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129 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Launcher {
public class ClassicubeSession : GameSession {
const string classicubeNetUri = "https://www.classicube.net/",
loginUri = "https://www.classicube.net/acc/login",
publicServersUri = "https://www.classicube.net/server/list",
playUri = "https://www.classicube.net/server/play/";
const string wrongCredentialsMessage = "Login failed";
const string loggedInAs = @"<a href=""/acc"" class=""button"">";
StringComparison ordinal = StringComparison.Ordinal;
public override void Login( string user, string password ) {
Username = user;
// Step 1: GET csrf token from login page.
var swGet = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
var getResponse = GetHtml( loginUri, classicubeNetUri );
string token = null;
foreach( string line in getResponse ) {
//Console.WriteLine( line );
if( line.StartsWith( @" <input id=""csrf_token""", ordinal ) ) {
const int tokenStart = 68;
int tokenEnd = line.IndexOf( '"', tokenStart );
token = line.Substring( tokenStart, tokenEnd - tokenStart );
Log( "cc token get took " + swGet.ElapsedMilliseconds );
// Step 2: POST to login page with csrf token.
string loginData = String.Format(
Uri.EscapeDataString( token ),
Uri.EscapeDataString( user ),
Uri.EscapeDataString( password )
var sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
var response = PostHtml( loginUri, loginUri, loginData );
foreach( string line in response ) {
if( line.Contains( wrongCredentialsMessage ) ) {
throw new InvalidOperationException( "Wrong username or password." );
} else if( line.Contains( loggedInAs ) ) {
Log( "cc login took " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds );
public override GameStartData GetConnectInfo( string hash ) {
string uri = playUri + hash;
var response = GetHtml( uri, classicubeNetUri );
GameStartData data = new GameStartData();
data.Username = Username;
foreach( string line in response ) {
int index = 0;
// Look for <param name="x" value="x"> tags
if( ( index = line.IndexOf( "<param", ordinal ) ) > 0 ) {
int nameStart = index + 13;
int nameEnd = line.IndexOf( '"', nameStart );
string paramName = line.Substring( nameStart, nameEnd - nameStart );
// Don't read param value by default so we avoid allocating unnecessary 'value' strings.
if( paramName == "server" ) {
data.Ip = GetParamValue( line, nameEnd );
} else if( paramName == "port" ) {
data.Port = GetParamValue( line, nameEnd );
} else if( paramName == "mppass" ) {
data.Mppass = GetParamValue( line, nameEnd );
return data;
static string GetParamValue( string line, int nameEnd ) {
int valueStart = nameEnd + 9;
int valueEnd = line.IndexOf( '"', valueStart );
return line.Substring( valueStart, valueEnd - valueStart );
public override List<ServerListEntry> GetPublicServers() {
var sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
var response = GetHtml( publicServersUri, classicubeNetUri );
List<ServerListEntry> servers = new List<ServerListEntry>();
int index = -1;
string hash = null;
string name = null;
string players = null;
string maxPlayers = null;
foreach( string line in response ) {
if( line.StartsWith( " <strong><a href", ordinal ) ) {
const int hashStart = 34;
int hashEnd = line.IndexOf( '/', hashStart );
hash = line.Substring( hashStart, hashEnd - hashStart );
int nameStart = hashEnd + 3; // point to first char of name
int nameEnd = line.IndexOf( '<', nameStart );
name = line.Substring( nameStart, nameEnd - nameStart );
name = WebUtility.HtmlDecode( name );
if( index < 0 ) continue;
if( line.StartsWith( @" <td class=""players"">", ordinal ) ) {
const int playersStart = 24;
int playersEnd = line.IndexOf( '/', playersStart );
players = line.Substring( playersStart, playersEnd - playersStart );
int maxPlayersStart = playersEnd + 1;
int maxPlayersEnd = line.IndexOf( ']', playersStart );
maxPlayers = line.Substring( maxPlayersStart, maxPlayersEnd - maxPlayersStart );
servers.Add( new ServerListEntry( hash, name, players, maxPlayers, "" ) );
Log( "cc servers took " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds );
return servers;
} |