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2015-10-27 22:34:58 -04:00
// Decompiled with JetBrains decompiler
// Type: Hacknet.MissionHubServer
// Assembly: Hacknet, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
// MVID: 48C62A5D-184B-4610-A7EA-84B38D090891
// Assembly location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Hacknet\Hacknet.exe
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using Hacknet.Effects;
using Hacknet.Gui;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
namespace Hacknet
internal class MissionHubServer : AuthenticatingDaemon
public const string ROOT_FOLDERNAME = "ContractHub";
public const string CONFIG_FILENAME = "settings.sys";
public const string CRITICAL_FILE_FILENAME = "net64.sys";
public const double BUTTON_TRANSITION_OFFSET = 40.0;
public const float TRANSITION_TIME = 0.3f;
public const double TRANSITION_ELEMENT_INCREASE = 0.1;
private DateTime activeUserLoginTime = DateTime.Now;
private string activeUserName = "UNKNOWN USER";
private BarcodeEffect barcode;
private int contractRegistryNumber = 256;
private readonly Texture2D decorationPanel;
private readonly Texture2D decorationPanelSide;
private string groupName = "UNKNOWN";
private Folder listingArchivesFolder;
private readonly Dictionary<string, ActiveMission> listingMissions = new Dictionary<string, ActiveMission>();
private Folder listingsFolder;
private readonly Texture2D lockIcon;
private int missionListDisplayed = 1;
private int missionListPageNumber;
private Folder missionsFolder;
private Folder root;
private float screenTransition;
private int selectedElementIndex;
private HubState state;
private Color themeColor = Color.PaleTurquoise;
private readonly Color themeColorBackground = new Color(10, 15, 25, 200);
private readonly Color themeColorLine = new Color(20, 25, 45, 200);
private ThinBarcode thinBarcodeBot;
private ThinBarcode thinBarcodeTop;
private int userListPageNumber;
private Folder usersFolder;
public MissionHubServer(Computer c, string serviceName, string group, OS _os)
: base(c, serviceName, _os)
groupName = group;
decorationPanel = TextureBank.load("Sprites/HubDecoration", os.content);
decorationPanelSide = TextureBank.load("Sprites/HubDecorationSide", os.content);
lockIcon = TextureBank.load("Lock", os.content);
public override void initFiles()
root = new Folder("ContractHub");
missionsFolder = new Folder("Contracts");
listingsFolder = new Folder("Listings");
listingArchivesFolder = new Folder("Archives");
usersFolder = new Folder("Users");
root.files.Add(new FileEntry(Computer.generateBinaryString(1024), "net64.sys"));
private void populateUserList()
private void loadInitialContracts()
var num = 0;
foreach (
FileSystemInfo fileSystemInfo in
new DirectoryInfo("Content/Missions/MainHub/FirstSet/").GetFiles("*.xml"))
ComputerLoader.readMission("Content/Missions/MainHub/FirstSet/" + fileSystemInfo.Name), false);
public void AddMissionToListings(string missionFilename)
addMission((ActiveMission) ComputerLoader.readMission(missionFilename), true);
private void addMission(ActiveMission mission, bool insertAtTop = false)
contractRegistryNumber += Utils.getRandomByte() + 1;
listingMissions.Add(string.Concat(contractRegistryNumber), mission);
var fileEntry = new FileEntry(
MissionSerializer.generateMissionFile(mission, contractRegistryNumber, "CSEC"),
"Contract#" + contractRegistryNumber);
if (insertAtTop)
listingsFolder.files.Insert(0, fileEntry);
