mirror of
synced 2025-01-22 10:52:05 -05:00
reformat typescript code with prettier
Mostly just for nicity. I did manually clean up a few things, but other than that, this basically was just importing configs from cvm3/crusttest, adding prettier as a dev dependency, and just ctrl-shift-I on every typescript file part of the codebase
This commit is contained in:
14 changed files with 1786 additions and 1751 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
"arrowParens": "always",
"bracketSameLine": false,
"bracketSpacing": true,
"embeddedLanguageFormatting": "auto",
"htmlWhitespaceSensitivity": "css",
"insertPragma": false,
"jsxSingleQuote": true,
"printWidth": 200,
"proseWrap": "preserve",
"quoteProps": "consistent",
"requirePragma": false,
"semi": true,
"singleAttributePerLine": false,
"singleQuote": true,
"tabWidth": 4,
"trailingComma": "none",
"useTabs": true,
"vueIndentScriptAndStyle": false
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
"@types/bootstrap": "^5.2.10",
"parcel": "^2.11.0",
"parcel-reporter-static-files-copy": "^1.5.3",
"prettier": "^3.2.5",
"run-script-os": "^1.1.6",
"typescript": "^5.3.3"
@ -3,412 +3,406 @@
// shitty but it works so /shrug
export default function GetKeysym(
keyCode: number,
key: string,
location: number
): number | null {
let keysym =
keysym_from_key_identifier(key, location) ||
keysym_from_keycode(keyCode, location);
return keysym;
function keysym_from_key_identifier(identifier: string, location: number): number | null {
if (!identifier) return null;
let typedCharacter: string | undefined;
// If identifier is U+xxxx, decode Unicode character
const unicodePrefixLocation = identifier.indexOf("U+");
if (unicodePrefixLocation >= 0) {
const hex = identifier.substring(unicodePrefixLocation + 2);
typedCharacter = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(hex, 16));
} else if (identifier.length === 1) typedCharacter = identifier;
else return get_keysym(keyidentifier_keysym[identifier], location);
if (!typedCharacter) return null;
const codepoint = typedCharacter.charCodeAt(0);
return keysym_from_charcode(codepoint);
function get_keysym(keysyms: number[] | null, location: number): number | null {
if (!keysyms) return null;
return keysyms[location] || keysyms[0];
function keysym_from_charcode(codepoint: number): number | null {
if (isControlCharacter(codepoint)) return 0xff00 | codepoint;
if (codepoint >= 0x0000 && codepoint <= 0x00ff) return codepoint;
if (codepoint >= 0x0100 && codepoint <= 0x10ffff) return 0x01000000 | codepoint;
return null;
function isControlCharacter(codepoint: number): boolean {
return codepoint <= 0x1f || (codepoint >= 0x7f && codepoint <= 0x9f);
function keysym_from_keycode(keyCode: number, location: number): number | null {
return get_keysym(keycodeKeysyms[keyCode], location);
function key_identifier_sane(keyCode: number, keyIdentifier: string): boolean {
if (!keyIdentifier) return false;
const unicodePrefixLocation = keyIdentifier.indexOf("U+");
if (unicodePrefixLocation === -1) return true;
const codepoint = parseInt(keyIdentifier.substring(unicodePrefixLocation + 2), 16);
if (keyCode !== codepoint) return true;
if ((keyCode >= 65 && keyCode <= 90) || (keyCode >= 48 && keyCode <= 57)) return true;
return false;
export function OSK_buttonToKeysym(button: string): number | null {
const keyMapping = OSK_keyMappings.find((mapping) => mapping.includes(button));
if (keyMapping) {
const [, keyCode, keyIdentifier, key, location] = keyMapping;
return GetKeysym(keyCode, key, location);
return null;
export default function GetKeysym(keyCode: number, key: string, location: number): number | null {
let keysym = keysym_from_key_identifier(key, location) || keysym_from_keycode(keyCode, location);
return keysym;
function keysym_from_key_identifier(identifier: string, location: number): number | null {
if (!identifier) return null;
let typedCharacter: string | undefined;
// If identifier is U+xxxx, decode Unicode character
const unicodePrefixLocation = identifier.indexOf('U+');
if (unicodePrefixLocation >= 0) {
const hex = identifier.substring(unicodePrefixLocation + 2);
typedCharacter = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(hex, 16));
} else if (identifier.length === 1) typedCharacter = identifier;
else return get_keysym(keyidentifier_keysym[identifier], location);
if (!typedCharacter) return null;
const codepoint = typedCharacter.charCodeAt(0);
return keysym_from_charcode(codepoint);
