2015-10-27 23:04:18 -04:00

741 lines
33 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Hacknet.Effects;
using Hacknet.Gui;
using Hacknet.Modules.Helpers;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
namespace Hacknet
internal class DisplayModule : CoreModule
private const int MAX_DISPLAY_STRING_LENGTH = 6000;
private Vector2 catScroll;
public string command = "";
public string[] commandArgs;
private Dictionary<string, Texture2D> compAltIcons;
private List<Texture2D> computers;
private Texture2D defaultComputer;
private int errorCount;
private Texture2D fancyCornerSprite;
private Texture2D fancyPanelSprite;
private bool hasSentErrorEmail;
private float invioabilityCharChangeTimer;
private string invioableSecurityCacheString;
private Texture2D lockSprite;
private readonly DisplayModuleLSHelper lsModuleHelper = new DisplayModuleLSHelper();
private Texture2D openLockSprite;
private Vector2 scroll;
private Rectangle tmpRect;
private int x;
private int y;
public DisplayModule(Rectangle location, OS operatingSystem)
: base(location, operatingSystem)
public override void LoadContent()
computers = new List<Texture2D>();
computers.Add(TextureBank.load("Sprites/CompLogos/Sec0Computer", os.content));
computers.Add(TextureBank.load("Sprites/CompLogos/Sec1Computer", os.content));
computers.Add(TextureBank.load("Sprites/CompLogos/Computer", os.content));
computers.Add(TextureBank.load("Sprites/CompLogos/OldServer", os.content));
computers.Add(TextureBank.load("Sprites/CompLogos/Sec2Computer", os.content));
computers.Add(TextureBank.load("Sprites/CompLogos/Sec2Computer", os.content));
compAltIcons = new Dictionary<string, Texture2D>();
compAltIcons.Add("laptop", TextureBank.load("Sprites/CompLogos/Laptop", os.content));
compAltIcons.Add("chip", TextureBank.load("Sprites/CompLogos/chip", os.content));
compAltIcons.Add("kellis", TextureBank.load("Sprites/CompLogos/KellisCompIcon", os.content));
compAltIcons.Add("tablet", TextureBank.load("Sprites/CompLogos/Tablet", os.content));
compAltIcons.Add("ePhone", TextureBank.load("Sprites/CompLogos/Phone1", os.content));
compAltIcons.Add("ePhone2", TextureBank.load("Sprites/CompLogos/Phone2", os.content));
defaultComputer = TextureBank.load("Sprites/CompLogos/Computer", os.content);
lockSprite = TextureBank.load("Lock", os.content);
openLockSprite = TextureBank.load("OpenLock", os.content);
fancyCornerSprite = TextureBank.load("Corner", os.content);
fancyPanelSprite = TextureBank.load("Panel", os.content);
tmpRect = new Rectangle();
scroll = Vector2.Zero;
catScroll = Vector2.Zero;
WebRenderer.setSize(bounds.Width, bounds.Height);
public override void Update(float t)
public override void Draw(float t)
errorCount = 0;
catch (Exception ex)
if (errorCount >= 3)
if (!hasSentErrorEmail)
Utils.SendThreadedErrorReport(ex, "Display module Crash: " + command, DebugLog.GetDump());
hasSentErrorEmail = true;
command = "connect";
commandArgs = new string[1];
commandArgs[0] = "connect";
errorCount = 0;
public void typeChanged()
scroll = Vector2.Zero;
catScroll = Vector2.Zero;
if (os.connectedComp != null)
var computer1 = os.connectedComp;
var computer2 = os.thisComputer;
private void doCommandModule()
x = bounds.X + 5;
y = bounds.Y + 5;
spriteBatch.Draw(Utils.white, bounds, os.displayModuleExtraLayerBackingColor);
if (os.connectedComp != null &&
os.connectedComp.getDaemon(typeof (PorthackHeartDaemon)) is PorthackHeartDaemon)
else if (command.Equals("ls") || command.Equals("dir") || command.Equals("cd"))
else if (command.Equals("connect"))
invioableSecurityCacheString = null;
else if (command.Equals("cat") || command.Equals("less"))
