/**************************************************************************/ /* bone_map_editor_plugin.cpp */ /**************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /**************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. */ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ #include "bone_map_editor_plugin.h" #include "editor/editor_settings.h" #include "editor/import/3d/post_import_plugin_skeleton_renamer.h" #include "editor/import/3d/post_import_plugin_skeleton_rest_fixer.h" #include "editor/import/3d/post_import_plugin_skeleton_track_organizer.h" #include "editor/import/3d/scene_import_settings.h" #include "editor/themes/editor_scale.h" #include "editor/themes/editor_theme_manager.h" #include "scene/gui/aspect_ratio_container.h" #include "scene/gui/separator.h" #include "scene/gui/texture_rect.h" #include "modules/regex/regex.h" void BoneMapperButton::fetch_textures() { if (selected) { set_texture_normal(get_editor_theme_icon(SNAME("BoneMapperHandleSelected"))); } else { set_texture_normal(get_editor_theme_icon(SNAME("BoneMapperHandle"))); } set_offset(SIDE_LEFT, 0); set_offset(SIDE_RIGHT, 0); set_offset(SIDE_TOP, 0); set_offset(SIDE_BOTTOM, 0); // Hack to avoid handle color darkening... set_modulate(EditorThemeManager::is_dark_theme() ? Color(1, 1, 1) : Color(4.25, 4.25, 4.25)); circle = memnew(TextureRect); circle->set_texture(get_editor_theme_icon(SNAME("BoneMapperHandleCircle"))); add_child(circle); set_state(BONE_MAP_STATE_UNSET); } StringName BoneMapperButton::get_profile_bone_name() const { return profile_bone_name; } void BoneMapperButton::set_state(BoneMapState p_state) { switch (p_state) { case BONE_MAP_STATE_UNSET: { circle->set_modulate(EDITOR_GET("editors/bone_mapper/handle_colors/unset")); } break; case BONE_MAP_STATE_SET: { circle->set_modulate(EDITOR_GET("editors/bone_mapper/handle_colors/set")); } break; case BONE_MAP_STATE_MISSING: { circle->set_modulate(EDITOR_GET("editors/bone_mapper/handle_colors/missing")); } break; case BONE_MAP_STATE_ERROR: { circle->set_modulate(EDITOR_GET("editors/bone_mapper/handle_colors/error")); } break; default: { } break; } } bool BoneMapperButton::is_require() const { return require; } void BoneMapperButton::_notification(int p_what) { switch (p_what) { case NOTIFICATION_ENTER_TREE: { fetch_textures(); } break; } } BoneMapperButton::BoneMapperButton(const StringName &p_profile_bone_name, bool p_require, bool p_selected) { profile_bone_name = p_profile_bone_name; require = p_require; selected = p_selected; } BoneMapperButton::~BoneMapperButton() { } void BoneMapperItem::create_editor() { HBoxContainer *hbox = memnew(HBoxContainer); add_child(hbox); skeleton_bone_selector = memnew(EditorPropertyText); skeleton_bone_selector->set_label(profile_bone_name); skeleton_bone_selector->set_selectable(false); skeleton_bone_selector->set_h_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); skeleton_bone_selector->set_object_and_property(bone_map.ptr(), "bone_map/" + String(profile_bone_name)); skeleton_bone_selector->update_property(); skeleton_bone_selector->connect("property_changed", callable_mp(this, &BoneMapperItem::_value_changed)); hbox->add_child(skeleton_bone_selector); picker_button = memnew(Button); picker_button->set_button_icon(get_editor_theme_icon(SNAME("ClassList"))); picker_button->connect(SceneStringName(pressed), callable_mp(this, &BoneMapperItem::_open_picker)); hbox->add_child(picker_button); add_child(memnew(HSeparator)); } void BoneMapperItem::_update_property() { if (skeleton_bone_selector->get_edited_object() && skeleton_bone_selector->get_edited_property()) { skeleton_bone_selector->update_property(); } } void BoneMapperItem::_open_picker() { emit_signal(SNAME("pick"), profile_bone_name); } void BoneMapperItem::_value_changed(const String &p_property, const Variant &p_value, const String &p_name, bool p_changing) { bone_map->set(p_property, p_value); } void BoneMapperItem::_notification(int p_what) { switch (p_what) { case NOTIFICATION_ENTER_TREE: { create_editor(); bone_map->connect("bone_map_updated", callable_mp(this, &BoneMapperItem::_update_property)); } break; case NOTIFICATION_EXIT_TREE: { if (bone_map.is_valid() && bone_map->is_connected("bone_map_updated", callable_mp(this, &BoneMapperItem::_update_property))) { bone_map->disconnect("bone_map_updated", callable_mp(this, &BoneMapperItem::_update_property)); } } break; } } void BoneMapperItem::_bind_methods() { ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("pick", PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING_NAME, "profile_bone_name"))); } BoneMapperItem::BoneMapperItem(Ref &p_bone_map, const StringName &p_profile_bone_name) { bone_map = p_bone_map; profile_bone_name = p_profile_bone_name; } BoneMapperItem::~BoneMapperItem() { } void BonePicker::create_editors() { set_title(TTR("Bone Picker:")); VBoxContainer *vbox = memnew(VBoxContainer); add_child(vbox); bones = memnew(Tree); bones->set_auto_translate_mode(AUTO_TRANSLATE_MODE_DISABLED); bones->set_select_mode(Tree::SELECT_SINGLE); bones->set_v_size_flags(Control::SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); bones->set_hide_root(true); bones->connect("item_activated", callable_mp(this, &BonePicker::_confirm)); vbox->add_child(bones); create_bones_tree(skeleton); } void BonePicker::create_bones_tree(Skeleton3D *p_skeleton) { bones->clear(); if (!p_skeleton) { return; } TreeItem *root = bones->create_item(); HashMap items; items.insert(-1, root); Ref bone_icon = get_editor_theme_icon(SNAME("Bone")); Vector bones_to_process = p_skeleton->get_parentless_bones(); bool is_first = true; while (bones_to_process.size() > 0) { int current_bone_idx = bones_to_process[0]; bones_to_process.erase(current_bone_idx); Vector current_bone_child_bones = p_skeleton->get_bone_children(current_bone_idx); int child_bone_size = current_bone_child_bones.size(); for (int i = 0; i < child_bone_size; i++) { bones_to_process.push_back(current_bone_child_bones[i]); } const int parent_idx = p_skeleton->get_bone_parent(current_bone_idx); TreeItem *parent_item = items.find(parent_idx)->value; TreeItem *joint_item = bones->create_item(parent_item); items.insert(current_bone_idx, joint_item); joint_item->set_text(0, p_skeleton->get_bone_name(current_bone_idx)); joint_item->set_icon(0, bone_icon); joint_item->set_selectable(0, true); joint_item->set_metadata(0, "bones/" + itos(current_bone_idx)); if (is_first) { is_first = false; } else { joint_item->set_collapsed(true); } } } void BonePicker::_confirm() { _ok_pressed(); } void BonePicker::popup_bones_tree(const Size2i &p_minsize) { popup_centered(p_minsize); } bool BonePicker::has_selected_bone() { TreeItem *selected = bones->get_selected(); if (!selected) { return false; } return true; } StringName BonePicker::get_selected_bone() { TreeItem *selected = bones->get_selected(); if (!selected) { return StringName(); } return selected->get_text(0); } void BonePicker::_notification(int p_what) { switch (p_what) { case NOTIFICATION_ENTER_TREE: { create_editors(); } break; } } BonePicker::BonePicker(Skeleton3D *p_skeleton) { skeleton = p_skeleton; } BonePicker::~BonePicker() { } void BoneMapper::create_editor() { // Create Bone picker. picker = memnew(BonePicker(skeleton)); picker->connect(SceneStringName(confirmed), callable_mp(this, &BoneMapper::_apply_picker_selection)); add_child(picker, false, INTERNAL_MODE_FRONT); profile_selector = memnew(EditorPropertyResource); profile_selector->setup(bone_map.ptr(), "profile", "SkeletonProfile"); profile_selector->set_label("Profile"); profile_selector->set_selectable(false); profile_selector->set_object_and_property(bone_map.ptr(), "profile"); profile_selector->update_property(); profile_selector->connect("property_changed", callable_mp(this, &BoneMapper::_profile_changed)); add_child(profile_selector); add_child(memnew(HSeparator)); HBoxContainer *group_hbox = memnew(HBoxContainer); add_child(group_hbox); profile_group_selector = memnew(EditorPropertyEnum); profile_group_selector->set_label("Group"); profile_group_selector->set_selectable(false); profile_group_selector->set_h_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); profile_group_selector->set_object_and_property(this, "current_group_idx"); profile_group_selector->update_property(); profile_group_selector->connect("property_changed", callable_mp(this, &BoneMapper::_value_changed)); group_hbox->add_child(profile_group_selector); clear_mapping_button = memnew(Button); clear_mapping_button->set_button_icon(get_editor_theme_icon(SNAME("Clear"))); clear_mapping_button->set_tooltip_text(TTR("Clear mappings in current group.")); clear_mapping_button->connect(SceneStringName(pressed), callable_mp(this, &BoneMapper::_clear_mapping_current_group)); group_hbox->add_child(clear_mapping_button); bone_mapper_field = memnew(AspectRatioContainer); bone_mapper_field->set_stretch_mode(AspectRatioContainer::STRETCH_FIT); bone_mapper_field->set_custom_minimum_size(Vector2(0, 256.0) * EDSCALE); bone_mapper_field->set_h_size_flags(Control::SIZE_FILL); add_child(bone_mapper_field); profile_bg = memnew(ColorRect); profile_bg->set_color(Color(0, 0, 0, 1)); profile_bg->set_h_size_flags(Control::SIZE_FILL); profile_bg->set_v_size_flags(Control::SIZE_FILL); bone_mapper_field->add_child(profile_bg); profile_texture = memnew(TextureRect); profile_texture->set_stretch_mode(TextureRect::STRETCH_KEEP_ASPECT_CENTERED); profile_texture->set_expand_mode(TextureRect::EXPAND_IGNORE_SIZE); profile_texture->set_h_size_flags(Control::SIZE_FILL); profile_texture->set_v_size_flags(Control::SIZE_FILL); bone_mapper_field->add_child(profile_texture); mapper_item_vbox = memnew(VBoxContainer); add_child(mapper_item_vbox); recreate_items(); } void BoneMapper::update_group_idx() { if (bone_map->get_profile().is_null()) { return; } PackedStringArray group_names; int len = bone_map->get_profile()->get_group_size(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { group_names.push_back(bone_map->get_profile()->get_group_name(i)); } if (current_group_idx >= len) { current_group_idx = 0; } if (len > 0) { profile_group_selector->setup(group_names); profile_group_selector->update_property(); profile_group_selector->set_read_only(false); } } void BoneMapper::_pick_bone(const StringName &p_bone_name) { picker_key_name = p_bone_name; picker->popup_bones_tree(Size2(500, 500) * EDSCALE); } void BoneMapper::_apply_picker_selection() { if (!picker->has_selected_bone()) { return; } bone_map->set_skeleton_bone_name(picker_key_name, picker->get_selected_bone()); } void BoneMapper::set_current_group_idx(int p_group_idx) { current_group_idx = p_group_idx; recreate_editor(); } int BoneMapper::get_current_group_idx() const { return current_group_idx; } void BoneMapper::set_current_bone_idx(int p_bone_idx) { current_bone_idx = p_bone_idx; recreate_editor(); } int BoneMapper::get_current_bone_idx() const { return current_bone_idx; } void BoneMapper::recreate_editor() { // Clear buttons. int len = bone_mapper_buttons.size(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { profile_texture->remove_child(bone_mapper_buttons[i]); memdelete(bone_mapper_buttons[i]); } bone_mapper_buttons.clear(); // Organize mapper items. len = bone_mapper_items.size(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { bone_mapper_items[i]->set_visible(current_bone_idx == i); } Ref profile = bone_map->get_profile(); if (profile.is_valid()) { SkeletonProfileHumanoid *hmn = Object::cast_to(profile.ptr()); if (hmn) { StringName hmn_group_name = profile->get_group_name(current_group_idx); if (hmn_group_name == "Body") { profile_texture->set_texture(get_editor_theme_icon(SNAME("BoneMapHumanBody"))); } else if (hmn_group_name == "Face") { profile_texture->set_texture(get_editor_theme_icon(SNAME("BoneMapHumanFace"))); } else if (hmn_group_name == "LeftHand") { profile_texture->set_texture(get_editor_theme_icon(SNAME("BoneMapHumanLeftHand"))); } else if (hmn_group_name == "RightHand") { profile_texture->set_texture(get_editor_theme_icon(SNAME("BoneMapHumanRightHand"))); } } else { profile_texture->set_texture(profile->get_texture(current_group_idx)); } } else { profile_texture->set_texture(Ref()); } if (profile.is_null()) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (profile->get_group(i) == profile->get_group_name(current_group_idx)) { BoneMapperButton *mb = memnew(BoneMapperButton(profile->get_bone_name(i), profile->is_required(i), current_bone_idx == i)); mb->connect(SceneStringName(pressed), callable_mp(this, &BoneMapper::set_current_bone_idx).bind(i), CONNECT_DEFERRED); mb->set_h_grow_direction(GROW_DIRECTION_BOTH); mb->set_v_grow_direction(GROW_DIRECTION_BOTH); Vector2 vc = profile->get_handle_offset(i); bone_mapper_buttons.push_back(mb); profile_texture->add_child(mb); mb->set_anchor(SIDE_LEFT, vc.x); mb->set_anchor(SIDE_RIGHT, vc.x); mb->set_anchor(SIDE_TOP, vc.y); mb->set_anchor(SIDE_BOTTOM, vc.y); } } _update_state(); } void BoneMapper::clear_items() { // Clear items. int len = bone_mapper_items.size(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { bone_mapper_items[i]->disconnect("pick", callable_mp(this, &BoneMapper::_pick_bone)); mapper_item_vbox->remove_child(bone_mapper_items[i]); memdelete(bone_mapper_items[i]); } bone_mapper_items.clear(); } void BoneMapper::recreate_items() { clear_items(); // Create items by profile. Ref profile = bone_map->get_profile(); if (profile.is_valid()) { int len = profile->get_bone_size(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { StringName bn = profile->get_bone_name(i); bone_mapper_items.append(memnew(BoneMapperItem(bone_map, bn))); bone_mapper_items[i]->connect("pick", callable_mp(this, &BoneMapper::_pick_bone), CONNECT_DEFERRED); mapper_item_vbox->add_child(bone_mapper_items[i]); } } update_group_idx(); recreate_editor(); } void BoneMapper::_update_state() { int len = bone_mapper_buttons.size(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { StringName pbn = bone_mapper_buttons[i]->get_profile_bone_name(); StringName sbn = bone_map->get_skeleton_bone_name(pbn); int bone_idx = skeleton->find_bone(sbn); if (bone_idx >= 0) { if (bone_map->get_skeleton_bone_name_count(sbn) == 1) { Ref prof = bone_map->get_profile(); StringName parent_name = prof->get_bone_parent(prof->find_bone(pbn)); Vector prof_parent_bones; while (parent_name != StringName()) { prof_parent_bones.push_back(skeleton->find_bone(bone_map->get_skeleton_bone_name(parent_name))); if (prof->find_bone(parent_name) == -1) { break; } parent_name = prof->get_bone_parent(prof->find_bone(parent_name)); } int parent_id = skeleton->get_bone_parent(bone_idx); Vector skel_parent_bones; while (parent_id >= 0) { skel_parent_bones.push_back(parent_id); parent_id = skeleton->get_bone_parent(parent_id); } bool is_broken = false; for (int j = 0; j < prof_parent_bones.size(); j++) { if (prof_parent_bones[j] != -1 && !skel_parent_bones.has(prof_parent_bones[j])) { is_broken = true; } } if (is_broken) { bone_mapper_buttons[i]->set_state(BoneMapperButton::BONE_MAP_STATE_ERROR); } else { bone_mapper_buttons[i]->set_state(BoneMapperButton::BONE_MAP_STATE_SET); } } else { bone_mapper_buttons[i]->set_state(BoneMapperButton::BONE_MAP_STATE_ERROR); } } else { if (bone_mapper_buttons[i]->is_require()) { bone_mapper_buttons[i]->set_state(BoneMapperButton::BONE_MAP_STATE_MISSING); } else { bone_mapper_buttons[i]->set_state(BoneMapperButton::BONE_MAP_STATE_UNSET); } } } } void BoneMapper::_clear_mapping_current_group() { if (bone_map.is_valid()) { Ref profile = bone_map->get_profile(); if (profile.is_valid() && profile->get_group_size() > 0) { int len = profile->get_bone_size(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (profile->get_group(i) == profile->get_group_name(current_group_idx)) { bone_map->_set_skeleton_bone_name(profile->get_bone_name(i), StringName()); } } recreate_items(); } } } bool BoneMapper::is_match_with_bone_name(const String &p_bone_name, const String &p_word) { RegEx re = RegEx(p_word); return re.search(p_bone_name.to_lower()).is_valid(); } int BoneMapper::search_bone_by_name(Skeleton3D *p_skeleton, const Vector &p_picklist, BoneSegregation p_segregation, int p_parent, int p_child, int p_children_count) { // There may be multiple candidates hit by existing the subsidiary bone. // The one with the shortest name is probably the original. LocalVector hit_list; String shortest = ""; for (int word_idx = 0; word_idx < p_picklist.size(); word_idx++) { if (p_child == -1) { Vector bones_to_process = p_parent == -1 ? p_skeleton->get_parentless_bones() : p_skeleton->get_bone_children(p_parent); while (bones_to_process.size() > 0) { int idx = bones_to_process[0]; bones_to_process.erase(idx); Vector children = p_skeleton->get_bone_children(idx); for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) { bones_to_process.push_back(children[i]); } if (p_children_count == 0 && children.size() > 0) { continue; } if (p_children_count > 0 && children.size() < p_children_count) { continue; } String bn = skeleton->get_bone_name(idx); if (is_match_with_bone_name(bn, p_picklist[word_idx]) && guess_bone_segregation(bn) == p_segregation) { hit_list.push_back(bn); } } if (hit_list.size() > 0) { shortest = hit_list[0]; for (const String &hit : hit_list) { if (hit.length() < shortest.length()) { shortest = hit; // Prioritize parent. } } } } else { int idx = skeleton->get_bone_parent(p_child); while (idx != p_parent && idx >= 0) { Vector children = p_skeleton->get_bone_children(idx); if (p_children_count == 0 && children.size() > 0) { continue; } if (p_children_count > 0 && children.size() < p_children_count) { continue; } String bn = skeleton->get_bone_name(idx); if (is_match_with_bone_name(bn, p_picklist[word_idx]) && guess_bone_segregation(bn) == p_segregation) { hit_list.push_back(bn); } idx = skeleton->get_bone_parent(idx); } if (hit_list.size() > 0) { shortest = hit_list[0]; for (const String &hit : hit_list) { if (hit.length() <= shortest.length()) { shortest = hit; // Prioritize parent. } } } } if (shortest != "") { break; } } if (shortest == "") { return -1; } return skeleton->find_bone(shortest); } BoneMapper::BoneSegregation BoneMapper::guess_bone_segregation(const String &p_bone_name) { String fixed_bn = p_bone_name.to_snake_case(); LocalVector left_words; left_words.push_back("(? right_words; right_words.push_back("(? &p_bone_map) { WARN_PRINT("Run auto mapping."); int bone_idx = -1; Vector picklist; // Use Vector because match words have priority. Vector search_path; // 1. Guess Hips picklist.push_back("hip"); picklist.push_back("pelvis"); picklist.push_back("waist"); picklist.push_back("torso"); picklist.push_back("spine"); int hips = search_bone_by_name(skeleton, picklist); if (hips == -1) { WARN_PRINT("Auto Mapping couldn't guess Hips. Abort auto mapping."); return; // If there is no Hips, we cannot guess bone after then. } else { p_bone_map->_set_skeleton_bone_name("Hips", skeleton->get_bone_name(hips)); } picklist.clear(); // 2. Guess Root bone_idx = skeleton->get_bone_parent(hips); while (bone_idx >= 0) { search_path.push_back(bone_idx); bone_idx = skeleton->get_bone_parent(bone_idx); } if (search_path.size() == 0) { bone_idx = -1; } else if (search_path.size() == 1) { bone_idx = search_path[0]; // It is only one bone which can be root. } else { bool found = false; for (int i = 0; i < search_path.size(); i++) { RegEx re = RegEx("root"); if (re.search(skeleton->get_bone_name(search_path[i]).to_lower()).is_valid()) { bone_idx = search_path[i]; // Name match is preferred. found = true; break; } } if (!found) { for (int i = 0; i < search_path.size(); i++) { if (skeleton->get_bone_global_rest(search_path[i]).origin.is_zero_approx()) { bone_idx = search_path[i]; // The bone existing at the origin is appropriate as a root. found = true; break; } } } if (!found) { bone_idx = search_path[search_path.size() - 1]; // Ambiguous, but most parental bone selected. } } if (bone_idx == -1) { WARN_PRINT("Auto Mapping couldn't guess Root."); // Root is not required, so continue. } else { p_bone_map->_set_skeleton_bone_name("Root", skeleton->get_bone_name(bone_idx)); } bone_idx = -1; search_path.clear(); // 3. Guess Foots picklist.push_back("foot"); picklist.push_back("ankle"); int left_foot = search_bone_by_name(skeleton, picklist, BONE_SEGREGATION_LEFT, hips); if (left_foot == -1) { WARN_PRINT("Auto Mapping couldn't guess LeftFoot."); } else { p_bone_map->_set_skeleton_bone_name("LeftFoot", skeleton->get_bone_name(left_foot)); } int right_foot = search_bone_by_name(skeleton, picklist, BONE_SEGREGATION_RIGHT, hips); if (right_foot == -1) { WARN_PRINT("Auto Mapping couldn't guess RightFoot."); } else { p_bone_map->_set_skeleton_bone_name("RightFoot", skeleton->get_bone_name(right_foot)); } picklist.clear(); // 3-1. Guess LowerLegs picklist.push_back("(low|under).*leg"); picklist.push_back("knee"); picklist.push_back("shin"); picklist.push_back("calf"); picklist.push_back("leg"); int left_lower_leg = -1; if (left_foot != -1) { left_lower_leg = search_bone_by_name(skeleton, picklist, BONE_SEGREGATION_LEFT, hips, left_foot); } if (left_lower_leg == -1) { WARN_PRINT("Auto Mapping couldn't guess LeftLowerLeg."); } else { p_bone_map->_set_skeleton_bone_name("LeftLowerLeg", skeleton->get_bone_name(left_lower_leg)); } int right_lower_leg = -1; if (right_foot != -1) { right_lower_leg = search_bone_by_name(skeleton, picklist, BONE_SEGREGATION_RIGHT, hips, right_foot); } if (right_lower_leg == -1) { WARN_PRINT("Auto Mapping couldn't guess RightLowerLeg."); } else { p_bone_map->_set_skeleton_bone_name("RightLowerLeg", skeleton->get_bone_name(right_lower_leg)); } picklist.clear(); // 3-2. Guess UpperLegs picklist.push_back("up.*leg"); picklist.push_back("thigh"); picklist.push_back("leg"); if (left_lower_leg != -1) { bone_idx = search_bone_by_name(skeleton, picklist, BONE_SEGREGATION_LEFT, hips, left_lower_leg); } if (bone_idx == -1) { WARN_PRINT("Auto Mapping couldn't guess LeftUpperLeg."); } else { p_bone_map->_set_skeleton_bone_name("LeftUpperLeg", skeleton->get_bone_name(bone_idx)); } bone_idx = -1; if (right_lower_leg != -1) { bone_idx = search_bone_by_name(skeleton, picklist, BONE_SEGREGATION_RIGHT, hips, right_lower_leg); } if (bone_idx == -1) { WARN_PRINT("Auto Mapping couldn't guess RightUpperLeg."); } else { p_bone_map->_set_skeleton_bone_name("RightUpperLeg", skeleton->get_bone_name(bone_idx)); } bone_idx = -1; picklist.clear(); // 3-3. Guess Toes picklist.push_back("toe"); picklist.push_back("ball"); if (left_foot != -1) { bone_idx = search_bone_by_name(skeleton, picklist, BONE_SEGREGATION_LEFT, left_foot); if (bone_idx == -1) { search_path = skeleton->get_bone_children(left_foot); if (search_path.size() == 1) { bone_idx = search_path[0]; // Maybe only one child of the Foot is Toes. } search_path.clear(); } } if (bone_idx == -1) { WARN_PRINT("Auto Mapping couldn't guess LeftToes."); } else { p_bone_map->_set_skeleton_bone_name("LeftToes", skeleton->get_bone_name(bone_idx)); } bone_idx = -1; if (right_foot != -1) { bone_idx = search_bone_by_name(skeleton, picklist, BONE_SEGREGATION_RIGHT, right_foot); if (bone_idx == -1) { search_path = skeleton->get_bone_children(right_foot); if (search_path.size() == 1) { bone_idx = search_path[0]; // Maybe only one child of the Foot is Toes. } search_path.clear(); } } if (bone_idx == -1) { WARN_PRINT("Auto Mapping couldn't guess RightToes."); } else { p_bone_map->_set_skeleton_bone_name("RightToes", skeleton->get_bone_name(bone_idx)); } bone_idx = -1; picklist.clear(); // 4. Guess Hands picklist.push_back("hand"); picklist.push_back("wrist"); picklist.push_back("palm"); picklist.push_back("fingers"); int left_hand_or_palm = search_bone_by_name(skeleton, picklist, BONE_SEGREGATION_LEFT, hips, -1, 