function get_keysym(keysyms: number[] | null, location: number): number | null {
if (!keysyms) return null;
return keysyms[location] || keysyms[0];
function keysym_from_charcode(codepoint: number): number | null {
if (isControlCharacter(codepoint)) return 0xff00 | codepoint;
if (codepoint >= 0x0000 && codepoint <= 0x00ff) return codepoint;
if (codepoint >= 0x0100 && codepoint <= 0x10ffff) return 0x01000000 | codepoint;
return null;
function isControlCharacter(codepoint: number): boolean {
return codepoint <= 0x1f || (codepoint >= 0x7f && codepoint <= 0x9f);
function keysym_from_keycode(keyCode: number, location: number): number | null {
return get_keysym(keycodeKeysyms[keyCode], location);
function key_identifier_sane(keyCode: number, keyIdentifier: string): boolean {
if (!keyIdentifier) return false;
const unicodePrefixLocation = keyIdentifier.indexOf('U+');
if (unicodePrefixLocation === -1) return true;
const codepoint = parseInt(keyIdentifier.substring(unicodePrefixLocation + 2), 16);
if (keyCode !== codepoint) return true;
if ((keyCode >= 65 && keyCode <= 90) || (keyCode >= 48 && keyCode <= 57)) return true;
return false;
export function OSK_buttonToKeysym(button: string): number | null {
const keyMapping = OSK_keyMappings.find((mapping) => mapping.includes(button));
if (keyMapping) {
const [, keyCode, keyIdentifier, key, location] = keyMapping;
return GetKeysym(keyCode, key, location);
return null;
interface KeyIdentifierKeysym {
[key: string]: number[] | null;
[key: string]: number[] | null;
interface KeyCodeKeysyms {
[key: number]: (number[] | null);
[key: number]: number[] | null;
var keycodeKeysyms: KeyCodeKeysyms = {
8: [0xFF08], // backspace
9: [0xFF09], // tab
12: [0xFF0B, 0xFF0B, 0xFF0B, 0xFFB5], // clear / KP 5
13: [0xFF0D], // enter
16: [0xFFE1, 0xFFE1, 0xFFE2], // shift
17: [0xFFE3, 0xFFE3, 0xFFE4], // ctrl
18: [0xFFE9, 0xFFE9, 0xFE03], // alt
19: [0xFF13], // pause/break
20: [0xFFE5], // caps lock
27: [0xFF1B], // escape
32: [0x0020], // space
33: [0xFF55, 0xFF55, 0xFF55, 0xFFB9], // page up / KP 9
34: [0xFF56, 0xFF56, 0xFF56, 0xFFB3], // page down / KP 3
35: [0xFF57, 0xFF57, 0xFF57, 0xFFB1], // end / KP 1
36: [0xFF50, 0xFF50, 0xFF50, 0xFFB7], // home / KP 7
37: [0xFF51, 0xFF51, 0xFF51, 0xFFB4], // left arrow / KP 4
38: [0xFF52, 0xFF52, 0xFF52, 0xFFB8], // up arrow / KP 8
39: [0xFF53, 0xFF53, 0xFF53, 0xFFB6], // right arrow / KP 6
40: [0xFF54, 0xFF54, 0xFF54, 0xFFB2], // down arrow / KP 2
45: [0xFF63, 0xFF63, 0xFF63, 0xFFB0], // insert / KP 0
46: [0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFAE], // delete / KP decimal
91: [0xFFEB], // left window key (hyper_l)
92: [0xFF67], // right window key (menu key?)
93: null, // select key
96: [0xFFB0], // KP 0
97: [0xFFB1], // KP 1
98: [0xFFB2], // KP 2
99: [0xFFB3], // KP 3
100: [0xFFB4], // KP 4
101: [0xFFB5], // KP 5
102: [0xFFB6], // KP 6
103: [0xFFB7], // KP 7
104: [0xFFB8], // KP 8
105: [0xFFB9], // KP 9
106: [0xFFAA], // KP multiply
107: [0xFFAB], // KP add
109: [0xFFAD], // KP subtract
110: [0xFFAE], // KP decimal
111: [0xFFAF], // KP divide
112: [0xFFBE], // f1
113: [0xFFBF], // f2
114: [0xFFC0], // f3
115: [0xFFC1], // f4
116: [0xFFC2], // f5
117: [0xFFC3], // f6
118: [0xFFC4], // f7
119: [0xFFC5], // f8
120: [0xFFC6], // f9
121: [0xFFC7], // f10
122: [0xFFC8], // f11
123: [0xFFC9], // f12
144: [0xFF7F], // num lock
145: [0xFF14], // scroll lock
225: [0xFE03] // altgraph (iso_level3_shift)
8: [0xff08], // backspace
9: [0xff09], // tab
12: [0xff0b, 0xff0b, 0xff0b, 0xffb5], // clear / KP 5
13: [0xff0d], // enter
16: [0xffe1, 0xffe1, 0xffe2], // shift
17: [0xffe3, 0xffe3, 0xffe4], // ctrl
18: [0xffe9, 0xffe9, 0xfe03], // alt
19: [0xff13], // pause/break
20: [0xffe5], // caps lock
27: [0xff1b], // escape
32: [0x0020], // space
33: [0xff55, 0xff55, 0xff55, 0xffb9], // page up / KP 9
34: [0xff56, 0xff56, 0xff56, 0xffb3], // page down / KP 3
35: [0xff57, 0xff57, 0xff57, 0xffb1], // end / KP 1
36: [0xff50, 0xff50, 0xff50, 0xffb7], // home / KP 7
37: [0xff51, 0xff51, 0xff51, 0xffb4], // left arrow / KP 4
38: [0xff52, 0xff52, 0xff52, 0xffb8], // up arrow / KP 8
39: [0xff53, 0xff53, 0xff53, 0xffb6], // right arrow / KP 6
40: [0xff54, 0xff54, 0xff54, 0xffb2], // down arrow / KP 2
45: [0xff63, 0xff63, 0xff63, 0xffb0], // insert / KP 0
46: [0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffae], // delete / KP decimal
91: [0xffeb], // left window key (hyper_l)
92: [0xff67], // right window key (menu key?)
