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synced 2025-01-22 09:12:44 -05:00
375 lines
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375 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Hacknet.Gui;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
namespace Hacknet
internal class ISPDaemon : Daemon
private const float MAX_WIDTH = 7f;
private const float MAX_RATE = 16f;
private const float EFFECT_TIMER = 30f;
private const float SEARCH_TIME = 2f;
private const string ABOUT_MESSAGE_FILE = "ISP_About_Message.txt";
private bool inspectionFlagged;
private string ipSearch;
private float lastTimer;
private readonly List<ExpandingRectangleData> outlineEffectEntries = new List<ExpandingRectangleData>();
private Computer scannedComputer;
private ISPDaemonState state;
private float timeEnteredLoadingScreen;
public ISPDaemon(Computer c, OS os)
: base(c, "ISP Management System", os)
public override void initFiles()
var folder = comp.files.root.searchForFolder("home");
if (folder == null)
var fileEntry =
new FileEntry(
"This server is an ISP routing and management system\n" +
"designed to allow for easy setup and administration\nof " +
"third party ISP management companies.\n To use the management system, first " +
"aquire an\nadministrator account for this machine\n(contact your sysadmin team), " +
"then\n search for the IP address in question.\n\n" +
"If this program has technical issues,\ncontact customer support on\n" + "1-800-827-6364",
public override void navigatedTo()
state = ISPDaemonState.Welcome;
public override string getSaveString()
return "<ispSystem />";
public override void draw(Rectangle bounds, SpriteBatch sb)
base.draw(bounds, sb);
if (state == ISPDaemonState.AdminOnlyError || state == ISPDaemonState.NotFoundError)
PatternDrawer.draw(bounds, 0.1f, Color.Transparent, os.lockedColor, sb, PatternDrawer.errorTile);
var bounds1 = new Rectangle(bounds.X + 40, bounds.Y + 40, bounds.Width - 80, bounds.Height - 80);
switch (state)
case ISPDaemonState.Welcome:
DrawWelcomeScreen(bounds1, sb, bounds);
case ISPDaemonState.About:
DrawAboutScreen(bounds1, sb);
case ISPDaemonState.Loading:
DrawLoadingScreen(bounds1, sb);
case ISPDaemonState.IPEntry:
DrawIPEntryScreen(bounds1, sb);
case ISPDaemonState.EnterIP:
DrawEnterIPScreen(bounds1, sb);
case ISPDaemonState.AdminOnlyError:
DrawAdminOnlyError(bounds1, sb);
case ISPDaemonState.NotFoundError:
DrawNotFoundError(bounds1, sb);
drawOutlineEffect(bounds, sb);
private void DrawIPEntryScreen(Rectangle bounds, SpriteBatch sb)
TextItem.doFontLabel(new Vector2(bounds.X + 30, bounds.Y + 20), "IP Entry :: " + scannedComputer.ip,
GuiData.font, Color.White, bounds.Width, float.MaxValue);
TextItem.doFontLabel(new Vector2(bounds.X + 30, bounds.Y + 70),
"Identified as :\"" + scannedComputer.name + "\"", GuiData.smallfont, Color.White, bounds.Width,
sb.Draw(os.display.GetComputerImage(scannedComputer), new Vector2(bounds.X + 30, bounds.Y + 100),
var x = bounds.X + 30 + 130;
var y1 = bounds.Y + 100;
if (Button.doButton(3388301, x, y1, bounds.Width - 180, 30, "Assign New IP", os.brightUnlockedColor))
bool flag;
scannedComputer.ip = NetworkMap.generateRandomIP();
flag = false;
for (var index = 0; index < os.netMap.nodes.Count; ++index)
if (os.netMap.nodes[index].ip == scannedComputer.ip &&
os.netMap.nodes[index].idName != scannedComputer.idName)
flag = true;
} while (flag);
if (os.thisComputer.idName == scannedComputer.idName)
var y2 = y1 + 34;
if (Button.doButton(3388304, x, y2, bounds.Width - 180, 30,
"Flag for Inspection" + (inspectionFlagged ? " : ACTIVE" : ""),
inspectionFlagged ? Color.Gray : os.highlightColor))
inspectionFlagged = true;
var y3 = y2 + 34;
Button.doButton(3388308, x, y3, bounds.Width - 180, 30, "Pioritize Routing", os.highlightColor);
drawBackButton(bounds, ISPDaemonState.Welcome);