else if (command.Equals("probe") || command.Equals("nmap"))
else if (command.Equals("dc") || command.Equals("crash"))
else if (command.Equals("login"))
private void doDaemonDisplay()
var computer = os.connectedComp == null ? os.thisComputer : os.connectedComp;
for (var index = 0; index < computer.daemons.Count; ++index)
if (computer.daemons[index].name.Equals(command) || computer.daemons[index] is PorthackHeartDaemon)
computer.daemons[index].draw(bounds, spriteBatch);
private void doLoginDisplay()
var strArray = os.displayCache.Split(new string[1]
}, StringSplitOptions.None);
var text1 = "";
var text2 = "";
var num1 = -1;
var num2 = 0;
if (strArray[0].Equals("loginData"))
text1 = !(strArray[1] != "") ? os.terminal.currentLine : strArray[1];
if (strArray.Length > 2)
num2 = 1;
text2 = strArray[2];
if (text2.Equals(""))
for (var index = 0; index < os.terminal.currentLine.Length; ++index)
text2 += "*";
var str = "";
for (var index = 0; index < text2.Length; ++index)
str += "*";
text2 = str;
if (strArray.Length > 3)
num2 = 2;
num1 = Convert.ToInt32(strArray[3]);
var destinationRectangle = GuiData.tmpRect;
destinationRectangle.X = bounds.X + 2;
destinationRectangle.Y = this.y;
destinationRectangle.Height = 200;
destinationRectangle.Width = bounds.Width - 4;
spriteBatch.Draw(Utils.white, destinationRectangle, num1 == 0 ? os.lockedColor : os.indentBackgroundColor);
destinationRectangle.Height = 22;
this.y += 30;
var vector2 = TextItem.doMeasuredLabel(new Vector2(this.x, this.y), "Login ", Color.White);
if (num1 == 0)
x += (int) vector2.X;
TextItem.doLabel(new Vector2(x, y), "Failed", os.brightLockedColor);
x -= (int) vector2.X;
else if (num1 != -1)
x += (int) vector2.X;
TextItem.doLabel(new Vector2(x, y), "Successful", os.brightUnlockedColor);
x -= (int) vector2.X;
this.y += 60;
if (num2 == 0)
destinationRectangle.Y = y;
spriteBatch.Draw(Utils.white, destinationRectangle, os.subtleTextColor);
spriteBatch.DrawString(GuiData.smallfont, "username :", new Vector2(this.x, this.y), Color.White);
this.x += 100;
spriteBatch.DrawString(GuiData.smallfont, text1, new Vector2(this.x, this.y), Color.White);
this.x -= 100;
this.y += 30;
if (num2 == 1)
destinationRectangle.Y = y;
spriteBatch.Draw(Utils.white, destinationRectangle, os.subtleTextColor);
spriteBatch.DrawString(GuiData.smallfont, "password :", new Vector2(this.x, this.y), Color.White);
this.x += 100;
spriteBatch.DrawString(GuiData.smallfont, text2, new Vector2(this.x, this.y), Color.White);
this.y += 30;
this.x -= 100;
if (num1 != -1)
if (Button.doButton(12345, x, y, num1 > 0 ? 140 : 70, 30, num1 > 0 ? "Complete" : "Back",
command = "connect";
if (num1 > 0 || !Button.doButton(123456, x + 75, y, 70, 30, "Retry", os.indentBackgroundColor))
this.y += 65;
var x = this.x;
var y = this.y;
var computer = os.connectedComp == null ? os.thisComputer : os.connectedComp;
for (var index = 0; index < computer.users.Count; ++index)
if (computer.users[index].known && Daemon.validUser(computer.users[index].type))
x = this.x + 320;
if (Button.doButton(123457 + index, this.x, this.y, 300, 25,
"Login - User: " + computer.users[index].name + " Pass: " + computer.users[index].pass,
forceLogin(computer.users[index].name, computer.users[index].pass);
this.y += 27;
if (!Button.doButton(2111844, x, y, 100, 25, "Cancel", os.lockedColor))
forceLogin("", "");
command = "connect";
public void forceLogin(string username, string pass)
var str = os.terminal.prompt;
os.terminal.currentLine = username;
; while (os.terminal.prompt.Equals(str));
os.terminal.currentLine = pass;
public Texture2D GetComputerImage(Computer comp)