93: null, // select key
96: [0xffb0], // KP 0
97: [0xffb1], // KP 1
98: [0xffb2], // KP 2
99: [0xffb3], // KP 3
100: [0xffb4], // KP 4
101: [0xffb5], // KP 5
102: [0xffb6], // KP 6
103: [0xffb7], // KP 7
104: [0xffb8], // KP 8
105: [0xffb9], // KP 9
106: [0xffaa], // KP multiply
107: [0xffab], // KP add
109: [0xffad], // KP subtract
110: [0xffae], // KP decimal
111: [0xffaf], // KP divide
112: [0xffbe], // f1
113: [0xffbf], // f2
114: [0xffc0], // f3
115: [0xffc1], // f4
116: [0xffc2], // f5
117: [0xffc3], // f6
118: [0xffc4], // f7
119: [0xffc5], // f8
120: [0xffc6], // f9
121: [0xffc7], // f10
122: [0xffc8], // f11
123: [0xffc9], // f12
144: [0xff7f], // num lock
145: [0xff14], // scroll lock
225: [0xfe03] // altgraph (iso_level3_shift)
var keyidentifier_keysym: KeyIdentifierKeysym = {
"Again": [0xFF66],
"AllCandidates": [0xFF3D],
"Alphanumeric": [0xFF30],
"Alt": [0xFFE9, 0xFFE9, 0xFE03],
"Attn": [0xFD0E],
"AltGraph": [0xFE03],
"ArrowDown": [0xFF54],
"ArrowLeft": [0xFF51],
"ArrowRight": [0xFF53],
"ArrowUp": [0xFF52],
"Backspace": [0xFF08],
"CapsLock": [0xFFE5],
"Cancel": [0xFF69],
"Clear": [0xFF0B],
"Convert": [0xFF21],
"Copy": [0xFD15],
"Crsel": [0xFD1C],
"CrSel": [0xFD1C],
"CodeInput": [0xFF37],
"Compose": [0xFF20],
"Control": [0xFFE3, 0xFFE3, 0xFFE4],
"ContextMenu": [0xFF67],
"DeadGrave": [0xFE50],
"DeadAcute": [0xFE51],
"DeadCircumflex": [0xFE52],
"DeadTilde": [0xFE53],
"DeadMacron": [0xFE54],
"DeadBreve": [0xFE55],
"DeadAboveDot": [0xFE56],
"DeadUmlaut": [0xFE57],
"DeadAboveRing": [0xFE58],
"DeadDoubleacute": [0xFE59],
"DeadCaron": [0xFE5A],
"DeadCedilla": [0xFE5B],
"DeadOgonek": [0xFE5C],
"DeadIota": [0xFE5D],
"DeadVoicedSound": [0xFE5E],
"DeadSemivoicedSound": [0xFE5F],
"Delete": [0xFFFF],
"Down": [0xFF54],
"End": [0xFF57],
"Enter": [0xFF0D],
"EraseEof": [0xFD06],
"Escape": [0xFF1B],
"Execute": [0xFF62],
"Exsel": [0xFD1D],
"ExSel": [0xFD1D],
"F1": [0xFFBE],
"F2": [0xFFBF],
"F3": [0xFFC0],
"F4": [0xFFC1],
"F5": [0xFFC2],
"F6": [0xFFC3],
"F7": [0xFFC4],
"F8": [0xFFC5],
"F9": [0xFFC6],
"F10": [0xFFC7],
"F11": [0xFFC8],
"F12": [0xFFC9],
"F13": [0xFFCA],
"F14": [0xFFCB],
"F15": [0xFFCC],
"F16": [0xFFCD],
"F17": [0xFFCE],
"F18": [0xFFCF],
"F19": [0xFFD0],
"F20": [0xFFD1],
"F21": [0xFFD2],
"F22": [0xFFD3],
"F23": [0xFFD4],
"F24": [0xFFD5],
"Find": [0xFF68],
"GroupFirst": [0xFE0C],
"GroupLast": [0xFE0E],
"GroupNext": [0xFE08],
"GroupPrevious": [0xFE0A],
"FullWidth": null,
"HalfWidth": null,
"HangulMode": [0xFF31],
"Hankaku": [0xFF29],
"HanjaMode": [0xFF34],
"Help": [0xFF6A],
"Hiragana": [0xFF25],
"HiraganaKatakana": [0xFF27],
"Home": [0xFF50],
"Hyper": [0xFFED, 0xFFED, 0xFFEE],
"Insert": [0xFF63],
"JapaneseHiragana": [0xFF25],
"JapaneseKatakana": [0xFF26],
"JapaneseRomaji": [0xFF24],
"JunjaMode": [0xFF38],
"KanaMode": [0xFF2D],
"KanjiMode": [0xFF21],
"Katakana": [0xFF26],
"Left": [0xFF51],
"Meta": [0xFFE7, 0xFFE7, 0xFFE8],
"ModeChange": [0xFF7E],
"NumLock": [0xFF7F],
"PageDown": [0xFF56],
"PageUp": [0xFF55],
"Pause": [0xFF13],
"Play": [0xFD16],
"PreviousCandidate": [0xFF3E],
"PrintScreen": [0xFD1D],
"Redo": [0xFF66],
"Right": [0xFF53],
"RomanCharacters": null,
"Scroll": [0xFF14],
"Select": [0xFF60],
"Separator": [0xFFAC],
"Shift": [0xFFE1, 0xFFE1, 0xFFE2],
"SingleCandidate": [0xFF3C],
"Super": [0xFFEB, 0xFFEB, 0xFFEC],
"Tab": [0xFF09],
"Up": [0xFF52],
"Undo": [0xFF65],
"Win": [0xFFEB],
"Zenkaku": [0xFF28],
"ZenkakuHankaku": [0xFF2A]
Again: [0xff66],
AllCandidates: [0xff3d],
Alphanumeric: [0xff30],
Alt: [0xffe9, 0xffe9, 0xfe03],
Attn: [0xfd0e],
AltGraph: [0xfe03],
ArrowDown: [0xff54],
ArrowLeft: [0xff51],
ArrowRight: [0xff53],
ArrowUp: [0xff52],
Backspace: [0xff08],
CapsLock: [0xffe5],
Cancel: [0xff69],
Clear: [0xff0b],
Convert: [0xff21],
Copy: [0xfd15],
Crsel: [0xfd1c],
CrSel: [0xfd1c],
CodeInput: [0xff37],
Compose: [0xff20],
Control: [0xffe3, 0xffe3, 0xffe4],
ContextMenu: [0xff67],
DeadGrave: [0xfe50],
DeadAcute: [0xfe51],
DeadCircumflex: [0xfe52],
DeadTilde: [0xfe53],
DeadMacron: [0xfe54],
DeadBreve: [0xfe55],
DeadAboveDot: [0xfe56],
DeadUmlaut: [0xfe57],
