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541 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Threading;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace Launcher {
public partial class MainForm : Form {
public const string AppName = "ClassicalSharp Launcher 0.5";
public MainForm() {
tblMCServers.HandleCreated += tblMCServersHandleCreated;
tblCCServers.HandleCreated += tblCCServersHandleCreated;
// hide tabs at start
tabMC.TabPages.Remove( tabMCServers );
tabMC.TabPages.Remove( tabMCServer );
tabCC.TabPages.Remove( tabCCServers );
tabCC.TabPages.Remove( tabCCServer );
Shown += DisplayResourcesDialog;
void DisplayResourcesDialog( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
// TODO: async fetching
ResourceFetcher fetcher = new ResourceFetcher();
if( !fetcher.CheckAllResourcesExist() ) {
DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show(
"Some required resources weren't found. Would you like to download them now?", "Missing resources",
MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel );
if( result == DialogResult.OK ) {
fetcher.Run( this );
Text = AppName;
delegate void Action<T1, T2>( T1 arg1, T2 arg2 );
void SetTooltips() {
toolTip.SetToolTip( lblLanUser, "The username to use when connecting to the local server. " + Environment.NewLine +
"(this doesn't have to be your minecraft.net or classicube.net username)" );
toolTip.SetToolTip( lblLanIP, "The IP address of the local server (i.e. either LAN or on the same computer)" + Environment.NewLine +
"Valid IPv4 local addresses:, 192.168.*.*, 10.*.*.*, and 172.16.*.* to 172.31.*.*" + Environment.NewLine +
"Valid IPv6 local addresses: ::1, fd**:****:****:: and fd**:****:****:****:****:****:****:****" );
toolTip.SetToolTip( lblLanPort, "The port number of the local server." + Environment.NewLine +
"Must be greater or equal to 0, and less than 65536" );
toolTip.SetToolTip( cbLocalSkinServerCC, "If checked, skins are downloaded from classicube.net instead of minecraft.net." );
toolTip.IsBalloon = true;
void MainFormResizeEnd( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
void AdjustTabs() {
tabs.Width = ClientSize.Width + 6;
tabs.Height = ClientSize.Height + 3;
tabMC.Width = tabCC.Width = tabs.SelectedTab.Size.Width + 10;
tabMC.Height = tabCC.Height = tabs.SelectedTab.Size.Height + 10;
if( tblMCServers.IsHandleCreated ) {
AdjustTablePos( tblMCServers );
if( tblCCServers.IsHandleCreated ) {
AdjustTablePos( tblCCServers );
void tblMCServersHandleCreated( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
AdjustTablePos( tblMCServers );
void tblCCServersHandleCreated( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
AdjustTablePos( tblCCServers );
void AdjustTablePos( Control control ) {
Point formLoc = PointToClient( control.Parent.PointToScreen( control.Location ) );
control.Width = ClientSize.Width - formLoc.X;
control.Height = ClientSize.Height - formLoc.Y;
static string missingExeMessage = "Failed to start ClassicalSharp. (classicalsharp.exe was not found)"
+ Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
"This application is only the launcher, it is not the actual client. " +
"Please place the launcher in the same directory as the client (classicalsharp.exe).";
static void StartClient( GameStartData data, bool classicubeSkins ) {
string skinServer = classicubeSkins ? "http://www.classicube.net/static/skins/" : "http://s3.amazonaws.com/MinecraftSkins/";
string args = data.Username + " " + data.Mppass + " " +
data.Ip + " " + data.Port + " " + skinServer;
Log( "starting..." + args );
Process process = null;
try {
process = Process.Start( "classicalsharp.exe", args );
} catch( Win32Exception ex ) {
if( ex.Message.Contains( "The system cannot find the file specified" ) ) {
MessageBox.Show( missingExeMessage );
