/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "LookupServer.h" #include "DNSRequest.h" #include "DNSResponse.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //#define LOOKUPSERVER_DEBUG LookupServer::LookupServer() { auto config = Core::ConfigFile::get_for_system("LookupServer"); dbgln("Using network config file at {}", config->file_name()); m_nameservers = config->read_entry("DNS", "Nameservers", ",").split(','); load_etc_hosts(); m_local_server = Core::LocalServer::construct(this); m_local_server->on_ready_to_accept = [this]() { auto socket = m_local_server->accept(); socket->on_ready_to_read = [this, socket]() { service_client(socket); RefPtr keeper = socket; const_cast(*socket).on_ready_to_read = [] {}; }; }; bool ok = m_local_server->take_over_from_system_server(); ASSERT(ok); } void LookupServer::load_etc_hosts() { auto file = Core::File::construct("/etc/hosts"); if (!file->open(Core::IODevice::ReadOnly)) return; while (!file->eof()) { auto line = file->read_line(1024); if (line.is_empty()) break; auto fields = line.split('\t'); auto sections = fields[0].split('.'); IPv4Address addr { (u8)atoi(sections[0].characters()), (u8)atoi(sections[1].characters()), (u8)atoi(sections[2].characters()), (u8)atoi(sections[3].characters()), }; auto name = fields[1]; m_etc_hosts.set(name, addr.to_string()); IPv4Address reverse_addr { (u8)atoi(sections[3].characters()), (u8)atoi(sections[2].characters()), (u8)atoi(sections[1].characters()), (u8)atoi(sections[0].characters()), }; StringBuilder builder; builder.append(reverse_addr.to_string()); builder.append(".in-addr.arpa"); m_etc_hosts.set(builder.to_string(), name); } } void LookupServer::service_client(RefPtr socket) { u8 client_buffer[1024]; int nrecv = socket->read(client_buffer, sizeof(client_buffer) - 1); if (nrecv < 0) { perror("read"); return; } client_buffer[nrecv] = '\0'; char lookup_type = client_buffer[0]; if (lookup_type != 'L' && lookup_type != 'R') { dbgln("Invalid lookup_type '{}'", lookup_type); return; } auto hostname = String((const char*)client_buffer + 1, nrecv - 1, Chomp); #ifdef LOOKUPSERVER_DEBUG dbgln("Got request for '{}'", hostname); #endif Vector responses; if (auto known_host = m_etc_hosts.get(hostname); known_host.has_value()) { responses.append(known_host.value()); } else if (!hostname.is_empty()) { for (auto& nameserver : m_nameservers) { #ifdef LOOKUPSERVER_DEBUG dbgln("Doing lookup using nameserver '{}'", nameserver); #endif bool did_get_response = false; int retries = 3; do { if (lookup_type == 'L') responses = lookup(hostname, nameserver, did_get_response, T_A); else if (lookup_type == 'R') responses = lookup(hostname, nameserver, did_get_response, T_PTR); if (did_get_response) break; } while (--retries); if (!responses.is_empty()) { break; } else { if (!did_get_response) dbgln("Never got a response from '{}', trying next nameserver", nameserver); else dbgln("Received response from '{}' but no result(s), trying next nameserver", nameserver); } } if (responses.is_empty()) { fprintf(stderr, "LookupServer: Tried all nameservers but never got a response :(\n"); return; } } if (responses.is_empty()) { int nsent = socket->write("Not found.\n"); if (nsent < 0) perror("write"); return; } for (auto& response : responses) { auto line = String::format("%s\n", response.characters()); int nsent = socket->write(line); if (nsent < 0) { perror("write"); break; } } } Vector LookupServer::lookup(const String& hostname, const String& nameserver, bool& did_get_response, unsigned short record_type, ShouldRandomizeCase should_randomize_case) { if (auto it = m_lookup_cache.find(hostname); it != m_lookup_cache.end()) { auto& cached_lookup = it->value; if (cached_lookup.question.record_type() == record_type) { Vector responses; for (auto& cached_answer : cached_lookup.answers) { #ifdef LOOKUPSERVER_DEBUG dbgln("Cache hit: {} -> {}, expired: {}", hostname, cached_answer.record_data(), cached_answer.has_expired()); #endif if (!cached_answer.has_expired()) responses.append(cached_answer.record_data()); } if (!responses.is_empty()) return responses; } m_lookup_cache.remove(it); } DNSRequest request; request.add_question(hostname, record_type, should_randomize_case); auto buffer = request.to_byte_buffer(); auto udp_socket = Core::UDPSocket::construct(); udp_socket->set_blocking(true); struct timeval timeout { 1, 0 }; int rc = setsockopt(udp_socket->fd(), SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, &timeout, sizeof(timeout)); if (rc < 0) { perror("setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO)"); return {}; } if (!udp_socket->connect(nameserver, 53)) return {}; if (!udp_socket->write(buffer)) return {}; u8 response_buffer[4096]; int nrecv = udp_socket->read(response_buffer, sizeof(response_buffer)); if (nrecv == 0) return {}; did_get_response = true; auto o_response = DNSResponse::from_raw_response(response_buffer, nrecv); if (!o_response.has_value()) return {}; auto& response = o_response.value(); if (response.id() != request.id()) { dbgln("LookupServer: ID mismatch ({} vs {}) :(", response.id(), request.id()); return {}; } if (response.code() == DNSResponse::Code::REFUSED) { if (should_randomize_case == ShouldRandomizeCase::Yes) { // Retry with 0x20 case randomization turned off. return lookup(hostname, nameserver, did_get_response, record_type, ShouldRandomizeCase::No); } return {}; } if (response.question_count() != request.question_count()) { dbgln("LookupServer: Question count ({} vs {}) :(", response.question_count(), request.question_count()); return {}; } for (size_t i = 0; i < request.question_count(); ++i) { auto& request_question = request.questions()[i]; auto& response_question = response.questions()[i]; if (request_question != response_question) { dbgln("Request and response questions do not match"); dbgln(" Request: name=_{}_, type={}, class={}", request_question.name(), response_question.record_type(), response_question.class_code()); dbgln(" Response: name=_{}_, type={}, class={}", response_question.name(), response_question.record_type(), response_question.class_code()); return {}; } } if (response.answer_count() < 1) { dbgln("LookupServer: Not enough answers ({}) :(", response.answer_count()); return {}; } Vector responses; Vector cacheable_answers; for (auto& answer : response.answers()) { if (answer.type() != T_A) continue; responses.append(answer.record_data()); if (!answer.has_expired()) cacheable_answers.append(answer); } if (!cacheable_answers.is_empty()) { if (m_lookup_cache.size() >= 256) m_lookup_cache.remove(m_lookup_cache.begin()); m_lookup_cache.set(hostname, { request.questions()[0], move(cacheable_answers) }); } return responses; }