2016-03-27 09:33:51 +11:00

438 lines
14 KiB

// ClassicalSharp copyright 2014-2016 UnknownShadow200 | Licensed under MIT
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Drawing;
using ClassicalSharp.Events;
using ClassicalSharp.Network;
using OpenTK.Input;
namespace ClassicalSharp.Gui {
public class ChatScreen : Screen {
public ChatScreen( Game game ) : base( game ) {
chatLines = game.ChatLines;
int chatLines;
ChatTextWidget announcement;
TextInputWidget textInput;
TextGroupWidget status, bottomRight, normalChat, clientStatus;
bool suppressNextPress = true;
int chatIndex;
int blockSize;
Font chatFont, chatBoldFont, chatItalicFont, chatUnderlineFont, announcementFont;
public override void Init() {
int fontSize = (int)(12 * game.GuiChatScale);
Utils.Clamp( ref fontSize, 8, 60 );
chatFont = new Font( game.FontName, fontSize );
chatBoldFont = new Font( game.FontName, fontSize, FontStyle.Bold );
chatItalicFont = new Font( game.FontName, fontSize, FontStyle.Italic );
chatUnderlineFont = new Font( game.FontName, fontSize, FontStyle.Underline );
fontSize = (int)(14 * game.GuiChatScale);
Utils.Clamp( ref fontSize, 8, 60 );
announcementFont = new Font( game.FontName, fontSize );
blockSize = (int)(23 * 2 * game.GuiHotbarScale);
int[] indices = new int[chatLines];
for( int i = 0; i < indices.Length; i++ )
indices[i] = -1;
Metadata = indices;
game.Events.ChatReceived += ChatReceived;
game.Events.ChatFontChanged += ChatFontChanged;
game.Events.ColourCodesChanged += ColourCodesChanged;
void ConstructWidgets() {
textInput = new TextInputWidget( game, chatFont, chatBoldFont );
textInput.YOffset = blockSize + 5;
status = new TextGroupWidget( game, 5, chatFont, chatUnderlineFont,
Anchor.BottomOrRight, Anchor.LeftOrTop );
status.SetUsePlaceHolder( 0, false );
status.SetUsePlaceHolder( 1, false );
bottomRight = new TextGroupWidget( game, 3, chatFont, chatUnderlineFont,
Anchor.BottomOrRight, Anchor.BottomOrRight );
bottomRight.YOffset = blockSize * 3 / 2;
normalChat = new TextGroupWidget( game, chatLines, chatFont, chatUnderlineFont,
Anchor.LeftOrTop, Anchor.BottomOrRight );
normalChat.XOffset = 10;
normalChat.YOffset = blockSize * 2 + 15;
clientStatus = new TextGroupWidget( game, game.Chat.ClientStatus.Length, chatFont,
chatUnderlineFont, Anchor.LeftOrTop, Anchor.BottomOrRight );
clientStatus.XOffset = 10;
clientStatus.YOffset = blockSize * 2 + 15;
announcement = ChatTextWidget.Create( game, 0, 0, null,
Anchor.Centre, Anchor.Centre, announcementFont );
announcement.YOffset = -game.Height / 4;
void SetInitialMessages() {
Chat chat = game.Chat;
chatIndex = chat.Log.Count - chatLines;
status.SetText( 2, chat.Status1.Text );
status.SetText( 3, chat.Status2.Text );
status.SetText( 4, chat.Status3.Text );
if( game.ShowClock ) status.SetText( 0, chat.ClientClock.Text );
bottomRight.SetText( 2, chat.BottomRight1.Text );
bottomRight.SetText( 1, chat.BottomRight2.Text );
bottomRight.SetText( 0, chat.BottomRight3.Text );
announcement.SetText( chat.Announcement.Text );
for( int i = 0; i < chat.ClientStatus.Length; i++ )
clientStatus.SetText( i, chat.ClientStatus[i].Text );
if( game.chatInInputBuffer != null ) {
OpenTextInputBar( game.chatInInputBuffer );
game.chatInInputBuffer = null;
public override void Render( double delta ) {
if( !game.ClassicMode ) {
status.Render( delta );
bottomRight.Render( delta );
UpdateChatYOffset( false );
DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow;
if( HandlesAllInput )
normalChat.Render( delta );
RenderRecentChat( now, delta );
if( !game.ClassicMode )
announcement.Render( delta );
if( HandlesAllInput )
textInput.Render( delta );
if( announcement.IsValid && (now - game.Chat.Announcement.Received).TotalSeconds > 5 )
int lastDownloadStatus = int.MinValue;
StringBuffer lastDownload = new StringBuffer( 48 );
void CheckOtherStatuses() {
bool clockValid = status.Textures[0].IsValid;
if( game.ShowClock ) {
if( !clockValid ) status.SetText( 0, game.Chat.ClientClock.Text );
} else if( clockValid ) {
status.SetText( 0, null );
Request item = game.AsyncDownloader.CurrentItem;
if( item == null || !(item.Identifier == "terrain" || item.Identifier == "texturePack") ) {