if (comp.icon != null && compAltIcons.ContainsKey(comp.icon))
return compAltIcons[comp.icon];
if (comp.securityLevel < computers.Count)
return computers[comp.securityLevel];
return defaultComputer;
private void doConnectHeader()
var comp = os.connectedComp != null ? os.connectedComp : os.thisComputer;
x += 20;
y += 5;
spriteBatch.Draw(GetComputerImage(comp), new Vector2(x, y), Color.White);
spriteBatch.DrawString(GuiData.font, "Connected to ", new Vector2(x + 160, y), Color.White);
y += 40;
TextItem.doFontLabel(new Vector2(x + 160, y),
os.connectedComp == null ? :, GuiData.font, Color.White,
bounds.Width - 190f, 60f);
y += 33;
var str = os.connectedComp == null ? os.thisComputer.ip : os.connectedComp.ip;
spriteBatch.DrawString(GuiData.smallfont, "@ " + str, new Vector2(x + 160, y), Color.White);
y += 60;
if (os.hasConnectionPermission(true))
y -= 20;
var empty = Rectangle.Empty;
empty.X = bounds.X + 1;
empty.Y = y;
empty.Width = bounds.Width - 2;
empty.Height = 20;
spriteBatch.Draw(Utils.white, empty, os.highlightColor);
var text = "You are the Administrator of this System";
var vector2 = GuiData.UISmallfont.MeasureString(text);
var pos = new Vector2(empty.X + empty.Width/2 - vector2.X/2f, empty.Y);
os.postFXDrawActions += () => spriteBatch.DrawString(GuiData.UISmallfont, text, pos, Color.Black);
if (bounds.Height > 500)
y += 40;
y += 12;
if (comp.portsNeededForCrack > 100)
y += 10;
var rectangle = new Rectangle(bounds.X + 2, y, bounds.Width - 4, 20);
var vector2 = GuiData.titlefont.MeasureString(text);
var num1 = vector2.X/vector2.Y;
var num2 = 10;
var width = (int) (rectangle.Height*(double) num1);
vector2.Y /= vector2.Y/20f;
var num3 = (int) ((rectangle.Width - width)/2.0);
var destinationRectangle = new Rectangle(rectangle.X, rectangle.Y, num3 - num2, rectangle.Height);
var dest = new Rectangle(destinationRectangle.X + destinationRectangle.Width + num2,
destinationRectangle.Y, width, rectangle.Height);
destinationRectangle.Y += 4;
destinationRectangle.Height -= 8;
spriteBatch.Draw(Utils.white, destinationRectangle, Color.Red);
FlickeringTextEffect.DrawLinedFlickeringText(dest, text, 3f, 0.1f, GuiData.titlefont, os,
Utils.AddativeWhite, 2);
destinationRectangle.X = rectangle.X + rectangle.Width - (destinationRectangle.Width + num2) + num2;
spriteBatch.Draw(Utils.white, destinationRectangle, Color.Red);
y += 40;
if (!os.hasConnectionPermission(true))
y += 40;
private void doConnectDisplay()
var computer = os.connectedComp == null ? os.thisComputer : os.connectedComp;
var num1 = computer.daemons.Count + 6;
var height = 40;
var num2 = bounds.Height - (y - bounds.Y) - 20 - num1*5;
if (num2/(double) num1 < height)
height = (int) (num2/(double) num1);
for (var index = 0; index < computer.daemons.Count; ++index)
if (Button.doButton(29000 + index, x, y, 300, height, computer.daemons[index].name, os.highlightColor))
command = computer.daemons[index].name;
y += height + 5;
if (Button.doButton(300000, x, y, 300, height, "Login",
computer.adminIP == os.thisComputer.adminIP ? os.subtleTextColor : os.highlightColor))
y += height + 5;
if (Button.doButton(300002, x, y, 300, height, "Probe System", os.highlightColor))
y += height + 5;
if (Button.doButton(300003, x, y, 300, height, "View Filesystem",
os.hasConnectionPermission(false) ? os.highlightColor : os.subtleTextColor))
y += height + 5;
if (Button.doButton(300006, x, y, 300, height, "View Logs",
os.hasConnectionPermission(false) ? os.highlightColor : os.subtleTextColor))
os.runCommand("cd log");
y += height + 5;
if (Button.doButton(300009, x, y, 300, height, "Scan Network",
os.hasConnectionPermission(true) ? os.highlightColor : os.subtleTextColor))