private FileEntry generateConfigFile()
new FileEntry(
"//Contract Hub Setup File\n" + "ThemeColor = " +
Utils.convertColorToParseableString(themeColor) + "\n" + "ServiceName = " + name + "\n" +
"GroupName = " + groupName + "\n", "ContractListingIndexes = ", contractRegistryNumber, "\n") +
"\n", "settings.sys");
private void loadFromConfigFileData(string config)
var strArray = config.Split(Utils.newlineDelim, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
for (var index = 0; index < strArray.Length; ++index)
if (!strArray[index].StartsWith("//"))
var line = strArray[index];
if (line.StartsWith("ThemeColor"))
themeColor = Utils.convertStringToColor(getDataFromConfigLine(line, "= "));
else if (line.StartsWith("ServiceName"))
name = getDataFromConfigLine(line, "= ");
else if (line.StartsWith("GroupName"))
groupName = getDataFromConfigLine(line, "= ");
else if (line.StartsWith("ContractListingIndexes"))
contractRegistryNumber = Convert.ToInt32(getDataFromConfigLine(line, "= "));
catch (FormatException ex)
contractRegistryNumber = 0;
catch (OverflowException ex)
contractRegistryNumber = 0;
private string getDataFromConfigLine(string line, string sentinel = "= ")
return line.Substring(line.IndexOf(sentinel) + 2);
public override void loadInit()
root = comp.files.root.searchForFolder("ContractHub");
missionsFolder = root.searchForFolder("Contracts");
listingsFolder = missionsFolder.searchForFolder("Listings");
listingArchivesFolder = missionsFolder.searchForFolder("Archives");
usersFolder = root.searchForFolder("Users");
var fileEntry = root.searchForFile("settings.sys");
if (fileEntry != null)
private void loadListingMissionsFromFiles()
for (var index = 0; index < listingsFolder.files.Count; ++index)
var data = listingsFolder.files[index].data;
var stringForContractFile = getIDStringForContractFile(listingsFolder.files[index]);
(ActiveMission) MissionSerializer.restoreMissionFromFile(data, out contractRegistryNumber));
catch (FormatException ex)
public override string getSaveString()
return "<MissionHubServer />";
private void initializeUsers()
var list = new List<int>();
var num1 = 0;
for (var index = 0; index < People.hubAgents.Count; ++index)
num1 = 0;
int num2;
num2 = Utils.random.Next(9999);
} while (list.Contains(num2));
new FileEntry(
"USER: " + num2 + "\n" + "Handle: " + People.hubAgents[index].handle + "\n" + "Date Joined : " +
(DateTime.Now - TimeSpan.FromDays(Utils.random.NextDouble()*200.0)).ToString()
.Replace('/', '-')
.Replace(' ', '_') + "\n" + "Status : " + generateUserState(People.hubAgents[index].handle) +
"\n" + "Rank : " + generateUserRank(People.hubAgents[index].handle) + "\n",
People.hubAgents[index].handle + (object) "#" + num2));
num1 = 0;
int num3;
num3 = Utils.random.Next(9999);
} while (list.Contains(num3));
new FileEntry(
"USER: " + num3 + "\n" + "Handle: Bit\n" + "Date Joined : " +
(DateTime.Now - TimeSpan.FromDays(411.0)).ToString().Replace('/', '-').Replace(' ', '_') + "\n" +
"Status : " + generateUserState("Bit") + "\n" + "Rank : " + generateUserRank("Bit") + "\n",
"Bit#" + num3));
public void addUser(UserDetail newUser)
var num = Utils.random.Next(9999);
new FileEntry(
"USER: " + num + "\n" + "Handle: " + + "\n" + "Date Joined : " +
DateTime.Now.ToString().Replace('/', '-').Replace(' ', '_') + "\n" + "Status : Active\n",
"Rank : ", 0, "\n"), + (object) "#" + num));
private string generateUserRank(string username)