DeadAboveRing: [0xfe58],
DeadDoubleacute: [0xfe59],
DeadCaron: [0xfe5a],
DeadCedilla: [0xfe5b],
DeadOgonek: [0xfe5c],
DeadIota: [0xfe5d],
DeadVoicedSound: [0xfe5e],
DeadSemivoicedSound: [0xfe5f],
Delete: [0xffff],
Down: [0xff54],
End: [0xff57],
Enter: [0xff0d],
EraseEof: [0xfd06],
Escape: [0xff1b],
Execute: [0xff62],
Exsel: [0xfd1d],
ExSel: [0xfd1d],
F1: [0xffbe],
F2: [0xffbf],
F3: [0xffc0],
F4: [0xffc1],
F5: [0xffc2],
F6: [0xffc3],
F7: [0xffc4],
F8: [0xffc5],
F9: [0xffc6],
F10: [0xffc7],
F11: [0xffc8],
F12: [0xffc9],
F13: [0xffca],
F14: [0xffcb],
F15: [0xffcc],
F16: [0xffcd],
F17: [0xffce],
F18: [0xffcf],
F19: [0xffd0],
F20: [0xffd1],
F21: [0xffd2],
F22: [0xffd3],
F23: [0xffd4],
F24: [0xffd5],
Find: [0xff68],
GroupFirst: [0xfe0c],
GroupLast: [0xfe0e],
GroupNext: [0xfe08],
GroupPrevious: [0xfe0a],
FullWidth: null,
HalfWidth: null,
HangulMode: [0xff31],
Hankaku: [0xff29],
HanjaMode: [0xff34],
Help: [0xff6a],
Hiragana: [0xff25],
HiraganaKatakana: [0xff27],
Home: [0xff50],
Hyper: [0xffed, 0xffed, 0xffee],
Insert: [0xff63],
JapaneseHiragana: [0xff25],
JapaneseKatakana: [0xff26],
JapaneseRomaji: [0xff24],
JunjaMode: [0xff38],
KanaMode: [0xff2d],
KanjiMode: [0xff21],
Katakana: [0xff26],
Left: [0xff51],
Meta: [0xffe7, 0xffe7, 0xffe8],
ModeChange: [0xff7e],
NumLock: [0xff7f],
PageDown: [0xff56],
PageUp: [0xff55],
Pause: [0xff13],
Play: [0xfd16],
PreviousCandidate: [0xff3e],
PrintScreen: [0xfd1d],
Redo: [0xff66],
Right: [0xff53],
RomanCharacters: null,
Scroll: [0xff14],
Select: [0xff60],
Separator: [0xffac],
Shift: [0xffe1, 0xffe1, 0xffe2],
SingleCandidate: [0xff3c],
Super: [0xffeb, 0xffeb, 0xffec],
Tab: [0xff09],
Up: [0xff52],
Undo: [0xff65],
Win: [0xffeb],
Zenkaku: [0xff28],
ZenkakuHankaku: [0xff2a]
const OSK_keyMappings: [string, number, string, string, number][] = [
["!", 49, "Digit1", "!", 0],
["#", 51, "Digit3", "#", 0],
["$", 52, "Digit4", "$", 0],
["%", 53, "Digit5", "%", 0],
["&", 55, "Digit7", "&", 0],
["'", 222, "Quote", "'", 0],
["(", 57, "Digit9", "(", 0],
[")", 48, "Digit0", ")", 0],
["*", 56, "Digit8", "*", 0],
["+", 187, "Equal", "+", 0],
[",", 188, "Comma", ",", 0],
["-", 189, "Minus", "-", 0],
[".", 190, "Period", ".", 0],
["/", 191, "Slash", "/", 0],
["0", 48, "Digit0", "0", 0],
["1", 49, "Digit1", "1", 0],
["2", 50, "Digit2", "2", 0],
["3", 51, "Digit3", "3", 0],
["4", 52, "Digit4", "4", 0],
["5", 53, "Digit5", "5", 0],
["6", 54, "Digit6", "6", 0],
["7", 55, "Digit7", "7", 0],
["8", 56, "Digit8", "8", 0],
["9", 57, "Digit9", "9", 0],
[":", 186, "Semicolon", ":", 0],
[";", 186, "Semicolon", ";", 0],
["<", 188, "Comma", "<", 0],
["=", 187, "Equal", "=", 0],
[">", 190, "Period", ">", 0],
["?", 191, "Slash", "?", 0],
["@", 50, "Digit2", "@", 0],
["A", 65, "KeyA", "A", 0],
["B", 66, "KeyB", "B", 0],
["C", 67, "KeyC", "C", 0],
["D", 68, "KeyD", "D", 0],
["E", 69, "KeyE", "E", 0],
["F", 70, "KeyF", "F", 0],
["G", 71, "KeyG", "G", 0],
["H", 72, "KeyH", "H", 0],
["I", 73, "KeyI", "I", 0],
["J", 74, "KeyJ", "J", 0],
["K", 75, "KeyK", "K", 0],
["L", 76, "KeyL", "L", 0],
["M", 77, "KeyM", "M", 0],
["N", 78, "KeyN", "N", 0],
["O", 79, "KeyO", "O", 0],
["P", 80, "KeyP", "P", 0],
["Q", 81, "KeyQ", "Q", 0],
["R", 82, "KeyR", "R", 0],
["S", 83, "KeyS", "S", 0],
["T", 84, "KeyT", "T", 0],
["U", 85, "KeyU", "U", 0],
["V", 86, "KeyV", "V", 0],
["W", 87, "KeyW", "W", 0],
["X", 88, "KeyX", "X", 0],
["Y", 89, "KeyY", "Y", 0],
["Z", 90, "KeyZ", "Z", 0],
["[", 219, "BracketLeft", "[", 0],
["\\", 220, "Backslash", "\\", 0],
["]", 221, "BracketRight", "]", 0],
["^", 54, "Digit6", "^", 0],
["_", 189, "Minus", "_", 0],
["`", 192, "Backquote", "`", 0],
["a", 65, "KeyA", "a", 0],
["b", 66, "KeyB", "b", 0],
["c", 67, "KeyC", "c", 0],
["d", 68, "KeyD", "d", 0],
["e", 69, "KeyE", "e", 0],
["f", 70, "KeyF", "f", 0],
["g", 71, "KeyG", "g", 0],
["h", 72, "KeyH", "h", 0],
["i", 73, "KeyI", "i", 0],
["j", 74, "KeyJ", "j", 0],
["k", 75, "KeyK", "k", 0],
["l", 76, "KeyL", "l", 0],
["m", 77, "KeyM", "m", 0],
["n", 78, "KeyN", "n", 0],
["o", 79, "KeyO", "o", 0],
["p", 80, "KeyP", "p", 0],