y = bounds.Height;
if (!Button.doButton(300012, x, y, 300, 20, "Disconnect", os.lockedColor))
private void doDisconnectDisplay()
tmpRect.X = bounds.X + 2;
tmpRect.Width = bounds.Width - 4;
tmpRect.Y = bounds.Y + bounds.Height/6*2;
tmpRect.Height = bounds.Height/3;
spriteBatch.Draw(Utils.white, tmpRect, os.indentBackgroundColor);
var position = new Vector2(tmpRect.X + bounds.Width/2 - GuiData.font.MeasureString("Disconnected").X/2f,
bounds.Y + bounds.Height/2 - 10);
spriteBatch.DrawString(GuiData.font, "Disconnected", position, os.subtleTextColor);
private void docatDisplay()
if (os.hasConnectionPermission(false))
if (Button.doButton(299999, bounds.X + (bounds.Width - 41), bounds.Y + 12, 27, 29, "<-", new Color?()))
var rectangle = GuiData.tmpRect;
rectangle.Width = bounds.Width;
rectangle.X = bounds.X;
rectangle.Y = bounds.Y + 1;
rectangle.Height = bounds.Height - 2;
rectangle.Height += bounds.Height;
ScrollablePanel.beginPanel(484732, rectangle, catScroll);
var text1 = "";
for (var index = 1; index < commandArgs.Length; ++index)
text1 = text1 + commandArgs[index] + " ";
x = 10;
y = 5;
TextItem.doFontLabel(new Vector2(x - 5, y - 1), text1, GuiData.font, Color.White, bounds.Width - 70,
var data = os.displayCache;
if (data.Length > 6000)
data = data.Substring(0, 6000) + "\n -- FILE TOO LONG TO DISPLAY -- ";
y += 70;
var text2 = Utils.SuperSmartTwimForWidth(data, bounds.Width - 40, GuiData.tinyfont);
GuiData.spriteBatch.DrawString(GuiData.tinyfont, text2, new Vector2(x, y), Color.White);
catch (Exception ex)
commandArgs = new string[3];
commandArgs[0] = "cat";
commandArgs[1] = "Error";
commandArgs[2] = "Error reading file";
command = "cat error error reading file";
rectangle.Height -= bounds.Height;
catScroll = ScrollablePanel.endPanel(484732, catScroll, rectangle, 1000f, false);
command = "connect";
private void doProbeDisplay()
var rectangle = Rectangle.Empty;
var computer = os.connectedComp == null ? os.thisComputer : os.connectedComp;
if (computer.proxyActive)
rectangle = bounds;
rectangle.Width -= 2;
rectangle.Height -= 2;
PatternDrawer.draw(rectangle, 0.8f, Color.Transparent, os.superLightWhite, os.ScreenManager.SpriteBatch);
if (Button.doButton(299999, bounds.X + (bounds.Width - 50), bounds.Y + y, 27, 27, "<-", new Color?()))
command = "connect";
spriteBatch.DrawString(GuiData.font, "Open Ports", new Vector2(x, y), Color.White);
y += 40;
spriteBatch.DrawString(GuiData.smallfont, + " @" + computer.ip, new Vector2(x, y), Color.White);
y += 30;
var num = Math.Max(computer.portsNeededForCrack + 1, 0);
var str = string.Concat(num);
var flag1 = num > 100;
if (flag1)
if (invioableSecurityCacheString == null)
var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
for (var index = 0; index < str.Length; ++index)
invioableSecurityCacheString = stringBuilder.ToString();
invioabilityCharChangeTimer -= (float) os.lastGameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;
if (invioabilityCharChangeTimer <= 0.0)
var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(invioableSecurityCacheString);
stringBuilder[Utils.random.Next(stringBuilder.Length)] = Utils.random.NextDouble() > 0.3
? Utils.getRandomNumberChar()
: Utils.getRandomChar();
invioableSecurityCacheString = stringBuilder.ToString();
invioabilityCharChangeTimer = 0.025f;
str = invioableSecurityCacheString;
spriteBatch.DrawString(GuiData.smallfont, "Open Ports Required for Crack: " + str, new Vector2(x, y),
flag1 ? Color.Lerp(Color.Red, os.brightLockedColor, Utils.randm(0.5f) + 0.5f) : os.highlightColor);
y += 40;
if (flag1)
rectangle.X = bounds.X + 2;
rectangle.Y = y;