switch (username)
case "Bit":
return "2116";
return string.Concat((int) (Utils.random.NextDouble()*2500.0));
private string generateUserState(string username)
switch (username)
case "Bit":
return "UNKNOWN";
return username.GetHashCode() < 1073741823 ? "Active" : "Passive";
private string getIDStringForContractFile(FileEntry file)
var num1 ='#');
if (num1 <= -1)
return "";
var num2 = num1 + 1;
return'#') + 1);
public override void navigatedTo()
screenTransition = 1f;
state = HubState.Welcome;
missionListPageNumber = 0;
if (thinBarcodeTop != null)
if (thinBarcodeBot == null)
public override void loginGoBack()
state = HubState.Welcome;
screenTransition = 1f;
public override void userLoggedIn()
activeUserName =;
state = HubState.Menu;
screenTransition = 1f;
activeUserLoginTime = DateTime.Now;
public override void draw(Rectangle bounds, SpriteBatch sb)
base.draw(bounds, sb);
switch (state)
case HubState.Welcome:
doBarcodeEffect(bounds, sb);
drawWelcomeScreen(bounds, sb);
case HubState.Menu:
doMenuScreen(bounds, sb);
doLoggedInScreenDetailing(bounds, sb);
case HubState.Login:
doBarcodeEffect(bounds, sb);
doLoginDisplay(bounds, sb);
case HubState.Listing:
doListingScreen(bounds, sb);
case HubState.ContractPreview:
doLoggedInScreenDetailing(bounds, sb);
doContractPreviewScreen(bounds, sb);
case HubState.UserList:
doLoggedInScreenDetailing(bounds, sb);
doUserListScreen(bounds, sb);
case HubState.CancelContract:
doCancelContractScreen(bounds, sb);
doLoggedInScreenDetailing(bounds, sb);
private void updateScreenTransition()
screenTransition -= (float) (os.lastGameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds/0.300000011920929);
screenTransition = Math.Max(screenTransition, 0.0f);
private int getTransitionOffset(int position)
return (int) (Math.Pow(Math.Min(screenTransition + position*0.1, 1.0), 1.0)*40.0*screenTransition);
private void doMenuScreen(Rectangle bounds, SpriteBatch sb)
var rectangle = new Rectangle(bounds.X + 10, bounds.Y + bounds.Height/3 + 10, bounds.Width/2, 40);
if (Button.doButton(101010, rectangle.X + getTransitionOffset(0), rectangle.Y, rectangle.Width,
rectangle.Height, "Contract Listing", themeColor))
state = HubState.Listing;
screenTransition = 1f;
rectangle.Y += rectangle.Height + 5;
if (Button.doButton(101015, rectangle.X + getTransitionOffset(1), rectangle.Y, rectangle.Width,
rectangle.Height, "User List", themeColor))
state = HubState.UserList;
screenTransition = 1f;
rectangle.Y += rectangle.Height + 5;
if (
Button.doButton(101017, rectangle.X + getTransitionOffset(1), rectangle.Y, rectangle.Width,
rectangle.Height/2, "Abort Current Contract", os.currentMission == null ? Color.Black : themeColor) &&
os.currentMission != null)
state = HubState.CancelContract;
screenTransition = 1f;
rectangle.Y += rectangle.Height/2 + 5;
if (Button.doButton(102015, rectangle.X + getTransitionOffset(3), rectangle.Y, rectangle.Width,
rectangle.Height/2, "Exit", os.lockedColor))
os.display.command = "connect";
rectangle.Y += rectangle.Height + 5;
private void doCancelContractScreen(Rectangle bounds, SpriteBatch sb)
var rectangle = new Rectangle(bounds.X + 10, bounds.Y + bounds.Height/3 + 10, bounds.Width/2, 40);
TextItem.doFontLabel(new Vector2(rectangle.X, rectangle.Y),
"Are you sure you with to abandon your current contract?\nThis cannot be reversed.", GuiData.font,
Color.White, bounds.Width - 30, rectangle.Height);
rectangle.Y += rectangle.Height + 4;
