diff --git a/Libraries/LibJS/Runtime/CommonPropertyNames.h b/Libraries/LibJS/Runtime/CommonPropertyNames.h index e68efbdbede..9960c83cc85 100644 --- a/Libraries/LibJS/Runtime/CommonPropertyNames.h +++ b/Libraries/LibJS/Runtime/CommonPropertyNames.h @@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ namespace JS { #define ENUMERATE_STANDARD_PROPERTY_NAMES(P) \ - P(__proto__) \ P(__defineGetter__) \ P(__defineSetter__) \ P(__lookupGetter__) \ P(__lookupSetter__) \ + P(__proto__) \ P($1) \ P($2) \ P($3) \ @@ -27,40 +27,6 @@ namespace JS { P($7) \ P($8) \ P($9) \ - P(Atomics) \ - P(BYTES_PER_ELEMENT) \ - P(BigInt) \ - P(Boolean) \ - P(E) \ - P(EPSILON) \ - P(Function) \ - P(Infinity) \ - P(Intl) \ - P(JSON) \ - P(LN10) \ - P(LN2) \ - P(LOG10E) \ - P(LOG2E) \ - P(MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) \ - P(MAX_VALUE) \ - P(MIN_SAFE_INTEGER) \ - P(MIN_VALUE) \ - P(Math) \ - P(NEGATIVE_INFINITY) \ - P(NaN) \ - P(Now) \ - P(Number) \ - P(PI) \ - P(POSITIVE_INFINITY) \ - P(Proxy) \ - P(Reflect) \ - P(RegExp) \ - P(SQRT1_2) \ - P(SQRT2) \ - P(String) \ - P(Symbol) \ - P(Temporal) \ - P(UTC) \ P(abs) \ P(acos) \ P(acosh) \ @@ -73,25 +39,29 @@ namespace JS { P(any) \ P(apply) \ P(arguments) \ - P(asIntN) \ - P(asUintN) \ P(asin) \ P(asinh) \ + P(asIntN) \ P(assert) \ P(assign) \ + P(asUintN) \ P(at) \ P(atan) \ P(atan2) \ P(atanh) \ + P(Atomics) \ P(baseName) \ P(big) \ + P(BigInt) \ P(bind) \ P(blank) \ P(blink) \ P(bold) \ + P(Boolean) \ P(buffer) \ P(byteLength) \ P(byteOffset) \ + P(BYTES_PER_ELEMENT) \ P(calendar) \ P(calendarId) \ P(calendarName) \ @@ -110,6 +80,7 @@ namespace JS { P(codePointAt) \ P(collation) \ P(compactDisplay) \ + P(compare) \ P(compareExchange) \ P(compile) \ P(composite) \ @@ -120,7 +91,6 @@ namespace JS { P(construct) \ P(constructor) \ P(containing) \ - P(compare) \ P(copyWithin) \ P(cos) \ P(cosh) \ @@ -158,6 +128,7 @@ namespace JS { P(done) \ P(dotAll) \ P(drop) \ + P(E) \ P(easing) \ P(encodeURI) \ P(encodeURIComponent) \ @@ -166,6 +137,7 @@ namespace JS { P(enumerable) \ P(epochMilliseconds) \ P(epochNanoseconds) \ + P(EPSILON) \ P(equals) \ P(era) \ P(eraYear) \ @@ -179,14 +151,15 @@ namespace JS { P(exec) \ P(exp) \ P(expm1) \ + P(f16round) \ P(fallback) \ P(fill) \ P(filter) \ P(finally) \ P(find) \ + P(findIndex) \ P(findLast) \ P(findLastIndex) \ - P(findIndex) \ P(firstDay) \ P(firstDayOfWeek) \ P(fixed) \ @@ -215,7 +188,7 @@ namespace JS { P(fromEpochNanoseconds) \ P(fromHex) \ P(fround) \ - P(f16round) \ + P(Function) \ P(gc) \ P(get) \ P(getBigInt64) \ @@ -284,17 +257,19 @@ namespace JS { P(id) \ P(ignoreCase) \ P(ignorePunctuation) \ - P(imul) \ P(importValue) \ + P(imul) \ P(includes) \ P(index) \ P(indexOf) \ P(indices) \ + P(Infinity) \ P(info) \ P(inLeapYear) \ P(input) \ P(instant) \ P(intersection) \ + P(Intl) \ P(is) \ P(isArray) \ P(isDisjointFrom) \ @@ -315,6 +290,7 @@ namespace JS { P(isWordLike) \ P(italics) \ P(join) \ + P(JSON) \ P(keyFor) \ P(keys) \ P(language) \ @@ -323,23 +299,32 @@ namespace JS { P(lastChunkHandling) \ P(lastIndex) \ P(lastIndexOf) \ + P(lastMatch) \ + P(lastParen) \ + P(leftContext) \ P(length) \ P(link) \ + P(LN10) \ + P(LN2) \ P(load) \ P(locale) \ P(localeCompare) \ P(localeMatcher) \ P(log) \ + P(log10) \ + P(LOG10E) \ P(log1p) \ P(log2) \ - P(log10) \ - P(lastMatch) \ - P(lastParen) \ - P(leftContext) \ + P(LOG2E) \ P(map) \ + P(Math) \ P(max) \ + P(MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) \ + P(MAX_VALUE) \ P(maxByteLength) \ P(maximize) \ + P(maximumFractionDigits) \ + P(maximumSignificantDigits) \ P(message) \ P(microsecond) \ P(microseconds) \ @@ -348,10 +333,10 @@ namespace JS { P(milliseconds) \ P(millisecondsDisplay) \ P(min) \ + P(MIN_SAFE_INTEGER) \ + P(MIN_VALUE) \ P(minimalDays) \ P(minimize) \ - P(maximumFractionDigits) \ - P(maximumSignificantDigits) \ P(minimumFractionDigits) \ P(minimumIntegerDigits) \ P(minimumSignificantDigits) \ @@ -366,15 +351,19 @@ namespace JS { P(move) \ P(multiline) \ P(name) \ + P(NaN) \ P(nanosecond) \ P(nanoseconds) \ P(nanosecondsDisplay) \ P(negated) \ + P(NEGATIVE_INFINITY) \ P(next) \ P(normalize) \ P(notation) \ P(notify) \ + P(Now) \ P(now) \ + P(Number) \ P(numberingSystem) \ P(numeric) \ P(of) \ @@ -389,17 +378,20 @@ namespace JS { P(parseFloat) \ P(parseInt) \ P(pause) \ + P(PI) \ P(plainDateISO) \ P(plainDateTimeISO) \ P(plainTime) \ P(plainTimeISO) \ P(pluralCategories) \ P(pop) \ + P(POSITIVE_INFINITY) \ P(pow) \ P(preventExtensions) \ P(promise) \ P(propertyIsEnumerable) \ P(prototype) \ + P(Proxy) \ P(proxy) \ P(push) \ P(race) \ @@ -409,6 +401,8 @@ namespace JS { P(reason) \ P(reduce) \ P(reduceRight) \ + P(Reflect) \ + P(RegExp) \ P(region) \ P(reject) \ P(relativeTo) \ @@ -420,11 +414,11 @@ namespace JS { P(reverse) \ P(revocable) \ P(revoke) \ + P(rightContext) \ P(round) \ P(roundingIncrement) \ P(roundingMode) \ P(roundingPriority) \ - P(rightContext) \ P(script) \ P(seal) \ P(second) \ @@ -480,6 +474,8 @@ namespace JS { P(source) \ P(splice) \ P(sqrt) \ + P(SQRT1_2) \ + P(SQRT2) \ P(stack) \ P(startOfDay) \ P(startsWith) \ @@ -487,6 +483,7 @@ namespace JS { P(sticky) \ P(store) \ P(strike) \ + P(String) \ P(stringify) \ P(style) \ P(sub) \ @@ -495,14 +492,16 @@ namespace JS { P(substring) \ P(subtract) \ P(sup) \ - P(suppressed) \ P(supportedLocalesOf) \ P(supportedValuesOf) \ + P(suppressed) \ + P(Symbol) \ P(symmetricDifference) \ P(table) \ P(take) \ P(tan) \ P(tanh) \ + P(Temporal) \ P(test) \ P(then) \ P(time) \ @@ -568,15 +567,16 @@ namespace JS { P(usage) \ P(use) \ P(useGrouping) \ + P(UTC) \ P(value) \ P(valueOf) \ P(values) \ P(wait) \ P(waitAsync) \ P(warn) \ - P(weekOfYear) \ P(weekday) \ P(weekend) \ + P(weekOfYear) \ P(weeks) \ P(weeksDisplay) \ P(with) \ diff --git a/Libraries/LibJS/Runtime/ErrorTypes.h b/Libraries/LibJS/Runtime/ErrorTypes.h index 926e6787946..33f0a1e7a7b 100644 --- a/Libraries/LibJS/Runtime/ErrorTypes.h +++ b/Libraries/LibJS/Runtime/ErrorTypes.h @@ -8,291 +8,291 @@ #include -#define JS_ENUMERATE_ERROR_TYPES(M) \ - M(ArrayMaxSize, "Maximum array size exceeded") \ - M(AccessorBadField, "Accessor descriptor's '{}' field must be a function or undefined") \ - M(AccessorValueOrWritable, "Accessor property descriptor cannot specify a value or writable key") \ - M(AgentCannotSuspend, "Agent is not allowed to suspend") \ - M(BigIntBadOperator, "Cannot use {} operator with BigInt") \ - M(BigIntBadOperatorOtherType, "Cannot use {} operator with BigInt and other type") \ - M(BigIntFromNonIntegral, "Cannot convert non-integral number to BigInt") \ - M(BigIntInvalidValue, "Invalid value for BigInt: {}") \ - M(BindingNotInitialized, "Binding {} is not initialized") \ - M(BufferOutOfBounds, "{} contains a property which references a value at an index not contained within its buffer's bounds") \ - M(ByteLengthExceedsMaxByteLength, "ArrayBuffer byte length of {} exceeds the max byte length of {}") \ - M(CallStackSizeExceeded, "Call stack size limit exceeded") \ - M(CannotDeclareGlobalFunction, "Cannot declare global function of name '{}'") \ - M(CannotDeclareGlobalVariable, "Cannot declare global variable of name '{}'") \ - M(CannotBeHeldWeakly, "{} cannot be held weakly") \ - M(ClassConstructorWithoutNew, "Class constructor {} must be called with 'new'") \ - M(ClassExtendsValueNotAConstructorOrNull, "Class extends value {} is not a constructor or null") \ - M(ClassExtendsValueInvalidPrototype, "Class extends value has an invalid prototype {}") \ - M(ClassIsAbstract, "Abstract class {} cannot be constructed directly") \ - M(ConstructorWithoutNew, "{} constructor must be called with 'new'") \ - M(Convert, "Cannot convert {} to {}") \ - M(DataViewOutOfRangeByteOffset, "Data view byte offset {} is out of range for buffer with length {}") \ - M(DerivedConstructorReturningInvalidValue, "Derived constructor return invalid value") \ - M(DescWriteNonWritable, "Cannot write to non-writable property '{}'") \ - M(DetachedArrayBuffer, "ArrayBuffer is detached") \ - M(DetachKeyMismatch, "Provided detach key {} does not match the ArrayBuffer's detach key {}") \ - M(DisposableStackAlreadyDisposed, "DisposableStack already disposed values") \ - M(DivisionByZero, "Division by zero") \ - M(DynamicImportNotAllowed, "Dynamic Imports are not allowed") \ - M(FinalizationRegistrySameTargetAndValue, "Target and held value must not be the same") \ - M(FixedArrayBuffer, "ArrayBuffer is not resizable") \ - M(GetCapabilitiesExecutorCalledMultipleTimes, "GetCapabilitiesExecutor was called multiple times") \ - M(GeneratorAlreadyExecuting, "Generator is already executing") \ - M(GeneratorBrandMismatch, "Generator brand '{}' does not match generator brand '{}')") \ - M(GlobalEnvironmentAlreadyHasBinding, "Global environment already has binding '{}'") \ - M(IndexOutOfRange, "Index {} is out of range of array length {}") \ - M(InOperatorWithObject, "'in' operator must be used on an object") \ - M(InstanceOfOperatorBadPrototype, "'prototype' property of {} is not an object") \ - M(IntlFractionalUnitFollowedByNonFractionalUnit, "Non-fractional unit {} is not allowed after a fractional unit") \ - M(IntlFractionalUnitsMixedWithAlwaysDisplay, "Fractional unit {} may not be used with {} value of 'always'") \ - M(IntlInvalidDateTimeFormatOption, "Option {} cannot be set when also providing {}") \ - M(IntlInvalidKey, "{} is not a valid key") \ - M(IntlInvalidLanguageTag, "{} is not a structurally valid language tag") \ - M(IntlInvalidRoundingIncrement, "{} is not a valid rounding increment") \ - M(IntlInvalidRoundingIncrementForFractionDigits, "{} is not a valid rounding increment for inequal min/max fraction digits") \ - M(IntlInvalidRoundingIncrementForRoundingType, "{} is not a valid rounding increment for rounding type {}") \ - M(IntlInvalidTime, "Time value must be between -8.64E15 and 8.64E15") \ - M(IntlInvalidUnit, "Unit {} is not a valid time unit") \ - M(IntlMinimumExceedsMaximum, "Minimum value {} is larger than maximum value {}") \ - M(IntlNumberIsNaNOrOutOfRange, "Value {} is NaN or is not between {} and {}") \ - M(IntlOptionUndefined, "Option {} must be defined when option {} is {}") \ - M(IntlNonNumericOr2DigitAfterNumericOr2Digit, "Styles other than 'fractional', numeric', or '2-digit' may not be used in smaller " \ - "units after being used in larger units") \ - M(InvalidAssignToConst, "Invalid assignment to const variable") \ - M(InvalidCodePoint, "Invalid code point {}, must be an integer no less than 0 and no greater than 0x10FFFF") \ - M(InvalidFractionDigits, "Fraction Digits must be an integer no less than 0, and no greater than 100") \ - M(InvalidHint, "Invalid hint: \"{}\"") \ - M(InvalidIndex, "Index must be a positive integer") \ - M(InvalidLeftHandAssignment, "Invalid left-hand side in assignment") \ - M(InvalidLength, "Invalid {} length") \ - M(InvalidOrAmbiguousExportEntry, "Invalid or ambiguous export entry '{}'") \ - M(InvalidPrecision, "Precision must be an integer no less than 1, and no greater than 100") \ - M(InvalidRestrictedFloatingPointParameter, "Expected {} to be a finite floating-point number") \ - M(InvalidTimeValue, "Invalid time value") \ - M(InvalidRadix, "Radix must be an integer no less than 2, and no greater than 36") \ - M(IsNotA, "{} is not a {}") \ - M(IsNotAn, "{} is not an {}") \ - M(IsNotAEvaluatedFrom, "{} is not a {} (evaluated from '{}')") \ - M(IsUndefined, "{} is undefined") \ - M(IterableNextBadReturn, "iterator.next() returned a non-object value") \ - M(IterableReturnBadReturn, "iterator.return() returned a non-object value") \ - M(JsonBigInt, "Cannot serialize BigInt value to JSON") \ - M(JsonCircular, "Cannot stringify circular object") \ - M(JsonMalformed, "Malformed JSON string") \ - M(MissingRequiredProperty, "Required property {} is missing or undefined") \ - M(ModuleNoEnvironment, "Cannot find module environment for imported binding") \ - M(ModuleNotFound, "Cannot find/open module: '{}'") \ - M(NegativeExponent, "Exponent must be positive") \ - M(NoDisposeMethod, "{} does not have dispose method") \ - M(NotAConstructor, "{} is not a constructor") \ - M(NotAFunction, "{} is not a function") \ - M(NotAnIntegerOrUndefined, "{} is neither an integer nor undefined") \ - M(NotAnObject, "{} is not an