
358 lines
9.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2023, Lucas Chollet <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
import argparse
import re
from enum import Enum
from collections import namedtuple
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Optional, Type
class TIFFType(Enum):
Byte = 1
UnsignedShort = 3
UnsignedLong = 4
UnsignedRational = 5
Undefined = 7
SignedLong = 9
SignedRational = 10
Float = 11
Double = 12
UTF8 = 129
class Predictor(Enum):
NoPrediction = 1
HorizontalDifferencing = 2
class Compression(Enum):
NoCompression = 1
Group3Fax = 3
Group4Fax = 4
LZW = 5
JPEG = 6
PackBits = 32773
tag_fields = ['id', 'types', 'counts', 'default', 'name', 'associated_enum']
Tag = namedtuple(
defaults=(None,) * len(tag_fields)
# FIXME: Some tag have only a few allowed values, we should ensure that
known_tags: List[Tag] = [
Tag('256', [TIFFType.UnsignedShort, TIFFType.UnsignedLong], [1], None, "ImageWidth"),
Tag('257', [TIFFType.UnsignedShort, TIFFType.UnsignedLong], [1], None, "ImageHeight"),
Tag('258', [TIFFType.UnsignedShort], [3], None, "BitsPerSample"),
Tag('259', [TIFFType.UnsignedShort], [1], None, "Compression", Compression),
Tag('273', [TIFFType.UnsignedShort, TIFFType.UnsignedLong], [], None, "StripOffsets"),
Tag('278', [TIFFType.UnsignedShort, TIFFType.UnsignedLong], [1], None, "RowsPerStrip"),
Tag('279', [TIFFType.UnsignedShort, TIFFType.UnsignedLong], [], None, "StripByteCounts"),
Tag('317', [TIFFType.UnsignedShort], [1], Predictor.NoPrediction, "Predictor", Predictor),
Tag('34675', [TIFFType.Undefined], [], None, "ICCProfile"),
HANDLE_TAG_SIGNATURE_TEMPLATE = ("ErrorOr<void> {namespace}handle_tag(Metadata& metadata, u16 tag,"
" {namespace}Type type, u32 count, Vector<{namespace}Value>&& value)")
LICENSE = R"""/*
* Copyright (c) 2023, Lucas Chollet <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
def export_enum_to_cpp(e: Type[Enum], special_name: Optional[str] = None) -> str:
output = f'enum class {special_name if special_name else e.__name__} {{\n'
for entry in e:
output += f' {} = {entry.value},\n'
output += "};\n"
return output
def export_tag_related_enums(tags: List[Tag]) -> str:
exported_enums = []
for tag in tags:
if tag.associated_enum:
return '\n'.join(exported_enums)
def promote_type(t: TIFFType) -> TIFFType:
if t == TIFFType.UnsignedShort:
return TIFFType.UnsignedLong
return t
def tiff_type_to_cpp(t: TIFFType, without_promotion: bool = False) -> str:
# To simplify the code generator and the Metadata class API, all u16 are promoted to u32
# Note that the Value<> type doesn't include u16 for this reason
if not without_promotion:
t = promote_type(t)
if t == TIFFType.Undefined:
return 'ByteBuffer'
if t == TIFFType.UnsignedShort:
return 'u16'
if t == TIFFType.UnsignedLong:
return 'u32'
raise RuntimeError(f'Type "{t}" not recognized, please update tiff_type_to_read_only_cpp()')
def is_container(t: TIFFType) -> bool:
Some TIFF types are defined on the unit scale but are intended to be used within a collection.
An example of that are ASCII strings defined as N * byte. Let's intercept that and generate
a nice API instead of Vector<u8>.