5); if (left_hand_or_palm == -1) { // Ambiguous, but try again for fewer finger models. left_hand_or_palm = search_bone_by_name(skeleton, picklist, BONE_SEGREGATION_LEFT, hips); } int left_hand = left_hand_or_palm; // Check for the presence of a wrist, since bones with five children may be palmar. while (left_hand != -1) { bone_idx = search_bone_by_name(skeleton, picklist, BONE_SEGREGATION_LEFT, hips, left_hand); if (bone_idx == -1) { break; } left_hand = bone_idx; } if (left_hand == -1) { WARN_PRINT("Auto Mapping couldn't guess LeftHand."); } else { p_bone_map->_set_skeleton_bone_name("LeftHand", skeleton->get_bone_name(left_hand)); } bone_idx = -1; int right_hand_or_palm = search_bone_by_name(skeleton, picklist, BONE_SEGREGATION_RIGHT, hips, -1, 5); if (right_hand_or_palm == -1) { // Ambiguous, but try again for fewer finger models. right_hand_or_palm = search_bone_by_name(skeleton, picklist, BONE_SEGREGATION_RIGHT, hips); } int right_hand = right_hand_or_palm; while (right_hand != -1) { bone_idx = search_bone_by_name(skeleton, picklist, BONE_SEGREGATION_RIGHT, hips, right_hand); if (bone_idx == -1) { break; } right_hand = bone_idx; } if (right_hand == -1) { WARN_PRINT("Auto Mapping couldn't guess RightHand."); } else { p_bone_map->_set_skeleton_bone_name("RightHand", skeleton->get_bone_name(right_hand)); } bone_idx = -1; picklist.clear(); // 4-1. Guess Finger int tips_index = -1; bool thumb_tips_size = false; bool named_finger_is_found = false; LocalVector fingers; fingers.push_back("thumb|pollex"); fingers.push_back("index|fore"); fingers.push_back("middle"); fingers.push_back("ring"); fingers.push_back("little|pinkie|pinky"); if (left_hand_or_palm != -1) { LocalVector> left_fingers_map; left_fingers_map.resize(5); left_fingers_map[0].push_back("LeftThumbMetacarpal"); left_fingers_map[0].push_back("LeftThumbProximal"); left_fingers_map[0].push_back("LeftThumbDistal"); left_fingers_map[1].push_back("LeftIndexProximal"); left_fingers_map[1].push_back("LeftIndexIntermediate"); left_fingers_map[1].push_back("LeftIndexDistal"); left_fingers_map[2].push_back("LeftMiddleProximal"); left_fingers_map[2].push_back("LeftMiddleIntermediate"); left_fingers_map[2].push_back("LeftMiddleDistal"); left_fingers_map[3].push_back("LeftRingProximal"); left_fingers_map[3].push_back("LeftRingIntermediate"); left_fingers_map[3].push_back("LeftRingDistal"); left_fingers_map[4].push_back("LeftLittleProximal"); left_fingers_map[4].push_back("LeftLittleIntermediate"); left_fingers_map[4].push_back("LeftLittleDistal"); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { picklist.push_back(fingers[i]); int finger = search_bone_by_name(skeleton, picklist, BONE_SEGREGATION_LEFT, left_hand_or_palm, -1, 0); if (finger != -1) { while (finger != left_hand_or_palm && finger >= 0) { search_path.push_back(finger); finger = skeleton->get_bone_parent(finger); } // Tips detection by name matching with "distal" from root. for (int j = search_path.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (RegEx("distal").search(skeleton->get_bone_name(search_path[j]).to_lower()).is_valid()) { tips_index = j - 1; break; } } // Tips detection by name matching with "tip|leaf" from end. if (tips_index < 0) { for (int j = 0; j < search_path.size(); j++) { if (RegEx("tip|leaf").search(skeleton->get_bone_name(search_path[j]).to_lower()).is_valid()) { tips_index = j; break; } } } // Tips detection by thumb children size. if (tips_index < 0) { if (i == 0) { thumb_tips_size = MAX(0, search_path.size() - 3); } tips_index = thumb_tips_size - 1; } // Remove tips. for (int j = 0; j <= tips_index; j++) { search_path.remove_at(0); } search_path.reverse(); if (search_path.size() == 1) { p_bone_map->_set_skeleton_bone_name(left_fingers_map[i][0], skeleton->get_bone_name(search_path[0])); named_finger_is_found = true; } else if (search_path.size() == 2) { p_bone_map->_set_skeleton_bone_name(left_fingers_map[i][0], skeleton->get_bone_name(search_path[0])); p_bone_map->_set_skeleton_bone_name(left_fingers_map[i][1], skeleton->get_bone_name(search_path[1])); named_finger_is_found = true; } else if (search_path.size() >= 3) { search_path = search_path.slice(-3); // Eliminate the possibility of carpal bone. p_bone_map->_set_skeleton_bone_name(left_fingers_map[i][0], skeleton->get_bone_name(search_path[0])); p_bone_map->_set_skeleton_bone_name(left_fingers_map[i][1], skeleton->get_bone_name(search_path[1])); p_bone_map->_set_skeleton_bone_name(left_fingers_map[i][2], skeleton->get_bone_name(search_path[2])); named_finger_is_found = true; } } picklist.clear(); search_path.clear(); } // It is a bit corner case, but possibly the finger names are sequentially numbered... if (!named_finger_is_found) { picklist.push_back("finger"); RegEx finger_re = RegEx("finger"); search_path = skeleton->get_bone_children(left_hand_or_palm); Vector finger_names; for (int i = 0; i < search_path.size(); i++) { String bn = skeleton->get_bone_name(search_path[i]); if (finger_re.search(bn.to_lower()).is_valid()) { finger_names.push_back(bn); } } finger_names.sort(); // Order by lexicographic, normal use cases never have more than 10 fingers in one hand. search_path.