object") \ - M(NotAnObjectOfType, "Not an object of type {}") \ - M(NotAnObjectOrNull, "{} is neither an object nor null") \ - M(NotAnObjectOrString, "{} is neither an object nor a string") \ - M(NotASharedArrayBuffer, "The array buffer object must be a SharedArrayBuffer") \ - M(NotAString, "{} is not a string") \ - M(NotASymbol, "{} is not a symbol") \ - M(NotImplemented, "TODO({} is not implemented in LibJS)") \ - M(NotIterable, "{} is not iterable") \ - M(NotObjectCoercible, "{} cannot be converted to an object") \ - M(NotUndefined, "{} is not undefined") \ - M(NumberIsNaN, "{} must not be NaN") \ - M(NumberIsNaNOrInfinity, "Number must not be NaN or Infinity") \ - M(NumberIsNegative, "{} must not be negative") \ - M(ObjectDefineOwnPropertyReturnedFalse, "Object's [[DefineOwnProperty]] method returned false") \ - M(ObjectDeleteReturnedFalse, "Object's [[Delete]] method returned false") \ - M(ObjectFreezeFailed, "Could not freeze object") \ - M(ObjectSealFailed, "Could not seal object") \ - M(ObjectSetReturnedFalse, "Object's [[Set]] method returned false") \ - M(ObjectSetPrototypeOfReturnedFalse, "Object's [[SetPrototypeOf]] method returned false") \ - M(ObjectPreventExtensionsReturnedFalse, "Object's [[PreventExtensions]] method returned false") \ - M(ObjectPrototypeWrongType, "Prototype must be an object or null") \ - M(OptionIsNotValidValue, "{} is not a valid value for option {}") \ - M(OutOfMemory, "Out of memory") \ - M(OverloadResolutionFailed, "Overload resolution failed") \ - M(PrivateFieldAlreadyDeclared, "Private field '{}' has already been declared") \ - M(PrivateFieldDoesNotExistOnObject, "Private field '{}' does not exist on object") \ - M(PrivateFieldGetAccessorWithoutGetter, "Cannot get private field '{}' as accessor without getter") \ - M(PrivateFieldSetAccessorWithoutSetter, "Cannot set private field '{}' as accessor without setter") \ - M(PrivateFieldSetMethod, "Cannot set private method '{}'") \ - M(PromiseExecutorNotAFunction, "Promise executor must be a function") \ - M(ProxyConstructBadReturnType, "Proxy handler's construct trap violates invariant: must return " \ - "an object") \ - M(ProxyConstructorBadType, "Expected {} argument of Proxy constructor to be object, got {}") \ - M(ProxyDefinePropExistingConfigurable, "Proxy handler's defineProperty trap violates " \ - "invariant: a property cannot be defined as non-configurable if it already exists on the " \ - "target object as a configurable property") \ - M(ProxyDefinePropIncompatibleDescriptor, "Proxy handler's defineProperty trap violates " \ - "invariant: the new descriptor is not compatible with the existing descriptor of the " \ - "property on the target") \ - M(ProxyDefinePropNonConfigurableNonExisting, "Proxy handler's defineProperty trap " \ - "violates invariant: a property cannot be defined as non-configurable if it does not " \ - "already exist on the target object") \ - M(ProxyDefinePropNonWritable, "Proxy handler's defineProperty trap violates invariant: a non-configurable property cannot be " \ - "non-writable, unless there exists a corresponding non-configurable, non-writable own property of " \ - "the target object") \ - M(ProxyDefinePropNonExtensible, "Proxy handler's defineProperty trap violates invariant: " \ - "a property cannot be reported as being defined if the property does not exist on " \ - "the target and the target is non-extensible") \ - M(ProxyDeleteNonConfigurable, "Proxy handler's deleteProperty trap violates invariant: " \ - "cannot report a non-configurable own property of the target as deleted") \ - M(ProxyDeleteNonExtensible, "Proxy handler's deleteProperty trap violates invariant: " \ - "a property cannot be reported as deleted, if it exists as an own property of the target object and " \ - "the target object is non-extensible. ") \ - M(ProxyGetImmutableDataProperty, "Proxy handler's get trap violates invariant: the " \ - "returned value must match the value on the target if the property exists on the " \ - "target as a non-writable, non-configurable own data property") \ - M(ProxyGetNonConfigurableAccessor, "Proxy handler's get trap violates invariant: the " \ - "returned value must be undefined if the property exists on the target as a " \ - "non-configurable accessor property with an undefined get attribute") \ - M(ProxyGetOwnDescriptorInvalidDescriptor, "Proxy handler's getOwnPropertyDescriptor trap " \ - "violates invariant: invalid property descriptor for existing property on the target") \ - M(ProxyGetOwnDescriptorInvalidNonConfig, "Proxy handler's getOwnPropertyDescriptor trap " \ - "violates invariant: cannot report target's property as non-configurable if the " \ - "property does not exist, or if it is configurable") \ - M(ProxyGetOwnDescriptorNonConfigurable, "Proxy handler's getOwnPropertyDescriptor trap " \ - "violates invariant: cannot return undefined for a property on the target which is " \ - "a non-configurable property") \ - M(ProxyGetOwnDescriptorNonConfigurableNonWritable, "Proxy handler's getOwnPropertyDescriptor trap " \ - "violates invariant: cannot a property as both non-configurable and " \ - "non-writable, unless it exists as a non-configurable, non-writable own " \ - "property of the target object") \ - M(ProxyGetOwnDescriptorReturn, "Proxy handler's getOwnPropertyDescriptor trap violates " \ - "invariant: must return an object or undefined") \ - M(ProxyGetOwnDescriptorUndefinedReturn, "Proxy handler's getOwnPropertyDescriptor trap " \ - "violates invariant: cannot report a property as being undefined if it exists as an " \ - "own property of the target and the target is non-extensible") \ - M(ProxyGetPrototypeOfNonExtensible, "Proxy handler's getPrototypeOf trap violates " \ - "invariant: cannot return a different prototype object for a non-extensible target") \ - M(ProxyGetPrototypeOfReturn, "Proxy handler's getPrototypeOf trap violates invariant: " \ - "must return an object or null") \ - M(ProxyHasExistingNonConfigurable, "Proxy handler's has trap violates invariant: a " \ - "property cannot be reported as non-existent if it exists on the target as a " \ - "non-configurable