["q", 81, "KeyQ", "q", 0],
["r", 82, "KeyR", "r", 0],
["s", 83, "KeyS", "s", 0],
["t", 84, "KeyT", "t", 0],
["u", 85, "KeyU", "u", 0],
["v", 86, "KeyV", "v", 0],
["w", 87, "KeyW", "w", 0],
["x", 88, "KeyX", "x", 0],
["y", 89, "KeyY", "y", 0],
["z", 90, "KeyZ", "z", 0],
["{", 219, "BracketLeft", "{", 0],
["{altleft}", 18, "AltLeft", "AltLeft", 1],
["{altright}", 18, "AltRight", "AltRight", 2],
["{arrowdown}", 40, "ArrowDown", "ArrowDown", 0],
["{arrowleft}", 37, "ArrowLeft", "ArrowLeft", 0],
["{arrowright}", 39, "ArrowRight", "ArrowRight", 0],
["{arrowup}", 38, "ArrowUp", "ArrowUp", 0],
["{backspace}", 8, "Backspace", "Backspace", 0],
["{capslock}", 20, "CapsLock", "CapsLock", 0],
["{controlleft}", 17, "ControlLeft", "ControlLeft", 1],
["{controlright}", 17, "ControlRight", "ControlRight", 2],
["{delete}", 46, "Delete", "Delete", 0],
["{end}", 35, "End", "End", 0],
["{enter}", 13, "Enter", "Enter", 0],
["{escape}", 27, "Escape", "Escape", 0],
["{f10}", 121, "F10", "F10", 0],
["{f11}", 122, "F11", "F11", 0],
["{f12}", 123, "F12", "F12", 0],
["{f1}", 112, "F1", "F1", 0],
["{f2}", 113, "F2", "F2", 0],
["{f3}", 114, "F3", "F3", 0],
["{f4}", 115, "F4", "F4", 0],
["{f5}", 116, "F5", "F5", 0],
["{f6}", 117, "F6", "F6", 0],
["{f7}", 118, "F7", "F7", 0],
["{f8}", 119, "F8", "F8", 0],
["{f9}", 120, "F9", "F9", 0],
["{home}", 36, "Home", "Home", 0],
["{insert}", 45, "Insert", "Insert", 0],
["{metaleft}", 91, "OSLeft", "OSLeft", 1],
["{metaright}", 92, "OSRight", "OSRight", 2],
["{numlock}", 144, "NumLock", "NumLock", 0],
["{numpad0}", 96, "Numpad0", "Numpad0", 3],
["{numpad1}", 97, "Numpad1", "Numpad1", 3],
["{numpad2}", 98, "Numpad2", "Numpad2", 3],
["{numpad3}", 99, "Numpad3", "Numpad3", 3],
["{numpad4}", 100, "Numpad4", "Numpad4", 3],
["{numpad5}", 101, "Numpad5", "Numpad5", 3],
["{numpad6}", 102, "Numpad6", "Numpad6", 3],
["{numpad7}", 103, "Numpad7", "Numpad7", 3],
["{numpad8}", 104, "Numpad8", "Numpad8", 3],
["{numpad9}", 105, "Numpad9", "Numpad9", 3],
["{numpadadd}", 107, "NumpadAdd", "NumpadAdd", 3],
["{numpaddecimal}", 110, "NumpadDecimal", "NumpadDecimal", 3],
["{numpaddivide}", 111, "NumpadDivide", "NumpadDivide", 3],
["{numpadenter}", 13, "NumpadEnter", "NumpadEnter", 3],
["{numpadmultiply}", 106, "NumpadMultiply", "NumpadMultiply", 3],
["{numpadsubtract}", 109, "NumpadSubtract", "NumpadSubtract", 3],
["{pagedown}", 34, "PageDown", "PageDown", 0],
["{pageup}", 33, "PageUp", "PageUp", 0],
["{pause}", 19, "Pause", "Pause", 0],
["{prtscr}", 44, "PrintScreen", "PrintScreen", 0],
["{scrolllock}", 145, "ScrollLock", "ScrollLock", 0],
["{shiftleft}", 16, "ShiftLeft", "ShiftLeft", 1],
["{shiftright}", 16, "ShiftRight", "ShiftRight", 2],
["{space}", 32, "Space", "Space", 0],
["{tab}", 9, "Tab", "Tab", 0],
["|", 220, "Backslash", "|", 0],
["}", 221, "BracketRight", "}", 0],
["~", 192, "Backquote", "~", 0],
['"', 222, "Quote", '"', 0]
const OSK_keyMappings: [string, number, string, string, number][] = [
['!', 49, 'Digit1', '!', 0],
['#', 51, 'Digit3', '#', 0],
['$', 52, 'Digit4', '$', 0],
['%', 53, 'Digit5', '%', 0],
['&', 55, 'Digit7', '&', 0],
["'", 222, 'Quote', "'", 0],
['(', 57, 'Digit9', '(', 0],
[')', 48, 'Digit0', ')', 0],
['*', 56, 'Digit8', '*', 0],
['+', 187, 'Equal', '+', 0],
[',', 188, 'Comma', ',', 0],
['-', 189, 'Minus', '-', 0],
['.', 190, 'Period', '.', 0],
['/', 191, 'Slash', '/', 0],
['0', 48, 'Digit0', '0', 0],
['1', 49, 'Digit1', '1', 0],
['2', 50, 'Digit2', '2', 0],
['3', 51, 'Digit3', '3', 0],
['4', 52, 'Digit4', '4', 0],
['5', 53, 'Digit5', '5', 0],
['6', 54, 'Digit6', '6', 0],
['7', 55, 'Digit7', '7', 0],
['8', 56, 'Digit8', '8', 0],
['9', 57, 'Digit9', '9', 0],
[':', 186, 'Semicolon', ':', 0],
[';', 186, 'Semicolon', ';', 0],
['<', 188, 'Comma', '<', 0],
['=', 187, 'Equal', '=', 0],
['>', 190, 'Period', '>', 0],
['?', 191, 'Slash', '?', 0],
['@', 50, 'Digit2', '@', 0],
['A', 65, 'KeyA', 'A', 0],
['B', 66, 'KeyB', 'B', 0],
['C', 67, 'KeyC', 'C', 0],
['D', 68, 'KeyD', 'D', 0],
['E', 69, 'KeyE', 'E', 0],
['F', 70, 'KeyF', 'F', 0],
['G', 71, 'KeyG', 'G', 0],
