mirror of
synced 2025-01-22 17:12:25 -05:00
Writes messages to cc_erorrs.txt and just reads contents of that for notify script (notify script previous generated error messages from whether expected output files existed or not The previous behaviour did not work correctly with the Android build, because the .apk was still being generated even when individual parts of the compilation process (e.g. java, 64 bit ARM) failed to compile. Unfortunately this meant the notify script wrongly assumed no error had occurred when compiling the Android build, as the output .apk file existed
216 lines
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216 lines
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# These build instructions are for ubuntu. Other linux distributions may have saner behaviour.
# The build script relies on the following assumptions:
# - You have already cloned ClassiCube from github
# - The root folder is ~/client/ (i.e. folder layout is ~/client/.git/, ~/client/src/, etc)
# First you need to install these packages: gcc, i686-w64-mingw32-gcc and x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc
# You then need to install these packages: libx11-dev and libgl1-mesa-dev
# - if 32 bit, also install the 64 bit variants of all these packages (e.g. libx11-dev:amd64)
# - if 64 bit, also install the 32 bit variants of all these packages (e.g. libx11-dev:i386)
# However! You may find that with some ubuntu versions, installing the alternate
# bit variant of libgl1-mesa-dev uninstalls your current package.
# To fix this, first reinstall the normal libgl1-mesa-dev package
# The alternate bit .so files should have been left behind in the mesa folder, so adding a symlink should make it compile again
# - for 32 bit: ln -sf /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mesa/libGL.so.1 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libGL.so
# - for 64 bit: ln -sf /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/mesa/libGL.so.1 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libGL.so
ROOT_DIR=~/client # can be changed
ALL_FLAGS="-O1 -s -fno-stack-protector -fno-math-errno -Qn -w"
# log file that errors are written to
# ----------------------------- compile windows
# I installed gcc-mingw-w64-i686 and gcc-mingw-w64-x86-64 packages
WIN32_FLAGS="-mwindows -nostartfiles -Wl,-e_main_real -DCC_NOMAIN"
WIN64_FLAGS="-mwindows -nostartfiles -Wl,-emain_real -DCC_NOMAIN"
build_win32() {
echo "Building win32.."
cp $ROOT_DIR/misc/CCicon_32.res $ROOT_DIR/src/CCicon_32.res
rm cc-w32-d3d.exe cc-w32-ogl.exe
$WIN32_CC *.c $ALL_FLAGS $WIN32_FLAGS -o cc-w32-d3d.exe CCicon_32.res -DCC_COMMIT_SHA=\"$LATEST\" -lws2_32 -lwininet -lwinmm -limagehlp -lcrypt32
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to compile Windows 32 bit" >> "$ERRS_FILE"; fi
$WIN32_CC *.c $ALL_FLAGS $WIN32_FLAGS -o cc-w32-ogl.exe CCicon_32.res -DCC_COMMIT_SHA=\"$LATEST\" -DCC_BUILD_MANUAL -DCC_BUILD_WIN -DCC_BUILD_GL -DCC_BUILD_WINGUI -DCC_BUILD_WGL -DCC_BUILD_WINMM -DCC_BUILD_WININET -lws2_32 -lwininet -lwinmm -limagehlp -lcrypt32 -lopengl32
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to compile Windows 32 bit (OpenGL)" >> "$ERRS_FILE"; fi
build_win64() {
echo "Building win64.."
cp $ROOT_DIR/misc/CCicon_64.res $ROOT_DIR/src/CCicon_64.res
rm cc-w64-d3d.exe cc-w64-ogl.exe
$WIN64_CC *.c $ALL_FLAGS $WIN64_FLAGS -o cc-w64-d3d.exe CCicon_64.res -DCC_COMMIT_SHA=\"$LATEST\" -lws2_32 -lwininet -lwinmm -limagehlp -lcrypt32
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to compile Windows 64 bit" >> "$ERRS_FILE"; fi
$WIN64_CC *.c $ALL_FLAGS $WIN64_FLAGS -o cc-w64-ogl.exe CCicon_64.res -DCC_COMMIT_SHA=\"$LATEST\" -DCC_BUILD_MANUAL -DCC_BUILD_WIN -DCC_BUILD_GL -DCC_BUILD_WINGUI -DCC_BUILD_WGL -DCC_BUILD_WINMM -DCC_BUILD_WININET -lws2_32 -lwininet -lwinmm -limagehlp -lcrypt32 -lopengl32
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to compile Windows 64 bit (OpenGL)" >> "$ERRS_FILE"; fi
# ----------------------------- compile linux
# I installed gcc and gcc-multilib packages
NIX32_FLAGS="-no-pie -fno-pie -m32 -fvisibility=hidden -rdynamic -DCC_BUILD_ICON"
NIX64_FLAGS="-no-pie -fno-pie -m64 -fvisibility=hidden -rdynamic -DCC_BUILD_ICON"
build_nix32() {
echo "Building linux32.."