property") \ - M(ProxyHasExistingNonExtensible, "Proxy handler's has trap violates invariant: a property " \ - "cannot be reported as non-existent if it exists on the target and the target is " \ - "non-extensible") \ - M(ProxyIsExtensibleReturn, "Proxy handler's isExtensible trap violates invariant: " \ - "return value must match the target's extensibility") \ - M(ProxyOwnPropertyKeysNotStringOrSymbol, "Proxy handler's ownKeys trap violates invariant: " \ - "the type of each result list element is either String or Symbol") \ - M(ProxyOwnPropertyKeysDuplicates, "Proxy handler's ownKeys trap violates invariant: " \ - "the result list may not contain duplicate elements") \ - M(ProxyOwnPropertyKeysSkippedNonconfigurableProperty, "Proxy handler's ownKeys trap violates invariant: " \ - "cannot skip non-configurable property '{}'") \ - M(ProxyOwnPropertyKeysNonExtensibleSkippedProperty, "Proxy handler's ownKeys trap violates invariant: " \ - "cannot skip property '{}' of non-extensible object") \ - M(ProxyOwnPropertyKeysNonExtensibleNewProperty, "Proxy handler's ownKeys trap violates invariant: " \ - "cannot report new property '{}' of non-extensible object") \ - M(ProxyPreventExtensionsReturn, "Proxy handler's preventExtensions trap violates " \ - "invariant: cannot return true if the target object is extensible") \ - M(ProxyRevoked, "An operation was performed on a revoked Proxy object") \ - M(ProxySetImmutableDataProperty, "Proxy handler's set trap violates invariant: cannot " \ - "return true for a property on the target which is a non-configurable, non-writable " \ - "own data property") \ - M(ProxySetNonConfigurableAccessor, "Proxy handler's set trap violates invariant: cannot " \ - "return true for a property on the target which is a non-configurable own accessor " \ - "property with an undefined set attribute") \ - M(ProxySetPrototypeOfNonExtensible, "Proxy handler's setPrototypeOf trap violates " \ - "invariant: the argument must match the prototype of the target if the " \ - "target is non-extensible") \ - M(ReduceNoInitial, "Reduce of empty array with no initial value") \ - M(ReferenceNullishDeleteProperty, "Cannot delete property '{}' of {}") \ - M(ReferenceNullishSetProperty, "Cannot set property '{}' of {}") \ - M(ReferencePrimitiveSetProperty, "Cannot set property '{}' of {} '{}'") \ - M(ReferenceUnresolvable, "Unresolvable reference") \ - M(RegExpCompileError, "RegExp compile error: {}") \ - M(RegExpObjectBadFlag, "Invalid RegExp flag '{}'") \ - M(RegExpObjectRepeatedFlag, "Repeated RegExp flag '{}'") \ - M(RegExpObjectIncompatibleFlags, "RegExp flag '{}' is incompatible with flag '{}'") \ - M(RestrictedFunctionPropertiesAccess, "Restricted function properties like 'callee', 'caller' and 'arguments' may " \ - "not be accessed in strict mode") \ - M(RestrictedGlobalProperty, "Cannot declare global property '{}'") \ - M(ShadowRealmEvaluateAbruptCompletion, "The evaluated script did not complete normally") \ - M(ShadowRealmWrappedValueNonFunctionObject, "Wrapped value must be primitive or a function object, got {}") \ - M(SharedArrayBuffer, "The array buffer object cannot be a SharedArrayBuffer") \ - M(SpeciesConstructorDidNotCreate, "Species constructor did not create {}") \ - M(SpeciesConstructorReturned, "Species constructor returned {}") \ - M(StringNonGlobalRegExp, "RegExp argument is non-global") \ - M(StringRepeatCountMustBe, "repeat count must be a {} number") \ - M(StringRepeatCountMustNotOverflow, "repeat count must not overflow") \ - M(TemporalDifferentCalendars, "Cannot compare dates from two different calendars") \ - M(TemporalDifferentTimeZones, "Cannot compare dates from two different time zones") \ - M(TemporalDisambiguatePossibleEpochNSRejectMoreThanOne, "Cannot disambiguate two or more possible epoch nanoseconds") \ - M(TemporalDisambiguatePossibleEpochNSRejectZero, "Cannot disambiguate zero possible epoch nanoseconds") \ - M(TemporalInvalidCalendar, "Invalid calendar") \ - M(TemporalInvalidCalendarFieldName, "Invalid calendar field '{}'") \ - M(TemporalInvalidCalendarIdentifier, "Invalid calendar identifier '{}'") \ - M(TemporalInvalidCalendarString, "Invalid calendar string '{}'") \ - M(TemporalInvalidCriticalAnnotation, "Invalid critical annotation: '{}={}'") \ - M(TemporalInvalidDuration, "Invalid duration") \ - M(TemporalInvalidDurationLikeObject, "Invalid duration-like object") \ - M(TemporalInvalidDurationPropertyValueNonIntegral, "Invalid value for duration property '{}': must be an integer, got {}") \ - M(TemporalInvalidDurationString, "Invalid duration string '{}'") \ - M(TemporalInvalidEpochNanoseconds, "Invalid epoch nanoseconds value, must be in range -86400 * 10^17 to 86400 * 10^17") \ - M(TemporalInvalidInstantString, "Invalid instant string '{}'") \ - M(TemporalInvalidISODate, "Invalid ISO date") \ - M(TemporalInvalidISODateTime, "Invalid ISO date time") \ - M(TemporalInvalidLargestUnit, "Largest unit must not be {}") \ - M(TemporalInvalidMonthCode, "Invalid month code") \ - M(TemporalInvalidPlainDate, "Invalid plain date") \ - M(TemporalInvalidPlainDateTime, "Invalid plain date time") \ - M(TemporalInvalidPlainMonthDay, "Invalid plain month day") \ - M(TemporalInvalidPlainTime, "Invalid plain time") \ - M(TemporalInvalidPlainYearMonth, "Invalid plain year month") \ - M(TemporalInvalidTime, "Invalid time") \ - M(TemporalInvalidTimeLikeField, "Invalid value {} for time field '{}'") \ - M(TemporalInvalidTimeZoneName, "Invalid time zone name '{}'") \ - M(TemporalInvalidTimeZoneString, "Invalid time zone string '{}'") \ - M(TemporalInvalidUnitRange, "Invalid unit range, {} is larger than {}") \ - M(TemporalInvalidZonedDateTimeOffset, "Invalid offset for the provided date and time in the current time zone") \ - M(TemporalInvalidZonedDateTimeString, "Invalid zoned date time string '{}'") \ - M(TemporalMissingOptionsObject, "Required options object is missing or undefined") \ - M(TemporalMissingStartingPoint, "A starting point is required for comparing {}") \ - M(TemporalMissingUnits, "One or both of smallestUnit or largestUnit is required") \ - M(TemporalObjectMustBePartialTemporalObject, "Object must be a partial Temporal object") \ - M(ThisHasNotBeenInitialized, "|this| has not been initialized") \ - M(ThisIsAlreadyInitialized, "|this| is already initialized") \ - M(ToObjectNullOrUndefined, "ToObject on null or undefined") \ - M(ToObjectNullOrUndefinedWithName, "\"{}\" is {}") \ - M(ToObjectNullOrUndefinedWithProperty, "Cannot access property \"{}\" on {} object") \ - M(ToObjectNullOrUndefinedWithPropertyAndName, "Cannot access property \"{}\" on {} object \"{}\"") \ - M(TopLevelVariableAlreadyDeclared, "Redeclaration of top level variable '{}'") \ - M(ToPrimitiveReturnedObject, "Can't convert {} to primitive with hint \"{}\", its @@toPrimitive method returned an object") \ - M(TypedArrayContentTypeMismatch, "Can't create {} from {}") \ - M(TypedArrayInvalidBufferLength, "Invalid buffer length for {}: must be a multiple of {}, got {}") \ - M(TypedArrayInvalidByteOffset, "Invalid byte offset for {}: must be a multiple of {}, got {}") \ - M(TypedArrayInvalidCopy, "Copy between arrays of different content types ({} and {}) is prohibited") \ - M(TypedArrayInvalidIntegerIndex, "Invalid integer index: {}") \ - M(TypedArrayInvalidTargetOffset, "Invalid target offset: must be {}") \ - M(TypedArrayOutOfRangeByteOffset, "Typed array byte offset {} is out of range for buffer with length {}") \ - M(TypedArrayOutOfRangeByteOffsetOrLength, "Typed array range {}:{} is out of range for buffer with length {}") \ - M(TypedArrayOverflow, "Overflow in {}") \ - M(TypedArrayOverflowOrOutOfBounds, "Overflow or out of bounds in {}") \ - M(TypedArrayPrototypeOneArg, "TypedArray.prototype.{}() requires at least one argument") \ - M(TypedArrayTypeIsNot, "Typed array {} element type is not {}") \ - M(UnknownIdentifier, "'{}' is not defined") \ - M(UnsupportedDeleteSuperProperty, "Can't delete a property on 'super'") \ - M(WrappedFunctionCallThrowCompletion, "Call of wrapped target function did not complete normally") \ - M(WrappedFunctionCopyNameAndLengthThrowCompletion, "Trying to copy target name and length did not complete normally") \ - M(YieldFromIteratorMissingThrowMethod, "yield* protocol violation: iterator must have a throw method") \ - M(URIMalformed, "URI malformed") /* LibWeb bindings */ \ - M(BadArgCountOne, "{}() needs one argument") \ - M(BadArgCountMany, "{}() needs {} arguments") \ - M(NotEnoughMemoryToAllocate, "Not enough memory to allocate {} bytes") \ - M(InvalidEnumerationValue, "Invalid value '{}' for enumeration type '{}'") \ - M(InvalidNormalizationForm, "The normalization form must be one of NFC, NFD, NFKC, NFKD. Got '{}'") \ - M(SetLegacyRegExpStaticPropertyThisValueMismatch, "Legacy RegExp static property setter " \ - "must be called with the RegExp constructor for the this value") \ - M(GetLegacyRegExpStaticPropertyThisValueMismatch, "Legacy RegExp static property getter " \ - "must be called with the RegExp constructor for the this value") \ - M(GetLegacyRegExpStaticPropertyValueEmpty, "Legacy RegExp static property getter value is empty") +#define JS_ENUMERATE_ERROR_TYPES(M) \ + M(AccessorBadField, "Accessor descriptor's '{}' field must be a function or undefined") \ + M(AccessorValueOrWritable, "Accessor property descriptor cannot specify a value or writable key") \ + M(AgentCannotSuspend, "Agent is not allowed to suspend") \ + M(ArrayMaxSize, "Maximum array size exceeded") \ + M(BadArgCountMany, "{}() needs {} arguments") \ + M(BadArgCountOne, "{}() needs one argument") \ + M(BigIntBadOperator, "Cannot use {} operator with BigInt") \ + M(BigIntBadOperatorOtherType, "Cannot use {} operator with BigInt and other type") \ + M(BigIntFromNonIntegral, "Cannot convert non-integral number to BigInt") \ + M(BigIntInvalidValue, "Invalid value for BigInt: {}") \ + M(BindingNotInitialized, "Binding {} is not initialized") \ + M(BufferOutOfBounds, "{} contains a property which references a value at an index not contained within its buffer's bounds") \ + M(ByteLengthExceedsMaxByteLength, "ArrayBuffer byte length of {} exceeds the max byte length of {}") \ + M(CallStackSizeExceeded, "Call stack size limit exceeded") \ + M(CannotBeHeldWeakly, "{} cannot be held weakly") \ + M(CannotDeclareGlobalFunction, "Cannot declare global function of name '{}'") \ + M(CannotDeclareGlobalVariable, "Cannot declare global variable of name '{}'") \ + M(ClassConstructorWithoutNew, "Class constructor {} must be called with 'new'") \ + M(ClassExtendsValueInvalidPrototype, "Class extends value has an invalid prototype {}") \ + M(ClassExtendsValueNotAConstructorOrNull, "Class extends value {} is not a constructor or null") \ + M(ClassIsAbstract, "Abstract class {} cannot be constructed directly") \ + M(ConstructorWithoutNew, "{} constructor must be called with 'new'") \ + M(Convert, "Cannot convert {} to {}") \ + M(DataViewOutOfRangeByteOffset, "Data view byte offset {} is out of range for buffer with length {}") \ + M(DerivedConstructorReturningInvalidValue, "Derived constructor return invalid value") \ + M(DescWriteNonWritable, "Cannot write to non-writable property '{}'") \ + M(DetachedArrayBuffer, "ArrayBuffer is detached") \ + M(DetachKeyMismatch, "Provided detach key {} does not match the ArrayBuffer's detach key {}") \ + M(DisposableStackAlreadyDisposed, "DisposableStack already disposed values") \ + M(DivisionByZero, "Division by zero") \ + M(DynamicImportNotAllowed, "Dynamic Imports are not allowed") \ + M(FinalizationRegistrySameTargetAndValue, "Target and held value must not be the same") \ + M(FixedArrayBuffer, "ArrayBuffer is not resizable") \ + M(GeneratorAlreadyExecuting, "Generator is already executing") \ + M(GeneratorBrandMismatch, "Generator brand '{}' does not match generator brand '{}')") \ + M(GetCapabilitiesExecutorCalledMultipleTimes, "GetCapabilitiesExecutor was called multiple times") \ + M(GetLegacyRegExpStaticPropertyThisValueMismatch, \ + "Legacy RegExp static property getter must be called with the RegExp constructor for the this value") \ + M(GetLegacyRegExpStaticPropertyValueEmpty, "Legacy RegExp static property getter value is empty") \ + M(GlobalEnvironmentAlreadyHasBinding, "Global