
459 lines
19 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* Copyright (c) 2018-2022, Andreas Kling <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <AK/StringBuilder.h>
#include <LibJS/Interpreter.h>
#include <LibJS/Parser.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/DOMException.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/Document.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/ExceptionOr.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/IDLEventListener.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/BrowsingContext.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/BrowsingContextContainer.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/EventHandler.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/HTMLAnchorElement.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/HTMLBodyElement.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/HTMLElement.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Window.h>
#include <LibWeb/Layout/Box.h>
#include <LibWeb/Layout/BreakNode.h>
#include <LibWeb/Layout/TextNode.h>
#include <LibWeb/Painting/PaintableBox.h>
#include <LibWeb/UIEvents/EventNames.h>
#include <LibWeb/UIEvents/FocusEvent.h>
#include <LibWeb/UIEvents/MouseEvent.h>
namespace Web::HTML {
HTMLElement::HTMLElement(DOM::Document& document, DOM::QualifiedName qualified_name)
: Element(document, move(qualified_name))
2022-08-08 14:49:54 +02:00
, m_dataset(JS::make_handle(DOMStringMap::create(*this)))
HTMLElement::~HTMLElement() = default;
HTMLElement::ContentEditableState HTMLElement::content_editable_state() const
auto contenteditable = attribute(HTML::AttributeNames::contenteditable);
// "true", an empty string or a missing value map to the "true" state.
if ((!contenteditable.is_null() && contenteditable.is_empty()) || contenteditable.equals_ignoring_case("true"sv))
return ContentEditableState::True;
// "false" maps to the "false" state.
if (contenteditable.equals_ignoring_case("false"sv))
return ContentEditableState::False;
// Having no such attribute or an invalid value maps to the "inherit" state.
return ContentEditableState::Inherit;
bool HTMLElement::is_editable() const
switch (content_editable_state()) {
case ContentEditableState::True:
return true;
case ContentEditableState::False:
return false;
case ContentEditableState::Inherit:
return parent() && parent()->is_editable();
String HTMLElement::content_editable() const
switch (content_editable_state()) {
case ContentEditableState::True:
return "true";
case ContentEditableState::False:
return "false";
case ContentEditableState::Inherit:
return "inherit";
2022-04-01 20:58:27 +03:00
DOM::ExceptionOr<void> HTMLElement::set_content_editable(String const& content_editable)
if (content_editable.equals_ignoring_case("inherit"sv)) {
return {};
if (content_editable.equals_ignoring_case("true"sv)) {
set_attribute(HTML::AttributeNames::contenteditable, "true");
return {};
if (content_editable.equals_ignoring_case("false"sv)) {
set_attribute(HTML::AttributeNames::contenteditable, "false");
return {};
return DOM::SyntaxError::create("Invalid contentEditable value, must be 'true', 'false', or 'inherit'");
void HTMLElement::set_inner_text(StringView text)
String HTMLElement::inner_text()
StringBuilder builder;
// innerText for element being rendered takes visibility into account, so force a layout and then walk the layout tree.
if (!layout_node())
return text_content();
2022-04-01 20:58:27 +03:00
Function<void(Layout::Node const&)> recurse = [&](auto& node) {
for (auto* child = node.first_child(); child; child = child->next_sibling()) {
if (is<Layout::TextNode>(child))
if (is<Layout::BreakNode>(child))
return builder.to_string();
// //
int HTMLElement::offset_top() const
if (is<HTML::HTMLBodyElement>(this) || !layout_node() || !parent_element() || !parent_element()->layout_node())
return 0;
auto position = layout_node()->box_type_agnostic_position();
auto parent_position = parent_element()->layout_node()->box_type_agnostic_position();
return position.y() - parent_position.y();
int HTMLElement::offset_left() const
if (is<HTML::HTMLBodyElement>(this) || !layout_node() || !parent_element() || !parent_element()->layout_node())
return 0;
auto position = layout_node()->box_type_agnostic_position();
auto parent_position = parent_element()->layout_node()->box_type_agnostic_position();
return position.x() - parent_position.x();
int HTMLElement::offset_width() const
// NOTE: Ensure that layout is up-to-date before looking at metrics.
// 1. If the element does not have any associated CSS layout box return zero and terminate this algorithm.
if (!paint_box())
return 0;
// 2. Return the width of the axis-aligned bounding box of the border boxes of all fragments generated by the elements principal box,
// ignoring any transforms that apply to the element and its ancestors.
// FIXME: Account for inline boxes.
return paint_box()->border_box_width();
int HTMLElement::offset_height() const
// NOTE: Ensure that layout is up-to-date before looking at metrics.
// 1. If the element does not have any associated CSS layout box return zero and terminate this algorithm.
if (!paint_box())
return 0;
// 2. Return the height of the axis-aligned bounding box of the border boxes of all fragments generated by the elements principal box,
// ignoring any transforms that apply to the element and its ancestors.