if (
Button.doButton(142011, rectangle.X, rectangle.Y, rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height, "Abandon Contract",
Color.Red) && os.currentMission != null)
os.currentMission = null;
screenTransition = 0.0f;
state = HubState.Menu;
rectangle.Y += rectangle.Height + 10;
if (
!Button.doButton(142015, rectangle.X, rectangle.Y, rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height, "Back", themeColor))
screenTransition = 1f;
state = HubState.Menu;
private void doListingScreen(Rectangle bounds, SpriteBatch sb)
var flag = TextItem.DrawShadow;
TextItem.DrawShadow = false;
var rectangle1 = doListingScreenBackground(bounds, sb);
var rectangle2 = new Rectangle(bounds.X + 10, rectangle1.Y, bounds.Width/2, 30);
var height = 36;
for (var index = missionListPageNumber*missionListDisplayed;
index < listingsFolder.files.Count && rectangle2.Y + height < rectangle1.Y + rectangle1.Height;
var stringForContractFile = getIDStringForContractFile(listingsFolder.files[index]);
if (listingMissions.ContainsKey(stringForContractFile))
var mission = listingMissions[stringForContractFile];
drawMissionEntry(new Rectangle(bounds.X + 1, rectangle2.Y, bounds.Width - 2, height), sb, mission,
rectangle2.Y += height;
var num = 0;
rectangle2 = new Rectangle(bounds.X + 10, rectangle1.Y, bounds.Width/2, 30);
while (rectangle2.Y + height < rectangle1.Y + rectangle1.Height)
rectangle2.Y += height;
missionListDisplayed = num;
TextItem.DrawShadow = flag;
private void drawMissionEntry(Rectangle bounds, SpriteBatch sb, ActiveMission mission, int index)
var flag1 = false;
if (mission.postingAcceptFlagRequirements != null)
for (var index1 = 0; index1 < mission.postingAcceptFlagRequirements.Length; ++index1)
if (!os.Flags.HasFlag(mission.postingAcceptFlagRequirements[index1]))
flag1 = true;
var myID = index*139284 + 984275 + index;
var flag2 = Button.outlineOnly;
var flag3 = Button.drawingOutline;
Button.outlineOnly = true;
Button.drawingOutline = false;
if ( == myID)
sb.Draw(Utils.white, bounds, Color.Black);
else if ( == myID)
sb.Draw(Utils.white, bounds, themeColor*0.12f);
var color = index%2 == 0 ? themeColorLine : themeColorBackground;
if (flag1)
color = Color.Lerp(color, Color.Gray, 0.25f);
sb.Draw(Utils.white, bounds, color);
if (flag1)
var destinationRectangle = bounds;
destinationRectangle.Height -= 6;
destinationRectangle.Y += 3;
destinationRectangle.X += bounds.Width - bounds.Height - 6;
destinationRectangle.Width = destinationRectangle.Height;
sb.Draw(lockIcon, destinationRectangle, Color.White*0.2f);
if (!flag1 && Button.doButton(myID, bounds.X, bounds.Y, bounds.Width, bounds.Height, "", Color.Transparent))
selectedElementIndex = index;
state = HubState.ContractPreview;
screenTransition = 1f;
var text1 = mission.postingTitle ?? "";
TextItem.doFontLabel(new Vector2(bounds.X + 1 + getTransitionOffset(index), bounds.Y + 3), text1,
GuiData.smallfont, Color.White, bounds.Width, float.MaxValue);
var text2 = "Target: " + (object) + " -- Client: " + mission.client + " -- Key: " +
TextItem.doFontLabel(new Vector2(bounds.X + 1, bounds.Y + bounds.Height - 16), text2, GuiData.detailfont,
Color.White*0.3f, bounds.Width, 13f);
bounds.Y += bounds.Height - 1;
bounds.Height = 1;
sb.Draw(Utils.white, bounds, themeColor*0.2f);
Button.outlineOnly = flag2;
Button.drawingOutline = flag3;
private Rectangle doListingScreenBackground(Rectangle bounds, SpriteBatch sb)