['H', 72, 'KeyH', 'H', 0],
['I', 73, 'KeyI', 'I', 0],
['J', 74, 'KeyJ', 'J', 0],
['K', 75, 'KeyK', 'K', 0],
['L', 76, 'KeyL', 'L', 0],
['M', 77, 'KeyM', 'M', 0],
['N', 78, 'KeyN', 'N', 0],
['O', 79, 'KeyO', 'O', 0],
['P', 80, 'KeyP', 'P', 0],
['Q', 81, 'KeyQ', 'Q', 0],
['R', 82, 'KeyR', 'R', 0],
['S', 83, 'KeyS', 'S', 0],
['T', 84, 'KeyT', 'T', 0],
['U', 85, 'KeyU', 'U', 0],
['V', 86, 'KeyV', 'V', 0],
['W', 87, 'KeyW', 'W', 0],
['X', 88, 'KeyX', 'X', 0],
['Y', 89, 'KeyY', 'Y', 0],
['Z', 90, 'KeyZ', 'Z', 0],
['[', 219, 'BracketLeft', '[', 0],
['\\', 220, 'Backslash', '\\', 0],
[']', 221, 'BracketRight', ']', 0],
['^', 54, 'Digit6', '^', 0],
['_', 189, 'Minus', '_', 0],
['`', 192, 'Backquote', '`', 0],
['a', 65, 'KeyA', 'a', 0],
['b', 66, 'KeyB', 'b', 0],
['c', 67, 'KeyC', 'c', 0],
['d', 68, 'KeyD', 'd', 0],
['e', 69, 'KeyE', 'e', 0],
['f', 70, 'KeyF', 'f', 0],
['g', 71, 'KeyG', 'g', 0],
['h', 72, 'KeyH', 'h', 0],
['i', 73, 'KeyI', 'i', 0],
['j', 74, 'KeyJ', 'j', 0],
['k', 75, 'KeyK', 'k', 0],
['l', 76, 'KeyL', 'l', 0],
['m', 77, 'KeyM', 'm', 0],
['n', 78, 'KeyN', 'n', 0],
['o', 79, 'KeyO', 'o', 0],
['p', 80, 'KeyP', 'p', 0],
['q', 81, 'KeyQ', 'q', 0],
['r', 82, 'KeyR', 'r', 0],
['s', 83, 'KeyS', 's', 0],
['t', 84, 'KeyT', 't', 0],
['u', 85, 'KeyU', 'u', 0],
['v', 86, 'KeyV', 'v', 0],
['w', 87, 'KeyW', 'w', 0],
['x', 88, 'KeyX', 'x', 0],
['y', 89, 'KeyY', 'y', 0],
['z', 90, 'KeyZ', 'z', 0],
['{', 219, 'BracketLeft', '{', 0],
['{altleft}', 18, 'AltLeft', 'AltLeft', 1],
['{altright}', 18, 'AltRight', 'AltRight', 2],
['{arrowdown}', 40, 'ArrowDown', 'ArrowDown', 0],
['{arrowleft}', 37, 'ArrowLeft', 'ArrowLeft', 0],
['{arrowright}', 39, 'ArrowRight', 'ArrowRight', 0],
['{arrowup}', 38, 'ArrowUp', 'ArrowUp', 0],
['{backspace}', 8, 'Backspace', 'Backspace', 0],
['{capslock}', 20, 'CapsLock', 'CapsLock', 0],
['{controlleft}', 17, 'ControlLeft', 'ControlLeft', 1],
['{controlright}', 17, 'ControlRight', 'ControlRight', 2],
['{delete}', 46, 'Delete', 'Delete', 0],
['{end}', 35, 'End', 'End', 0],
['{enter}', 13, 'Enter', 'Enter', 0],
['{escape}', 27, 'Escape', 'Escape', 0],
['{f10}', 121, 'F10', 'F10', 0],
['{f11}', 122, 'F11', 'F11', 0],
['{f12}', 123, 'F12', 'F12', 0],
['{f1}', 112, 'F1', 'F1', 0],
['{f2}', 113, 'F2', 'F2', 0],
['{f3}', 114, 'F3', 'F3', 0],
['{f4}', 115, 'F4', 'F4', 0],
['{f5}', 116, 'F5', 'F5', 0],
['{f6}', 117, 'F6', 'F6', 0],
['{f7}', 118, 'F7', 'F7', 0],
['{f8}', 119, 'F8', 'F8', 0],
['{f9}', 120, 'F9', 'F9', 0],
['{home}', 36, 'Home', 'Home', 0],
['{insert}', 45, 'Insert', 'Insert', 0],
['{metaleft}', 91, 'OSLeft', 'OSLeft', 1],
['{metaright}', 92, 'OSRight', 'OSRight', 2],
['{numlock}', 144, 'NumLock', 'NumLock', 0],
['{numpad0}', 96, 'Numpad0', 'Numpad0', 3],
['{numpad1}', 97, 'Numpad1', 'Numpad1', 3],
['{numpad2}', 98, 'Numpad2', 'Numpad2', 3],
['{numpad3}', 99, 'Numpad3', 'Numpad3', 3],
['{numpad4}', 100, 'Numpad4', 'Numpad4', 3],
['{numpad5}', 101, 'Numpad5', 'Numpad5', 3],
['{numpad6}', 102, 'Numpad6', 'Numpad6', 3],
['{numpad7}', 103, 'Numpad7', 'Numpad7', 3],
['{numpad8}', 104, 'Numpad8', 'Numpad8', 3],
['{numpad9}', 105, 'Numpad9', 'Numpad9', 3],
['{numpadadd}', 107, 'NumpadAdd', 'NumpadAdd', 3],
['{numpaddecimal}', 110, 'NumpadDecimal', 'NumpadDecimal', 3],
['{numpaddivide}', 111, 'NumpadDivide', 'NumpadDivide', 3],
['{numpadenter}', 13, 'NumpadEnter', 'NumpadEnter', 3],
['{numpadmultiply}', 106, 'NumpadMultiply', 'NumpadMultiply', 3],
['{numpadsubtract}', 109, 'NumpadSubtract', 'NumpadSubtract', 3],
['{pagedown}', 34, 'PageDown', 'PageDown', 0],
['{pageup}', 33, 'PageUp', 'PageUp', 0],
['{pause}', 19, 'Pause', 'Pause', 0],
['{prtscr}', 44, 'PrintScreen', 'PrintScreen', 0],
['{scrolllock}', 145, 'ScrollLock', 'ScrollLock', 0],
['{shiftleft}', 16, 'ShiftLeft', 'ShiftLeft', 1],
['{shiftright}', 16, 'ShiftRight', 'ShiftRight', 2],
['{space}', 32, 'Space', 'Space', 0],
['{tab}', 9, 'Tab', 'Tab', 0],
['|', 220, 'Backslash', '|', 0],
['}', 221, 'BracketRight', '}', 0],
['~', 192, 'Backquote', '~', 0],
['"', 222, 'Quote', '"', 0]
