/**************************************************************************/ /* tween.h */ /**************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /**************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. */ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ #ifndef TWEEN_H #define TWEEN_H #include "core/object/ref_counted.h" class Tween; class Node; class SceneTree; class Tweener : public RefCounted { GDCLASS(Tweener, RefCounted); ObjectID tween_id; public: virtual void set_tween(const Ref &p_tween); virtual void start(); virtual bool step(double &r_delta) = 0; protected: static void _bind_methods(); Ref _get_tween(); void _finish(); double elapsed_time = 0; bool finished = false; }; class PropertyTweener; class IntervalTweener; class CallbackTweener; class MethodTweener; class SubtweenTweener; class Tween : public RefCounted { GDCLASS(Tween, RefCounted); friend class PropertyTweener; public: enum TweenProcessMode { TWEEN_PROCESS_PHYSICS, TWEEN_PROCESS_IDLE, }; enum TweenPauseMode { TWEEN_PAUSE_BOUND, TWEEN_PAUSE_STOP, TWEEN_PAUSE_PROCESS, }; enum TransitionType { TRANS_LINEAR, TRANS_SINE, TRANS_QUINT, TRANS_QUART, TRANS_QUAD, TRANS_EXPO, TRANS_ELASTIC, TRANS_CUBIC, TRANS_CIRC, TRANS_BOUNCE, TRANS_BACK, TRANS_SPRING, TRANS_MAX }; enum EaseType { EASE_IN, EASE_OUT, EASE_IN_OUT, EASE_OUT_IN, EASE_MAX }; private: TweenProcessMode process_mode = TweenProcessMode::TWEEN_PROCESS_IDLE; TweenPauseMode pause_mode = TweenPauseMode::TWEEN_PAUSE_BOUND; TransitionType default_transition = TransitionType::TRANS_LINEAR; EaseType default_ease = EaseType::EASE_IN_OUT; ObjectID bound_node; SceneTree *parent_tree = nullptr; Vector>> tweeners; double total_time = 0; int current_step = -1; int loops = 1; int loops_done = 0; float speed_scale = 1; bool ignore_time_scale = false; bool is_bound = false; bool started = false; bool running = true; bool dead = false; bool valid = false; bool default_parallel = false; bool parallel_enabled = false; #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED bool is_infinite = false; #endif typedef real_t (*interpolater)(real_t t, real_t b, real_t c, real_t d); static interpolater interpolaters[TRANS_MAX][EASE_MAX]; void _start_tweeners(); void _stop_internal(bool p_reset); bool _validate_type_match(const Variant &p_from, Variant &r_to); protected: static void _bind_methods(); public: virtual String to_string() override; Ref tween_property(const Object *p_target, const NodePath &p_property, Variant p_to, double p_duration); Ref tween_interval(double p_time); Ref tween_callback(const Callable &p_callback); Ref tween_method(const Callable &p_callback, const Variant p_from, Variant p_to, double p_duration); Ref tween_subtween(const Ref &p_subtween); void append(Ref p_tweener); bool custom_step(double p_delta); void stop(); void pause(); void play(); void kill(); bool is_running(); bool is_valid(); void clear(); Ref bind_node(const Node *p_node); Ref set_process_mode(TweenProcessMode p_mode); TweenProcessMode get_process_mode() const; Ref set_pause_mode(TweenPauseMode p_mode); TweenPauseMode get_pause_mode() const; Ref set_ignore_time_scale(bool p_ignore = true); bool is_ignoring_time_scale() const; Ref set_parallel(bool p_parallel); Ref set_loops(int p_loops); int get_loops_left() const; Ref set_speed_scale(float p_speed); Ref set_trans(TransitionType p_trans); TransitionType get_trans() const; Ref set_ease(EaseType p_ease); EaseType get_ease() const; Ref parallel(); Ref chain(); static real_t run_equation(TransitionType p_trans_type, EaseType p_ease_type, real_t t, real_t b, real_t c, real_t d); static Variant interpolate_variant(const Variant &p_initial_val, const Variant &p_delta_val, double p_time, double p_duration, Tween::TransitionType p_trans, Tween::EaseType p_ease); bool step(double p_delta); bool can_process(bool p_tree_paused) const; Node *get_bound_node() const; double get_total_time() const; Tween(); Tween(SceneTree *p_parent_tree); }; VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(Tween::TweenPauseMode); VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(Tween::TweenProcessMode); VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(Tween::TransitionType); VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(Tween::EaseType); class PropertyTweener : public Tweener { GDCLASS(PropertyTweener, Tweener); public: Ref from(const Variant &p_value); Ref from_current(); Ref as_relative(); Ref set_trans(Tween::TransitionType p_trans); Ref set_ease(Tween::EaseType p_ease); Ref set_custom_interpolator(const Callable &p_method); Ref set_delay(double p_delay); void set_tween(const Ref &p_tween) override; void start() override; bool step(double &r_delta) override; PropertyTweener(const Object *p_target, const Vector &p_property, const Variant &p_to, double p_duration); PropertyTweener(); protected: static void _bind_methods(); private: ObjectID target; Vector property; Variant initial_val; Variant base_final_val; Variant final_val; Variant delta_val; Ref ref_copy; // Makes sure that RefCounted objects are not freed too early. double duration = 0; Tween::TransitionType trans_type = Tween::TRANS_MAX; // This is set inside set_tween(); Tween::EaseType ease_type = Tween::EASE_MAX; Callable custom_method; double delay = 0; bool do_continue = true; bool do_continue_delayed = false; bool relative = false; }; class IntervalTweener : public Tweener { GDCLASS(IntervalTweener, Tweener); public: bool step(double &r_delta) override; IntervalTweener(double p_time); IntervalTweener(); private: double duration = 0; }; class CallbackTweener : public Tweener { GDCLASS(CallbackTweener, Tweener); public: Ref set_delay(double p_delay); bool step(double &r_delta) override; CallbackTweener(const Callable &p_callback); CallbackTweener(); protected: static void _bind_methods(); private: Callable callback; double delay = 0; Ref ref_copy; }; class MethodTweener : public Tweener { GDCLASS(MethodTweener, Tweener); public: Ref set_trans(Tween::TransitionType p_trans); Ref set_ease(Tween::EaseType p_ease); Ref set_delay(double p_delay); void set_tween(const Ref &p_tween) override; bool step(double &r_delta) override; MethodTweener(const Callable &p_callback, const Variant &p_from, const Variant &p_to, double p_duration); MethodTweener(); protected: static void _bind_methods(); private: double duration = 0; double delay = 0; Tween::TransitionType trans_type = Tween::TRANS_MAX; Tween::EaseType ease_type = Tween::EASE_MAX; Variant initial_val; Variant delta_val; Variant final_val; Callable callback; Ref ref_copy; }; class SubtweenTweener : public Tweener { GDCLASS(SubtweenTweener, Tweener); public: Ref subtween; void start() override; bool step(double &r_delta) override; Ref set_delay(double p_delay); SubtweenTweener(const Ref &p_subtween); SubtweenTweener(); protected: static void _bind_methods(); private: double delay = 0; }; #endif // TWEEN_H