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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using ClassicalSharp.GraphicsAPI;
using OpenTK;
namespace ClassicalSharp {
// NOTE: These delegates should be removed when using versions later than NET 2.0.
// ################################################################
public delegate void Action<T1, T2>( T1 arg1, T2 arg2 );
public delegate void Action();
public delegate void Action<T1, T2, T3>( T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3 );
public delegate TResult Func<TResult>();
public delegate TResult Func<T1, TResult>( T1 arg1 );
public delegate TResult Func<T1, T2, TResult>( T1 arg1, T2 arg2 );
public delegate bool TryParseFunc<T>( string s, out T value );
// ################################################################
public static class Utils {
public static string AppName = "ClassicalSharp 0.5";
public static void Clamp( ref float value, float min, float max ) {
if( value < min ) value = min;
if( value > max ) value = max;
public static int NextPowerOf2( int value ) {
int next = 1;
while( value > next ) {
next <<= 1;
return next;
public static bool IsUrl( string value ) {
return value.StartsWith( "http://" ) || value.StartsWith( "https://" );
public static string StripColours( string value ) {
if( value.IndexOf( '&' ) == -1 ) {
return value;
char[] output = new char[value.Length];
int usedChars = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < value.Length; i++ ) {
char token = value[i];
if( token == '&' ) {
i++; // Skip over the following colour code.
} else {
output[usedChars++] = token;
return new String( output, 0, usedChars );
public static string ToHexString( byte[] array ) {
int len = array.Length;
char[] hexadecimal = new char[len * 2];
for( int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++ ) {
int value = array[i];
int index = i << 1;
int upperNibble = value >> 4;
int lowerNibble = value & 0x0F;
hexadecimal[index] = upperNibble < 10 ? (char)( upperNibble + 48 ) : (char)( upperNibble + 55 ); // 48 = index of 0, 55 = index of (A - 10).
hexadecimal[index + 1] = lowerNibble < 10 ? (char)( lowerNibble + 48 ) : (char)( lowerNibble + 55 );
return new String( hexadecimal );
public static int ParseHex( char value ) {
if( value >= '0' && value <= '9' ) {
return (int)( value - '0' );
} else if( value >= 'a' && value <= 'f' ) {
return (int)( value - 'a' ) + 10;
} else if( value >= 'A' && value <= 'F' ) {
return (int)( value - 'A' ) + 10;
} else {
throw new FormatException( "Invalid hex code given: " + value );
public static double DegreesToRadians( double degrees ) {
return degrees * Math.PI / 180.0;
public static double RadiansToDegrees( double radians ) {
return radians * 180.0 / Math.PI;
// Basically this works as a special unit circle in the range of [0..255].
public static byte RadiansToPacked( double radians ) {
return DegreesToPacked( radians * 180.0 / Math.PI );
public static byte DegreesToPacked( double degrees ) {
int packed = (int)( degrees * 256.0 / 360.0 ) % 256; // 256 = period
if( packed < 0 )
packed += 256; // Normalise into [0..255];
return (byte)packed;
public static double PackedToDegrees( byte packed ) {
return packed * 360.0 / 256.0;
public static double PackedToRadians( byte packed ) {
return PackedToDegrees( packed ) * Math.PI / 180.0;
public static float DistanceSquared( Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2 ) {
float dx = p2.X - p1.X;
float dy = p2.Y - p1.Y;
float dz = p2.Z - p1.Z;
return dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
public static float DistanceSquared( float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2 ) {
float dx = x2 - x1;
float dy = y2 - y1;
float dz = z2 - z1;
return dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
public static int DistanceSquared( int x1, int y1, int z1, int x2, int y2, int z2 ) {
int dx = x2 - x1;
int dy = y2 - y1;
int dz = z2 - z1;
return dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
public static Vector3 GetDirectionVector( double yawRad, double pitchRad ) {
double x = Math.Cos( pitchRad ) * -Math.Sin( yawRad );
double y = Math.Sin( pitchRad );
double z = Math.Cos( pitchRad ) * Math.Cos( yawRad );
return new Vector3( (float)x, (float)y, (float)z );
static string SplitUppercase( string value ) {
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder( value.Length + 3 );
for( int i = 0; i < value.Length; i++ ) {
char c = value[i];
if( Char.IsUpper( c ) && buffer.Length > 0 ) {
buffer.Append( ' ' );
buffer.Append( c );
return buffer.ToString();
public static string GetSpacedBlockName( Block block ) {
return block == Block.TNT ? "TNT" : SplitUppercase( block.ToString() );
public static void LogWarning( string text ) {
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
Console.WriteLine( text );
public static void LogError( string text ) {
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
Console.WriteLine( text );
public static void LogDebug( string text ) {
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGray;
Console.WriteLine( text );
public static void LogWarning( string text, params object[] args ) {
LogWarning( String.Format( text, args ) );
public static void LogError( string text, params object[] args ) {
LogError( String.Format( text, args ) );
public static void LogDebug( string text, params object[] args ) {
LogDebug( String.Format( text, args ) );
public static int Floor( float value ) {
return value >= 0 ? (int)value : (int)value - 1;
public static float Lerp( float a, float b, float t ) {
return a + ( b - a ) * t;
internal static int CountVertices( int axis1Len, int axis2Len, int axisSize ) {
int cellsAxis1 = axis1Len / axisSize + ( axis1Len % axisSize != 0 ? 1 : 0 );
int cellsAxis2 = axis2Len / axisSize + ( axis2Len % axisSize != 0 ? 1 : 0 );
return cellsAxis1 * cellsAxis2 * 6;
public static float InterpAngle( float leftAngle, float rightAngle, float t ) {
// we have to cheat a bit for angles here.
