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// ClassicalSharp copyright 2014-2016 UnknownShadow200 | Licensed under MIT
using System;
using OpenTK;
namespace ClassicalSharp {
/// <summary> Stores various properties about the blocks in Minecraft Classic. </summary>
public partial class BlockInfo {
/// <summary> Gets whether the given block id is transparent/fully see through. </summary>
/// <remarks> Alpha values are treated as either 'fully see through' or 'fully solid'. </remarks>
public bool[] IsTransparent = new bool[BlocksCount];
/// <summary> Gets whether the given block id is translucent/partially see through. </summary>
/// <remarks>Colour values are blended into both the transparent and opaque blocks behind them. </remarks>
public bool[] IsTranslucent = new bool[BlocksCount];
/// <summary> Gets whether the given block id is opaque/not partially see through. </summary>
public bool[] IsOpaque = new bool[BlocksCount];
/// <summary> Gets whether the given block id is opaque/not partially see through on the y axis. </summary>
public bool[] IsOpaqueY = new bool[BlocksCount];
/// <summary> Gets whether the given block id is a sprite. (e.g. flowers, saplings, fire) </summary>
public bool[] IsSprite = new bool[BlocksCount];
/// <summary> Gets whether the given block id is a liquid. (e.g. water and lava) </summary>
public bool[] IsLiquid = new bool[BlocksCount];
/// <summary> Gets whether the given block blocks sunlight. </summary>
public bool[] BlocksLight = new bool[BlocksCount];
/// <summary> Gets whether the given block should draw all it faces with a full white colour component. </summary>
public bool[] FullBright = new bool[BlocksCount];
public string[] Name = new string[BlocksCount];
/// <summary> Gets the custom fog colour that should be used when the player is standing within this block.
/// Note that this is only used for exponential fog mode. </summary>
public FastColour[] FogColour = new FastColour[BlocksCount];
public float[] FogDensity = new float[BlocksCount];
public CollideType[] Collide = new CollideType[BlocksCount];
public float[] SpeedMultiplier = new float[BlocksCount];
public bool[] CullWithNeighbours = new bool[BlocksCount];
public byte[] LightOffset = new byte[BlocksCount];
public uint[] DefinedCustomBlocks = new uint[BlocksCount >> 5];
public const byte MaxDefinedOriginalBlock = (byte)Block.Obsidian;
public const int OriginalBlocksCount = MaxDefinedOriginalBlock + 1;
public const byte MaxDefinedCpeBlock = (byte)Block.StoneBrick;
public const int CpeBlocksCount = MaxDefinedCpeBlock + 1;
public const byte MaxDefinedBlock = byte.MaxValue;
public const int BlocksCount = MaxDefinedBlock + 1;
public void Reset( Game game ) {
// Reset properties
for( int i = 0; i < IsTransparent.Length; i++ ) IsTransparent[i] = false;
for( int i = 0; i < IsTranslucent.Length; i++ ) IsTranslucent[i] = false;
for( int i = 0; i < IsOpaque.Length; i++ ) IsOpaque[i] = false;
for( int i = 0; i < IsOpaqueY.Length; i++ ) IsOpaqueY[i] = false;
for( int i = 0; i < IsSprite.Length; i++ ) IsSprite[i] = false;
for( int i = 0; i < IsLiquid.Length; i++ ) IsLiquid[i] = false;
for( int i = 0; i < BlocksLight.Length; i++ ) BlocksLight[i] = false;
for( int i = 0; i < FullBright.Length; i++ ) FullBright[i] = false;
for( int i = 0; i < Name.Length; i++ ) Name[i] = "Invalid";
for( int i = 0; i < FogColour.Length; i++ ) FogColour[i] = default(FastColour);
for( int i = 0; i < FogDensity.Length; i++ ) FogDensity[i] = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < Collide.Length; i++ ) Collide[i] = CollideType.WalkThrough;
for( int i = 0; i < SpeedMultiplier.Length; i++ ) SpeedMultiplier[i] = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < CullWithNeighbours.Length; i++ ) CullWithNeighbours[i] = false;
for( int i = 0; i < LightOffset.Length; i++ ) LightOffset[i] = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < DefinedCustomBlocks.Length; i++ ) DefinedCustomBlocks[i] = 0;
// Reset textures
texId = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < textures.Length; i++ ) textures[i] = 0;
// Reset culling
for( int i = 0; i < hidden.Length; i++ ) hidden[i] = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < CanStretch.Length; i++ ) CanStretch[i] = false;
for( int i = 0; i < IsAir.Length; i++ ) IsAir[i] = false;
// Reset bounds
for( int i = 0; i < MinBB.Length; i++ ) MinBB[i] = Vector3.Zero;
for( int i = 0; i < MaxBB.Length; i++ ) MaxBB[i] = Vector3.One;
// Reset sounds
for( int i = 0; i < DigSounds.Length; i++ ) DigSounds[i] = SoundType.None;
for( int i = 0; i < StepSounds.Length; i++ ) StepSounds[i] = SoundType.None;
public void Init() {
for( int tile = 1; tile < BlocksCount; tile++ ) {
MaxBB[tile].Y = 1;
BlocksLight[tile] = true;
IsOpaque[tile] = true;
IsOpaqueY[tile] = true;
Collide[tile] = CollideType.Solid;