rectangle.Width = bounds.Width - 4;
rectangle.Height = 110;
y += rectangle.Height + 10;
if (computer.hasProxy)
rectangle.X = x;
rectangle.Y = y;
rectangle.Width = bounds.Width - 10;
rectangle.Height = 40;
PatternDrawer.draw(rectangle, 1f,
computer.proxyActive ? os.topBarColor : Color.Lerp(os.unlockedColor, Color.Black, 0.2f),
computer.proxyActive ? os.shellColor*0.3f : os.unlockedColor, os.ScreenManager.SpriteBatch);
if (computer.proxyActive)
rectangle.Width =
(rectangle.Width*(1.0 - computer.proxyOverloadTicks/(double) computer.startingOverloadTicks));
spriteBatch.Draw(Utils.white, rectangle, Color.Black*0.5f);
spriteBatch.DrawString(GuiData.smallfont, computer.proxyActive ? "Proxy Detected" : "Proxy Bypassed",
new Vector2(x + 4, y + 2), Color.Black);
spriteBatch.DrawString(GuiData.smallfont, computer.proxyActive ? "Proxy Detected" : "Proxy Bypassed",
new Vector2(x + 3, y + 1), computer.proxyActive ? Color.White : os.highlightColor);
y += 60;
if (computer.firewall != null)
rectangle.X = x;
rectangle.Y = y;
rectangle.Width = bounds.Width - 10;
rectangle.Height = 40;
var flag2 = !computer.firewall.solved;
PatternDrawer.draw(rectangle, 1f,
flag2 ? os.topBarColor : Color.Lerp(os.unlockedColor, Color.Black, 0.2f),
flag2 ? os.shellColor*0.3f : os.unlockedColor, os.ScreenManager.SpriteBatch);
spriteBatch.DrawString(GuiData.smallfont, flag2 ? "Firewall Detected" : "Firewall Solved",
new Vector2(x + 4, y + 2), Color.Black);
spriteBatch.DrawString(GuiData.smallfont, flag2 ? "Firewall Detected" : "Firewall Solved",
new Vector2(x + 3, y + 1), flag2 ? Color.White : os.highlightColor);
y += 60;
var zero = Vector2.Zero;
rectangle.X = x + 1;
rectangle.Width = 420;
rectangle.Height = 41;
var position = new Vector2(rectangle.X + rectangle.Width - 36, rectangle.Y + 4);
x += 10;
for (var index = 0; index < computer.ports.Count; ++index)
rectangle.Y = y + 4;
position.Y = rectangle.Y + 2;
spriteBatch.Draw(Utils.white, rectangle,
computer.portsOpen[index] > 0 ? os.unlockedColor : os.lockedColor);
spriteBatch.Draw(computer.portsOpen[index] > 0 ? openLockSprite : lockSprite, position, Color.White);
var text = "Port#: " + computer.ports[index];
var vector2 = GuiData.font.MeasureString(text);
spriteBatch.DrawString(GuiData.font, text, new Vector2(x, y + 3), Color.White);
spriteBatch.DrawString(GuiData.smallfont, " - " +[computer.ports[index]],
new Vector2(x + vector2.X, y + 4), Color.White);
y += 45;
private void DrawInvioabilityEffect(Rectangle dest)
var color = Color.Lerp(os.lockedColor, os.brightLockedColor, Utils.randm(0.5f) + 0.5f);
color.A = 0;
var destinationRectangle1 = new Rectangle(dest.X + fancyCornerSprite.Width, dest.Y,
dest.Width - fancyCornerSprite.Width*2, fancyPanelSprite.Height);
spriteBatch.Draw(fancyPanelSprite, destinationRectangle1, color);
spriteBatch.Draw(fancyCornerSprite, new Vector2(dest.X, dest.Y), new Rectangle?(), color, 0.0f, Vector2.Zero,
1f, SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally, 0.4f);
new Vector2(destinationRectangle1.X + destinationRectangle1.Width, dest.Y), color);
var num1 = fancyCornerSprite.Width - 38;
var dest1 = new Rectangle(dest.X + num1, dest.Y + fancyCornerSprite.Height/2, dest.Width - num1*2,
dest.Height - fancyCornerSprite.Height);
Color.Lerp(Utils.AddativeWhite, os.brightLockedColor, Utils.randm(0.5f) + 0.5f);
FlickeringTextEffect.DrawLinedFlickeringText(dest1, "INVIOABILITY ERROR", 4f, 0.26f, GuiData.titlefont, os,
Utils.AddativeWhite, 2);
var destinationRectangle2 = destinationRectangle1;
destinationRectangle2.Y = dest.Y + dest.Height - fancyPanelSprite.Height;
spriteBatch.Draw(fancyPanelSprite, destinationRectangle2, new Rectangle?(), color, 0.0f, Vector2.Zero,
