2015-06-19 20:12:29 +10:00

65 lines
1.9 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using ClassicalSharp.GraphicsAPI;
using OpenTK;
namespace ClassicalSharp.Renderers {
public class PlayerRenderer {
Vector3 pos;
public Game Window;
public OpenGLApi Graphics;
public Player Player;
Texture nameTexture;
float nameWidth, nameHeight;
public int PlayerTextureId = -1, MobTextureId = -1;
int nameTextureId = -1;
public PlayerRenderer( Player player, Game window ) {
Player = player;
Window = window;
Graphics = window.Graphics;
using( Font font = new Font( "Arial", 14 ) ) {
List<DrawTextArgs> parts = Utils2D.SplitText( Graphics, player.DisplayName, true );
Size size = Utils2D.MeasureSize( parts, font, true );
nameTexture = Utils2D.MakeTextTexture( parts, font, size, 0, 0 );
nameWidth = size.Width;
nameHeight = size.Height;
nameTextureId = nameTexture.ID;
public void Dispose() {
Graphics.DeleteTexture( ref PlayerTextureId );
Graphics.DeleteTexture( ref nameTextureId );
public void Render( double deltaTime ) {
pos = Player.Position;
Player.Model.RenderModel( Player, this );
const float nameScale = 50f;
private void DrawName() {
Graphics.Translate( pos.X, pos.Y + Player.Model.NameYOffset, pos.Z );
// Do this to always have names facing the player
float yaw = Window.LocalPlayer.YawDegrees;
Graphics.RotateY( 0f - yaw );
// NOTE: Do this instead with network player's yaw to have names rotate with them instead.
//Graphics.RotateY( 180f - yaw );
Graphics.Scale( 1 / nameScale, -1 / nameScale, 1 / nameScale ); // -y to flip text
Graphics.Translate( -nameWidth / 2f, -nameHeight, 0f );
nameTexture.Render( Graphics );
Graphics.Texturing = false;
Graphics.AlphaTest = false;