SpeedMultiplier[tile] = 1;
CullWithNeighbours[tile] = true;
for( int block = 0; block < BlocksCount; block++ )
Name[block] = "Invalid";
FogDensity[(byte)Block.StillWater] = 0.1f;
FogColour[(byte)Block.StillWater] = new FastColour( 5, 5, 51 );
FogDensity[(byte)Block.Water] = 0.1f;
FogColour[(byte)Block.Water] = new FastColour( 5, 5, 51 );
FogDensity[(byte)Block.StillLava] = 2f;
FogColour[(byte)Block.StillLava] = new FastColour( 153, 25, 0 );
FogDensity[(byte)Block.Lava] = 2f;
FogColour[(byte)Block.Lava] = new FastColour( 153, 25, 0 );
Collide[(byte)Block.Snow] = CollideType.WalkThrough;
SpeedMultiplier[0] = 1f;
CullWithNeighbours[(byte)Block.Leaves] = false;
SetBlockHeight( Block.Slab, 8/16f );
SetBlockHeight( Block.CobblestoneSlab, 8/16f );
SetBlockHeight( Block.Snow, 2/16f );
MarkTranslucent( Block.StillWater ); MarkTranslucent( Block.Water );
MarkTranslucent( Block.Ice );
MarkTransparent( Block.Glass, false ); MarkTransparent( Block.Leaves, false );
MarkTransparent( Block.Slab, true ); MarkTransparent( Block.Snow, true );
MarkTransparent( Block.CobblestoneSlab, true );
MarkSprite( Block.Rose ); MarkSprite( Block.Sapling );
MarkSprite( Block.Dandelion ); MarkSprite( Block.BrownMushroom );
MarkSprite( Block.RedMushroom ); MarkSprite( Block.Rope );
MarkSprite( Block.Fire );
SetIsLiquid( Block.StillWater ); SetIsLiquid( Block.Water );
SetIsLiquid( Block.StillLava ); SetIsLiquid( Block.Lava );
SetFullBright( Block.Lava, true ); SetFullBright( Block.StillLava, true );
SetFullBright( Block.Magma, true ); SetFullBright( Block.Fire, true );
IsOpaqueY[(byte)Block.Slab] = true;
IsOpaqueY[(byte)Block.CobblestoneSlab] = true;
IsOpaqueY[(byte)Block.Snow] = true;
public void SetDefaultBlockPermissions( InventoryPermissions canPlace, InventoryPermissions canDelete ) {
for( int tile = (int)Block.Stone; tile <= (int)Block.Obsidian; tile++ ) {
canPlace[tile] = true;
canDelete[tile] = true;
canPlace[(int)Block.Lava] = false;
canPlace[(int)Block.Water] = false;
canPlace[(int)Block.StillLava] = false;
canPlace[(int)Block.StillWater] = false;
canPlace[(int)Block.Bedrock] = false;
canDelete[(int)Block.Bedrock] = false;
canDelete[(int)Block.Lava] = false;
canDelete[(int)Block.Water] = false;
canDelete[(int)Block.StillWater] = false;
canDelete[(int)Block.StillLava] = false;
void MarkTransparent( Block id, bool blocks ) {
IsTransparent[(int)id] = true;
BlocksLight[(int)id] = blocks;
IsOpaque[(int)id] = false;
IsOpaqueY[(int)id] = false;
void MarkSprite( Block id ) {
IsSprite[(int)id] = true;
IsTransparent[(int)id] = true;
BlocksLight[(int)id] = false;
IsOpaque[(int)id] = false;
IsOpaqueY[(int)id] = false;
Collide[(int)id] = CollideType.WalkThrough;
void MarkTranslucent( Block id ) {
IsTranslucent[(int)id] = true;
IsOpaque[(int)id] = false;
IsOpaqueY[(int)id] = false;
void SetIsLiquid( Block id ) {
IsLiquid[(int)id] = true;
Collide[(int)id] = CollideType.SwimThrough;
void SetBlockHeight( Block id, float height ) {
MaxBB[(int)id].Y = height;
void SetFullBright( Block id, bool emits ) {
FullBright[(int)id] = emits;
public void ResetBlockInfo( byte id, bool updateCulling ) {
DefinedCustomBlocks[id >> 5] &= ~(1u << (id & 0x1F));
IsTransparent[id] = false;
IsTranslucent[id] = false;
IsOpaque[id] = true;
IsSprite[id] = false;
IsLiquid[id] = false;
BlocksLight[id] = true;
FullBright[id] = false;
CullWithNeighbours[id] = true;
IsAir[id] = false;
Name[id] = "Invalid";
FogColour[id] = default( FastColour );
FogDensity[id] = 0;
Collide[id] = CollideType.Solid;
SpeedMultiplier[id] = 1;
SetAll( 0, (Block)id );
if( updateCulling )
SetupCullingCache( id );
MinBB[id] = Vector3.Zero;
MaxBB[id] = Vector3.One;
StepSounds[id] = SoundType.None;
DigSounds[id] = SoundType.None;
internal static string[] normalNames = null;
public string GetBlockName( byte block ) {
if( normalNames == null )
string value = Name[block];
if( block < CpeBlocksCount && value == "Invalid" )
return normalNames[block];
return value;
static void MakeNormalNames() {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer( 64 );
normalNames = new string[CpeBlocksCount];
for( int i = 0; i < normalNames.Length; i++ ) {
string origName = Enum.GetName( typeof(Block), (byte)i );
int index = 0;
SplitUppercase( buffer, origName, ref index );
normalNames[i] = buffer.ToString();
static void SplitUppercase( StringBuffer buffer, string value, ref int index ) {
for( int i = 0; i < value.Length; i++ ) {
char c = value[i];
bool upper = Char.IsUpper( c ) && i > 0;
bool nextLower = i < value.Length - 1 && !Char.IsUpper( value[i + 1] );
if( upper && nextLower ) {
buffer.Append( ref index, ' ' );
buffer.Append( ref index, Char.ToLower( c ) );
} else {
buffer.Append( ref index, c );
public enum CollideType : byte {
WalkThrough, // i.e. gas or sprite
SwimThrough, // i.e. liquid
Solid, // i.e. solid
} |