private void DrawLoadingScreen(Rectangle bounds, SpriteBatch sb)
var num1 = os.timer - timeEnteredLoadingScreen;
if (num1 >= 2.0)
scannedComputer = null;
for (var index = 0; index < os.netMap.nodes.Count; ++index)
if (ipSearch == os.netMap.nodes[index].ip)
scannedComputer = os.netMap.nodes[index];
if (scannedComputer != null)
state = ISPDaemonState.IPEntry;
inspectionFlagged = false;
state = ISPDaemonState.NotFoundError;
TextItem.doFontLabel(new Vector2(bounds.X + 30, bounds.Y + bounds.Height/2 - 35),
"Scanning for " + ipSearch + " ...", GuiData.font, Color.White, bounds.Width, float.MaxValue);
var destinationRectangle = new Rectangle(bounds.X + 10, bounds.Y + bounds.Height/2, bounds.Width - 20, 16);
sb.Draw(Utils.white, destinationRectangle, Color.Gray);
destinationRectangle.Width -= 2;
destinationRectangle.Height -= 2;
sb.Draw(Utils.white, destinationRectangle, Color.Black);
var num2 = Utils.QuadraticOutCurve(num1/2f);
destinationRectangle.Width = (int) (destinationRectangle.Width*(double) num2);
sb.Draw(Utils.white, destinationRectangle, os.highlightColor);
private void DrawEnterIPScreen(Rectangle bounds, SpriteBatch sb)
var strArray = os.getStringCache.Split(new string[1]
}, StringSplitOptions.None);
string str = null;
var x = bounds.X + 10;
var num1 = bounds.Y + 10;
var vector2_1 = TextItem.doMeasuredSmallLabel(new Vector2(x, num1), "Enter IP Address to Scan for :",
new Color?());
var y1 = num1 + ((int) vector2_1.Y + 5);
if (strArray.Length > 1)
str = strArray[1];
if (str.Equals(""))
str = os.terminal.currentLine;
var destinationRectangle = new Rectangle(x, y1, bounds.Width - 20, 200);
sb.Draw(Utils.white, destinationRectangle, os.darkBackgroundColor);
var num2 = y1 + 80;
var vector2_2 = TextItem.doMeasuredSmallLabel(new Vector2(x, num2), "IP Address: " + str, new Color?());
destinationRectangle.X = x + (int) vector2_2.X + 2;
destinationRectangle.Y = num2;
destinationRectangle.Width = 7;
destinationRectangle.Height = 20;
if (os.timer%1.0 < 0.300000011920929)
sb.Draw(Utils.white, destinationRectangle, os.outlineColor);
var y2 = num2 + 122;
if (strArray.Length > 2 || Button.doButton(30, x, y2, 300, 22, "Scan", os.highlightColor))
if (strArray.Length <= 2)
ipSearch = str;
state = ISPDaemonState.Loading;
timeEnteredLoadingScreen = os.timer;
os.getStringCache = "";
var y3 = y2 + 26;
if (!Button.doButton(35, x, y3, 300, 22, "Cancel", os.lockedColor))
state = ISPDaemonState.Welcome;
os.getStringCache = "";
private void drawBackButton(Rectangle bounds, ISPDaemonState stateTo = ISPDaemonState.Welcome)
if (
!Button.doButton(92271094, bounds.X + 30, bounds.Y + bounds.Height - 50, 200, 25, "Back", os.lockedColor))
state = stateTo;
private void DrawAdminOnlyError(Rectangle bounds, SpriteBatch sb)
TextItem.doFontLabel(new Vector2(bounds.X + 30, bounds.Y + 20), "Insufficient Permissions", GuiData.font,
Color.White, bounds.Width, float.MaxValue);
TextItem.doFontLabel(new Vector2(bounds.X + 30, bounds.Y + 70),
"IP Search is limited to administrators\nof this machine only.\nIf you require access, contact customer support.",
GuiData.smallfont, Color.White, bounds.Width, float.MaxValue);
drawBackButton(bounds, ISPDaemonState.Welcome);
private void DrawNotFoundError(Rectangle bounds, SpriteBatch sb)
TextItem.doFontLabel(new Vector2(bounds.X + 30, bounds.Y + 20), "IP Not Found", GuiData.font, Color.White,
bounds.Width, float.MaxValue);
TextItem.doFontLabel(new Vector2(bounds.X + 30, bounds.Y + 70),
"IP Address is not registered with\nour servers.\nCheck address and try again.", GuiData.smallfont,
Color.White, bounds.Width, float.MaxValue);
drawBackButton(bounds, ISPDaemonState.Welcome);
private void DrawAboutScreen(Rectangle bounds, SpriteBatch sb)
TextItem.doFontLabel(new Vector2(bounds.X + 30, bounds.Y + 20), "About this server", GuiData.font,
Color.White, bounds.Width, float.MaxValue);
var folder = comp.files.root.searchForFolder("home");