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -1,43 +1,37 @@
export function decode(string : string) : string[] {
let pos = -1;
let sections = [];
export function decode(string: string): string[] {
let pos = -1;
let sections = [];
for(;;) {
let len = string.indexOf('.', pos + 1);
for (;;) {
let len = string.indexOf('.', pos + 1);
if(len === -1)
if (len === -1) break;
pos = parseInt(string.slice(pos + 1, len)) + len + 1;
pos = parseInt(string.slice(pos + 1, len)) + len + 1;
// don't allow funky protocol length
if(pos > string.length)
return [];
// don't allow funky protocol length
if (pos > string.length) return [];
sections.push(string.slice(len + 1, pos));
sections.push(string.slice(len + 1, pos));
const sep = string.slice(pos, pos + 1);
const sep = string.slice(pos, pos + 1);
if (sep === ',') continue;
else if (sep === ';') break;
// Invalid data.
else return [];
if(sep === ',')
else if(sep === ';')
// Invalid data.
return [];
return sections;
return sections;
export function encode(...string : string[]) : string {
let command = '';
export function encode(...string: string[]): string {
let command = '';
for(var i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
let current = string[i];
command += current.toString().length + '.' + current;
command += ( i < string.length - 1 ? ',' : ';');
return command;
for (var i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
let current = string[i];
command += current.toString().length + '.' + current;
command += i < string.length - 1 ? ',' : ';';
return command;
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
enum MuteState {
Temp = 0,
Perma = 1,
Unmuted = 2
Temp = 0,
Perma = 1,
Unmuted = 2
export default MuteState;
export default MuteState;
@ -1,52 +1,52 @@
export class Permissions {
restore : boolean = false;
reboot : boolean = false;
ban : boolean = false;
forcevote : boolean = false;
mute : boolean = false;
kick : boolean = false;
bypassturn : boolean = false;
rename : boolean = false;
grabip : boolean = false;
xss : boolean = false;
constructor(mask : number) {
this.restore = (mask & 1) !== 0;
this.reboot = (mask & 2) !== 0;
this.ban = (mask & 4) !== 0;
this.forcevote = (mask & 8) !== 0;
this.mute = (mask & 16) !== 0;
this.kick = (mask & 32) !== 0;
this.bypassturn = (mask & 64) !== 0;
this.rename = (mask & 128) !== 0;
this.grabip = (mask & 256) !== 0;
this.xss = (mask & 512) !== 0;
restore: boolean = false;
reboot: boolean = false;
ban: boolean = false;
forcevote: boolean = false;
mute: boolean = false;
kick: boolean = false;
bypassturn: boolean = false;
rename: boolean = false;
grabip: boolean = false;
xss: boolean = false;
constructor(mask: number) {
this.restore = (mask & 1) !== 0;
this.reboot = (mask & 2) !== 0;
this.ban = (mask & 4) !== 0;
this.forcevote = (mask & 8) !== 0;
this.mute = (mask & 16) !== 0;
this.kick = (mask & 32) !== 0;
this.bypassturn = (mask & 64) !== 0;
this.rename = (mask & 128) !== 0;
this.grabip = (mask & 256) !== 0;
this.xss = (mask & 512) !== 0;
export enum Rank {
Unregistered = 0,
Admin = 2,
Moderator = 3,
Unregistered = 0,
Admin = 2,
Moderator = 3
// All used admin opcodes as a enum
export enum AdminOpcode {
Login = '2',
MonitorCommand = '5',
Restore = '8',
Reboot = '10',
BanUser = '12',
ForceVote = '13',
MuteUser = '14',
KickUser = '15',
EndTurn = '16',
ClearTurns = '17',
RenameUser = '18',
GetIP = '19',
BypassTurn = '20',
ChatXSS = '21',
ToggleTurns = '22',
IndefiniteTurn = '23',
HideScreen = '24'
Login = '2',
MonitorCommand = '5',
Restore = '8',
Reboot = '10',
BanUser = '12',
ForceVote = '13',
MuteUser = '14',
KickUser = '15',
EndTurn = '16',
ClearTurns = '17',
RenameUser = '18',
GetIP = '19',
BypassTurn = '20',
ChatXSS = '21',
ToggleTurns = '22',
IndefiniteTurn = '23',
HideScreen = '24'
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
import { User } from "./User.js";
import { User } from './User.js';
export default interface TurnStatus {
// The user currently taking their turn
user : User | null;
// The users in the turn queue
queue : User[];
