw );
WriteUInt8( buffer, ref index, pitch );
return buffer;
private static byte[] MakeMessagePacket( string text ) {
byte[] buffer = new byte[1 + 1 + 64];
int index = 0;
WriteUInt8( buffer, ref index, 0x0D ); // packet id
WriteUInt8( buffer, ref index, 0xFF ); // unused
WriteString( buffer, ref index, text );
return buffer;
private static byte[] MakeExtInfo( string appName, int extensionsCount ) {
byte[] buffer = new byte[1 + 64 + 2];
int index = 0;
WriteUInt8( buffer, ref index, 0x10 ); // packet id
WriteString( buffer, ref index, appName );
WriteInt16( buffer, ref index, (short)extensionsCount );
return buffer;
private static byte[] MakeExtEntry( string extensionName, int extensionVersion ) {
byte[] buffer = new byte[1 + 64 + 4];
int index = 0;
WriteUInt8( buffer, ref index, 0x11 ); // packet id
WriteString( buffer, ref index, extensionName );
WriteInt32( buffer, ref index, extensionVersion );
return buffer;
private static byte[] MakeCustomBlockSupportLevel( byte version ) {
return new byte[] { (byte)19, version }; // packet id, version
static void WriteString( byte[] buffer, ref int index, string value ) {
int count = Math.Min( value.Length, 64 );
for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
char c = value[i];
buffer[index + i] = (byte)( c >= '\u0080' ? '?' : c );
for( int i = value.Length; i < 64; i++ ) {
buffer[index + i] = (byte)' ';
index += 64;
static void WriteUInt8( byte[] buffer, ref int index, byte value ) {
buffer[index++] = value;
static void WriteInt16( byte[] buffer, ref int index, short value ) {
buffer[index++] = (byte)( value >> 8 );
buffer[index++] = (byte)( value );
static void WriteInt32( byte[] buffer, ref int index, int value ) {
buffer[index++] = (byte)( value >> 24 );
buffer[index++] = (byte)( value >> 16 );
buffer[index++] = (byte)( value >> 8 );
buffer[index++] = (byte)( value );
void WritePacket( byte[] packet ) {
if( Disconnected ) return;
Utils.LogDebug( "writing {0} bytes ({1})", packet.Length, (PacketId)packet[0] );
try {
stream.Write( packet, 0, packet.Length );
} catch( IOException ex ) {
Utils.LogError( "Error while writing packets: {0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, ex );
Window.Disconnect( "&eLost connection to the server", "Underlying connection was closed" );
#region Reading
FastNetReader reader;
int cpeServerExtensionsCount;
DateTime receiveStart;
GZipStream gzipStream;
int mapSizeIndex;
byte[] mapSize = new byte[4];
byte[] map;
int mapIndex;
FixedBufferStream gzippedMap = new FixedBufferStream( 1024 );
int womCounter = 0;
bool sendWomId = false, sentWomId = false;
void ReadPacket( byte opcode ) {
reader.Remove( 1 ); // remove opcode
switch( (PacketId)opcode ) {
case PacketId.ServerIdentification:
byte protocolVer = reader.ReadUInt8();
ServerName = reader.ReadString();
ServerMotd = reader.ReadString();
byte userType = reader.ReadUInt8();
Window.CanDelete[(int)Block.Bedrock] = userType == 0x64;
Window.LocalPlayer.UserType = userType;
receivedFirstPosition = false;
Window.LocalPlayer.ParseHackFlags( ServerName, ServerMotd );
} break;
case PacketId.Ping:
case PacketId.LevelInitialise:
Window.SetNewScreen( new LoadingMapScreen( Window, ServerName, ServerMotd ) );
if( ServerMotd.Contains( "cfg=" ) ) {
string host = ServerMotd.Substring( ServerMotd.IndexOf( "cfg=" ) + 4 );
string url = "http://" + host;
url = url.Replace( "$U", Window.Username );
// NOTE: this (should, I did test this) ensure that if the user quickly changes to a
// different world, the environment settings from the last world are not loaded in the
// new world if the async 'get request' didn't complete before the new world was loaded.