// FIXME: Account for inline boxes.
return paint_box()->border_box_height();
bool HTMLElement::cannot_navigate() const
// FIXME: Return true if element's node document is not fully active
return !is<HTML::HTMLAnchorElement>(this) && !is_connected();
2022-04-01 20:58:27 +03:00
void HTMLElement::parse_attribute(FlyString const& name, String const& value)
Element::parse_attribute(name, value);
// 1. If namespace is not null, or localName is not the name of an event handler content attribute on element, then return.
// FIXME: Add the namespace part once we support attribute namespaces.
#undef __ENUMERATE
#define __ENUMERATE(attribute_name, event_name) \
if (name == HTML::AttributeNames::attribute_name) { \
element_event_handler_attribute_changed(event_name, value); \
#undef __ENUMERATE
static void run_focus_update_steps(NonnullRefPtrVector<DOM::Node> old_chain, NonnullRefPtrVector<DOM::Node> new_chain, DOM::Node& new_focus_target)
// 1. If the last entry in old chain and the last entry in new chain are the same,
// pop the last entry from old chain and the last entry from new chain and redo this step.
while (!old_chain.is_empty()
&& !new_chain.is_empty()
&& &old_chain.last() == &new_chain.last()) {
// 2. For each entry entry in old chain, in order, run these substeps:
for (auto& entry : old_chain) {
// FIXME: 1. If entry is an input element, and the change event applies to the element,
// and the element does not have a defined activation behavior,
// and the user has changed the element's value or its list of selected files
// while the control was focused without committing that change
// (such that it is different to what it was when the control was first focused),
// then fire an event named change at the element,
// with the bubbles attribute initialized to true.
RefPtr<DOM::EventTarget> blur_event_target;
if (is<DOM::Element>(entry)) {
// 2. If entry is an element, let blur event target be entry.
blur_event_target = entry;
} else if (is<DOM::Document>(entry)) {
// If entry is a Document object, let blur event target be that Document object's relevant global object.
blur_event_target = static_cast<DOM::Document&>(entry).window();
// 3. If entry is the last entry in old chain, and entry is an Element,
// and the last entry in new chain is also an Element,
// then let related blur target be the last entry in new chain.
// Otherwise, let related blur target be null.
RefPtr<DOM::EventTarget> related_blur_target;
if (!old_chain.is_empty()
&& &entry == &old_chain.last()
&& is<DOM::Element>(entry)
&& !new_chain.is_empty()
&& is<DOM::Element>(new_chain.last())) {
related_blur_target = new_chain.last();
// 4. If blur event target is not null, fire a focus event named blur at blur event target,
// with related blur target as the related target.
if (blur_event_target) {
// FIXME: Implement the "fire a focus event" spec operation.
auto blur_event = UIEvents::FocusEvent::create(verify_cast<DOM::Node>(*blur_event_target).document().preferred_window_object(), HTML::EventNames::blur);
// FIXME: 3. Apply any relevant platform-specific conventions for focusing new focus target.
// (For example, some platforms select the contents of a text control when that control is focused.)
// 4. For each entry entry in new chain, in reverse order, run these substeps:
for (auto& entry : new_chain.in_reverse()) {
// 1. If entry is a focusable area: designate entry as the focused area of the document.
// FIXME: This isn't entirely right.
if (is<DOM::Element>(entry))
RefPtr<DOM::EventTarget> focus_event_target;
if (is<DOM::Element>(entry)) {
// 2. If entry is an element, let focus event target be entry.
focus_event_target = entry;
} else if (is<DOM::Document>(entry)) {
// If entry is a Document object, let focus event target be that Document object's relevant global object.
focus_event_target = static_cast<DOM::Document&>(entry).window();
// 3. If entry is the last entry in new chain, and entry is an Element,
// and the last entry in old chain is also an Element,
// then let related focus target be the last entry in old chain.
// Otherwise, let related focus target be null.
RefPtr<DOM::EventTarget> related_focus_target;
if (!new_chain.is_empty()
&& &entry == &new_chain.last()
&& is<DOM::Element>(entry)
&& !old_chain.is_empty()
&& is<DOM::Element>(old_chain.last())) {
related_focus_target = old_chain.last();
// 4. If focus event target is not null, fire a focus event named focus at focus event target,
// with related focus target as the related target.
if (focus_event_target) {
// FIXME: Implement the "fire a focus event" spec operation.
auto focus_event = UIEvents::FocusEvent::create(verify_cast<DOM::Node>(*focus_event_target).document().preferred_window_object(), HTML::EventNames::focus);
static NonnullRefPtrVector<DOM::Node> focus_chain(DOM::Node* subject)
// FIXME: Move this somewhere more spec-friendly.
if (!subject)
return {};
// 1. Let output be an empty list.
NonnullRefPtrVector<DOM::Node> output;
// 2. Let currentObject be subject.
auto* current_object = subject;
// 3. While true:
while (true) {
// 1. Append currentObject to output.