// Amount of time left in the turn. Null unless the user is taking their turn
turnTime : number | null;
// Amount of time until the user gets their turn. Null unless the user is in the queue
queueTime : number | null;
// The user currently taking their turn
user: User | null;
// The users in the turn queue
queue: User[];
// Amount of time left in the turn. Null unless the user is taking their turn
turnTime: number | null;
// Amount of time until the user gets their turn. Null unless the user is in the queue
queueTime: number | null;
@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
import { Rank } from "./Permissions.js";
import { Rank } from './Permissions.js';
export class User {
username : string;
rank : Rank;
// -1 means not in the turn queue, 0 means the current turn, anything else is the position in the queue
turn : number;
username: string;
rank: Rank;
// -1 means not in the turn queue, 0 means the current turn, anything else is the position in the queue
turn: number;
constructor(username : string, rank : Rank = Rank.Unregistered) {
this.username = username;
this.rank = rank;
this.turn = -1;
constructor(username: string, rank: Rank = Rank.Unregistered) {
this.username = username;
this.rank = rank;
this.turn = -1;
@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
export default interface VM {
url : string;
url: string;
id : string;
id: string;
displayName : string;
displayName: string;
thumbnail : HTMLImageElement;
thumbnail: HTMLImageElement;
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
export default interface VoteStatus {
timeToEnd: number;
yesVotes: number;
noVotes: number;
timeToEnd: number;
yesVotes: number;
noVotes: number;
@ -1,47 +1,45 @@
function maskContains(mask: number, bit: number): boolean {
return (mask & bit) == bit;
return (mask & bit) == bit;
export default class Mouse {
left : boolean = false;
middle : boolean = false;
right : boolean = false;
scrollDown : boolean = false;
scrollUp : boolean = false;
x : number = 0;
y : number = 0;
constructor() {}
left: boolean = false;
middle: boolean = false;
right: boolean = false;
scrollDown: boolean = false;
scrollUp: boolean = false;
x: number = 0;
y: number = 0;
constructor() {}
makeMask() {
var mask = 0;
if (this.left) mask |= 1;
if (this.middle) mask |= 2;
if (this.right) mask |= 4;
if (this.scrollUp) mask |= 8;
if (this.scrollDown) mask |= 16;
return mask;
makeMask() {
var mask = 0;
if (this.left) mask |= 1;
if (this.middle) mask |= 2;
if (this.right) mask |= 4;
if (this.scrollUp) mask |= 8;
if (this.scrollDown) mask |= 16;
return mask;
initFromMouseEvent(e: MouseEvent) {
this.left = maskContains(e.buttons, 1);
this.right = maskContains(e.buttons, 2);
this.middle = maskContains(e.buttons, 4);
initFromMouseEvent(e: MouseEvent) {
this.left = maskContains(e.buttons, 1);
this.right = maskContains(e.buttons, 2);
this.middle = maskContains(e.buttons, 4);
this.x = e.offsetX;
this.y = e.offsetY;
this.x = e.offsetX;
this.y = e.offsetY;
// don't think there's a good way of shoehorning this in processEvent so ..
// (I guess could union e to be MouseEvent|WheelEvent and put this in there, but it'd be a
// completely unnesscary runtime check for a one-event situation, so having it be seperate
// and even call the MouseEvent implementation is more than good enough)
initFromWheelEvent(ev: WheelEvent) {
this.initFromMouseEvent(ev as MouseEvent);
// don't think there's a good way of shoehorning this in processEvent so ..
// (I guess could union e to be MouseEvent|WheelEvent and put this in there, but it'd be a
// completely unnesscary runtime check for a one-event situation, so having it be seperate
// and even call the MouseEvent implementation is more than good enough)
initFromWheelEvent(ev: WheelEvent) {
this.initFromMouseEvent(ev as MouseEvent);
// Now do the actual wheel handling
if (ev.deltaY < 0)
this.scrollUp = true;
else if (ev.deltaY > 0)
this.scrollDown = true;
// Now do the actual wheel handling
if (ev.deltaY < 0) this.scrollUp = true;
else if (ev.deltaY > 0) this.scrollDown = true;
Reference in a new issue