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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using OpenTK;
using OpenTK.Graphics;
using OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL;
using BmpPixelFormat = System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat;
using GlPixelFormat = OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat;
namespace ClassicalSharp.GraphicsAPI {
public class OpenGLApi : IGraphicsApi {
int textureDimensions;
const string vboExt = "GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object";
BeginMode[] modeMappings = { BeginMode.Triangles, BeginMode.Lines, BeginMode.TriangleStrip };
public OpenGLApi() {
GL.GetInteger( GetPName.MaxTextureSize, out textureDimensions );
string extensions = GL.GetString( StringName.Extensions );
if( !extensions.Contains( vboExt ) ) {
Utils.LogError( "ClassicalSharp post 0.6 version requires OpenGL VBOs." );
Utils.LogWarning( "You may need to install and/or update your video card drivers." );
Utils.LogWarning( "Alternatively, you can download the 'DLCompatibility build." );
throw new InvalidOperationException( "Cannot use OpenGL vbos." );
drawBatchFuncCol4b = DrawVbPos3fCol4bFast;
drawBatchFuncTex2f = DrawVbPos3fTex2fFast;
drawBatchFuncTex2fCol4b = DrawVbPos3fTex2fCol4bFast;
public override int MaxTextureDimensions {
get { return textureDimensions; }
public override bool AlphaTest {
set { ToggleCap( EnableCap.AlphaTest, value ); }
public override bool AlphaBlending {
set { ToggleCap( EnableCap.Blend, value ); }
AlphaFunction[] alphaFuncs = {
AlphaFunction.Always, AlphaFunction.Notequal,
AlphaFunction.Never, AlphaFunction.Less,
AlphaFunction.Lequal, AlphaFunction.Equal,
AlphaFunction.Gequal, AlphaFunction.Greater,
public override void AlphaTestFunc( CompareFunc func, float value ) {
GL.AlphaFunc( alphaFuncs[(int)func], value );
BlendingFactor[] blendFuncs = {
BlendingFactor.Zero, BlendingFactor.One,
BlendingFactor.SrcAlpha, BlendingFactor.OneMinusSrcAlpha,
BlendingFactor.DstAlpha, BlendingFactor.OneMinusDstAlpha,
public override void AlphaBlendFunc( BlendFunc srcFunc, BlendFunc destFunc ) {
GL.BlendFunc( blendFuncs[(int)srcFunc], blendFuncs[(int)destFunc] );
public override bool Fog {
set { ToggleCap( EnableCap.Fog, value ); }
public unsafe override void SetFogColour( FastColour col ) {
Vector4 colRGBA = new Vector4( col.R / 255f, col.G / 255f, col.B / 255f, col.A / 255f );
GL.Fog( FogParameter.FogColor, &colRGBA.X );
public override void SetFogDensity( float value ) {
GL.Fog( FogParameter.FogDensity, value );
public override void SetFogEnd( float value ) {
GL.Fog( FogParameter.FogEnd, value );
FogMode[] fogModes = { FogMode.Linear, FogMode.Exp, FogMode.Exp2 };
public override void SetFogMode( Fog mode ) {
GL.Fog( FogParameter.FogMode, (int)fogModes[(int)mode] );
public override void SetFogStart( float value ) {
GL.Fog( FogParameter.FogStart, value );
public override bool FaceCulling {
set { ToggleCap( EnableCap.CullFace, value ); }
Dictionary<int, string> textures = new Dictionary<int, string>();
public override int LoadTexture( int width, int height, IntPtr scan0 ) {
if( !Utils.IsPowerOf2( width ) || !Utils.IsPowerOf2( height ) )
Utils.LogWarning( "Creating a non power of two texture." );
int texId = 0;
GL.GenTextures( 1, out texId );
GL.Enable( EnableCap.Texture2D );
GL.BindTexture( TextureTarget.Texture2D, texId );
GL.TexParameter( TextureTarget.Texture2D, TextureParameterName.TextureMinFilter, (int)TextureMinFilter.Nearest );
GL.TexParameter( TextureTarget.Texture2D, TextureParameterName.TextureMagFilter, (int)TextureMagFilter.Nearest );
GL.TexImage2D( TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0, PixelInternalFormat.Rgba, width, height, 0,
GlPixelFormat.Bgra, PixelType.UnsignedByte, scan0 );
GL.Disable( EnableCap.Texture2D );
textures.Add( texId, Environment.StackTrace );
