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package net.minecraft.src;
import java.io.DataInputStream;
import java.io.DataOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer;
public class AnvilSaveConverter extends SaveFormatOld {
public AnvilSaveConverter(File par1File) {
protected int getSaveVersion() {
return 19133;
public void flushCache() {
* Returns back a loader for the specified save directory
public ISaveHandler getSaveLoader(String par1Str, boolean par2) {
return new AnvilSaveHandler(this.savesDirectory, par1Str, par2);
* gets if the map is old chunk saving (true) or McRegion (false)
public boolean isOldMapFormat(String par1Str) {
WorldInfo var2 = this.getWorldInfo(par1Str);
return var2 != null && var2.getSaveVersion() != this.getSaveVersion();
* converts the map to mcRegion
public boolean convertMapFormat(String par1Str, IProgressUpdate par2IProgressUpdate) {
ArrayList var3 = new ArrayList();
ArrayList var4 = new ArrayList();
ArrayList var5 = new ArrayList();
File var6 = new File(this.savesDirectory, par1Str);
File var7 = new File(var6, "DIM-1");
File var8 = new File(var6, "DIM1");
MinecraftServer.getServer().getLogAgent().func_98233_a("Scanning folders...");
this.addRegionFilesToCollection(var6, var3);
if (var7.exists()) {
this.addRegionFilesToCollection(var7, var4);
if (var8.exists()) {
this.addRegionFilesToCollection(var8, var5);
int var9 = var3.size() + var4.size() + var5.size();
MinecraftServer.getServer().getLogAgent().func_98233_a("Total conversion count is " + var9);
WorldInfo var10 = this.getWorldInfo(par1Str);
Object var11 = null;
if (var10.getTerrainType() == WorldType.FLAT) {
var11 = new WorldChunkManagerHell(BiomeGenBase.plains, 0.5F, 0.5F);
} else {
var11 = new WorldChunkManager(var10.getSeed(), var10.getTerrainType());
this.convertFile(new File(var6, "region"), var3, (WorldChunkManager) var11, 0, var9, par2IProgressUpdate);
this.convertFile(new File(var7, "region"), var4, new WorldChunkManagerHell(BiomeGenBase.hell, 1.0F, 0.0F),
var3.size(), var9, par2IProgressUpdate);
this.convertFile(new File(var8, "region"), var5, new WorldChunkManagerHell(BiomeGenBase.sky, 0.5F, 0.0F),
var3.size() + var4.size(), var9, par2IProgressUpdate);
if (var10.getTerrainType() == WorldType.DEFAULT_1_1) {
ISaveHandler var12 = this.getSaveLoader(par1Str, false);
return true;
* par: filename for the level.dat_mcr backup
private void createFile(String par1Str) {
File var2 = new File(this.savesDirectory, par1Str);
if (!var2.exists()) {
System.out.println("Warning: Unable to create level.dat_mcr backup");
} else {
File var3 = new File(var2, "level.dat");
if (!var3.exists()) {
System.out.println("Warning: Unable to create level.dat_mcr backup");
} else {
File var4 = new File(var2, "level.dat_mcr");
if (!var3.renameTo(var4)) {
System.out.println("Warning: Unable to create level.dat_mcr backup");
private void convertFile(File par1File, Iterable par2Iterable, WorldChunkManager par3WorldChunkManager, int par4,
int par5, IProgressUpdate par6IProgressUpdate) {
Iterator var7 = par2Iterable.iterator();
while (var7.hasNext()) {
File var8 = (File) var7.next();
this.convertChunks(par1File, var8, par3WorldChunkManager, par4, par5, par6IProgressUpdate);
int var9 = (int) Math.round(100.0D * (double) par4 / (double) par5);
* copies a 32x32 chunk set from par2File to par1File, via AnvilConverterData
private void convertChunks(File par1File, File par2File, WorldChunkManager par3WorldChunkManager, int par4,
int par5, IProgressUpdate par6IProgressUpdate) {
try {
String var7 = par2File.getName();
RegionFile var8 = new RegionFile(par2File);
RegionFile var9 = new RegionFile(
new File(par1File, var7.substring(0, var7.length() - ".mcr".length()) + ".mca"));
for (int var10 = 0; var10 < 32; ++var10) {
int var11;
for (var11 = 0; var11 < 32; ++var11) {
if (var8.isChunkSaved(var10, var11) && !var9.isChunkSaved(var10, var11)) {
DataInputStream var12 = var8.getChunkDataInputStream(var10, var11);
if (var12 == null) {
MinecraftServer.getServer().getLogAgent().func_98236_b("Failed to fetch input stream");
} else {
NBTTagCompound var13 = CompressedStreamTools.read(var12);
NBTTagCompound var14 = var13.getCompoundTag("Level");
AnvilConverterData var15 = ChunkLoader.load(var14);
NBTTagCompound var16 = new NBTTagCompound();
NBTTagCompound var17 = new NBTTagCompound();
var16.setTag("Level", var17);
ChunkLoader.convertToAnvilFormat(var15, var17, par3WorldChunkManager);
DataOutputStream var18 = var9.getChunkDataOutputStream(var10, var11);
CompressedStreamTools.write(var16, var18);
var11 = (int) Math.round(100.0D * (double) (par4 * 1024) / (double) (par5 * 1024));
int var20 = (int) Math
.round(100.0D * (double) ((var10 + 1) * 32 + par4 * 1024) / (double) (par5 * 1024));
if (var20 > var11) {
} catch (IOException var19) {
* filters the files in the par1 directory, and adds them to the par2
* collections
private void addRegionFilesToCollection(File par1File, Collection par2Collection) {
File var3 = new File(par1File, "region");
File[] var4 = var3.listFiles(new AnvilSaveConverterFileFilter(this));
if (var4 != null) {
Collections.addAll(par2Collection, var4);