
346 lines
11 KiB

using System;
using ClassicalSharp.GraphicsAPI;
using OpenTK;
namespace ClassicalSharp {
// TODO: optimise chunk rendering
// --> reduce iterations: liquid and sprite pass only need 1 row
public class MapRenderer : IDisposable {
class ChunkInfo {
public short CentreX, CentreY, CentreZ;
public bool Visible = true;
public bool Empty = false;
public ChunkDrawInfo DrawInfo;
public ChunkInfo( int x, int y, int z ) {
CentreX = (short)( x + 8 );
CentreY = (short)( y + 8 );
CentreZ = (short)( z + 8 );
public Game Window;
public IGraphicsApi Graphics;
int _1Dcount = 1;
ChunkMeshBuilder builder;
int width, height, length;
ChunkInfo[] chunks, unsortedChunks;
Vector3I chunkPos = new Vector3I( int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue );
int elementsPerBitmap = 0;
public MapRenderer( Game window ) {
Window = window;
_1Dcount = window.TerrainAtlas1D.TexIds.Length;
builder = new ChunkMeshBuilder( window );
Graphics = window.Graphics;
elementsPerBitmap = window.TerrainAtlas1D.elementsPerBitmap;
Window.TerrainAtlasChanged += TerrainAtlasChanged;
Window.OnNewMap += OnNewMap;
Window.OnNewMapLoaded += OnNewMapLoaded;
Window.EnvVariableChanged += EnvVariableChanged;
public void Dispose() {
chunks = null;
unsortedChunks = null;
Window.OnNewMap -= OnNewMap;
Window.OnNewMapLoaded -= OnNewMapLoaded;
Window.EnvVariableChanged -= EnvVariableChanged;
public void Refresh() {
if( chunks != null && !Window.Map.IsNotLoaded ) {
void EnvVariableChanged( object sender, EnvVariableEventArgs e ) {
if( e.Variable == EnvVariable.SunlightColour || e.Variable == EnvVariable.ShadowlightColour ) {
void TerrainAtlasChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
_1Dcount = Window.TerrainAtlas1D.TexIds.Length;
bool fullResetRequired = elementsPerBitmap != Window.TerrainAtlas1D.elementsPerBitmap;
if( fullResetRequired ) {
elementsPerBitmap = Window.TerrainAtlas1D.elementsPerBitmap;
void OnNewMap( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
Window.ChunkUpdates = 0;
chunks = null;
unsortedChunks = null;
chunkPos = new Vector3I( int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue );
int chunksX, chunksY, chunksZ;
void OnNewMapLoaded( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
width = NextMultipleOf16( Window.Map.Width );
height = NextMultipleOf16( Window.Map.Height );
length = NextMultipleOf16( Window.Map.Length );
chunksX = width >> 4;
chunksY = height >> 4;
chunksZ = length >> 4;
chunks = new ChunkInfo[chunksX * chunksY * chunksZ];
unsortedChunks = new ChunkInfo[chunksX * chunksY * chunksZ];
distances = new int[chunks.Length];
void ClearChunkCache() {
if( chunks == null ) return;
for( int i = 0; i < chunks.Length; i++ ) {
DeleteChunk( chunks[i] );
void DeleteChunk( ChunkInfo info ) {
ChunkDrawInfo drawInfo = info.DrawInfo;
info.Empty = false;
if( drawInfo == null ) return;
for( int i = 0; i < drawInfo.SolidParts.Length; i++ ) {
Graphics.DeleteVb( drawInfo.SpriteParts[i].VbId );
Graphics.DeleteIb( drawInfo.SpriteParts[i].IbId );
Graphics.DeleteVb( drawInfo.TranslucentParts[i].VbId );
Graphics.DeleteIb( drawInfo.TranslucentParts[i].IbId );
Graphics.DeleteVb( drawInfo.SolidParts[i].VbId );
Graphics.DeleteIb( drawInfo.SolidParts[i].IbId );
info.DrawInfo = null;
void CreateChunkCache() {
int index = 0;
for( int z = 0; z < length; z += 16 ) {
for( int y = 0; y < height; y += 16 ) {
for( int x = 0; x < width; x += 16 ) {
chunks[index] = new ChunkInfo( x, y, z );
unsortedChunks[index] = chunks[index];
static int NextMultipleOf16( int value ) {
return ( value + 0x0F ) & ~0x0F;
public void RedrawBlock( int x, int y, int z, byte block, int oldHeight, int newHeight ) {
int cx = x >> 4;
int cy = y >> 4;
int cz = z >> 4;
// NOTE: It's a lot faster to only update the chunks that are affected by the change in shadows,
// rather than the entire column.