return t in [TIFFType.Byte, TIFFType.Undefined]
def export_promoter() -> str:
output = R"""template<typename T>
struct TypePromoter {
using Type = T;
specialization_template = R"""template<>
struct TypePromoter<{}> {{
using Type = {};
for t in TIFFType:
if promote_type(t) != t:
output += specialization_template.format(tiff_type_to_cpp(t, without_promotion=True), tiff_type_to_cpp(t))
return output
def retrieve_biggest_type(types: List[TIFFType]) -> TIFFType:
return TIFFType(max([t.value for t in types]))
def pascal_case_to_snake_case(name: str) -> str:
name = re.sub('(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)', r'\1_\2', name)
return re.sub('([a-z0-9])([A-Z])', r'\1_\2', name).lower()
def generate_getter(tag: Tag) -> str:
biggest_type = retrieve_biggest_type(tag.types)
variant_inner_type = tiff_type_to_cpp(biggest_type)
extracted_value_template = f"(*possible_value)[{{}}].get<{variant_inner_type}>()"
tag_final_type = variant_inner_type
if tag.associated_enum:
tag_final_type = f"TIFF::{tag.associated_enum.__name__}"
extracted_value_template = f"static_cast<{tag_final_type}>({extracted_value_template})"
if len(tag.counts) == 1 and tag.counts[0] == 1 or is_container(biggest_type):
return_type = tag_final_type
if is_container(biggest_type):
return_type += ' const&'
unpacked_if_needed = f"return {extracted_value_template.format(0)};"
if len(tag.counts) == 1:
container_type = f'Array<{tag_final_type}, {tag.counts[0]}>'
container_initialization = f'{container_type} tmp{{}};'
container_type = f'Vector<{tag_final_type}>'
container_initialization = fR"""{container_type} tmp{{}};
auto maybe_failure = tmp.try_resize(possible_value->size());
if (maybe_failure.is_error())
return OptionalNone {{}};
return_type = container_type
unpacked_if_needed = fR"""
for (u32 i = 0; i < possible_value->size(); ++i)
tmp[i] = {extracted_value_template.format('i')};
return tmp;"""
signature = fR" Optional<{return_type}> {pascal_case_to_snake_case(}() const"
body = fR"""
auto const& possible_value = m_data.get("{}"sv);
if (!possible_value.has_value())
return OptionalNone {{}};
return signature + body
def generate_metadata_class(tags: List[Tag]) -> str:
getters = '\n'.join([generate_getter(tag) for tag in tags])
output = fR"""class Metadata {{
void add_entry(StringView key, Vector<TIFF::Value>&& value) {{
m_data.set(key, move(value));
HashMap<StringView, Vector<TIFF::Value>> m_data;
return output
def generate_metadata_file(tags: List[Tag]) -> str:
output = fR"""{LICENSE}
#pragma once
#include <AK/HashMap.h>
#include <AK/Variant.h>
#include <AK/Vector.h>
#include <LibGfx/Size.h>
namespace Gfx {{
class Metadata;
namespace TIFF {{
{export_enum_to_cpp(TIFFType, 'Type')}
template<OneOf<u32, i32> x32>
struct Rational {{
using Type = x32;
x32 numerator;
x32 denominator;
// Note that u16 is not include on purpose
using Value = Variant<ByteBuffer, String, u32, Rational<u32>, i32, Rational<i32>>;
output += generate_metadata_class(tags)
output += '\n}\n'
return output
def generate_tag_handler(tag: Tag) -> str:
not_in_type_list = f"({' && '.join([f'type != Type::{}' for t in tag.types])})"
not_in_count_list = ''
if len(tag.counts) != 0:
not_in_count_list = f"|| ({' && '.join([f'count != {c}' for c in tag.counts])})"
pre_condition = fR"""if ({not_in_type_list}
return Error::from_string_literal("TIFFImageDecoderPlugin: Tag {} invalid");"""
check_value = ''
if tag.associated_enum is not None:
not_in_value_list = f"({' && '.join([f'v != {v.value}' for v in tag.associated_enum])})"
check_value = fR"""TRY(value[0].visit(
[]({tiff_type_to_cpp(tag.types[0])} const& v) -> ErrorOr<void> {{
if ({not_in_value_list})
return Error::from_string_literal("TIFFImageDecoderPlugin: Invalid value for tag {}");
return {{}};
[&](auto const&) -> ErrorOr<void> {{
output = fR""" case {}:
// {}
metadata.add_entry("{}"sv, move(value));
return output
def generate_tag_handler_file(tags: List[Tag]) -> str:
output = fR"""{LICENSE}
#include <AK/Debug.h>
#include <AK/String.h>
#include <LibGfx/ImageFormats/TIFFMetadata.h>
namespace Gfx::TIFF {{
switch (tag) {{
output += '\n'.join([generate_tag_handler(t) for t in tags])
output += R"""
dbgln_if(TIFF_DEBUG, "Unknown tag: {}", tag);
return {};
return output
def update_file(target: Path, new_content: str):
should_update = True
if target.exists():
with'r') as file:
content =
if content == new_content:
should_update = False
if should_update:
with'w') as file:
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output')
args = parser.parse_args()
output_path = Path(args.output)
update_file(output_path / 'TIFFMetadata.h', generate_metadata_file(known_tags))
update_file(output_path / 'TIFFTagHandler.cpp', generate_tag_handler_file(known_tags))
if __name__ == '__main__':