// FIXME: 2. If currentObject is an area element's shape, then append that area element to output.
// FIXME: Otherwise, if currentObject's DOM anchor is an element that is not currentObject itself, then append currentObject's DOM anchor to output.
// FIXME: Everything below needs work. The conditions are not entirely right.
if (!is<DOM::Document>(*current_object)) {
// 3. If currentObject is a focusable area, then set currentObject to currentObject's DOM anchor's node document.
current_object = &current_object->document();
} else if (is<DOM::Document>(*current_object)
&& static_cast<DOM::Document&>(*current_object).browsing_context()
&& !static_cast<DOM::Document&>(*current_object).browsing_context()->is_top_level()) {
// Otherwise, if currentObject is a Document whose browsing context is a child browsing context,
// then set currentObject to currentObject's browsing context's container.
current_object = static_cast<DOM::Document&>(*current_object).browsing_context()->container();
} else {
// 4. Return output.
return output;
// FIXME: This should accept more types.
static void run_focusing_steps(DOM::Node* new_focus_target, DOM::Node* fallback_target = nullptr, [[maybe_unused]] Optional<String> focus_trigger = {})
// FIXME: 1. If new focus target is not a focusable area, then set new focus target
// to the result of getting the focusable area for new focus target,
// given focus trigger if it was passed.
// 2. If new focus target is null, then:
if (!new_focus_target) {
// 1. If no fallback target was specified, then return.
if (!fallback_target)
// 2. Otherwise, set new focus target to the fallback target.
new_focus_target = fallback_target;
// 3. If new focus target is a browsing context container with non-null nested browsing context,
// then set new focus target to the nested browsing context's active document.
if (is<BrowsingContextContainer>(*new_focus_target)) {
auto& browsing_context_container = static_cast<BrowsingContextContainer&>(*new_focus_target);
if (auto* nested_browsing_context = browsing_context_container.nested_browsing_context())
new_focus_target = nested_browsing_context->active_document();
// FIXME: 4. If new focus target is a focusable area and its DOM anchor is inert, then return.
// 5. If new focus target is the currently focused area of a top-level browsing context, then return.
if (!new_focus_target->document().browsing_context())
auto& top_level_browsing_context = new_focus_target->document().browsing_context()->top_level_browsing_context();
if (new_focus_target == top_level_browsing_context.currently_focused_area())
// 6. Let old chain be the current focus chain of the top-level browsing context in which
// new focus target finds itself.
auto old_chain = focus_chain(top_level_browsing_context.currently_focused_area());
// 7. Let new chain be the focus chain of new focus target.
auto new_chain = focus_chain(new_focus_target);
// 8. Run the focus update steps with old chain, new chain, and new focus target respectively.
run_focus_update_steps(old_chain, new_chain, *new_focus_target);
void HTMLElement::focus()
// 1. If the element is marked as locked for focus, then return.
if (m_locked_for_focus)
// 2. Mark the element as locked for focus.
m_locked_for_focus = true;
// 3. Run the focusing steps for the element.
// FIXME: 4. If the value of the preventScroll dictionary member of options is false,
// then scroll the element into view with scroll behavior "auto",
// block flow direction position set to an implementation-defined value,
// and inline base direction position set to an implementation-defined value.
// 5. Unmark the element as locked for focus.
m_locked_for_focus = false;
bool HTMLElement::fire_a_synthetic_pointer_event(FlyString const& type, DOM::Element& target, bool not_trusted)
// 1. Let event be the result of creating an event using PointerEvent.
// 2. Initialize event's type attribute to e.
// FIXME: Actually create a PointerEvent!
auto event = UIEvents::MouseEvent::create(document().preferred_window_object(), type);
// 3. Initialize event's bubbles and cancelable attributes to true.
// 4. Set event's composed flag.
// 5. If the not trusted flag is set, initialize event's isTrusted attribute to false.
if (not_trusted) {
// FIXME: 6. Initialize event's ctrlKey, shiftKey, altKey, and metaKey attributes according to the current state
// of the key input device, if any (false for any keys that are not available).
// FIXME: 7. Initialize event's view attribute to target's node document's Window object, if any, and null otherwise.
// FIXME: 8. event's getModifierState() method is to return values appropriately describing the current state of the key input device.
// 9. Return the result of dispatching event at target.
return target.dispatch_event(*event);
void HTMLElement::click()
// FIXME: 1. If this element is a form control that is disabled, then return.
// 2. If this element's click in progress flag is set, then return.
if (m_click_in_progress)
// 3. Set this element's click in progress flag.
m_click_in_progress = true;
// FIXME: 4. Fire a synthetic pointer event named click at this element, with the not trusted flag set.
fire_a_synthetic_pointer_event(HTML::EventNames::click, *this, true);
// 5. Unset this element's click in progress flag.
m_click_in_progress = false;