environment already has binding '{}'") \ + M(IndexOutOfRange, "Index {} is out of range of array length {}") \ + M(InOperatorWithObject, "'in' operator must be used on an object") \ + M(InstanceOfOperatorBadPrototype, "'prototype' property of {} is not an object") \ + M(IntlFractionalUnitFollowedByNonFractionalUnit, "Non-fractional unit {} is not allowed after a fractional unit") \ + M(IntlFractionalUnitsMixedWithAlwaysDisplay, "Fractional unit {} may not be used with {} value of 'always'") \ + M(IntlInvalidDateTimeFormatOption, "Option {} cannot be set when also providing {}") \ + M(IntlInvalidKey, "{} is not a valid key") \ + M(IntlInvalidLanguageTag, "{} is not a structurally valid language tag") \ + M(IntlInvalidRoundingIncrement, "{} is not a valid rounding increment") \ + M(IntlInvalidRoundingIncrementForFractionDigits, "{} is not a valid rounding increment for inequal min/max fraction digits") \ + M(IntlInvalidRoundingIncrementForRoundingType, "{} is not a valid rounding increment for rounding type {}") \ + M(IntlInvalidTime, "Time value must be between -8.64E15 and 8.64E15") \ + M(IntlInvalidUnit, "Unit {} is not a valid time unit") \ + M(IntlMinimumExceedsMaximum, "Minimum value {} is larger than maximum value {}") \ + M(IntlNonNumericOr2DigitAfterNumericOr2Digit, \ + "Styles other than 'fractional', numeric', or '2-digit' may not be used in smaller units after being used in larger units") \ + M(IntlNumberIsNaNOrOutOfRange, "Value {} is NaN or is not between {} and {}") \ + M(IntlOptionUndefined, "Option {} must be defined when option {} is {}") \ + M(InvalidAssignToConst, "Invalid assignment to const variable") \ + M(InvalidCodePoint, "Invalid code point {}, must be an integer no less than 0 and no greater than 0x10FFFF") \ + M(InvalidEnumerationValue, "Invalid value '{}' for enumeration type '{}'") \ + M(InvalidFractionDigits, "Fraction Digits must be an integer no less than 0, and no greater than 100") \ + M(InvalidHint, "Invalid hint: \"{}\"") \ + M(InvalidIndex, "Index must be a positive integer") \ + M(InvalidLeftHandAssignment, "Invalid left-hand side in assignment") \ + M(InvalidLength, "Invalid {} length") \ + M(InvalidNormalizationForm, "The normalization form must be one of NFC, NFD, NFKC, NFKD. Got '{}'") \ + M(InvalidOrAmbiguousExportEntry, "Invalid or ambiguous export entry '{}'") \ + M(InvalidPrecision, "Precision must be an integer no less than 1, and no greater than 100") \ + M(InvalidRadix, "Radix must be an integer no less than 2, and no greater than 36") \ + M(InvalidRestrictedFloatingPointParameter, "Expected {} to be a finite floating-point number") \ + M(InvalidTimeValue, "Invalid time value") \ + M(IsNotA, "{} is not a {}") \ + M(IsNotAEvaluatedFrom, "{} is not a {} (evaluated from '{}')") \ + M(IsNotAn, "{} is not an {}") \ + M(IsUndefined, "{} is undefined") \ + M(IterableNextBadReturn, "iterator.next() returned a non-object value") \ + M(IterableReturnBadReturn, "iterator.return() returned a non-object value") \ + M(JsonBigInt, "Cannot serialize BigInt value to JSON") \ + M(JsonCircular, "Cannot stringify circular object") \ + M(JsonMalformed, "Malformed JSON string") \ + M(MissingRequiredProperty, "Required property {} is missing or undefined") \ + M(ModuleNoEnvironment, "Cannot find module environment for imported binding") \ + M(ModuleNotFound, "Cannot find/open module: '{}'") \ + M(NegativeExponent, "Exponent must be positive") \ + M(NoDisposeMethod, "{} does not have dispose method") \ + M(NotAConstructor, "{} is not a constructor") \ + M(NotAFunction, "{} is not a function") \ + M(NotAnIntegerOrUndefined, "{} is neither an integer nor undefined") \ + M(NotAnObject, "{} is not an object") \ + M(NotAnObjectOfType, "Not an object of type {}") \ + M(NotAnObjectOrNull, "{} is neither an object nor null") \ + M(NotAnObjectOrString, "{} is neither an object nor a string") \ + M(NotASharedArrayBuffer, "The array buffer object must be a SharedArrayBuffer") \ + M(NotAString, "{} is not a string") \ + M(NotASymbol, "{} is not a symbol") \ + M(NotEnoughMemoryToAllocate, "Not enough memory to allocate {} bytes") \ + M(NotImplemented, "TODO({} is not implemented in LibJS)") \ + M(NotIterable, "{} is not iterable") \ + M(NotObjectCoercible, "{} cannot be converted to an object") \ + M(NotUndefined, "{} is not undefined") \ + M(NumberIsNaN, "{} must not be NaN") \ + M(NumberIsNaNOrInfinity, "Number must not be NaN or Infinity") \ + M(NumberIsNegative, "{} must not be negative") \ + M(ObjectDefineOwnPropertyReturnedFalse, "Object's [[DefineOwnProperty]] method returned false") \ + M(ObjectDeleteReturnedFalse, "Object's [[Delete]] method returned false") \ + M(ObjectFreezeFailed, "Could not freeze object") \ + M(ObjectPreventExtensionsReturnedFalse, "Object's [[PreventExtensions]] method returned false") \ + M(ObjectPrototypeWrongType, "Prototype must be an object or null") \ + M(ObjectSealFailed, "Could not seal object") \ + M(ObjectSetPrototypeOfReturnedFalse, "Object's [[SetPrototypeOf]] method returned false") \ + M(ObjectSetReturnedFalse, "Object's [[Set]] method returned false") \ + M(OptionIsNotValidValue, "{} is not a valid value for option {}") \ + M(OutOfMemory, "Out of memory") \ + M(OverloadResolutionFailed, "Overload resolution failed") \ + M(PrivateFieldAlreadyDeclared, "Private field '{}' has already been declared") \ + M(PrivateFieldDoesNotExistOnObject, "Private field '{}' does not exist on object") \ + M(PrivateFieldGetAccessorWithoutGetter, "Cannot get private field '{}' as accessor without getter") \ + M(PrivateFieldSetAccessorWithoutSetter, "Cannot set private field '{}' as accessor without setter") \ + M(PrivateFieldSetMethod, "Cannot set private method '{}'") \ + M(PromiseExecutorNotAFunction, "Promise executor must be a function") \ + M(ProxyConstructBadReturnType, "Proxy handler's construct trap violates invariant: must return an object") \ + M(ProxyConstructorBadType, "Expected {} argument of Proxy constructor to be object, got {}") \ + M(ProxyDefinePropExistingConfigurable, \ + "Proxy handler's defineProperty trap violates invariant: a property