if( status.Textures[1].IsValid ) status.SetText( 1, null );
lastDownloadStatus = int.MinValue;
int progress = game.AsyncDownloader.CurrentItemProgress;
if( progress == lastDownloadStatus ) return;
lastDownloadStatus = progress;
SetFetchStatus( progress );
void SetFetchStatus( int progress ) {
int index = 0;
if( progress == -2 )
lastDownload.Append( ref index, "&eRetrieving texture pack.." );
else if( progress == -1 )
lastDownload.Append( ref index, "&eDownloading texture pack" );
else if( progress >= 0 && progress <= 100 )
lastDownload.Append( ref index, "&eDownloading texture pack (&7" )
.AppendNum( ref index, progress ).Append( ref index, "&e%)" );
status.SetText( 1, lastDownload.ToString() );
void RenderRecentChat( DateTime now, double delta ) {
int[] metadata = (int[])Metadata;
for( int i = 0; i < normalChat.Textures.Length; i++ ) {
Texture texture = normalChat.Textures[i];
if( !texture.IsValid ) continue;
DateTime received = game.Chat.Log[metadata[i]].Received;
if( (now - received).TotalSeconds <= 10 )
texture.Render( graphicsApi );
void RenderClientStatus() {
int y = clientStatus.Y + clientStatus.Height;
for( int i = 0; i < clientStatus.Textures.Length; i++ ) {
Texture texture = clientStatus.Textures[i];
if( !texture.IsValid ) continue;
y -= texture.Height;
texture.Y1 = y;
texture.Render( graphicsApi );
static FastColour backColour = new FastColour( 60, 60, 60, 180 );
public void RenderBackground() {
int minIndex = Math.Min( 0, game.Chat.Log.Count - chatLines );
int height = chatIndex == minIndex ? normalChat.GetUsedHeight() : normalChat.Height;
int y = normalChat.Y + normalChat.Height - height - 5;
int x = normalChat.X - 5;
int width = Math.Max( clientStatus.Width, normalChat.Width ) + 10;
int boxHeight = height + clientStatus.GetUsedHeight();
if( boxHeight > 0 )
graphicsApi.Draw2DQuad( x, y, width, boxHeight + 10, backColour );
int inputOldHeight = -1;
void UpdateChatYOffset( bool force ) {
int height = textInput.RealHeight;
if( force || height != inputOldHeight ) {
clientStatus.YOffset = height + blockSize + 15;
int y = game.Height - clientStatus.Height - clientStatus.YOffset;
clientStatus.MoveTo( clientStatus.X, y );
normalChat.YOffset = clientStatus.YOffset + clientStatus.GetUsedHeight();
y = game.Height - normalChat.Height - normalChat.YOffset;
normalChat.MoveTo( normalChat.X, y );
inputOldHeight = height;
void ColourCodesChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
UpdateChatYOffset( true );
textInput.MoveTo( textInput.X, textInput.Y );
void ChatReceived( object sender, ChatEventArgs e ) {
MessageType type = e.Type;
if( type == MessageType.Normal ) {
if( game.ChatLines == 0 ) return;
List<ChatLine> chat = game.Chat.Log;
normalChat.PushUpAndReplaceLast( chat[chatIndex + chatLines - 1].Text );
int[] metadata = (int[])Metadata;
for( int i = 0; i < chatLines - 1; i++ )
metadata[i] = metadata[i + 1];
metadata[chatLines - 1] = chatIndex + chatLines - 1;
} else if( type >= MessageType.Status1 && type <= MessageType.Status3 ) {
status.SetText( 2 + (int)(type - MessageType.Status1), e.Text );
} else if( type >= MessageType.BottomRight1 && type <= MessageType.BottomRight3 ) {
bottomRight.SetText( 2 - (int)(type - MessageType.BottomRight1), e.Text );
} else if( type == MessageType.Announcement ) {
announcement.SetText( e.Text );
} else if( type >= MessageType.ClientStatus1 && type <= MessageType.ClientStatus6 ) {
clientStatus.SetText( (int)(type - MessageType.ClientStatus1), e.Text );
UpdateChatYOffset( true );
} else if( type == MessageType.ClientClock && game.ShowClock ) {
status.SetText( 0, e.Text );
public override void Dispose() {
if( HandlesAllInput ) {
game.chatInInputBuffer = textInput.chatInputText.ToString();
if( game.CursorVisible )
game.CursorVisible = false;
} else {
game.chatInInputBuffer = null;
game.Events.ChatReceived -= ChatReceived;
game.Events.ChatFontChanged -= ChatFontChanged;
game.Events.ColourCodesChanged -= ColourCodesChanged;
void ChatFontChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
if( !game.Drawer2D.UseBitmappedChat ) return;
UpdateChatYOffset( true );
