As of January 2024, singleplayer and shared worlds have been added to EaglercraftX 1.8.
Worlds are saved to your browser's local storage and are available even if your device does not have an internet connection. You can also import and export worlds in EaglercraftX as EPK files to copy them between devices and send them to your friends.
You can also import and export your existing vanilla Minecraft 1.8 worlds into EaglercraftX using ZIP files if you want to try playing all your old 1.8 maps in a modern browser. The glitch that caused some chunks to become corrupt when exporting worlds as vanilla in Eaglercraft 1.5.2 no longer happens in EaglercraftX 1.8, its perfect now. Beware that the inventories of LAN world players are not saved when the world is converted to vanilla, and pets (dogs, cats, horses, etc) might sometimes forget their owners due to the UUID changes.
## Shared Worlds
**This feature used to be known as "LAN Worlds" but has been renamed to "Shared Worlds" to avoid confusion**
If you would like to invite other players to join your singleplayer world and play the game together, use the "Invite" button in the pause menu. You can configure gamemode and cheats for the other players joining your world, you can also decide if you would like to hide your world from other people on your wifi network or advertise your world to them. If hidden is "off" then other people on your same wifi network will see your world listed on their game's "Multiplayer" screen with all of their servers like how sharing LAN worlds behave in vanilla Minecraft 1.8.
Once you press "Start Shared World", EaglercraftX 1.8 will give you a "join code" (usually 5 letters) to share with your friends. On a different device, go the "Multiplayer" screen and press "Direct Connect" and press "Join Shared World", enter the join code given to you when you started the shared world and press "Join World". Given a few seconds, the client should successfully be able to join your shared world from any other device on the internet that also has unrestricted internet access. If it does not work, check the "Network Settings" screen and make sure you and your friends all have the same set of shared world relay URLs configured or your clients will not be able to find each other.
If you would like to host your own relay, the JAR file and instructions can be downloaded from the "Network Settings" screen in the client. EaglercraftX 1.8 uses the same "LAN world" relay server that is used by Eaglercraft 1.5.2, if you would like the relay source code find a random copy of the Eaglercraft 1.5.2 source code and it should be located in the "sp-relay" folder. The relay has not been updated since then, it has only been renamed from "LAN world relay" to "Shared world relay".
## PBR Shaders
EaglercraftX 1.8 includes a deferred physically-based renderer modeled after the GTA V rendering engine with many new improvements and a novel raytracing technique for fast realistic reflections. It can be enabled in the "Shaders" menu in the game's options screen. Shader packs in EaglercraftX are just a component of resource packs, so any custom shaders you install will be in the form of a resource pack. EaglercraftX also comes with a very well optimized built-in PBR shader pack and also a concise built-in PBR material texture pack to give all blocks and items in the game realistic lighting and materials that looks better than most vanilla Minecraft shader packs. The default shader and texture packs were created from scratch by lax1dude, shaders packs made for vanilla Minecraft will not work in EaglercraftX and no shaders in EaglercraftX were taken from vanilla Minecraft shader packs.
To make a server for EaglercraftX 1.8 the recommended software to use is EaglercraftXBungee ("EaglerXBungee") which is included in this repository in the `gateway/EaglercraftXBungee` folder. This is a plugin designed to be used with BungeeCord to allow Eaglercraft players to join your BungeeCord server. It is assumed that the reader already knows what BungeeCord is and has a working server set up that is joinable via java edition. If you don't know what BungeeCord is, please research the topic yourself first before continuing. Waterfall and FlameCord have also been tested, but EaglerXBungee was natively compiled against BungeeCord.
Obtain the latest version of the EaglerXBungee JAR file (it can be downloaded in the client from the "Multiplayer" screen) and place it in the "plugins" folder of your BungeeCord server. It's recommended to only join native Minecraft 1.8 servers through an EaglerXBungee server but plugins like ProtocolSupport have allowed some people to join newer servers too.
Players using EaglercraftX will be able to see the vanilla skins of players on the server using vanilla Minecraft, but players on the server using vanilla Minecraft won't be able to see the skins of players using Eaglercraft. Instead they will see the skin of the Minecraft account that was used when the Eaglercraft player originally ran the `/eagler` command.
To disable this vanilla player skin feature and stop the plugin from downloading the textures of any player heads spawned with commands, edit the EaglercraftXBungee `settings.yml` file in the `plugins/EaglercraftXBungee` folder and change `download_vanilla_skins_to_clients` to `false`. Ratelimits configured in `settings.yml` define the maximum number of times per minute a single player is allowed to trigger profile/skin lookups and also define the maximum number of times per minute the entire server is allowed to actually perform profile/skin lookups.
By default, EaglercraftXBungee will use a local SQLite database in the server's working directory to store player skins and authentication codes. SQLite will be downloaded automatically if it is not already present. If you would like to use MySQL or something else instead, EaglercraftXBungee is JDBC-based and supports any database type that you can find a driver for. You can set the path of the database, path of the driver JAR, and the name of the driver class (example: `org.sqlite.JDBC`) for storing player skins in `settings.yml` and for storing login codes and profiles in `authservice.yml`.
### Offline Mode Instructions
By setting `online_mode` to `false` in the BungeeCord `config.yml` the authentication system will be disabled and players will no longer be required to first generate a code to log in. This should only be used for testing or if you can't get the authentication system to work. EaglercraftXBungee's skin system is supposed to be able to display SkinsRestorer skins if you plan to have vanilla players on the server but it's not guaranteed.
### Built-in HTTP server
When configuring the EaglercraftXBungee `listeners.yml` file, every listener includes an `http_server` section that can be used to configure the listener to also behave like a regular HTTP server when the websocket address is entered into a browser. If this is disabled people will get the normal "404 Websocket Upgrade Failure" instead when they accidentally type your server address into their browser. `root` defines the path to the folder containing index.html and the other files you want to host, relative to the `plugins/EaglercraftXBungee` folder. This can be useful for hosting the client if the offline download doesn't work for some reason but might slow your BungeeCord server down if lots of people are loading it all the time.
## Launch Options
The EaglercraftX 1.8 client is configured primarily through a variable called `window.eaglercraftXOpts` that must be set before the client starts up.
The default eaglercraftXOpts values is this:
const relayId = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);
window.eaglercraftXOpts = {
demoMode: false,
container: "game_frame",
assetsURI: "assets.epk",
localesURI: "lang/",
worldsDB: "worlds",
servers: [
{ addr: "ws://localhost:8081/", name: "Local test server" }
There is currently no system in place to make forks of 1.8 and merge commits made to the patch files in this repository with the patch files or workspace of the fork, you're on your own if you try to keep a fork of this repo for reasons other than to contribute to it