return texId;
public override void Bind2DTexture( int texture ) {
GL.BindTexture( TextureTarget.Texture2D, texture );
public override void DeleteTexture( ref int texId ) {
if( texId <= 0 ) return;
textures.Remove( texId );
GL.DeleteTextures( 1, ref texId );
texId = -1;
public override bool IsValidTexture( int texId ) {
return GL.IsTexture( texId );
public override bool Texturing {
set { ToggleCap( EnableCap.Texture2D, value ); }
public override void Clear() {
GL.Clear( ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit );
FastColour lastClearCol;
public override void ClearColour( FastColour col ) {
if( col != lastClearCol ) {
Color4 col4 = new Color4( col.R, col.G, col.B, col.A );
GL.ClearColor( col4 );
lastClearCol = col;
public override bool ColourWrite {
set { GL.ColorMask( value, value, value, value ); }
DepthFunction[] depthFuncs = {
DepthFunction.Always, DepthFunction.Notequal,
DepthFunction.Never, DepthFunction.Less,
DepthFunction.Lequal, DepthFunction.Equal,
DepthFunction.Gequal, DepthFunction.Greater,
public override void DepthTestFunc( CompareFunc func ) {
GL.DepthFunc( depthFuncs[(int)func] );
public override bool DepthTest {
set { ToggleCap( EnableCap.DepthTest, value ); }
public override bool DepthWrite {
set { GL.DepthMask( value ); }
PolygonMode[] fillModes = { PolygonMode.Point, PolygonMode.Line, PolygonMode.Fill };
public override void SetFillType( FillType type ) {
GL.PolygonMode( MaterialFace.FrontAndBack, fillModes[(int)type] );
#region Vertex buffers
Dictionary<int, string> vbs = new Dictionary<int, string>();
Action<DrawMode, int, int, int> drawBatchFunc;
Action<DrawMode, int, int, int> drawBatchFuncTex2f;
Action<DrawMode, int, int, int> drawBatchFuncCol4b;
Action<DrawMode, int, int, int> drawBatchFuncTex2fCol4b;
public override int CreateDynamicVb( VertexFormat format, int maxVertices ) {
int id = 0;
GL.Arb.GenBuffers( 1, out id );
int sizeInBytes = GetSizeInBytes( maxVertices, format );
GL.Arb.BindBuffer( BufferTargetArb.ArrayBuffer, id );
GL.Arb.BufferData( BufferTargetArb.ArrayBuffer, new IntPtr( sizeInBytes ), IntPtr.Zero, BufferUsageArb.DynamicDraw );
GL.Arb.BindBuffer( BufferTargetArb.ArrayBuffer, 0 );
return id;
public override int InitVb<T>( T[] vertices, VertexFormat format, int count ) {
int id = 0;
GL.Arb.GenBuffers( 1, out id );
int sizeInBytes = GetSizeInBytes( count, format );
GL.Arb.BindBuffer( BufferTargetArb.ArrayBuffer, id );
GL.Arb.BufferData( BufferTargetArb.ArrayBuffer, new IntPtr( sizeInBytes ), vertices, BufferUsageArb.StaticDraw );
GL.Arb.BindBuffer( BufferTargetArb.ArrayBuffer, 0 );
vbs.Add( id, Environment.StackTrace );
return id;
public override int InitIb( ushort[] indices, int indicesCount ) {
int id = 0;
GL.Arb.GenBuffers( 1, out id );
int sizeInBytes = indicesCount * sizeof( ushort );
GL.Arb.BindBuffer( BufferTargetArb.ElementArrayBuffer, id );
GL.Arb.BufferData( BufferTargetArb.ElementArrayBuffer, new IntPtr( sizeInBytes ), indices, BufferUsageArb.StaticDraw );
GL.Arb.BindBuffer( BufferTargetArb.ElementArrayBuffer, 0 );
return id;
public override void DrawDynamicVb<T>( DrawMode mode, int vb, T[] vertices, VertexFormat format, int count ) {
int sizeInBytes = GetSizeInBytes( count, format );
GL.Arb.BindBuffer( BufferTargetArb.ArrayBuffer, vb );
GL.Arb.BufferSubData( BufferTargetArb.ArrayBuffer, IntPtr.Zero, new IntPtr( sizeInBytes ), vertices );
BeginVbBatch( format );
DrawVbBatch( mode, vb, 0, count );
public override void DeleteDynamicVb( int id ) {
if( id <= 0 ) return;
GL.Arb.DeleteBuffers( 1, ref id );
public override void DeleteVb( int id ) {
if( id <= 0 ) return;
vbs.Remove( id );
GL.Arb.DeleteBuffers( 1, ref id );
public override void DeleteIb( int id ) {
if( id <= 0 ) return;
GL.Arb.DeleteBuffers( 1, ref id );
public override bool IsValidVb( int vb ) {
return GL.Arb.IsBuffer( vb );