cannot be defined as non-configurable if it " \ + "already exists on the target object as a configurable property") \ + M(ProxyDefinePropIncompatibleDescriptor, \ + "Proxy handler's defineProperty trap violates invariant: the new descriptor is not compatible with the existing " \ + "descriptor of the property on the target") \ + M(ProxyDefinePropNonConfigurableNonExisting, \ + "Proxy handler's defineProperty trap violates invariant: a property cannot be defined as non-configurable if it " \ + "does not already exist on the target object") \ + M(ProxyDefinePropNonExtensible, \ + "Proxy handler's defineProperty trap violates invariant: a property cannot be reported as being defined if the " \ + "property does not exist on the target and the target is non-extensible") \ + M(ProxyDefinePropNonWritable, \ + "Proxy handler's defineProperty trap violates invariant: a non-configurable property cannot be non-writable, " \ + "unless there exists a corresponding non-configurable, non-writable own property of the target object") \ + M(ProxyDeleteNonConfigurable, \ + "Proxy handler's deleteProperty trap violates invariant: cannot report a non-configurable own property of the " \ + "target as deleted") \ + M(ProxyDeleteNonExtensible, \ + "Proxy handler's deleteProperty trap violates invariant: a property cannot be reported as deleted, if it exists " \ + "as an own property of the target object and the target object is non-extensible. ") \ + M(ProxyGetImmutableDataProperty, \ + "Proxy handler's get trap violates invariant: the returned value must match the value on the target if the " \ + "property exists on the target as a non-writable, non-configurable own data property") \ + M(ProxyGetNonConfigurableAccessor, \ + "Proxy handler's get trap violates invariant: the returned value must be undefined if the property exists on the " \ + "target as a non-configurable accessor property with an undefined get attribute") \ + M(ProxyGetOwnDescriptorInvalidDescriptor, \ + "Proxy handler's getOwnPropertyDescriptor trap violates invariant: invalid property descriptor for existing " \ + "property on the target") \ + M(ProxyGetOwnDescriptorInvalidNonConfig, \ + "Proxy handler's getOwnPropertyDescriptor trap violates invariant: cannot report target's property as " \ + "non-configurable if the property does not exist, or if it is configurable") \ + M(ProxyGetOwnDescriptorNonConfigurable, \ + "Proxy handler's getOwnPropertyDescriptor trap violates invariant: cannot return undefined for a property on the " \ + "target which is a non-configurable property") \ + M(ProxyGetOwnDescriptorNonConfigurableNonWritable, \ + "Proxy handler's getOwnPropertyDescriptor trap violates invariant: cannot a property as both non-configurable and " \ + "non-writable, unless it exists as a non-configurable, non-writable own property of the target object") \ + M(ProxyGetOwnDescriptorReturn, \ + "Proxy handler's getOwnPropertyDescriptor trap violates invariant: must return an object or undefined") \ + M(ProxyGetOwnDescriptorUndefinedReturn, \ + "Proxy handler's getOwnPropertyDescriptor trap violates invariant: cannot report a property as being undefined " \ + "if it exists as an own property of the target and the target is non-extensible") \ + M(ProxyGetPrototypeOfNonExtensible, \ + "Proxy handler's getPrototypeOf trap violates invariant: cannot return a different prototype object for a " \ + "non-extensible target") \ + M(ProxyGetPrototypeOfReturn, "Proxy handler's getPrototypeOf trap violates invariant: must return an object or null") \ + M(ProxyHasExistingNonConfigurable, \ + "Proxy handler's has trap violates invariant: a property cannot be reported as non-existent if it exists on the " \ + "target as a non-configurable property") \ + M(ProxyHasExistingNonExtensible, \ + "Proxy handler's has trap violates invariant: a property cannot be reported as non-existent if it exists on the " \ + "target and the target is non-extensible") \ + M(ProxyIsExtensibleReturn, \ + "Proxy handler's isExtensible trap violates invariant: return value must match the target's extensibility") \ + M(ProxyOwnPropertyKeysDuplicates, \ + "Proxy handler's ownKeys trap violates invariant: the result list may not contain duplicate elements") \ + M(ProxyOwnPropertyKeysNonExtensibleNewProperty, \ + "Proxy handler's ownKeys trap violates invariant: cannot report new property '{}' of non-extensible object") \ + M(ProxyOwnPropertyKeysNonExtensibleSkippedProperty, \ + "Proxy handler's ownKeys trap violates invariant: cannot skip property '{}' of non-extensible object") \ + M(ProxyOwnPropertyKeysNotStringOrSymbol, \ + "Proxy handler's ownKeys trap violates invariant: the type of each result list element is either String or Symbol") \ + M(ProxyOwnPropertyKeysSkippedNonconfigurableProperty, \ + "Proxy handler's ownKeys trap violates invariant: cannot skip non-configurable property '{}'") \ + M(ProxyPreventExtensionsReturn, \ + "Proxy handler's preventExtensions trap violates invariant: cannot return true if the target object is extensible") \ + M(ProxyRevoked, "An operation was performed on a revoked Proxy object") \ + M(ProxySetImmutableDataProperty, \ + "Proxy handler's set trap violates invariant: cannot return true for a property on the target which is a " \ + "non-configurable, non-writable own data property") \ + M(ProxySetNonConfigurableAccessor, \ + "Proxy handler's set trap violates invariant: cannot return true for a property on the target which is a " \ + "non-configurable own accessor property with an undefined set attribute") \ + M(ProxySetPrototypeOfNonExtensible, \ + "Proxy handler's setPrototypeOf trap violates invariant: the argument must match the prototype of the target if " \ + "the target is non-extensible") \ + M(ReduceNoInitial, "Reduce of empty array with no initial value") \ + M(ReferenceNullishDeleteProperty, "Cannot delete property '{}' of {}") \ + M(ReferenceNullishSetProperty, "Cannot set property '{}' of {}") \ + M(ReferencePrimitiveSetProperty, "Cannot set property '{}' of {} '{}'") \ + M(ReferenceUnresolvable, "Unresolvable reference") \ + M(RegExpCompileError, "RegExp