Window.AsyncDownloader.DownloadPage( url, true, "womenv_" + womCounter );
sendWomId = true;
receivedFirstPosition = false;
gzipStream = new GZipStream( gzippedMap, CompressionMode.Decompress );
mapSizeIndex = 0;
mapIndex = 0;
receiveStart = DateTime.UtcNow;
} break;
case PacketId.LevelDataChunk:
int usedLength = reader.ReadInt16();
byte[] data = reader.ReadBytes( 1024 );
byte progress = reader.ReadUInt8();
Window.RaiseMapLoading( progress );
gzippedMap.Position = 0;
gzippedMap.SetLength( usedLength );
gzippedMap.Write( data, 0, usedLength );
gzippedMap.Position = 0;
if( mapSizeIndex < 4 ) {
mapSizeIndex += gzipStream.Read( mapSize, 0, 4 - mapSizeIndex );
if( mapSizeIndex == 4 ) {
if( map == null ) {
int size = mapSize[0] << 24 | mapSize[1] << 16 | mapSize[2] << 8 | mapSize[3];
map = new byte[size];
mapIndex += gzipStream.Read( map, mapIndex, map.Length - mapIndex );
} break;
case PacketId.LevelFinalise:
Window.SetNewScreen( new NormalScreen( Window ) );
int mapWidth = reader.ReadInt16();
int mapHeight = reader.ReadInt16();
int mapLength = reader.ReadInt16();
double loadingMs = ( DateTime.UtcNow - receiveStart ).TotalMilliseconds;
Utils.LogDebug( "map loading took:" + loadingMs );
Window.Map.UseRawMap( map, mapWidth, mapHeight, mapLength );
map = null;
if( sendWomId && !sentWomId ) {
SendChat( "/womid WoMClient-2.0.6" );
sentWomId = true;
gzipStream = null;
} break;
case PacketId.SetBlock:
int x = reader.ReadInt16();
int y = reader.ReadInt16();
int z = reader.ReadInt16();
byte type = reader.ReadUInt8();
Window.UpdateBlock( x, y, z, type );
} break;
case PacketId.AddEntity:
byte entityId = reader.ReadUInt8();
string name = reader.ReadString();
if( entityId != 0xFF ) {
Window.AsyncDownloader.DownloadSkin( name );
// This shouldn't usually happen, but just in case..
Player oldPlayer = Window.NetPlayers[entityId];
if( oldPlayer != null ) {
Window.RaiseEntityRemoved( entityId );
Window.NetPlayers[entityId] = new NetPlayer( entityId, name, name, Window );
Window.RaiseEntityAdded( entityId );
ReadAbsoluteLocation( entityId, false );
if( entityId == 0xFF ) {
Window.LocalPlayer.SpawnPoint = Window.LocalPlayer.Position;
} break;
case PacketId.EntityTeleport:
byte entityId = reader.ReadUInt8();
ReadAbsoluteLocation( entityId, true );
} break;
case PacketId.RelPosAndOrientationUpdate:
case PacketId.RelPosUpdate:
case PacketId.OrientationUpdate:
case PacketId.RemoveEntity:
byte entityId = reader.ReadUInt8();
Player player = Window.NetPlayers[entityId];
if( player != null ) {
Window.RaiseEntityRemoved( entityId );
Window.NetPlayers[entityId] = null;
} break;
case PacketId.Message:
byte messageType = reader.ReadUInt8();
string text = reader.ReadTextString();
if( !useMessageTypes ) messageType = 0;
// wom ^detail.user parsing
if( text.StartsWith( "^detail.user", StringComparison.Ordinal ) ) {
if( !useMessageTypes && text.StartsWith( "^detail.user=", StringComparison.Ordinal ) ) {
messageType = 3;
text = text.Substring( 13 );
} else {
Window.AddChat( text, messageType );
} break;
case PacketId.Kick:
string reason = reader.ReadString();
Window.Disconnect( "&eLost connection to the server", reason );
} break;
case PacketId.SetPermission:
byte userType = reader.ReadUInt8();
Window.CanDelete[(int)Block.Bedrock] = userType == 0x64;
Window.LocalPlayer.UserType = userType;
} break;
case PacketId.CpeExtInfo:
string appName = reader.ReadString();
Utils.LogDebug( "Server identified itself as: " + appName );
cpeServerExtensionsCount = reader.ReadInt16();
} break;
case PacketId.CpeExtEntry:
string extensionName = reader.ReadString();
int extensionVersion = reader.ReadInt32();
Utils.LogDebug( "cpe ext: " + extensionName + "," + extensionVersion );
if( extensionName == "HeldBlock" ) {
sendHeldBlock = true;
} else if( extensionName == "MessageTypes" ) {