SpriteEffects.FlipVertically, 0.5f);
float num2 = fancyCornerSprite.Height - fancyPanelSprite.Height;
spriteBatch.Draw(fancyCornerSprite, new Vector2(dest.X, destinationRectangle2.Y - num2), new Rectangle?(),
color, 0.0f, Vector2.Zero, 1f, SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally | SpriteEffects.FlipVertically, 0.4f);
new Vector2(destinationRectangle1.X + destinationRectangle1.Width, destinationRectangle2.Y - num2),
new Rectangle?(), color, 0.0f, Vector2.Zero, 1f, SpriteEffects.FlipVertically, 0.5f);
private void doLsDisplay()
if (os.hasConnectionPermission(false))
x = 5;
y = 5;
var num = bounds.Width;
TextItem.doFontLabel(new Vector2(bounds.X + x, bounds.Y + y),
os.connectedComp == null ? : + " File System",
GuiData.font, Color.White, bounds.Width - 46f, 60f);
if (Button.doButton(299999, bounds.X + (bounds.Width - 41), bounds.Y + 12, 27, 29, "<-", new Color?()))
if (os.navigationPath.Count > 0)
os.runCommand("cd ..");
os.display.command = "connect";
y += 50;
var dest = GuiData.tmpRect;
dest.Width = bounds.Width;
dest.X = bounds.X;
dest.Y = bounds.Y + 55;
dest.Height = bounds.Height - 57;
lsModuleHelper.DrawUI(dest, os);
command = "connect";
private void doFolderGui(int width, int height, int indexOffset, Folder f, int recItteration)
for (var i = 0; i < f.folders.Count; ++i)
if (Button.doButton(300000 + i + indexOffset, x, y, width, height, "/" + f.folders[i].name, new Color?()))
var num = 0;
for (var index = 0; index < os.navigationPath.Count - recItteration; ++index)
Action action = () => os.runCommand("cd ..");
if (num > 0)
os.delayer.Post(ActionDelayer.Wait(num*1.0), action);
Action action1 = () => os.runCommand("cd " + f.folders[i].name);
if (num > 0)
os.delayer.Post(ActionDelayer.Wait(num*1.0), action1);
y += height + 2;
x += 30;
if (os.navigationPath.Count - 1 >= recItteration && os.navigationPath[recItteration] == i)
doFolderGui(width - 30, height, indexOffset + 10000*(i + 1), f.folders[i], recItteration + 1);
x -= 30;
for (var index1 = 0; index1 < f.files.Count; ++index1)
if (Button.doButton(400000 + index1 + indexOffset/2 + (index1 + 1)*indexOffset, x, y, width, height,
f.files[index1].name, new Color?()))
for (var index2 = 0; index2 < os.navigationPath.Count - recItteration; ++index2)
os.runCommand("cd ..");
os.runCommand("cat " + f.files[index1].name);
y += height + 2;
if (f.folders.Count != 0 || f.files.Count != 0)
TextItem.doFontLabel(new Vector2(x, y), "-Empty-", GuiData.tinyfont, new Color?(), width, height);
y += height + 2;
public static string splitForWidth(string s, int width)
var str = "";
var num = 0;
foreach (var ch in s)
str += ch;
if (ch != 10)
num = 0;
if (num > width/6 && (ch == 32 || num > width/5.19999980926514))
str += '\n';
num = 0;
return str;
public static string splitForWidth(string s, int width, bool correct)
var str = "";
var num = 0;
width /= 8;
foreach (var ch in s)
str += ch;
if (ch != 10)
num = 0;
if (num >= width && (ch == 32 || num > width*0.899999976158142))
str += '\n';
num = 0;
return str;
public static string cleanSplitForWidth(string s, int width)
var num1 = 10;
width /= num1;
var str = "";
var chArray = new char[1]
' '
var strArray = s.Split(chArray);
var index1 = 0;
if (strArray.Length == 1)
return splitForWidth(strArray[0], width*8, true);
while (index1 < strArray.Length)
for (var index2 = 0; index2 < width && index1 < strArray.Length; ++index1)
str = str + strArray[index1] + " ";
index2 += strArray[index1].Length;
var num2 = strArray[index1].IndexOf('\n');
if (num2 >= 0)
index2 = strArray[index1].Length - (num2 + 1);
str += '\n';
return str;