public override bool IsValidIb( int ib ) {
return GL.Arb.IsBuffer( ib );
public override void DrawVb( DrawMode mode, VertexFormat format, int id, int offset, int verticesCount ) {
BeginVbBatch( format );
DrawVbBatch( mode, id, offset, verticesCount );
VertexFormat batchFormat;
public override void BeginVbBatch( VertexFormat format ) {
batchFormat = format;
EnableClientState( format );
if( format == VertexFormat.Pos3fTex2fCol4b ) {
drawBatchFunc = drawBatchFuncTex2fCol4b;
} else if( format == VertexFormat.Pos3fCol4b ) {
drawBatchFunc =drawBatchFuncCol4b;
} else if( format == VertexFormat.Pos3fTex2f ) {
drawBatchFunc = drawBatchFuncTex2f;
public override void BeginIndexedVbBatch() {
EnableClientState( VertexFormat.Pos3fTex2fCol4b );
public override void DrawVbBatch( DrawMode mode, int id, int offset, int verticesCount ) {
drawBatchFunc( mode, id, offset, verticesCount );
public override void DrawIndexedVbBatch( DrawMode mode, int vb, int ib, int indicesCount ) {
GL.Arb.BindBuffer( BufferTargetArb.ArrayBuffer, vb );
GL.Arb.BindBuffer( BufferTargetArb.ElementArrayBuffer, ib );
GL.VertexPointer( 3, VertexPointerType.Float, 24, new IntPtr( 0 ) );
GL.TexCoordPointer( 2, TexCoordPointerType.Float, 24, new IntPtr( 12 ) );
GL.ColorPointer( 4, ColorPointerType.UnsignedByte, 24, new IntPtr( 20 ) );
GL.DrawElements( modeMappings[(int)mode], indicesCount, DrawElementsType.UnsignedShort, 0 );
public override void EndVbBatch() {
DisableClientState( batchFormat );
GL.Arb.BindBuffer( BufferTargetArb.ArrayBuffer, 0 );
public override void EndIndexedVbBatch() {
DisableClientState( VertexFormat.Pos3fTex2fCol4b );
GL.Arb.BindBuffer( BufferTargetArb.ArrayBuffer, 0 );
GL.Arb.BindBuffer( BufferTargetArb.ElementArrayBuffer, 0 );
void DrawVbPos3fTex2fFast( DrawMode mode, int id, int offset, int verticesCount ) {
GL.Arb.BindBuffer( BufferTargetArb.ArrayBuffer, id );
GL.VertexPointer( 3, VertexPointerType.Float, 20, new IntPtr( 0 ) );
GL.TexCoordPointer( 2, TexCoordPointerType.Float, 20, new IntPtr( 12 ) );
GL.DrawArrays( modeMappings[(int)mode], offset, verticesCount );
void DrawVbPos3fCol4bFast( DrawMode mode, int id, int offset, int verticesCount ) {
GL.Arb.BindBuffer( BufferTargetArb.ArrayBuffer, id );
GL.VertexPointer( 3, VertexPointerType.Float, 16, new IntPtr( 0 ) );
GL.ColorPointer( 4, ColorPointerType.UnsignedByte, 16, new IntPtr( 12 ) );
GL.DrawArrays( modeMappings[(int)mode], offset, verticesCount );
void DrawVbPos3fTex2fCol4bFast( DrawMode mode, int id, int offset, int verticesCount ) {
GL.Arb.BindBuffer( BufferTargetArb.ArrayBuffer, id );
GL.VertexPointer( 3, VertexPointerType.Float, 24, new IntPtr( 0 ) );
GL.TexCoordPointer( 2, TexCoordPointerType.Float, 24, new IntPtr( 12 ) );
GL.ColorPointer( 4, ColorPointerType.UnsignedByte, 24, new IntPtr( 20 ) );
GL.DrawArrays( modeMappings[(int)mode], offset, verticesCount );
static void EnableClientState( VertexFormat format ) {
GL.EnableClientState( ArrayCap.VertexArray );
if( format == VertexFormat.Pos3fCol4b ) {
GL.EnableClientState( ArrayCap.ColorArray );
} else if( format == VertexFormat.Pos3fTex2f ) {
GL.EnableClientState( ArrayCap.TextureCoordArray );
} else if( format == VertexFormat.Pos3fTex2fCol4b ) {
GL.EnableClientState( ArrayCap.ColorArray );
GL.EnableClientState( ArrayCap.TextureCoordArray );
static void DisableClientState( VertexFormat format ) {
GL.DisableClientState( ArrayCap.VertexArray );
if( format == VertexFormat.Pos3fCol4b ) {
GL.DisableClientState( ArrayCap.ColorArray );
} else if( format == VertexFormat.Pos3fTex2f ) {
GL.DisableClientState( ArrayCap.TextureCoordArray );
} else if( format == VertexFormat.Pos3fTex2fCol4b ) {
GL.DisableClientState( ArrayCap.ColorArray );
GL.DisableClientState( ArrayCap.TextureCoordArray );
#region Matrix manipulation
MatrixMode lastMode = 0;
MatrixMode[] matrixModes = { MatrixMode.Projection, MatrixMode.Modelview, MatrixMode.Texture };