useMessageTypes = true;
} else if( extensionName == "ExtPlayerList" ) {
UsingExtPlayerList = true;
if( cpeServerExtensionsCount <= 0 ) {
WritePacket( MakeExtInfo( Utils.AppName, clientExtensions.Length ) );
for( int i = 0; i < clientExtensions.Length; i++ ) {
WritePacket( MakeExtEntry( clientExtensions[i], 1 ) );
} break;
case PacketId.CpeSetClickDistance:
Window.LocalPlayer.ReachDistance = reader.ReadInt16() / 32f;
} break;
case PacketId.CpeCustomBlockSupportLevel:
byte supportLevel = reader.ReadUInt8();
WritePacket( MakeCustomBlockSupportLevel( 1 ) );
if( supportLevel == 1 ) {
for( int i = (int)Block.CobblestoneSlab; i <= (int)Block.StoneBrick; i++ ) {
Window.CanPlace[i] = true;
Window.CanDelete[i] = true;
} else {
Utils.LogWarning( "Server's block support level is {0}, this client only supports level 1.", supportLevel );
Utils.LogWarning( "You won't be able to see or use blocks from levels above level 1" );
} break;
case PacketId.CpeHoldThis:
byte blockType = reader.ReadUInt8();
bool noChanging = reader.ReadUInt8() != 0;
Window.CanChangeHeldBlock = true;
Window.HeldBlock = (Block)blockType;
Window.CanChangeHeldBlock = !noChanging;
} break;
case PacketId.CpeExtAddPlayerName:
short nameId = reader.ReadInt16();
string playerName = Utils.StripColours( reader.ReadString() );
string listName = reader.ReadString();
string groupName = reader.ReadString();
byte groupRank = reader.ReadUInt8();
if( nameId >= 0 && nameId <= 255 ) {
CpeListInfo oldInfo = Window.CpePlayersList[nameId];
CpeListInfo info = new CpeListInfo( (byte)nameId, playerName, listName, groupName, groupRank );
Window.CpePlayersList[nameId] = info;
if( oldInfo != null ) {
Window.RaiseCpeListInfoChanged( (byte)nameId );
} else {
Window.RaiseCpeListInfoAdded( (byte)nameId );
} break;
case PacketId.CpeExtAddEntity:
byte entityId = reader.ReadUInt8();
string displayName = reader.ReadString();
string skinName = reader.ReadString();
if( entityId != 0xFF ) {
Window.AsyncDownloader.DownloadSkin( skinName );
Player oldPlayer = Window.NetPlayers[entityId];
if( oldPlayer != null ) {
oldPlayer.DisplayName = displayName;
oldPlayer.SkinName = skinName;
Window.RaiseEntityInfoChange( entityId );
} else {
Window.NetPlayers[entityId] = new NetPlayer( entityId, displayName, skinName, Window );
Window.RaiseEntityAdded( entityId );
} break;
case PacketId.CpeExtRemovePlayerName:
short nameId = reader.ReadInt16();
if( nameId >= 0 && nameId <= 255 ) {
Window.RaiseCpeListInfoRemoved( (byte)nameId );
} break;
case PacketId.CpeMakeSelection:
byte selectionId = reader.ReadUInt8();
string label = reader.ReadString();
short startX = reader.ReadInt16();
short startY = reader.ReadInt16();
short startZ = reader.ReadInt16();
short endX = reader.ReadInt16();
short endY = reader.ReadInt16();
short endZ = reader.ReadInt16();
byte r = (byte)reader.ReadInt16();
byte g = (byte)reader.ReadInt16();
byte b = (byte)reader.ReadInt16();
byte a = (byte)reader.ReadInt16();
Vector3I p1 = Vector3I.Min( startX, startY, startZ, endX, endY, endZ );
Vector3I p2 = Vector3I.Max( startX, startY, startZ, endX, endY, endZ );
FastColour col = new FastColour( r, g, b, a );
Window.SelectionManager.AddSelection( selectionId, p1, p2, col );
} break;
case PacketId.CpeRemoveSelection:
byte selectionId = reader.ReadUInt8();
Window.SelectionManager.RemoveSelection( selectionId );
} break;
case PacketId.CpeEnvColours:
byte variable = reader.ReadUInt8();
short red = reader.ReadInt16();
short green = reader.ReadInt16();
short blue = reader.ReadInt16();
bool invalid = red < 0 || red > 255 || green < 0 || green > 255 || blue < 0 || blue > 255;
FastColour col = new FastColour( red, green, blue );
if( variable == 0 ) { // sky colour
Window.Map.SetSkyColour( invalid ? Map.DefaultSkyColour : col );