compile error: {}") \ + M(RegExpObjectBadFlag, "Invalid RegExp flag '{}'") \ + M(RegExpObjectIncompatibleFlags, "RegExp flag '{}' is incompatible with flag '{}'") \ + M(RegExpObjectRepeatedFlag, "Repeated RegExp flag '{}'") \ + M(RestrictedFunctionPropertiesAccess, \ + "Restricted function properties like 'callee', 'caller' and 'arguments' may not be accessed in strict mode") \ + M(RestrictedGlobalProperty, "Cannot declare global property '{}'") \ + M(SetLegacyRegExpStaticPropertyThisValueMismatch, \ + "Legacy RegExp static property setter must be called with the RegExp constructor for the this value") \ + M(ShadowRealmEvaluateAbruptCompletion, "The evaluated script did not complete normally") \ + M(ShadowRealmWrappedValueNonFunctionObject, "Wrapped value must be primitive or a function object, got {}") \ + M(SharedArrayBuffer, "The array buffer object cannot be a SharedArrayBuffer") \ + M(SpeciesConstructorDidNotCreate, "Species constructor did not create {}") \ + M(SpeciesConstructorReturned, "Species constructor returned {}") \ + M(StringNonGlobalRegExp, "RegExp argument is non-global") \ + M(StringRepeatCountMustBe, "repeat count must be a {} number") \ + M(StringRepeatCountMustNotOverflow, "repeat count must not overflow") \ + M(TemporalDifferentCalendars, "Cannot compare dates from two different calendars") \ + M(TemporalDifferentTimeZones, "Cannot compare dates from two different time zones") \ + M(TemporalDisambiguatePossibleEpochNSRejectMoreThanOne, "Cannot disambiguate two or more possible epoch nanoseconds") \ + M(TemporalDisambiguatePossibleEpochNSRejectZero, "Cannot disambiguate zero possible epoch nanoseconds") \ + M(TemporalInvalidCalendar, "Invalid calendar") \ + M(TemporalInvalidCalendarFieldName, "Invalid calendar field '{}'") \ + M(TemporalInvalidCalendarIdentifier, "Invalid calendar identifier '{}'") \ + M(TemporalInvalidCalendarString, "Invalid calendar string '{}'") \ + M(TemporalInvalidCriticalAnnotation, "Invalid critical annotation: '{}={}'") \ + M(TemporalInvalidDuration, "Invalid duration") \ + M(TemporalInvalidDurationLikeObject, "Invalid duration-like object") \ + M(TemporalInvalidDurationPropertyValueNonIntegral, "Invalid value for duration property '{}': must be an integer, got {}") \ + M(TemporalInvalidDurationString, "Invalid duration string '{}'") \ + M(TemporalInvalidEpochNanoseconds, "Invalid epoch nanoseconds value, must be in range -86400 * 10^17 to 86400 * 10^17") \ + M(TemporalInvalidInstantString, "Invalid instant string '{}'") \ + M(TemporalInvalidISODate, "Invalid ISO date") \ + M(TemporalInvalidISODateTime, "Invalid ISO date time") \ + M(TemporalInvalidLargestUnit, "Largest unit must not be {}") \ + M(TemporalInvalidMonthCode, "Invalid month code") \ + M(TemporalInvalidPlainDate, "Invalid plain date") \ + M(TemporalInvalidPlainDateTime, "Invalid plain date time") \ + M(TemporalInvalidPlainMonthDay, "Invalid plain month day") \ + M(TemporalInvalidPlainTime, "Invalid plain time") \ + M(TemporalInvalidPlainYearMonth, "Invalid plain year month") \ + M(TemporalInvalidTime, "Invalid time") \ + M(TemporalInvalidTimeLikeField, "Invalid value {} for time field '{}'") \ + M(TemporalInvalidTimeZoneName, "Invalid time zone name '{}'") \ + M(TemporalInvalidTimeZoneString, "Invalid time zone string '{}'") \ + M(TemporalInvalidUnitRange, "Invalid unit range, {} is larger than {}") \ + M(TemporalInvalidZonedDateTimeOffset, "Invalid offset for the provided date and time in the current time zone") \ + M(TemporalInvalidZonedDateTimeString, "Invalid zoned date time string '{}'") \ + M(TemporalMissingOptionsObject, "Required options object is missing or undefined") \ + M(TemporalMissingStartingPoint, "A starting point is required for comparing {}") \ + M(TemporalMissingUnits, "One or both of smallestUnit or largestUnit is required") \ + M(TemporalObjectMustBePartialTemporalObject, "Object must be a partial Temporal object") \ + M(ThisHasNotBeenInitialized, "|this| has not been initialized") \ + M(ThisIsAlreadyInitialized, "|this| is already initialized") \ + M(ToObjectNullOrUndefined, "ToObject on null or undefined") \ + M(ToObjectNullOrUndefinedWithName, "\"{}\" is {}") \ + M(ToObjectNullOrUndefinedWithProperty, "Cannot access property \"{}\" on {} object") \ + M(ToObjectNullOrUndefinedWithPropertyAndName, "Cannot access property \"{}\" on {} object \"{}\"") \ + M(TopLevelVariableAlreadyDeclared, "Redeclaration of top level variable '{}'") \ + M(ToPrimitiveReturnedObject, "Can't convert {} to primitive with hint \"{}\", its @@toPrimitive method returned an object") \ + M(TypedArrayContentTypeMismatch, "Can't create {} from {}") \ + M(TypedArrayInvalidBufferLength, "Invalid buffer length for {}: must be a multiple of {}, got {}") \ + M(TypedArrayInvalidByteOffset, "Invalid byte offset for {}: must be a multiple of {}, got {}") \ + M(TypedArrayInvalidCopy, "Copy between arrays of different content types ({} and {}) is prohibited") \ + M(TypedArrayInvalidIntegerIndex, "Invalid integer index: {}") \ + M(TypedArrayInvalidTargetOffset, "Invalid target offset: must be {}") \ + M(TypedArrayOutOfRangeByteOffset, "Typed array byte offset {} is out of range for buffer with length {}") \ + M(TypedArrayOutOfRangeByteOffsetOrLength, "Typed array range {}:{} is out of range for buffer with length {}") \ + M(TypedArrayOverflow, "Overflow in {}") \ + M(TypedArrayOverflowOrOutOfBounds, "Overflow or out of bounds in {}") \ + M(TypedArrayPrototypeOneArg, "TypedArray.prototype.{}() requires at least one argument") \ + M(TypedArrayTypeIsNot, "Typed array {} element type is not {}") \ + M(UnknownIdentifier, "'{}' is not defined") \ + M(UnsupportedDeleteSuperProperty, "Can't delete a property on 'super'") \ + M(URIMalformed, "URI malformed") /* LibWeb bindings */ \ + M(WrappedFunctionCallThrowCompletion, "Call of wrapped target function did not complete normally") \ + M(WrappedFunctionCopyNameAndLengthThrowCompletion, "Trying to copy target name and length did not complete normally") \ + M(YieldFromIteratorMissingThrowMethod, "yield* protocol violation: iterator must have a throw method") namespace JS {