} else {
} finally {
if( process != null ) {
static void Log( string text ) {
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine( text );
static void DisplayWebException( WebException ex, string action, string host, Action<int, string> target ) {
if( ex.Status == WebExceptionStatus.Timeout ) {
string text = "Failed to " + action + ":" +
Environment.NewLine + "Timed out while connecting to " + host + ", it may be down.";
target( 0, text );
} else if( ex.Status == WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError ) {
HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)ex.Response;
int errorCode = (int)response.StatusCode;
string description = response.StatusDescription;
string text = "Failed to " + action + ":" +
Environment.NewLine + host + " returned: (" + errorCode + ") " + description;
target( 0, text );
} else if( ex.Status == WebExceptionStatus.NameResolutionFailure ) {
string text = "Failed to " + action + ":" +
Environment.NewLine + "Unable to resolve " + host + ", you may not be connected to the internet.";
target( 0, text );
} else {
string text = "Failed to " + action + ":" +
Environment.NewLine + ex.Status;
target( 0, text );
#region Local tab
bool IsPrivateIP( IPAddress address ) {
if( IPAddress.IsLoopback( address ) ) return true; // or 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001
if( address.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork ) {
byte[] bytes = address.GetAddressBytes();
if( bytes[0] == 192 && bytes[1] == 168 ) return true; // to
if( bytes[0] == 10 ) return true; // to
if( bytes[0] == 172 && bytes[1] >= 16 && bytes[1] <= 31 ) return true;
} else if( address.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6 ) {
byte[] bytes = address.GetAddressBytes();
if( bytes[0] == 0xFD ) return true; // fd00:0000:0000:0000:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx
return false;
void BtnLanConnectClick( object sender, System.EventArgs e ) {
IPAddress address;
if( !IPAddress.TryParse( txtLanIP.Text, out address ) ) {
MessageBox.Show( "Invalid IP address specified." );
if( !IsPrivateIP( address ) ) {
MessageBox.Show( "Given IP address is not a local LAN address." );
ushort port;
if( !UInt16.TryParse( txtLanPort.Text, out port ) ) {
MessageBox.Show( "Invalid port specified." );
if( String.IsNullOrEmpty( txtLanUser.Text ) ) {
MessageBox.Show( "Please enter a username." );
GameStartData data = new GameStartData( txtLanUser.Text, "lan",
txtLanIP.Text, txtLanPort.Text );
StartClient( data, cbLocalSkinServerCC.Checked );
#region minecraft.net tab
MinecraftSession mcSession = new MinecraftSession();
List<ServerListEntry> mcServers = new List<ServerListEntry>();
NameComparer mcNameComparer = new NameComparer( 0 );
NumericalComparer mcPlayersComparer = new NumericalComparer( 1 );
NumericalComparer mcMaxPlayersComparer = new NumericalComparer( 2 );
UptimeComparer mcUptimeComparer = new UptimeComparer( 3 );
void tblMCServersColumnClick( object sender, ColumnClickEventArgs e ) {
if( e.Column == 0 ) {
mcNameComparer.Invert = !mcNameComparer.Invert;
tblMCServers.ListViewItemSorter = mcNameComparer;
} else if( e.Column == 1 ) {
mcPlayersComparer.Invert = !mcPlayersComparer.Invert;
tblMCServers.ListViewItemSorter = mcPlayersComparer;
} else if( e.Column == 2 ) {
mcMaxPlayersComparer.Invert = !mcMaxPlayersComparer.Invert;
tblMCServers.ListViewItemSorter = mcMaxPlayersComparer;
} else if( e.Column == 3 ) {
mcUptimeComparer.Invert = !mcUptimeComparer.Invert;
tblMCServers.ListViewItemSorter = mcUptimeComparer;
void McFilterList() {
if( mcServers.Count == 0 ) return;
IComparer sorter = tblMCServers.ListViewItemSorter;
tblMCServers.ListViewItemSorter = null;
Predicate<ServerListEntry> filter = e =>
// NOTE: using ToLower().Contains() allocates too many unecessary strings.
