/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //#define GENERATE_DEBUG_CODE struct Parameter { String type; String name; }; struct Message { String name; bool is_synchronous { false }; Vector inputs; Vector outputs; String response_name() const { StringBuilder builder; builder.append(name); builder.append("Response"); return builder.to_string(); } }; struct Endpoint { String name; int magic; Vector messages; }; int main(int argc, char** argv) { if (argc != 2) { printf("usage: %s \n", argv[0]); return 0; } auto file = Core::File::construct(argv[1]); if (!file->open(Core::IODevice::ReadOnly)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Cannot open %s: %s\n", argv[1], file->error_string()); return 1; } auto file_contents = file->read_all(); Vector endpoints; Vector buffer; size_t index = 0; auto peek = [&](size_t offset = 0) -> char { if ((index + offset) < file_contents.size()) return file_contents[index + offset]; return 0; }; auto consume_one = [&]() -> char { return file_contents[index++]; }; auto extract_while = [&](Function condition) -> String { StringBuilder builder; while (condition(peek())) builder.append(consume_one()); return builder.to_string(); }; auto consume_specific = [&](char ch) { if (peek() != ch) { warn() << "consume_specific: wanted '" << ch << "', but got '" << peek() << "' at index " << index; } ASSERT(peek() == ch); ++index; return ch; }; auto consume_string = [&](const char* str) { for (size_t i = 0, length = strlen(str); i < length; ++i) consume_specific(str[i]); }; auto consume_whitespace = [&] { while (isspace(peek())) ++index; if (peek() == '/' && peek(1) == '/') { while (peek() != '\n') ++index; } }; auto parse_parameter = [&](Vector& storage) { for (;;) { Parameter parameter; consume_whitespace(); if (peek() == ')') break; parameter.type = extract_while([](char ch) { return !isspace(ch); }); consume_whitespace(); parameter.name = extract_while([](char ch) { return !isspace(ch) && ch != ',' && ch != ')'; }); consume_whitespace(); storage.append(move(parameter)); if (peek() == ',') { consume_one(); continue; } if (peek() == ')') break; } }; auto parse_parameters = [&](Vector& storage) { for (;;) { consume_whitespace(); parse_parameter(storage); consume_whitespace(); if (peek() == ',') { consume_one(); continue; } if (peek() == ')') break; } }; auto parse_message = [&] { Message message; consume_whitespace(); Vector buffer; while (!isspace(peek()) && peek() != '(') buffer.append(consume_one()); message.name = String::copy(buffer); consume_whitespace(); consume_specific('('); parse_parameters(message.inputs); consume_specific(')'); consume_whitespace(); consume_specific('='); auto type = consume_one(); if (type == '>') message.is_synchronous = true; else if (type == '|') message.is_synchronous = false; else ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); consume_whitespace(); if (message.is_synchronous) { consume_specific('('); parse_parameters(message.outputs); consume_specific(')'); } consume_whitespace(); endpoints.last().messages.append(move(message)); }; auto parse_messages = [&] { for (;;) { consume_whitespace(); parse_message(); consume_whitespace(); if (peek() == '}') break; } }; auto parse_endpoint = [&] { endpoints.empend(); consume_whitespace(); consume_string("endpoint"); consume_whitespace(); endpoints.last().name = extract_while([](char ch) { return !isspace(ch); }); consume_whitespace(); consume_specific('='); consume_whitespace(); auto magic_string = extract_while([](char ch) { return !isspace(ch) && ch != '{'; }); bool ok; endpoints.last().magic = magic_string.to_int(ok); ASSERT(ok); consume_whitespace(); consume_specific('{'); parse_messages(); consume_specific('}'); consume_whitespace(); }; while (index < file_contents.size()) parse_endpoint(); out() << "#pragma once"; out() << "#include "; out() << "#include "; out() << "#include "; out() << "#include "; out() << "#include "; out() << "#include "; out() << "#include "; out() << "#include "; out() << "#include "; out(); for (auto& endpoint : endpoints) { out() << "namespace Messages {"; out() << "namespace " << endpoint.name << " {"; out(); HashMap message_ids; out() << "enum class MessageID : i32 {"; for (auto& message : endpoint.messages) { message_ids.set(message.name, message_ids.size() + 1); out() << " " << message.name << " = " << message_ids.size() << ","; if (message.is_synchronous) { message_ids.set(message.response_name(), message_ids.size() + 1); out() << " " << message.response_name() << " = " << message_ids.size() << ","; } } out() << "};"; out(); auto constructor_for_message = [&](const String& name, const Vector& parameters) { StringBuilder builder; builder.append(name); if (parameters.is_empty()) { builder.append("() {}"); return builder.to_string(); } builder.append('('); for (size_t i = 0; i < parameters.size(); ++i) { auto& parameter = parameters[i]; builder.append("const "); builder.append(parameter.type); builder.append("& "); builder.append(parameter.name); if (i != parameters.size() - 1) builder.append(", "); } builder.append(") : "); for (size_t i = 0; i < parameters.size(); ++i) { auto& parameter = parameters[i]; builder.append("m_"); builder.append(parameter.name); builder.append("("); builder.append(parameter.name); builder.append(")"); if (i != parameters.size() - 1) builder.append(", "); } builder.append(" {}"); return builder.to_string(); }; auto do_message = [&](const String& name, const Vector& parameters, const String& response_type = {}) { out() << "class " << name << " final : public IPC::Message {"; out() << "public:"; if (!response_type.is_null()) out() << " typedef class " << response_type << " ResponseType;"; out() << " " << constructor_for_message(name, parameters); out() << " virtual ~" << name << "() override {}"; out() << " virtual i32 endpoint_magic() const override { return " << endpoint.magic << "; }"; out() << " virtual i32 message_id() const override { return (int)MessageID::" << name << "; }"; out() << " static i32 static_message_id() { return (int)MessageID::" << name << "; }"; out() << " virtual const char* message_name() const override { return \"" << endpoint.name << "::" << name << "\"; }"; out() << " static OwnPtr<" << name << "> decode(BufferStream& stream, size_t& size_in_bytes)"; out() << " {"; out() << " IPC::Decoder decoder(stream);"; for (auto& parameter : parameters) { String initial_value = "{}"; if (parameter.type == "bool") initial_value = "false"; out() << " " << parameter.type << " " << parameter.name << " = " << initial_value << ";"; if (parameter.type == "Vector") { out() << " u64 " << parameter.name << "_size = 0;"; out() << " stream >> " << parameter.name << "_size;"; out() << " for (size_t i = 0; i < " << parameter.name << "_size; ++i) {"; out() << " Gfx::Rect rect;"; out() << " if (!decoder.decode(rect))"; out() << " return nullptr;"; out() << " " << parameter.name << ".append(move(rect));"; out() << " }"; } else { out() << " if (!decoder.decode(" << parameter.name << "))"; out() << " return nullptr;"; } } StringBuilder builder; for (size_t i = 0; i < parameters.size(); ++i) { auto& parameter = parameters[i]; builder.append(parameter.name); if (i != parameters.size() - 1) builder.append(", "); } out() << " size_in_bytes = stream.offset();"; out() << " return make<" << name << ">(" << builder.to_string() << ");"; out() << " }"; out() << " virtual IPC::MessageBuffer encode() const override"; out() << " {"; out() << " IPC::MessageBuffer buffer;"; out() << " IPC::Encoder stream(buffer);"; out() << " stream << endpoint_magic();"; out() << " stream << (int)MessageID::" << name << ";"; for (auto& parameter : parameters) { if (parameter.type == "Gfx::Color") { out() << " stream << m_" << parameter.name << ".value();"; } else if (parameter.type == "Gfx::Size") { out() << " stream << m_" << parameter.name << ".width();"; out() << " stream << m_" << parameter.name << ".height();"; } else if (parameter.type == "Gfx::Point") { out() << " stream << m_" << parameter.name << ".x();"; out() << " stream << m_" << parameter.name << ".y();"; } else if (parameter.type == "Gfx::Rect") { out() << " stream << m_" << parameter.name << ".x();"; out() << " stream << m_" << parameter.name << ".y();"; out() << " stream << m_" << parameter.name << ".width();"; out() << " stream << m_" << parameter.name << ".height();"; } else if (parameter.type == "Vector") { out() << " stream << (u64)m_" << parameter.name << ".size();"; out() << " for (auto& rect : m_" << parameter.name << ") {"; out() << " stream << rect.x();"; out() << " stream << rect.y();"; out() << " stream << rect.width();"; out() << " stream << rect.height();"; out() << " }"; } else if (parameter.type == "Gfx::ShareableBitmap") { out() << " stream << m_" << parameter.name << ".shbuf_id();"; out() << " stream << m_" << parameter.name << ".width();"; out() << " stream << m_" << parameter.name << ".height();"; } else { out() << " stream << m_" << parameter.name << ";"; } } out() << " return buffer;"; out() << " }"; for (auto& parameter : parameters) { out() << " const " << parameter.type << "& " << parameter.name << "() const { return m_" << parameter.name << "; }"; } out() << "private:"; for (auto& parameter : parameters) { out() << " " << parameter.type << " m_" << parameter.name << ";"; } out() << "};"; out(); }; for (auto& message : endpoint.messages) { String response_name; if (message.is_synchronous) { response_name = message.response_name(); do_message(response_name, message.outputs); } do_message(message.name, message.inputs, response_name); } out() << "} // namespace " << endpoint.name; out() << "} // namespace Messages"; out(); out() << "class " << endpoint.name << "Endpoint : public IPC::Endpoint {"; out() << "public:"; out() << " " << endpoint.name << "Endpoint() {}"; out() << " virtual ~" << endpoint.name << "Endpoint() override {}"; out() << " static int static_magic() { return " << endpoint.magic << "; }"; out() << " virtual int magic() const override { return " << endpoint.magic << "; }"; out() << " static String static_name() { return \"" << endpoint.name << "\"; };"; out() << " virtual String name() const override { return \"" << endpoint.name << "\"; };"; out() << " static OwnPtr decode_message(const ByteBuffer& buffer, size_t& size_in_bytes)"; out() << " {"; out() << " BufferStream stream(const_cast(buffer));"; out() << " i32 message_endpoint_magic = 0;"; out() << " stream >> message_endpoint_magic;"; out() << " if (message_endpoint_magic != " << endpoint.magic << ") {"; #ifdef GENERATE_DEBUG_CODE sout() << " sout() << \"endpoint magic \" << message_endpoint_magic << \" != " << endpoint.magic << "\";"; #endif out() << " return nullptr;"; out() << " }"; out() << " i32 message_id = 0;"; out() << " stream >> message_id;"; out() << " switch (message_id) {"; for (auto& message : endpoint.messages) { auto do_decode_message = [&](const String& name) { out() << " case (int)Messages::" << endpoint.name << "::MessageID::" << name << ":"; out() << " return Messages::" << endpoint.name << "::" << name << "::decode(stream, size_in_bytes);"; }; do_decode_message(message.name); if (message.is_synchronous) do_decode_message(message.response_name()); } out() << " default:"; #ifdef GENERATE_DEBUG_CODE sout() << " sout() << \"Failed to decode " << endpoint.name << ".(\" << message_id << \")\";"; #endif out() << " return nullptr;"; out() << " }"; out() << " }"; out(); out() << " virtual OwnPtr handle(const IPC::Message& message) override"; out() << " {"; out() << " switch (message.message_id()) {"; for (auto& message : endpoint.messages) { auto do_decode_message = [&](const String& name, bool returns_something) { out() << " case (int)Messages::" << endpoint.name << "::MessageID::" << name << ":"; if (returns_something) { out() << " return handle(static_cast(message));"; } else { out() << " handle(static_cast(message));"; out() << " return nullptr;"; } }; do_decode_message(message.name, message.is_synchronous); if (message.is_synchronous) do_decode_message(message.response_name(), false); } out() << " default:"; out() << " return nullptr;"; out() << " }"; out() << " }"; for (auto& message : endpoint.messages) { String return_type = "void"; if (message.is_synchronous) { StringBuilder builder; builder.append("OwnPtr"); return_type = builder.to_string(); } out() << " virtual " << return_type << " handle(const Messages::" << endpoint.name << "::" << message.name << "&) = 0;"; } out() << "private:"; out() << "};"; } #ifdef DEBUG for (auto& endpoint : endpoints) { warn() << "Endpoint: '" << endpoint.name << "' (magic: " << endpoint.magic << ")"; for (auto& message : endpoint.messages) { warn() << " Message: '" << message.name << "'"; warn() << " Sync: " << message.is_synchronous; warn() << " Inputs:"; for (auto& parameter : message.inputs) warn() << " Parameter: " << parameter.name << " (" << parameter.type << ")"; if (message.inputs.is_empty()) warn() << " (none)"; if (message.is_synchronous) { warn() << " Outputs:"; for (auto& parameter : message.outputs) warn() << " Parameter: " << parameter.name << " (" << parameter.type << ")"; if (message.outputs.is_empty()) warn() << " (none)"; } } } #endif return 0; }