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < finger_names.size(); i++) { if (i >= 5) { break; } int finger_root = skeleton->find_bone(finger_names[i]); int finger = search_bone_by_name(skeleton, picklist, BONE_SEGREGATION_LEFT, finger_root, -1, 0); if (finger != -1) { while (finger != finger_root && finger >= 0) { search_path.push_back(finger); finger = skeleton->get_bone_parent(finger); } } search_path.push_back(finger_root); // Tips detection by thumb children size. if (i == 0) { thumb_tips_size = MAX(0, search_path.size() - 3); } tips_index = thumb_tips_size - 1; for (int j = 0; j <= tips_index; j++) { search_path.remove_at(0); } search_path.reverse(); if (search_path.size() == 1) { p_bone_map->_set_skeleton_bone_name(left_fingers_map[i][0], skeleton->get_bone_name(search_path[0])); } else if (search_path.size() == 2) { p_bone_map->_set_skeleton_bone_name(left_fingers_map[i][0], skeleton->get_bone_name(search_path[0])); p_bone_map->_set_skeleton_bone_name(left_fingers_map[i][1], skeleton->get_bone_name(search_path[1])); } else if (search_path.size() >= 3) { search_path = search_path.slice(-3); // Eliminate the possibility of carpal bone. p_bone_map->_set_skeleton_bone_name(left_fingers_map[i][0], skeleton->get_bone_name(search_path[0])); p_bone_map->_set_skeleton_bone_name(left_fingers_map[i][1], skeleton->get_bone_name(search_path[1])); p_bone_map->_set_skeleton_bone_name(left_fingers_map[i][2], skeleton->get_bone_name(search_path[2])); } search_path.clear(); } picklist.clear(); } } tips_index = -1; thumb_tips_size = false; named_finger_is_found = false; if (right_hand_or_palm != -1) { LocalVector> right_fingers_map; right_fingers_map.resize(5); right_fingers_map[0].push_back("RightThumbMetacarpal"); right_fingers_map[0].push_back("RightThumbProximal"); right_fingers_map[0].push_back("RightThumbDistal"); right_fingers_map[1].push_back("RightIndexProximal"); right_fingers_map[1].push_back("RightIndexIntermediate"); right_fingers_map[1].push_back("RightIndexDistal"); right_fingers_map[2].push_back("RightMiddleProximal"); right_fingers_map[2].push_back("RightMiddleIntermediate"); right_fingers_map[2].push_back("RightMiddleDistal"); right_fingers_map[3].push_back("RightRingProximal"); right_fingers_map[3].push_back("RightRingIntermediate"); right_fingers_map[3].push_back("RightRingDistal"); right_fingers_map[4].push_back("RightLittleProximal"); right_fingers_map[4].push_back("RightLittleIntermediate"); right_fingers_map[4].push_back("RightLittleDistal"); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { picklist.push_back(fingers[i]); int finger = search_bone_by_name(skeleton, picklist, BONE_SEGREGATION_RIGHT, right_hand_or_palm, -1, 0); if (finger != -1) { while (finger != right_hand_or_palm && finger >= 0) { search_path.push_back(finger); finger = skeleton->get_bone_parent(finger); } // Tips detection by name matching with "distal" from root. for (int j = search_path.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (RegEx("distal").search(skeleton->get_bone_name(search_path[j]).to_lower()).is_valid()) { tips_index = j - 1; break; } } // Tips detection by name matching with "tip|leaf" from end. if (tips_index < 0) { for (int j = 0; j < search_path.size(); j++) { if (RegEx("tip|leaf").search(skeleton->get_bone_name(search_path[j]).to_lower()).is_valid()) { tips_index = j; break; } } } // Tips detection by thumb children size. if (tips_index < 0) { if (i == 0) { thumb_tips_size = MAX(0, search_path.size() - 3); } tips_index = thumb_tips_size - 1; } // Remove tips. for (int j = 0; j <= tips_index; j++) { search_path.remove_at(0); } search_path.reverse(); if (search_path.size() == 1) { p_bone_map->_set_skeleton_bone_name(right_fingers_map[i][0], skeleton->get_bone_name(search_path[0])); named_finger_is_found = true; } else if (search_path.size() == 2) { p_bone_map->_set_skeleton_bone_name(right_fingers_map[i][0], skeleton->get_bone_name(search_path[0])); p_bone_map->_set_skeleton_bone_name(right_fingers_map[i][1], skeleton->get_bone_name(search_path[1])); named_finger_is_found = true; } else if (search_path.size() >= 3) { search_path = search_path.slice(-3); // Eliminate the possibility of carpal bone. p_bone_map->_set_skeleton_bone_name(right_fingers_map[i][0], skeleton->get_bone_name(search_path[0])); p_bone_map->_set_skeleton_bone_name(right_fingers_map[i][1], skeleton->get_bone_name(search_path[1])); p_bone_map->_set_skeleton_bone_name(right_fingers_map[i][2], skeleton->get_bone_name(search_path[2])); named_finger_is_found = true; } } picklist.clear(); search_path.clear(); } // It is a bit corner case, but possibly the finger names are sequentially numbered... if (!named_finger_is_found) { picklist.push_back("finger"); RegEx finger_re = RegEx("finger"); search_path = skeleton->get_bone_children(right_hand_or_palm); Vector finger_names; for (int i = 0; i < search_path.size(); i++) { String bn = skeleton->get_bone_name(search_path[i]); if (finger_re.search(bn.to_lower()).is_valid()) { finger_names.push_back(bn); } } finger_names.sort(); // Order by lexicographic, normal use cases never have more than 10 fingers in one hand. search_path.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < finger_names.size(); i++) { if (i >= 5) { break; } int finger_root = skeleton->find_bone(finger_names[i]); int finger = search_bone_by_name(skeleton, picklist, BONE_SEGREGATION_RIGHT, finger_root, -1, 0); if (finger != -1) { while (finger != finger_root && finger >= 0) { search_path.push_back(finger); finger = skeleton->get_bone_parent(finger); } } search_path.push_back(finger_root); // Tips detection by thumb children size. if (i == 0) { thumb_tips_size = MAX(0, search_path.size() - 3); } tips_index = thumb_tips_size - 1; for (int j = 0; j <= tips_index; j++) { search_path.remove_at(0); } search_path.reverse(); if (search_path.size() == 1) { p_bone_map->_set_skeleton_bone_name(right_fingers_map[i][0], skeleton->get_bone_name(search_path[0])); } else if (search_path.size() == 2) { p_bone_map->_set_skeleton_bone_name(right_fingers_map[i][0], skeleton->get_bone_name(search_path[0])); p_bone_map->_set_skeleton_bone_name(right_fingers_map[i][1], skeleton->get_bone_name(search_path[1])); } else if (search_path.size() >= 3) { search_path = search_path.slice(-3); // Eliminate the possibility of carpal bone. p_bone_map->_set_skeleton_bone_name(right_fingers_map[i][0], skeleton->get_bone_name(search_path[0])); p_bone_map->_set_skeleton_bone_name(right_fingers_map[i][1], skeleton->get_bone_name(search_path[1])); p_bone_map->_set_skeleton_bone_name(right_fingers_map[i][2], skeleton->get_bone_name(search_path[2])); } search_path.clear(); } picklist.clear(); } } // 5. Guess Arms picklist.push_back("shoulder"); picklist.push_back("clavicle"); picklist.push_back("collar"); int left_shoulder = search_bone_by_name(skeleton, picklist, BONE_SEGREGATION_LEFT, hips); if (left_shoulder == -1) { WARN_PRINT("Auto Mapping couldn't guess LeftShoulder."); } else { p_bone_map->_set_skeleton_bone_name("LeftShoulder", skeleton->get_bone_name(left_shoulder)); } int right_shoulder = search_bone_by_name(skeleton, picklist, BONE_SEGREGATION_RIGHT, hips); if (right_shoulder == -1) { WARN_PRINT("Auto Mapping couldn't guess RightShoulder."); } else { p_bone_map->_set_skeleton_bone_name("RightShoulder", skeleton->get_bone_name(right_shoulder)); } picklist.clear(); // 5-1. Guess LowerArms picklist.push_back("(low|fore).