var destinationRectangle1 = new Rectangle(bounds.X + 1, bounds.Y + 1, bounds.Width - 2, bounds.Height - 2);
sb.Draw(Utils.white, destinationRectangle1, themeColorBackground);
doLoggedInScreenDetailing(bounds, sb);
destinationRectangle1.Height = 5;
destinationRectangle1.Width = 0;
destinationRectangle1.Y += 12;
if (thinBarcodeTop == null)
thinBarcodeTop = new ThinBarcode(bounds.Width - 4, 5);
if (thinBarcodeBot == null)
thinBarcodeBot = new ThinBarcode(bounds.Width - 4, 5);
thinBarcodeTop.Draw(sb, destinationRectangle1.X, destinationRectangle1.Y, themeColor);
TextItem.doFontLabel(new Vector2(bounds.X + 20, destinationRectangle1.Y + 10), "MISSION LISTING",
GuiData.titlefont, themeColor, bounds.Width - 40, 35f);
destinationRectangle1.Y += 45;
destinationRectangle1.X = bounds.X + 1;
thinBarcodeBot.Draw(sb, destinationRectangle1.X, destinationRectangle1.Y, themeColor);
destinationRectangle1.Y += 10;
destinationRectangle1.X = bounds.X + 1;
destinationRectangle1.Width = decorationPanel.Width;
destinationRectangle1.Height = decorationPanel.Height;
sb.Draw(decorationPanel, destinationRectangle1, themeColor);
destinationRectangle1.X += destinationRectangle1.Width;
destinationRectangle1.Width = bounds.Width - 2 - destinationRectangle1.Width;
sb.Draw(decorationPanelSide, destinationRectangle1, themeColor);
var pos = new Vector2(bounds.X + 6, destinationRectangle1.Y + decorationPanel.Height/2 - 8);
var height = (int) (decorationPanel.Height*0.300000011920929);
var num1 = (float) ((decorationPanel.Height - (double) height)/2.0);
var destinationRectangle2 = new Rectangle(bounds.X + 1, (int) (destinationRectangle1.Y + (double) num1),
decorationPanel.Width, height);
var rectangle = new Rectangle(0, (int) ((decorationPanel.Height - (double) height)/2.0),
decorationPanel.Width, height);
var flag1 = Button.outlineOnly;
var flag2 = Button.drawingOutline;
Button.outlineOnly = true;
Button.drawingOutline = false;
var myID = 974748322;
var color = == myID
? Color.Black
: ( == myID ? themeColorLine : themeColorBackground);
sb.Draw(decorationPanel, destinationRectangle2, rectangle, color, 0.0f, Vector2.Zero, SpriteEffects.None,
if (Button.doButton(myID, bounds.X + 1, destinationRectangle1.Y + decorationPanel.Height/6 + 4,
decorationPanel.Width - 30, (int) (decorationPanel.Height - decorationPanel.Height/6*3.20000004768372),
"Back", Color.Transparent))
screenTransition = 1f;
state = HubState.Menu;
Button.outlineOnly = flag1;
Button.drawingOutline = flag2;
pos.X += decorationPanel.Width - 10;
pos.Y += 4f;
var text1 = "CSEC secure contract listing panel : Verified Connection : Token last verfied " + DateTime.Now;
TextItem.doFontLabel(pos, text1, GuiData.detailfont, themeColor, destinationRectangle1.Width - 10f, 14f);
pos.Y += 12f;
if (missionListPageNumber > 0 &&
Button.doButton(188278101, (int) pos.X, (int) pos.Y, 45, 20, "<", new Color?()))
screenTransition = 1f;
destinationRectangle1.X += 50;
var num2 = listingsFolder.files.Count/missionListDisplayed + 1;
var text2 = (missionListPageNumber + 1).ToString() + (object) "/" + num2;
var num3 = (float) (50.0 - GuiData.smallfont.MeasureString(text2).X/2.0);
sb.DrawString(GuiData.smallfont, text2, new Vector2(destinationRectangle1.X + num3, (int) pos.Y + 1),
destinationRectangle1.X += 100;
if (missionListPageNumber < num2 - 1 &&
Button.doButton(188278102, destinationRectangle1.X, (int) pos.Y, 45, 20, ">", new Color?()))
screenTransition = 1f;