int newLightcy = newHeight == -1 ? 0 : newHeight >> 4;
int oldLightcy = oldHeight == -1 ? 0 : oldHeight >> 4;
ResetChunkAndBelow( cx, cy, cz, newLightcy, oldLightcy );
int bX = x & 0x0F; // % 16
int bY = y & 0x0F;
int bZ = z & 0x0F;
if( bX == 0 && cx > 0 ) ResetChunkAndBelow( cx - 1, cy, cz, newLightcy, oldLightcy );
if( bY == 0 && cy > 0 ) ResetChunkAndBelow( cx, cy - 1, cz, newLightcy, oldLightcy );
if( bZ == 0 && cz > 0 ) ResetChunkAndBelow( cx, cy, cz - 1, newLightcy, oldLightcy );
if( bX == 15 && cx < chunksX - 1 ) ResetChunkAndBelow( cx + 1, cy, cz, newLightcy, oldLightcy );
if( bY == 15 && cy < chunksY - 1 ) ResetChunkAndBelow( cx, cy + 1, cz, newLightcy, oldLightcy );
if( bZ == 15 && cz < chunksZ - 1 ) ResetChunkAndBelow( cx, cy, cz + 1, newLightcy, oldLightcy );
void ResetChunkAndBelow( int cx, int cy, int cz, int newLightCy, int oldLightCy ) {
if( newLightCy == oldLightCy ) {
ResetChunk( cx, cy, cz );
} else {
int cyMax = Math.Max( newLightCy, oldLightCy );
int cyMin = Math.Min( oldLightCy, newLightCy );
for( cy = cyMax; cy >= cyMin; cy-- ) {
ResetChunk( cx, cy, cz );
void ResetChunk( int cx, int cy, int cz ) {
if( cx < 0 || cy < 0 || cz < 0 ||
cx >= chunksX || cy >= chunksY || cz >= chunksZ ) return;
DeleteChunk( unsortedChunks[cx + chunksX * ( cy + cz * chunksY )] );
public void Render( double deltaTime ) {
if( chunks == null ) return;
int[] texIds = Window.TerrainAtlas1D.TexIds;
// Render solid and fully transparent to fill depth buffer.
// These blocks are treated as having an alpha value of either none or full.
Graphics.Texturing = true;
Graphics.AlphaTest = true;
Graphics.FaceCulling = true;
for( int batch = 0; batch < _1Dcount; batch++ ) {
Graphics.Bind2DTexture( texIds[batch] );
RenderSolidBatch( batch );
Graphics.FaceCulling = false;
for( int batch = 0; batch < _1Dcount; batch++ ) {
Graphics.Bind2DTexture( texIds[batch] );
RenderSpriteBatch( batch );
Graphics.AlphaTest = false;
Graphics.Texturing = false;
Window.MapEnvRenderer.RenderMapSides( deltaTime );
Window.MapEnvRenderer.RenderMapEdges( deltaTime );
// Render translucent(liquid) blocks. These 'blend' into other blocks.