cp $ROOT_DIR/misc/CCicon_nix32 $ROOT_DIR/src/CCicon_nix32.o
rm cc-nix32
gcc *.c $ALL_FLAGS $NIX32_FLAGS CCicon_nix32.o -DCC_COMMIT_SHA=\"$LATEST\" -o cc-nix32 -lX11 -lXi -lpthread -lGL -lm -ldl
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to compile Linux 32 bit" >> "$ERRS_FILE"; fi
build_nix64() {
echo "Building linux64.."
cp $ROOT_DIR/misc/CCicon_nix64 $ROOT_DIR/src/CCicon_nix64.o
rm cc-nix64
gcc *.c $ALL_FLAGS $NIX64_FLAGS CCicon_nix64.o -DCC_COMMIT_SHA=\"$LATEST\" -o cc-nix64 -lX11 -lXi -lpthread -lGL -lm -ldl
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to compile Linux 64 bit" >> "$ERRS_FILE"; fi
# ----------------------------- compile macOS
MACOS_FLAGS="-fvisibility=hidden -rdynamic -DCC_BUILD_ICON"
build_mac32() {
echo "Building mac32.."
cp $ROOT_DIR/misc/CCicon_mac32 $ROOT_DIR/src/CCicon_mac32.o
rm cc-osx32
$MAC32_CC *.c $ALL_FLAGS $MACOS_FLAGS CCicon_mac32.o -DCC_COMMIT_SHA=\"$LATEST\" -o cc-osx32 -framework Carbon -framework AGL -framework OpenGL -framework IOKit -lgcc_s.1
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to compile macOS 32 bit" >> "$ERRS_FILE"; fi
build_mac64() {
echo "Building mac64.."
cp $ROOT_DIR/misc/CCicon_mac64 $ROOT_DIR/src/CCicon_mac64.o
rm cc-osx64
$MAC64_CC *.c interop_cocoa.m $ALL_FLAGS $MACOS_FLAGS CCicon_mac64.o -DCC_COMMIT_SHA=\"$LATEST\" -o cc-osx64 -framework Cocoa -framework OpenGL -framework IOKit -lobjc
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to compile macOS 64 bit" >> "$ERRS_FILE"; fi
# ----------------------------- compile web
# I installed emscripten per https://emscripten.org/docs/getting_started/downloads.html
build_web() {
echo "Building web.."
rm cc.js
$WEB_CC *.c -O1 -o cc.js --js-library interop_web.js -s WASM=0 -s LEGACY_VM_SUPPORT=1 -s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1 -s ABORTING_MALLOC=0 -s ENVIRONMENT=web --preload-file texpacks/default.zip -w
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to compile Webclient" >> "$ERRS_FILE"; fi
# so game loads textures from classicube.net/static/default.zip
sed -i 's#cc.data#/static/default.zip#g' cc.js
# fix mouse wheel scrolling page not being properly prevented
# "[Intervention] Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive."
sed -i 's#eventHandler.useCapture);#{ useCapture: eventHandler.useCapture, passive: false });#g' cc.js
# ----------------------------- compile raspberry pi
# I cloned https://github.com/raspberrypi/tools to get prebuilt cross compilers
# Then I copied across various files/folders from /usr/include and /usr/lib from a real Raspberry pi as needed
RPI_FLAGS="-fvisibility=hidden -rdynamic -DCC_BUILD_ICON -DCC_BUILD_RPI"
build_rpi() {
echo "Building rpi.."
cp $ROOT_DIR/misc/CCicon_rpi $ROOT_DIR/src/CCicon_rpi.o
rm cc-rpi
$RPI_CC *.c $ALL_FLAGS $RPI_FLAGS -I ~/rpi/include -L ~/rpi/lib CCicon_rpi.o -DCC_COMMIT_SHA=\"$LATEST\" -o cc-rpi -lGLESv2 -lEGL -lX11 -lXi -lm -lpthread -ldl -lrt -Wl,-rpath-link ~/rpi/lib
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to compile Raspberry Pi" >> "$ERRS_FILE"; fi
# ----------------------------- compile android
DROID_FLAGS="-fPIC -shared -s -O1 -fvisibility=hidden -rdynamic -funwind-tables"
DROID_LIBS="-lGLESv2 -lEGL -lm -landroid -llog"
build_android() {
echo "Building android.."