destinationRectangle1.Y += decorationPanel.Height + 4;
destinationRectangle1.Width = bounds.Width - 2;
destinationRectangle1.X = bounds.X + 1;
destinationRectangle1.Height = 7;
sb.Draw(Utils.white, destinationRectangle1, themeColor);
destinationRectangle1.Y += destinationRectangle1.Height;
return new Rectangle(bounds.X, destinationRectangle1.Y, bounds.Width,
bounds.Height - bounds.Height/12 - (destinationRectangle1.Y - bounds.Y));
private void doContractPreviewScreen(Rectangle bounds, SpriteBatch sb)
var stringForContractFile = getIDStringForContractFile(listingsFolder.files[selectedElementIndex]);
if (!listingMissions.ContainsKey(stringForContractFile))
var mission = listingMissions[stringForContractFile];
var vector2 = new Vector2(bounds.X + 20, bounds.Y + 20);
TextItem.doFontLabel(vector2 + new Vector2(getTransitionOffset(0), 0.0f),
"CONTRACT:" + stringForContractFile, GuiData.titlefont, new Color?(), bounds.Width/2, 40f);
vector2.Y += 40f;
TextItem.doFontLabel(vector2 + new Vector2(getTransitionOffset(1), 0.0f), mission.postingTitle, GuiData.font,
new Color?(), bounds.Width - 30, float.MaxValue);
vector2.Y += 30f;
var text = DisplayModule.cleanSplitForWidth(mission.postingBody, bounds.Width - 110);
TextItem.doFontLabel(vector2 + new Vector2(getTransitionOffset(2), 0.0f), text, GuiData.smallfont,
new Color?(), bounds.Width - 20, float.MaxValue);
var num = Math.Max(135, bounds.Height/6);
if (Button.doButton(2171618, bounds.X + 20 + getTransitionOffset(3), bounds.Y + bounds.Height - num,
bounds.Width/5, 30, "Back", new Color?()))
state = HubState.Listing;
screenTransition = 1f;
if (os.currentMission == null)
if (
!Button.doButton(2171615, bounds.X + 20 + getTransitionOffset(4),
bounds.Y + bounds.Height - num - 40, bounds.Width/5, 30, "Accept", os.highlightColor))
acceptMission(mission, selectedElementIndex, stringForContractFile);
state = HubState.Listing;
screenTransition = 1f;
new Rectangle(bounds.X + 20 + getTransitionOffset(4), bounds.Y + bounds.Height - num - 40,
bounds.Width/2, 30), "Abort current contract to accept new ones.", GuiData.smallfont,
private void doUserListScreen(Rectangle bounds, SpriteBatch sb)
if (Button.doButton(101801, bounds.X + 2, bounds.Y + 20, bounds.Width/4, 22, "Back", themeColor))
state = HubState.Menu;
var rectangle = new Rectangle(bounds.X + 30, bounds.Y + 50, bounds.Width/2, 30);
var num1 = 18 + rectangle.Height - 8;
var num2 = (bounds.Height - 90)/num1;
var num3 = num2*userListPageNumber;
var num4 = 0;
for (var index1 = num2*userListPageNumber;
index1 < usersFolder.files.Count && index1 < num3 + num2;
var strArray = usersFolder.files[index1].data.Split(Utils.newlineDelim);
string str1;
var str2 = str1 = "";
var str3 = str1;
var str4 = str1;
var str5 = str1;
for (var index2 = 0; index2 < strArray.Length; ++index2)
if (strArray[index2].StartsWith("USER"))
str5 = getDataFromConfigLine(strArray[index2], ": ");
if (strArray[index2].StartsWith("Rank"))
str2 = getDataFromConfigLine(strArray[index2], ": ");
if (strArray[index2].StartsWith("Handle"))
str4 = getDataFromConfigLine(strArray[index2], ": ");
if (strArray[index2].StartsWith("Date"))
str3 = getDataFromConfigLine(strArray[index2], ": ");
var destinationRectangle = new Rectangle(rectangle.X + (bounds.Width - 60) - 10, rectangle.Y + 2,
rectangle.Height + 1, bounds.Width - 60);
GuiData.spriteBatch.Draw(Utils.gradient, destinationRectangle, new Rectangle?(), themeColorLine,