Graphics.Texturing = false;
Graphics.AlphaBlending = false;
// First fill depth buffer
Graphics.DepthTestFunc( CompareFunc.LessEqual );
Graphics.ColourWrite = false;
for( int batch = 0; batch < _1Dcount; batch++ ) {
RenderTranslucentBatchNoAdd( batch );
// Then actually draw the transluscent blocks
Graphics.AlphaBlending = true;
Graphics.Texturing = true;
Graphics.ColourWrite = true;
for( int batch = 0; batch < _1Dcount; batch++ ) {
Graphics.Bind2DTexture( texIds[batch] );
RenderTranslucentBatch( batch );
Graphics.DepthTestFunc( CompareFunc.Less );
Graphics.AlphaTest = false;
Graphics.AlphaBlending = false;
Graphics.Texturing = false;
int[] distances;
void UpdateSortOrder() {
Player p = Window.LocalPlayer;
Vector3I newChunkPos = Vector3I.Floor( p.Position );
newChunkPos.X = ( newChunkPos.X & ~0x0F ) + 8;
newChunkPos.Y = ( newChunkPos.Y & ~0x0F ) + 8;
newChunkPos.Z = ( newChunkPos.Z & ~0x0F ) + 8;
if( newChunkPos != chunkPos ) {
chunkPos = newChunkPos;
for( int i = 0; i < distances.Length; i++ ) {
ChunkInfo info = chunks[i];
distances[i] = Utils.DistanceSquared( info.CentreX, info.CentreY, info.CentreZ, chunkPos.X, chunkPos.Y, chunkPos.Z );
// NOTE: Over 5x faster compared to normal comparison of IComparer<ChunkInfo>.Compare
Array.Sort( distances, chunks );
void UpdateChunks() {
int chunksUpdatedThisFrame = 0;
int adjViewDistSqr = ( Window.ViewDistance + 14 ) * ( Window.ViewDistance + 14 );
for( int i = 0; i < chunks.Length; i++ ) {
ChunkInfo info = chunks[i];
if( info.Empty ) continue;
int distSqr = distances[i];
bool inRange = distSqr <= adjViewDistSqr;
if( info.DrawInfo == null ) {
if( inRange && chunksUpdatedThisFrame < 4 ) {
info.DrawInfo = builder.GetDrawInfo( info.CentreX - 8, info.CentreY - 8, info.CentreZ - 8 );
if( info.DrawInfo == null ) {
info.Empty = true;
info.Visible = inRange &&
Window.Culling.SphereInFrustum( info.CentreX, info.CentreY, info.CentreZ, 14 ); // 14 ~ sqrt(3 * 8^2)
// TODO: there's probably a better way of doing this.
const DrawMode mode = DrawMode.Triangles;
void RenderSolidBatch( int batch ) {
for( int i = 0; i < chunks.Length; i++ ) {
ChunkInfo info = chunks[i];
if( info.DrawInfo == null || !info.Visible ) continue;
ChunkPartInfo drawInfo = info.DrawInfo.SolidParts[batch];
if( drawInfo.IndicesCount > 0 ) {
Graphics.DrawIndexedVbBatch( mode, drawInfo.VbId, drawInfo.IbId, drawInfo.IndicesCount );
Window.Vertices += drawInfo.IndicesCount;
if( drawInfo.IndicesCount2 > 0 ) {
Graphics.DrawIndexedVbBatch( mode, drawInfo.VbId2, drawInfo.IbId2, drawInfo.IndicesCount2 );
Window.Vertices += drawInfo.IndicesCount2;
void RenderSpriteBatch( int batch ) {
for( int i = 0; i < chunks.Length; i++ ) {
ChunkInfo info = chunks[i];
if( info.DrawInfo == null || !info.Visible ) continue;
ChunkPartInfo drawInfo = info.DrawInfo.SpriteParts[batch];
if( drawInfo.IndicesCount > 0 ) {
Graphics.DrawIndexedVbBatch( mode, drawInfo.VbId, drawInfo.IbId, drawInfo.IndicesCount );
Window.Vertices += drawInfo.IndicesCount;
void RenderTranslucentBatch( int batch ) {
for( int i = 0; i < chunks.Length; i++ ) {
ChunkInfo info = chunks[i];
if( info.DrawInfo == null || !info.Visible ) continue;
ChunkPartInfo drawInfo = info.DrawInfo.TranslucentParts[batch];
if( drawInfo.IndicesCount > 0 ) {
Graphics.DrawIndexedVbBatch( mode, drawInfo.VbId, drawInfo.IbId, drawInfo.IndicesCount );
Window.Vertices += drawInfo.IndicesCount;
if( drawInfo.IndicesCount2 > 0 ) {
Graphics.DrawIndexedVbBatch( mode, drawInfo.VbId2, drawInfo.IbId2, drawInfo.IndicesCount2 );
Window.Vertices += drawInfo.IndicesCount2;
void RenderTranslucentBatchNoAdd( int batch ) {
for( int i = 0; i < chunks.Length; i++ ) {
ChunkInfo info = chunks[i];
if( info.DrawInfo == null || !info.Visible ) continue;
ChunkPartInfo drawInfo = info.DrawInfo.TranslucentParts[batch];
if( drawInfo.IndicesCount > 0 ) {
Graphics.DrawIndexedVbBatch( mode, drawInfo.VbId, drawInfo.IbId, drawInfo.IndicesCount );
if( drawInfo.IndicesCount2 > 0 ) {
Graphics.DrawIndexedVbBatch( mode, drawInfo.VbId2, drawInfo.IbId2, drawInfo.IndicesCount2 );