public override void SetMatrixMode( MatrixType mode ) {
MatrixMode glMode = matrixModes[(int)mode];
if( glMode != lastMode ) {
GL.MatrixMode( glMode );
lastMode = glMode;
public override void LoadMatrix( ref Matrix4 matrix ) {
GL.LoadMatrix( ref matrix );
public override void LoadIdentityMatrix() {
public override void PushMatrix() {
public override void PopMatrix() {
public override void MultiplyMatrix( ref Matrix4 matrix ) {
GL.MultMatrix( ref matrix );
public override void Translate( float x, float y, float z ) {
GL.Translate( x, y, z );
public override void RotateX( float degrees ) {
GL.Rotate( degrees, 1f, 0f, 0f );
public override void RotateY( float degrees ) {
GL.Rotate( degrees, 0f, 1f, 0f );
public override void RotateZ( float degrees ) {
GL.Rotate( degrees, 0f, 0f, 1f );
public override void Scale( float x, float y, float z ) {
GL.Scale( x, y, z );
public override void CheckResources() {
if( textures.Count > 0 ) {
foreach( var pair in textures ) {
Console.WriteLine( pair.Value );
Console.WriteLine( "for tex id " + pair.Key );
Console.WriteLine( "===========" );
if( vbs.Count > 0 ) {
foreach( var pair in vbs ) {
Console.WriteLine( pair.Value );
Console.WriteLine( "for vb id " + pair.Key );
Console.WriteLine( "===========" );
Console.WriteLine( "tex " + textures.Count + ", vb" + vbs.Count );
if( textures.Count > 0 || vbs.Count > 0 ) {
public override void BeginFrame( Game game ) {
public override void EndFrame( Game game ) {
public override void PrintApiSpecificInfo() {
Console.WriteLine( "OpenGL vendor: " + GL.GetString( StringName.Vendor ) );
Console.WriteLine( "OpenGL renderer: " + GL.GetString( StringName.Renderer ) );
Console.WriteLine( "OpenGL version: " + GL.GetString( StringName.Version ) );
int depthBits = 0;
GL.GetInteger( GetPName.DepthBits, out depthBits );
Console.WriteLine( "Depth buffer bits: " + depthBits );
if( depthBits < 24 ) {
Utils.LogWarning( "Depth buffer is less than 24 bits, you may see some issues " +
"with disappearing and/or 'white' graphics." );
Utils.LogWarning( "If this bothers you, type \"/client rendertype legacy\" (without quotes) " +
"after you have loaded the first map." );
// Based on http://www.opentk.com/doc/graphics/save-opengl-rendering-to-disk
public override void TakeScreenshot( string output, Size size ) {
using( Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap( size.Width, size.Height, BmpPixelFormat.Format32bppRgb ) ) { // ignore alpha component
using( FastBitmap fastBmp = new FastBitmap( bmp, true ) ) {
GL.ReadPixels( 0, 0, size.Width, size.Height, GlPixelFormat.Bgra, PixelType.UnsignedByte, fastBmp.Scan0 );
bmp.RotateFlip( RotateFlipType.RotateNoneFlipY );
bmp.Save( output, ImageFormat.Png );
public override void OnWindowResize( int newWidth, int newHeight ) {
GL.Viewport( 0, 0, newWidth, newHeight );
static void ToggleCap( EnableCap cap, bool value ) {
if( value ) GL.Enable( cap );
else GL.Disable( cap );
public void SaveTexture( int texId, int width, int height, string path ) {
GL.Enable( EnableCap.Texture2D );
GL.BindTexture( TextureTarget.Texture2D, texId );
using( Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap( width, height, BmpPixelFormat.Format32bppArgb ) ) {
using( FastBitmap fastBmp = new FastBitmap( bmp, true ) ) {
GL.GetTexImage( TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0, GlPixelFormat.Bgra, PixelType.UnsignedByte, fastBmp.Scan0 );
bmp.Save( path );
GL.Disable( EnableCap.Texture2D );
public void UpdateTexturePart( int texId, int x, int y, FastBitmap part ) {
GL.Enable( EnableCap.Texture2D );
GL.BindTexture( TextureTarget.Texture2D, texId );
GL.TexSubImage2D( TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0, x, y, part.Width, part.Height,
GlPixelFormat.Bgra, PixelType.UnsignedByte, part.Scan0 );
GL.Disable( EnableCap.Texture2D );
} |