1.570796f, Vector2.Zero, SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally, 0.8f);
TextItem.doSmallLabel(new Vector2(rectangle.X, rectangle.Y),
"#" + str5 + " - \"" + str4 + "\" Rank:" + str2, new Color?());
rectangle.Y += 18;
TextItem.doFontLabel(new Vector2(rectangle.X, rectangle.Y), "Joined " + str3, GuiData.detailfont,
new Color?(), float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue);
rectangle.Y += rectangle.Height - 10;
num4 = index1;
rectangle.Y += 16;
if (userListPageNumber > 0 &&
Button.doButton(101005, rectangle.X, rectangle.Y, rectangle.Width/2 - 20, 15, "Previous Page",
new Color?()))
TextItem.doTinyLabel(new Vector2(rectangle.X + rectangle.Width/2 - 8, rectangle.Y),
string.Concat(userListPageNumber), new Color?());
if (usersFolder.files.Count <= num4 + 1 ||
!Button.doButton(101010, rectangle.X + rectangle.Width/2 + 10, rectangle.Y, rectangle.Width/2 - 10, 15,
"Next Page", new Color?()))
private void acceptMission(ActiveMission mission, int index, string id)
os.currentMission = mission;
var activeMission = (ActiveMission) ComputerLoader.readMission(mission.reloadGoalsSourceFile);
var fileEntry = listingsFolder.files[index];
new FileEntry(
"Contract Archive:\nAccepted : " + DateTime.Now + "\nUser : " + activeUserName + "\nActive Since : " +
activeUserLoginTime + "\n\n" +, "Contract#" + id + "Archive"));
private void drawWelcomeScreen(Rectangle bounds, SpriteBatch sb)
var rectangle = new Rectangle(bounds.X + 10, bounds.Y + bounds.Height/3 - 10, bounds.Width/2, 30);
var text = (groupName + " Contract Hub").ToUpper();
TextItem.doFontLabel(new Vector2(rectangle.X, rectangle.Y), text, GuiData.titlefont, new Color?(),
bounds.Width/0.6f, 50f);
rectangle.Y += 50;
if (Button.doButton(11005, rectangle.X + getTransitionOffset(0), rectangle.Y, rectangle.Width,
rectangle.Height, "Login", themeColor))
state = HubState.Login;
rectangle.Y += rectangle.Height + 5;
if (
!Button.doButton(12010, rectangle.X + getTransitionOffset(1), rectangle.Y, rectangle.Width,
rectangle.Height, "Exit", themeColor))
os.display.command = "connect";
private void doBarcodeEffect(Rectangle bounds, SpriteBatch sb)
if (barcode == null || barcode.maxWidth != bounds.Width - 2 || barcode.leftRightBias)
barcode = new BarcodeEffect(bounds.Width - 2, true, false);
barcode.Update((float) os.lastGameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds);
barcode.Draw(bounds.X + 1, bounds.Y + 5*(bounds.Height/6) - 1, bounds.Width - 2, bounds.Height/6, sb,
barcode.isInverted = false;
barcode.Draw(bounds.X + 1, bounds.Y + 1, bounds.Width - 2, bounds.Height/6, sb, themeColor);
barcode.isInverted = true;
private void doLoggedInScreenDetailing(Rectangle bounds, SpriteBatch sb)
var text = "Authenticated User: " + activeUserName + " -- Token Active Since: " + activeUserLoginTime;
TextItem.doFontLabel(new Vector2(bounds.X + 1, bounds.Y + 1), text, GuiData.detailfont, new Color?(),
bounds.Width - 2, float.MaxValue);
doBaseBarcodeEffect(bounds, sb);
private void doBaseBarcodeEffect(Rectangle bounds, SpriteBatch sb)
if (barcode == null || barcode.maxWidth != bounds.Width - 2 || !barcode.leftRightBias)
barcode = new BarcodeEffect(bounds.Width - 2, true, true);
barcode.Update((float) os.lastGameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds);
var y = bounds.Y + 11*(bounds.Height/12) - 1;
barcode.Draw(bounds.X + 1, y, bounds.Width - 2, bounds.Height/12, sb, themeColor);
private enum HubState