e.Name.IndexOf( txtMCSearch.Text, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) >= 0
&& ( cbMCHideEmpty.Checked ? e.Players[0] != '0' : true )
&& ( cbMCHideInvalid.Checked ? Int32.Parse( e.Players ) < 600 : true );
for( int i = 0; i < mcServers.Count; i++ ) {
ServerListEntry entry = mcServers[i];
if( filter( entry ) ) {
string[] row = { entry.Name, entry.Players, entry.MaximumPlayers, entry.Uptime, entry.Hash };
tblMCServers.Items.Add( new ListViewItem( row ) );
if( sorter != null ) {
tblMCServers.ListViewItemSorter = sorter;
void txtMCSearchTextChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
void cbMCHideEmptyCheckedChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
void cbMCHideInvalidCheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e ) {
void tblMCServersDoubleClick( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
Point mousePos = tblMCServers.PointToClient( MousePosition );
ListViewHitTestInfo hitTest = tblMCServers.HitTest( mousePos );
if( hitTest != null && hitTest.Item != null ) {
txtMCHash.Text = hitTest.Item.SubItems[4].Text;
tabMC.SelectedIndex = 2;
void txtMCHashTextChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
string hash = txtMCHash.Text;
lblMCPublicName.Text = "No public name";
for( int i = 0; i < mcServers.Count; i++ ) {
ServerListEntry entry = mcServers[i];
if( hash == entry.Hash ) {
lblMCPublicName.Text = entry.Name;
void btnMCConnectClick( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
GameStartData data = null;
try {
data = mcSession.GetConnectInfo( txtMCHash.Text );
} catch( WebException ex ) {
DisplayWebException( ex, "retrieve server info", "minecraft.net",
(p, text) => MessageBox.Show( text ) );
StartClient( data, false );
void btnMCSignInClick( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
if( String.IsNullOrEmpty( txtMCUser.Text ) ) {
MessageBox.Show( "Please enter a username." );
if( String.IsNullOrEmpty( txtMCPassword.Text ) ) {
MessageBox.Show( "Please enter a password." );
if( mcSession.Username != null ) {
btnMCSignIn.Enabled = false;
tabMC.TabPages.Remove( tabMCServers );
tabMC.TabPages.Remove( tabMCServer );
mcLoginThread = new Thread( McLoginAsync );
mcLoginThread.Name = "Launcher.McLoginAsync";
mcLoginThread.IsBackground = true;
Thread mcLoginThread;
void McLoginAsync() {
SetMcStatus( 0, "Signing in.." );
try {
mcSession.Login( txtMCUser.Text, txtMCPassword.Text );
} catch( WebException ex ) {
mcSession.Username = null;
McLoginEnd( false );
DisplayWebException( ex, "sign in", "minecraft.net", SetMcStatus );
} catch( InvalidOperationException ex ) {
SetMcStatus( 0, "Failed to sign in" );
mcSession.Username = null;
McLoginEnd( false );
string text = "Failed to sign in: " + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message;
SetMcStatus( 0, text );
SetMcStatus( 50, "Retrieving public servers list.." );
try {
mcServers = mcSession.GetPublicServers();
} catch( WebException ex ) {
mcServers = new List<ServerListEntry>();
McLoginEnd( false );
DisplayWebException( ex, "retrieve servers list", "minecraft.net", SetMcStatus );
SetMcStatus( 100, "Done" );
McLoginEnd( true );
void McLoginEnd( bool success ) {
if( InvokeRequired ) {
Invoke( (Action<bool>)McLoginEnd, success );
} else {
if( success ) {
tabMC.TabPages.Add( tabMCServers );
tabMC.TabPages.Add( tabMCServer );
btnMCSignIn.Enabled = true;
void SetMcStatus( int percentage, string text ) {
if( InvokeRequired ) {
Invoke( (Action<int, string>)SetMcStatus, percentage, text );
} else {
prgMCStatus.Value = percentage;
lblMCStatus.Text = text;
#region classicube.net tab
ClassicubeSession ccSession = new ClassicubeSession();
List<ServerListEntry> ccServers = new List<ServerListEntry>();
NameComparer ccNameComparer = new NameComparer( 0 );
NumericalComparer ccPlayersComparer = new NumericalComparer( 1 );
NumericalComparer ccMaxPlayersComparer = new NumericalComparer( 2 );
void tblCCServersColumnClick( object sender, ColumnClickEventArgs e ) {
if( e.Column == 0 ) {
ccNameComparer.Invert = !ccNameComparer.Invert;
tblCCServers.ListViewItemSorter = ccNameComparer;
} else if( e.Column == 1 ) {
ccPlayersComparer.Invert = !ccPlayersComparer.Invert;
tblCCServers.ListViewItemSorter = ccPlayersComparer;
} else if( e.Column == 2 ) {
ccMaxPlayersComparer.Invert = !ccMaxPlayersComparer.Invert;
tblCCServers.ListViewItemSorter = ccMaxPlayersComparer;
} else if( e.Column == 3 ) {
// NOTE: servers page doesn't give up time.