public override void OnResize( int oldWidth, int oldHeight, int width, int height ) {
announcement.OnResize( oldWidth, oldHeight, width, height );
announcement.YOffset = -height / 4;
announcement.MoveTo( announcement.X, announcement.YOffset - announcement.Height / 2 );
blockSize = (int)(23 * 2 * game.GuiHotbarScale);
textInput.YOffset = blockSize + 5;
bottomRight.YOffset = blockSize * 3 / 2;
int inputY = game.Height - textInput.Height - textInput.YOffset;
textInput.MoveTo( textInput.X, inputY );
status.OnResize( oldWidth, oldHeight, width, height );
bottomRight.OnResize( oldWidth, oldHeight, width, height );
UpdateChatYOffset( true );
void ResetChat() {
List<ChatLine> chat = game.Chat.Log;
int[] metadata = (int[])Metadata;
for( int i = 0; i < chatLines; i++ )
metadata[i] = -1;
for( int i = chatIndex; i < chatIndex + chatLines; i++ ) {
if( i >= 0 && i < chat.Count ) {
normalChat.PushUpAndReplaceLast( chat[i].Text );
metadata[i - chatIndex] = i;
public override bool HandlesKeyPress( char key ) {
if( !HandlesAllInput ) return false;
if( suppressNextPress ) {
suppressNextPress = false;
return false;
return textInput.HandlesKeyPress( key );
public void OpenTextInputBar( string initialText ) {
if( !game.CursorVisible )
game.CursorVisible = true;
suppressNextPress = true;
HandlesAllInput = true;
game.Keyboard.KeyRepeat = true;
textInput.chatInputText.Append( 0, initialText );
public void AppendTextToInput( string text ) {
if( !HandlesAllInput ) return;
textInput.AppendText( text );
public override bool HandlesKeyDown( Key key ) {
suppressNextPress = false;
if( HandlesAllInput ) { // text input bar
if( key == game.Mapping( KeyBinding.SendChat ) || key == Key.KeypadEnter
|| key == game.Mapping( KeyBinding.PauseOrExit ) ) {
HandlesAllInput = false;
if( game.CursorVisible )
game.CursorVisible = false;
game.Keyboard.KeyRepeat = false;
if( key == game.Mapping( KeyBinding.PauseOrExit ) )
chatIndex = game.Chat.Log.Count - chatLines;
} else if( key == Key.PageUp ) {
chatIndex -= chatLines;
} else if( key == Key.PageDown ) {
chatIndex += chatLines;
} else {
textInput.HandlesKeyDown( key );
return key < Key.F1 || key > Key.F35;
if( key == game.Mapping( KeyBinding.OpenChat ) ) {
OpenTextInputBar( "" );
} else if( key == Key.Slash ) {
OpenTextInputBar( "/" );
} else {
return false;
return true;
public override bool HandlesMouseScroll( int delta ) {
if( !HandlesAllInput ) return false;
chatIndex -= delta;
return true;
public override bool HandlesMouseClick( int mouseX, int mouseY, MouseButton button ) {
if( !HandlesAllInput || game.HideGui ) return false;
if( !normalChat.Bounds.Contains( mouseX, mouseY ) )
return textInput.HandlesMouseClick( mouseX, mouseY, button );
int height = normalChat.GetUsedHeight();
int y = normalChat.Y + normalChat.Height - height;
if( new Rectangle( normalChat.X, y, normalChat.Width, height ).Contains( mouseX, mouseY ) )
return HandlesChatClick( mouseX, mouseY );
return false;
bool HandlesChatClick( int mouseX, int mouseY ) {
string text = normalChat.GetSelected( mouseX, mouseY );
if( text == null ) return false;
string url = Utils.StripColours( text );
if( Utils.IsUrlPrefix( url, 0 ) ) {
game.ShowWarning( new WarningScreen(
game, url, false, "Are you sure you want to go to this url?",
OpenUrl, AppendUrl, null, url,
"Be careful - urls from strangers may link to websites that",
" may have viruses, or things you may not want to open/see."
) );
} else if( game.ClickableChat ) {
for( int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++ ) {
if( !IsValidInputChar( text[i] ) ) {
game.Chat.Add( "&eChatline contained characters that can't be sent on this server." );
return true;
textInput.AppendText( text );
return true;
void OpenUrl( WarningScreen screen ) {
try {
Process.Start( (string)screen.Metadata );
} catch( Exception ex ) {
ErrorHandler.LogError( "ChatScreen.OpenUrl", ex );
void AppendUrl( WarningScreen screen ) {
if( !game.ClickableChat ) return;
textInput.AppendText( (string)screen.Metadata );
void ScrollHistory() {
int maxIndex = game.Chat.Log.Count - chatLines;
int minIndex = Math.Min( 0, maxIndex );
Utils.Clamp( ref chatIndex, minIndex, maxIndex );