} else if( variable == 1 ) { // clouds colour
Window.Map.SetCloudsColour( invalid ? Map.DefaultCloudsColour : col );
} else if( variable == 2 ) { // fog colour
Window.Map.SetFogColour( invalid ? Map.DefaultFogColour : col );
} else if( variable == 3 ) { // ambient light (shadow light)
Window.Map.SetShadowlight( invalid ? Map.DefaultShadowlight : col );
} else if( variable == 4 ) { // diffuse light (sun light)
Window.Map.SetSunlight( invalid ? Map.DefaultSunlight : col );
} break;
case PacketId.CpeSetBlockPermission:
byte blockId = reader.ReadUInt8();
bool canPlace = reader.ReadUInt8() != 0;
bool canDelete = reader.ReadUInt8() != 0;
if( blockId == 0 ) {
for( int i = 1; i < Window.CanPlace.Length; i++ ) {
Window.CanPlace[i] = canPlace;
Window.CanDelete[i] = canDelete;
} else {
Window.CanPlace[blockId] = canPlace;
Window.CanDelete[blockId] = canDelete;
} break;
case PacketId.CpeEnvSetMapApperance:
string url = reader.ReadString();
byte sideBlock = reader.ReadUInt8();
byte edgeBlock = reader.ReadUInt8();
short waterLevel = reader.ReadInt16();
Window.Map.SetWaterLevel( waterLevel );
Window.Map.SetEdgeBlock( (Block)edgeBlock );
Window.Map.SetSidesBlock( (Block)sideBlock );
if( url == String.Empty ) {
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap( "terrain.png" );
Window.ChangeTerrainAtlas( bmp );
} else {
Window.AsyncDownloader.DownloadImage( url, true, "terrain" );
Utils.LogDebug( "Image url: " + url );
} break;
case PacketId.CpeHackControl:
Window.LocalPlayer.CanFly = reader.ReadUInt8() != 0;
Window.LocalPlayer.CanNoclip = reader.ReadUInt8() != 0;
Window.LocalPlayer.CanSpeed = reader.ReadUInt8() != 0;
Window.LocalPlayer.CanRespawn = reader.ReadUInt8() != 0;
Window.CanUseThirdPersonCamera = reader.ReadUInt8() != 0;
if( !Window.CanUseThirdPersonCamera ) {
Window.SetCamera( false );
float jumpHeight = reader.ReadInt16() / 32f;
if( jumpHeight < 0 ) jumpHeight = 1.4f;
Window.LocalPlayer.CalculateJumpVelocity( jumpHeight );
} break;
throw new NotImplementedException( "Unsupported packet:" + (PacketId)opcode );
void ReadRelativeLocation() {
byte playerId = reader.ReadUInt8();
float x = reader.ReadInt8() / 32f;
float y = reader.ReadInt8() / 32f;
float z = reader.ReadInt8() / 32f;
float yaw = (float)Utils.PackedToDegrees( reader.ReadUInt8() );
float pitch = (float)Utils.PackedToDegrees( reader.ReadUInt8() );
LocationUpdate update = LocationUpdate.MakePosAndOri( x, y, z, yaw, pitch, true );
UpdateLocation( playerId, update, true );
void ReadOrientation() {
byte playerId = reader.ReadUInt8();
float yaw = (float)Utils.PackedToDegrees( reader.ReadUInt8() );
float pitch = (float)Utils.PackedToDegrees( reader.ReadUInt8() );
LocationUpdate update = LocationUpdate.MakeOri( yaw, pitch );
UpdateLocation( playerId, update, true );
void ReadRelativePosition() {
byte playerId = reader.ReadUInt8();
float x = reader.ReadInt8() / 32f;
float y = reader.ReadInt8() / 32f;
float z = reader.ReadInt8() / 32f;
LocationUpdate update = LocationUpdate.MakePos( x, y, z, true );
UpdateLocation( playerId, update, true );
void ReadAbsoluteLocation( byte playerId, bool interpolate ) {
float x = reader.ReadInt16() / 32f;
float y = ( reader.ReadInt16() - 51 ) / 32f; // We have to do this.
float z = reader.ReadInt16() / 32f;
float yaw = (float)Utils.PackedToDegrees( reader.ReadUInt8() );
float pitch = (float)Utils.PackedToDegrees( reader.ReadUInt8() );
if( playerId == 0xFF ) {
receivedFirstPosition = true;
LocationUpdate update = LocationUpdate.MakePosAndOri( x, y, z, yaw, pitch, false );
UpdateLocation( playerId, update, interpolate );
void UpdateLocation( byte playerId, LocationUpdate update, bool interpolate ) {
if( playerId == 0xFF ) {
Window.LocalPlayer.SetLocation( update, interpolate );
} else {
Window.NetPlayers[playerId].SetLocation( update, interpolate );
} |