if (folder != null)
var fileEntry = folder.searchForFile("ISP_About_Message.txt");
if (fileEntry != null)
TextItem.DrawShadow = false;
TextItem.doFontLabel(new Vector2(bounds.X + 30, bounds.Y + 70), fileEntry.data, GuiData.smallfont,
Color.White, bounds.Width, float.MaxValue);
drawBackButton(bounds, ISPDaemonState.Welcome);
private void DrawWelcomeScreen(Rectangle bounds, SpriteBatch sb, Rectangle fullBounds)
TextItem.doFontLabel(new Vector2(bounds.X + 20, bounds.Y + 20), "ISP Management System", GuiData.font,
Color.White, bounds.Width, float.MaxValue);
var height = 30;
var width = (int) (bounds.Width*0.800000011920929);
var num = bounds.Y + 90;
var destinationRectangle = fullBounds;
destinationRectangle.Y = num - 20;
destinationRectangle.Height = 22;
var flag = comp.adminIP == os.thisComputer.ip;
sb.Draw(Utils.white, destinationRectangle, flag ? os.unlockedColor : os.lockedColor);
var text = "Valid Administrator Account Detected";
if (!flag)
text = "Non-Admin Account Active";
var vector2 = GuiData.smallfont.MeasureString(text);
var position = new Vector2(destinationRectangle.X + destinationRectangle.Width/2 - vector2.X/2f,
sb.DrawString(GuiData.smallfont, text, position, Color.White);
var y1 = num + 30;
if (Button.doButton(95371001, bounds.X + 20, y1, width, height, "About", os.highlightColor))
state = ISPDaemonState.About;
var y2 = y1 + (height + 10);
if (Button.doButton(95371004, bounds.X + 20, y2, width, height, "Search for IP", os.highlightColor))
if (comp.adminIP == os.thisComputer.ip)
state = ISPDaemonState.EnterIP;
os.execute("getString IP_Address");
ipSearch = null;
state = ISPDaemonState.AdminOnlyError;
var y3 = y2 + (height + 10);
if (!Button.doButton(95371008, bounds.X + 20, y3, width, height, "Exit", os.highlightColor))
os.display.command = "connect";
private void drawOutlineEffect(Rectangle bounds, SpriteBatch sb)
if (lastTimer == 0.0)
lastTimer = os.timer;
if (os.timer%0.5 > 0.100000001490116 && lastTimer%0.5 < 0.100000001490116)
for (var index = 0; index < outlineEffectEntries.Count; ++index)
var expandingRectangleData = outlineEffectEntries[index];
expandingRectangleData.scaleIn +=
(float) ((os.timer - (double) lastTimer)*expandingRectangleData.rate*1.0);
if (expandingRectangleData.scaleIn > 30.0)
new Rectangle((int) (bounds.X + (double) expandingRectangleData.scaleIn),
(int) (bounds.Y + (double) expandingRectangleData.scaleIn),
(int) (bounds.Width - 2.0*expandingRectangleData.scaleIn),
(int) (bounds.Height - 2.0*expandingRectangleData.scaleIn)), sb,
(int) expandingRectangleData.thickness, (float) (1.0 - expandingRectangleData.scaleIn/30.0),
outlineEffectEntries[index] = expandingRectangleData;
drawRect(bounds, sb, 4, 1f, 0.0f);
lastTimer = os.timer;
private void drawRect(Rectangle rect, SpriteBatch sb, int thickness, float opacity, float blackLerp)
var destinationRectangle = rect;
destinationRectangle.Width = thickness;
var color = Color.Lerp(os.highlightColor, Color.Black, blackLerp)*opacity;
sb.Draw(Utils.white, destinationRectangle, color);
destinationRectangle.X += rect.Width - thickness;
sb.Draw(Utils.white, destinationRectangle, color);
destinationRectangle.X = rect.X + thickness;
destinationRectangle.Width = rect.Width - 2*thickness;
destinationRectangle.Height = thickness;
sb.Draw(Utils.white, destinationRectangle, color);
destinationRectangle.Y += rect.Height - thickness;
sb.Draw(Utils.white, destinationRectangle, color);
private void addNewOutlineEffect()
outlineEffectEntries.Add(new ExpandingRectangleData
rate = (float) (Utils.randm(1f)*15.0 + 1.0),
scaleIn = 1f,
thickness = (float) (1.0 + Utils.randm(1f)*(double) Utils.randm(1f)*6.0),
blackLerp = Utils.randm(0.8f)
private struct ExpandingRectangleData
public float scaleIn;
public float rate;
public float thickness;
public float blackLerp;
private enum ISPDaemonState
} |