*arm"); picklist.push_back("elbow"); picklist.push_back("arm"); int left_lower_arm = -1; if (left_shoulder != -1 && left_hand_or_palm != -1) { left_lower_arm = search_bone_by_name(skeleton, picklist, BONE_SEGREGATION_LEFT, left_shoulder, left_hand_or_palm); } if (left_lower_arm == -1) { WARN_PRINT("Auto Mapping couldn't guess LeftLowerArm."); } else { p_bone_map->_set_skeleton_bone_name("LeftLowerArm", skeleton->get_bone_name(left_lower_arm)); } int right_lower_arm = -1; if (right_shoulder != -1 && right_hand_or_palm != -1) { right_lower_arm = search_bone_by_name(skeleton, picklist, BONE_SEGREGATION_RIGHT, right_shoulder, right_hand_or_palm); } if (right_lower_arm == -1) { WARN_PRINT("Auto Mapping couldn't guess RightLowerArm."); } else { p_bone_map->_set_skeleton_bone_name("RightLowerArm", skeleton->get_bone_name(right_lower_arm)); } picklist.clear(); // 5-2. Guess UpperArms picklist.push_back("up.*arm"); picklist.push_back("arm"); if (left_shoulder != -1 && left_lower_arm != -1) { bone_idx = search_bone_by_name(skeleton, picklist, BONE_SEGREGATION_LEFT, left_shoulder, left_lower_arm); } if (bone_idx == -1) { WARN_PRINT("Auto Mapping couldn't guess LeftUpperArm."); } else { p_bone_map->_set_skeleton_bone_name("LeftUpperArm", skeleton->get_bone_name(bone_idx)); } bone_idx = -1; if (right_shoulder != -1 && right_lower_arm != -1) { bone_idx = search_bone_by_name(skeleton, picklist, BONE_SEGREGATION_RIGHT, right_shoulder, right_lower_arm); } if (bone_idx == -1) { WARN_PRINT("Auto Mapping couldn't guess RightUpperArm."); } else { p_bone_map->_set_skeleton_bone_name("RightUpperArm", skeleton->get_bone_name(bone_idx)); } bone_idx = -1; picklist.clear(); // 6. Guess Neck picklist.push_back("neck"); picklist.push_back("head"); // For no neck model. picklist.push_back("face"); // Same above. int neck = search_bone_by_name(skeleton, picklist, BONE_SEGREGATION_NONE, hips); picklist.clear(); if (neck == -1) { // If it can't expect by name, search child spine of where the right and left shoulders (or hands) cross. int ls_idx = left_shoulder != -1 ? left_shoulder : (left_hand_or_palm != -1 ? left_hand_or_palm : -1); int rs_idx = right_shoulder != -1 ? right_shoulder : (right_hand_or_palm != -1 ? right_hand_or_palm : -1); if (ls_idx != -1 && rs_idx != -1) { bool detect = false; while (ls_idx != hips && ls_idx >= 0 && rs_idx != hips && rs_idx >= 0) { ls_idx = skeleton->get_bone_parent(ls_idx); rs_idx = skeleton->get_bone_parent(rs_idx); if (ls_idx == rs_idx) { detect = true; break; } } if (detect) { Vector children = skeleton->get_bone_children(ls_idx); children.erase(ls_idx); children.erase(rs_idx); String word = "spine"; // It would be better to limit the search with "spine" because it could be mistaken with breast, wing and etc... for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) { bone_idx = children[i]; if (is_match_with_bone_name(skeleton->get_bone_name(bone_idx), word)) { neck = bone_idx; break; }; } bone_idx = -1; } } } // 7. Guess Head picklist.push_back("head"); picklist.push_back("face"); int head = search_bone_by_name(skeleton, picklist, BONE_SEGREGATION_NONE, neck); if (head == -1) { if (neck != -1) { search_path = skeleton->get_bone_children(neck); if (search_path.size() == 1) { head = search_path[0]; // Maybe only one child of the Neck is Head. } } } if (head == -1) { if (neck != -1) { head = neck; // The head animation should have more movement. neck = -1; p_bone_map->_set_skeleton_bone_name("Head", skeleton->get_bone_name(head)); } else { WARN_PRINT("Auto Mapping couldn't guess Neck or Head."); // Continued for guessing on the other bones. But abort when guessing spines step. } } else { p_bone_map->_set_skeleton_bone_name("Neck", skeleton->get_bone_name(neck)); p_bone_map->_set_skeleton_bone_name("Head", skeleton->get_bone_name(head)); } picklist.clear(); search_path.clear(); int neck_or_head = neck != -1 ? neck : (head != -1 ? head : -1); if (neck_or_head != -1) { // 7-1. Guess Eyes picklist.push_back("eye(?!.*(brow|lash|lid))"); bone_idx = search_bone_by_name(skeleton, picklist, BONE_SEGREGATION_LEFT, neck_or_head); if (bone_idx == -1) { WARN_PRINT("Auto Mapping couldn't guess LeftEye."); } else { p_bone_map->_set_skeleton_bone_name("LeftEye", skeleton->get_bone_name(bone_idx)); } bone_idx = search_bone_by_name(skeleton, picklist, BONE_SEGREGATION_RIGHT, neck_or_head); if (bone_idx == -1) { WARN_PRINT("Auto Mapping couldn't guess RightEye."); } else { p_bone_map->_set_skeleton_bone_name("RightEye", skeleton->get_bone_name(bone_idx)); } picklist.clear(); // 7-2. Guess Jaw picklist.push_back("jaw"); bone_idx = search_bone_by_name(skeleton, picklist, BONE_SEGREGATION_NONE, neck_or_head); if (bone_idx == -1) { WARN_PRINT("Auto Mapping couldn't guess Jaw."); } else { p_bone_map->_set_skeleton_bone_name("Jaw", skeleton->get_bone_name(bone_idx)); } bone_idx = -1; picklist.clear(); } // 8. Guess UpperChest or Chest if (neck_or_head == -1) { return; // Abort. } int chest_or_upper_chest = skeleton->get_bone_parent(neck_or_head); bool is_appropriate = true; if (left_shoulder != -1) { bone_idx = skeleton->get_bone_parent(left_shoulder); bool detect = false; while (bone_idx != hips && bone_idx >= 0) { if (bone_idx == chest_or_upper_chest) { detect = true; break; } bone_idx = skeleton->get_bone_parent(bone_idx); } if (!detect) { is_appropriate = false; } bone_idx = -1; } if (right_shoulder != -1) { bone_idx = skeleton->get_bone_parent(right_shoulder); bool detect = false; while (bone_idx != hips && bone_idx >= 0) { if (bone_idx == chest_or_upper_chest) { detect = true; break; } bone_idx = skeleton->get_bone_parent(bone_idx); } if (!detect) { is_appropriate = false; } bone_idx = -1; } if (!is_appropriate) { if (skeleton->get_bone_parent(left_shoulder) == skeleton->get_bone_parent(right_shoulder)) { chest_or_upper_chest = skeleton->get_bone_parent(left_shoulder); } else { chest_or_upper_chest = -1; } } if (chest_or_upper_chest == -1) { WARN_PRINT("Auto Mapping couldn't guess Chest or UpperChest. Abort auto mapping."); return; // Will be not able to guess Spines. } // 9. Guess Spines bone_idx = skeleton->get_bone_parent(chest_or_upper_chest); while (bone_idx != hips && bone_idx >= 0) { search_path.push_back(bone_idx); bone_idx = skeleton->get_bone_parent(bone_idx); } search_path.reverse(); if (search_path.size() == 0) { p_bone_map->_set_skeleton_bone_name("Spine", skeleton->get_bone_name(chest_or_upper_chest)); // Maybe chibi model...? } else if (search_path.size() == 1) { p_bone_map->_set_skeleton_bone_name("Spine", skeleton->get_bone_name(search_path[0])); p_bone_map->_set_skeleton_bone_name("Chest", skeleton->get_bone_name(chest_or_upper_chest)); } else if (search_path.size() >= 2) { p_bone_map->_set_skeleton_bone_name("Spine", skeleton->get_bone_name(search_path[0])); p_bone_map->_set_skeleton_bone_name("Chest", skeleton->get_bone_name(search_path[search_path.size() - 1])); // Probably UppeChest's parent is appropriate. p_bone_map->_set_skeleton_bone_name("UpperChest", skeleton->get_bone_name(chest_or_upper_chest)); } bone_idx = -1; search_path.clear(); WARN_PRINT("Finish auto mapping."); } void BoneMapper::_value_changed(const String &p_property, const Variant &p_value, const String &p_name, bool p_changing) { set(p_property, p_value); recreate_editor(); } void BoneMapper::_profile_changed(const String &p_property, const Variant &p_value, const String &p_name, bool p_changing) { bone_map->set(p_property, p_value); // Run auto mapping when setting SkeletonProfileHumanoid by GUI Editor. Ref profile = bone_map->get_profile(); if (profile.is_valid()) { SkeletonProfileHumanoid *hmn = Object::cast_to(profile.ptr()); if (hmn) { _run_auto_mapping(); } } } void BoneMapper::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_current_group_idx", "current_group_idx"), &BoneMapper::set_current_group_idx); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_current_group_idx"), &BoneMapper::get_current_group_idx); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_current_bone_idx", "current_bone_idx"), &BoneMapper::set_current_bone_idx); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_current_bone_idx"), &BoneMapper::get_current_bone_idx); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "current_group_idx"), "set_current_group_idx", "get_current_group_idx"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "current_bone_idx"), "set_current_bone_idx", "get_current_bone_idx"); } void BoneMapper::_notification(int p_what) { switch (p_what) { case NOTIFICATION_ENTER_TREE: { create_editor(); bone_map->connect("bone_map_updated", callable_mp(this, &BoneMapper::_update_state)); bone_map->connect("profile_updated", callable_mp(this, &BoneMapper::recreate_items)); } break; case NOTIFICATION_EXIT_TREE: { clear_items(); if (bone_map.is_valid()) { if (bone_map->is_connected("bone_map_updated", callable_mp(this, &BoneMapper::_update_state))) { bone_map->disconnect("bone_map_updated", callable_mp(this, &BoneMapper::_update_state)); } if (bone_map->is_connected("profile_updated", callable_mp(this, &BoneMapper::recreate_items))) { bone_map->disconnect("profile_updated", callable_mp(this, &BoneMapper::recreate_items)); } } } } } BoneMapper::BoneMapper(Skeleton3D *p_skeleton, Ref &p_bone_map) { skeleton = p_skeleton; bone_map = p_bone_map; } BoneMapper::~BoneMapper() { } void BoneMapEditor::create_editors() { if (!skeleton) { return; } bone_mapper = memnew(BoneMapper(skeleton, bone_map)); add_child(bone_mapper); } void BoneMapEditor::fetch_objects() { skeleton = nullptr; // Hackey... but it may be the easiest way to get a selected object from "ImporterScene". SceneImportSettingsDialog *si = SceneImportSettingsDialog::get_singleton(); if (!si) { return; } if (!si->is_visible()) { return; } Node *selected = si->get_selected_node(); if (selected) { Skeleton3D *sk = Object::cast_to(selected); if (!sk) { return; } skeleton = sk; } else { // Editor should not exist. skeleton = nullptr; } } void BoneMapEditor::_notification(int p_what) { switch (p_what) { case NOTIFICATION_ENTER_TREE: { fetch_objects(); create_editors(); } break; case NOTIFICATION_EXIT_TREE: { skeleton = nullptr; } break; } } BoneMapEditor::BoneMapEditor(Ref &p_bone_map) { bone_map = p_bone_map; } BoneMapEditor::~BoneMapEditor() { } bool EditorInspectorPluginBoneMap::can_handle(Object *p_object) { return Object::cast_to(p_object) != nullptr; } void EditorInspectorPluginBoneMap::parse_begin(Object *p_object) { BoneMap *bm = Object::cast_to(p_object); if (!bm) { return; } Ref r(bm); editor = memnew(BoneMapEditor(r)); add_custom_control(editor); } BoneMapEditorPlugin::BoneMapEditorPlugin() { Ref inspector_plugin; inspector_plugin.instantiate(); add_inspector_plugin(inspector_plugin); Ref post_import_plugin_track_organizer; post_import_plugin_track_organizer.instantiate(); add_scene_post_import_plugin(post_import_plugin_track_organizer); Ref post_import_plugin_renamer; post_import_plugin_renamer.instantiate(); add_scene_post_import_plugin(post_import_plugin_renamer); Ref post_import_plugin_rest_fixer; post_import_plugin_rest_fixer.instantiate(); add_scene_post_import_plugin(post_import_plugin_rest_fixer); }