rm cc.apk cc-droid-arm_16 cc-droid-arm_32 cc-droid-arm_64 cc-droid-x86_32 cc-droid-x86_64
$NDK_ROOT/armv7a-linux-androideabi16-clang *.c $DROID_FLAGS -march=armv5 $DROID_LIBS -DCC_COMMIT_SHA=\"$LATEST\" -o cc-droid-arm_16
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to compile Android ARM-16" >> "$ERRS_FILE"; fi
$NDK_ROOT/armv7a-linux-androideabi16-clang *.c $DROID_FLAGS $DROID_LIBS -DCC_COMMIT_SHA=\"$LATEST\" -o cc-droid-arm_32
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to compile Android ARM-32" >> "$ERRS_FILE"; fi
$NDK_ROOT/aarch64-linux-android21-clang *.c $DROID_FLAGS $DROID_LIBS -DCC_COMMIT_SHA=\"$LATEST\" -o cc-droid-arm_64
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to compile Android ARM-64" >> "$ERRS_FILE"; fi
$NDK_ROOT/i686-linux-android16-clang *.c $DROID_FLAGS $DROID_LIBS -DCC_COMMIT_SHA=\"$LATEST\" -o cc-droid-x86_32
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to compile Android x86-32" >> "$ERRS_FILE"; fi
$NDK_ROOT/x86_64-linux-android21-clang *.c $DROID_FLAGS $DROID_LIBS -DCC_COMMIT_SHA=\"$LATEST\" -o cc-droid-x86_64
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to compile Android x86-64" >> "$ERRS_FILE"; fi
cd $ROOT_DIR/android/app/src/main
# remove old java temp files
rm -rf obj
mkdir obj
rm classes.dex
# copy required native libraries
rm -rf lib
mkdir lib lib/armeabi lib/armeabi-v7a lib/arm64-v8a lib/x86 lib/x86_64
cp $ROOT_DIR/src/cc-droid-arm_16 lib/armeabi/libclassicube.so
cp $ROOT_DIR/src/cc-droid-arm_32 lib/armeabi-v7a/libclassicube.so
cp $ROOT_DIR/src/cc-droid-arm_64 lib/arm64-v8a/libclassicube.so
cp $ROOT_DIR/src/cc-droid-x86_32 lib/x86/libclassicube.so
cp $ROOT_DIR/src/cc-droid-x86_64 lib/x86_64/libclassicube.so
# The following commands are for manually building an .apk, see
# https://spin.atomicobject.com/2011/08/22/building-android-application-bundles-apks-by-hand/
# https://github.com/cnlohr/rawdrawandroid/blob/master/Makefile
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41132753/how-can-i-build-an-android-apk-without-gradle-on-the-command-line
# https://github.com/skanti/Android-Manual-Build-Command-Line/blob/master/hello-jni/Makefile
# https://github.com/skanti/Android-Manual-Build-Command-Line/blob/master/hello-jni/CMakeLists.txt
# compile interop java file into its multiple .class files
javac java/com/classicube/MainActivity.java -d ./obj -classpath $SDK_ROOT/android.jar
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to compile Android Java" >> "$ERRS_FILE"; fi
# compile the multiple .class files into one .dex file
$TOOLS_ROOT/dx --dex --output=obj/classes.dex ./obj
# create initial .apk with packaged version of resources
$TOOLS_ROOT/aapt package -f -M AndroidManifest.xml -S res -F obj/cc-unsigned.apk -I $SDK_ROOT/android.jar
# and add all the required files
cp obj/classes.dex classes.dex
$TOOLS_ROOT/aapt add -f obj/cc-unsigned.apk classes.dex lib/armeabi/libclassicube.so lib/armeabi-v7a/libclassicube.so lib/arm64-v8a/libclassicube.so lib/x86/libclassicube.so lib/x86_64/libclassicube.so
# sign the apk with debug key (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16711233/)
cp obj/cc-unsigned.apk obj/cc-signed.apk
jarsigner -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore debug.keystore -storepass android -keypass android obj/cc-signed.apk androiddebugkey
# jarsigner -verbose
# create aligned .apk file
$TOOLS_ROOT/zipalign -f 4 obj/cc-signed.apk $ROOT_DIR/src/cc.apk
# ----------------------------- driver
cd $ROOT_DIR/src/
echo $PWD
git pull https://github.com/UnknownShadow200/ClassiCube.git
git fetch --all
git reset --hard origin/master
LATEST=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
run_timed() {
beg=`date +%s`
end=`date +%s`
echo "Compiling took $runtime"
run_timed build_win32
run_timed build_win64
run_timed build_nix32
run_timed build_nix64
run_timed build_mac32
run_timed build_mac64
run_timed build_web
run_timed build_rpi
run_timed build_android
cd ~
python3 notify.py |