// Consider 350* --> 0*, we only want to travel 10*,
// but without adjusting for this case, we would interpolate back the whole 350* degrees.
bool invertLeft = leftAngle > 270 && rightAngle < 90;
bool invertRight = rightAngle > 270 && leftAngle < 90;
if( invertLeft ) leftAngle = 360 - leftAngle;
if( invertRight ) rightAngle = 360 - rightAngle;
return Lerp( leftAngle, rightAngle, t );
public static SkinType GetSkinType( Bitmap bmp ) {
if( bmp.Width == 64 && bmp.Height == 32 ) {
return SkinType.Type64x32;
} else if( bmp.Width == 64 && bmp.Height == 64 ) {
bool isNormal = bmp.GetPixel( 54, 20 ).A >= 127;
return isNormal ? SkinType.Type64x64 : SkinType.Type64x64Slim;
} else {
throw new NotSupportedException( "unsupported skin: " + bmp.Width + ", " + bmp.Height );
public struct Vector3I {
public static Vector3I Zero = new Vector3I( 0, 0, 0 );
public static Vector3I UnitX = new Vector3I( 1, 0, 0 );
public static Vector3I UnitY = new Vector3I( 0, 1, 0 );
public static Vector3I UnitZ = new Vector3I( 0, 0, 1 );
public int X, Y, Z;
public float Length {
get { return (float)Math.Sqrt( X * X + Y * Y + Z + Z ); }
public int LengthSquared {
get { return X * X + Y * Y + Z + Z; }
public Vector3 Normalise() {
float len = Length;
return new Vector3( X / len, Y / len, Z / len );
public Vector3I( int x, int y, int z ) {
X = x;
Y = y;
Z = z;
public Vector3I( int value ) {
X = value;
Y = value;
Z = value;
public static Vector3I operator + ( Vector3I left, Vector3I right ) {
return new Vector3I( left.X + right.X, left.Y + right.Y, left.Z + right.Z );
public static Vector3I operator - ( Vector3I left, Vector3I right ) {
return new Vector3I( left.X - right.X, left.Y - right.Y, left.Z - right.Z );
public static Vector3I operator - ( Vector3I left ) {
return new Vector3I( -left.X, -left.Y, -left.Z );
public static explicit operator Vector3I( Vector3 value ) {
return Truncate( value );
public static explicit operator Vector3( Vector3I value ) {
return new Vector3( value.X, value.Y, value.Z );
public override bool Equals( object obj ) {
return obj is Vector3I && Equals( (Vector3I)obj );
public bool Equals( Vector3I other ) {
return X == other.X && Y == other.Y && Z == other.Z;
public override int GetHashCode(){
int hashCode = 1000000007 * X;
hashCode += 1000000009 * Y;
hashCode += 1000000021 * Z;
return hashCode;
public static bool operator == ( Vector3I lhs, Vector3I rhs ) {
return lhs.X == rhs.X && lhs.Y == rhs.Y && lhs.Z == rhs.Z;
public static bool operator != (Vector3I lhs, Vector3I rhs) {
return !( lhs.X == rhs.X && lhs.Y == rhs.Y && lhs.Z == rhs.Z );
public static Vector3I Truncate( Vector3 vector ) {
int x = (int)vector.X;
int y = (int)vector.Y;
int z = (int)vector.Z;
return new Vector3I( x, y, z );
public static Vector3I Floor( Vector3 value ) {
return new Vector3I( Utils.Floor( value.X ), Utils.Floor( value.Y ), Utils.Floor( value.Z ) );
public static Vector3I Floor( float x, float y, float z ) {
return new Vector3I( Utils.Floor( x ), Utils.Floor( y ), Utils.Floor( z ) );
public static Vector3I Min( Vector3I p1, Vector3I p2 ) {
return new Vector3I( Math.Min( p1.X, p2.X ), Math.Min( p1.Y, p2.Y ), Math.Min( p1.Z, p2.Z ) );
public static Vector3I Min( int x1, int y1, int z1, int x2, int y2, int z2 ) {
return new Vector3I( Math.Min( x1, x2 ), Math.Min( y1, y2 ), Math.Min( z1, z2 ) );
public static Vector3I Max( Vector3I p1, Vector3I p2 ) {
return new Vector3I( Math.Max( p1.X, p2.X ), Math.Max( p1.Y, p2.Y ), Math.Max( p1.Z, p2.Z ) );
public static Vector3I Max( int x1, int y1, int z1, int x2, int y2, int z2 ) {
return new Vector3I( Math.Max( x1, x2 ), Math.Max( y1, y2 ), Math.Max( z1, z2 ) );
public override string ToString() {
return X + "," + Y + "," + Z;
} |