void CcFilterList() {
if( ccServers.Count == 0 ) return;
IComparer sorter = tblCCServers.ListViewItemSorter;
tblCCServers.ListViewItemSorter = null;
Predicate<ServerListEntry> filter = e =>
e.Name.IndexOf( txtCCSearch.Text, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) >= 0
&& ( cbCCHideEmpty.Checked ? e.Players[0] != '0' : true );
for( int i = 0; i < ccServers.Count; i++ ) {
ServerListEntry entry = ccServers[i];
if( filter( entry ) ) {
string[] row = { entry.Name, entry.Players, entry.MaximumPlayers, entry.Uptime, entry.Hash };
tblCCServers.Items.Add( new ListViewItem( row ) );
if( sorter != null ) {
tblCCServers.ListViewItemSorter = sorter;
void txtCCSearchTextChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
void cbCCHideEmptyCheckedChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
void tblCCServersDoubleClick( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
Point mousePos = tblCCServers.PointToClient( MousePosition );
ListViewHitTestInfo hitTest = tblCCServers.HitTest( mousePos );
if( hitTest != null && hitTest.Item != null ) {
txtCCHash.Text = hitTest.Item.SubItems[4].Text;
tabCC.SelectedIndex = 2;
void txtCCHashTextChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
string hash = txtCCHash.Text;
lblCCPublicName.Text = "No public name";
for( int i = 0; i < ccServers.Count; i++ ) {
ServerListEntry entry = ccServers[i];
if( hash == entry.Hash ) {
lblCCPublicName.Text = entry.Name;
void btnCCConnectClick( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
GameStartData data = null;
try {
data = ccSession.GetConnectInfo( txtCCHash.Text );
} catch( WebException ex ) {
DisplayWebException( ex, "retrieve server info", "classicube.net",
(p, text) => MessageBox.Show( text ) );
StartClient( data, true );
void btnCCSignInClick( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
if( String.IsNullOrEmpty( txtCCUser.Text ) ) {
MessageBox.Show( "Please enter a username." );
if( String.IsNullOrEmpty( txtCCPassword.Text ) ) {
MessageBox.Show( "Please enter a password." );
if( ccSession.Username != null ) {
btnCCSignIn.Enabled = false;
tabCC.TabPages.Remove( tabCCServers );
tabCC.TabPages.Remove( tabCCServer );
ccLoginThread = new Thread( CcLoginAsync );
ccLoginThread.Name = "Launcher.CcLoginAsync";
ccLoginThread.IsBackground = true;
Thread ccLoginThread;
void CcLoginAsync() {
SetCcStatus( 0, "Signing in.." );
try {
ccSession.Login( txtCCUser.Text, txtCCPassword.Text );
} catch( WebException ex ) {
ccSession.Username = null;
CcLoginEnd( false );
DisplayWebException( ex, "sign in", "classicube.net", SetCcStatus );
} catch( InvalidOperationException ex ) {
SetCcStatus( 0, "Failed to sign in" );
ccSession.Username = null;
CcLoginEnd( false );
string text = "Failed to sign in: " + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message;
SetCcStatus( 0, text );
SetCcStatus( 50, "Retrieving public servers list.." );
try {
ccServers = ccSession.GetPublicServers();
} catch( WebException ex ) {
ccServers = new List<ServerListEntry>();
CcLoginEnd( false );
DisplayWebException( ex, "retrieve servers list", "classicube.net", SetCcStatus );
SetCcStatus( 100, "Done" );
CcLoginEnd( true );
void CcLoginEnd( bool success ) {
if( InvokeRequired ) {
Invoke( (Action<bool>)CcLoginEnd, success );
} else {
if( success ) {
tabCC.TabPages.Add( tabCCServers );
tabCC.TabPages.Add( tabCCServer );
btnCCSignIn.Enabled = true;
void SetCcStatus( int percentage, string text ) {
if( InvokeRequired ) {
Invoke( (Action<int, string>)SetCcStatus, percentage, text );
} else {
prgCCStatus.Value = percentage;
lblCCStatus.Text = text;
} |