/* * Copyright (c) 2020, Stephan Unverwerth * Copyright (c) 2020-2021, Linus Groh * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include "Token.h" #include #include #include #include #include namespace JS { char const* Token::name(TokenType type) { switch (type) { #define __ENUMERATE_JS_TOKEN(type, category) \ case TokenType::type: \ return #type; ENUMERATE_JS_TOKENS #undef __ENUMERATE_JS_TOKEN default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); return ""; } } char const* Token::name() const { return name(m_type); } TokenCategory Token::category(TokenType type) { switch (type) { #define __ENUMERATE_JS_TOKEN(type, category) \ case TokenType::type: \ return TokenCategory::category; ENUMERATE_JS_TOKENS #undef __ENUMERATE_JS_TOKEN default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } } TokenCategory Token::category() const { return category(m_type); } double Token::double_value() const { VERIFY(type() == TokenType::NumericLiteral); Vector buffer; for (auto ch : value()) { if (ch == '_') continue; buffer.append(ch); } buffer.append('\0'); auto value_string = StringView { buffer.data(), buffer.size() - 1 }; if (value_string[0] == '0' && value_string.length() >= 2) { if (value_string[1] == 'x' || value_string[1] == 'X') { // hexadecimal return static_cast(strtoul(value_string.characters_without_null_termination() + 2, nullptr, 16)); } else if (value_string[1] == 'o' || value_string[1] == 'O') { // octal return static_cast(strtoul(value_string.characters_without_null_termination() + 2, nullptr, 8)); } else if (value_string[1] == 'b' || value_string[1] == 'B') { // binary return static_cast(strtoul(value_string.characters_without_null_termination() + 2, nullptr, 2)); } else if (is_ascii_digit(value_string[1])) { // also octal, but syntax error in strict mode if (!value().contains('8') && !value().contains('9')) return static_cast(strtoul(value_string.characters_without_null_termination() + 1, nullptr, 8)); } } // This should always be a valid double return value_string.to_double().release_value(); } static u32 hex2int(char x) { VERIFY(is_ascii_hex_digit(x)); if (x >= '0' && x <= '9') return x - '0'; return 10u + (to_ascii_lowercase(x) - 'a'); } DeprecatedString Token::string_value(StringValueStatus& status) const { VERIFY(type() == TokenType::StringLiteral || type() == TokenType::TemplateLiteralString); auto is_template = type() == TokenType::TemplateLiteralString; GenericLexer lexer(is_template ? value() : value().substring_view(1, value().length() - 2)); auto encoding_failure = [&status](StringValueStatus parse_status) -> DeprecatedString { status = parse_status; return {}; }; StringBuilder builder; while (!lexer.is_eof()) { // No escape, consume one char and continue if (!lexer.next_is('\\')) { if (is_template && lexer.next_is('\r')) { lexer.ignore(); if (lexer.next_is('\n')) lexer.ignore(); builder.append('\n'); continue; } builder.append(lexer.consume()); continue; } // Unicode escape if (lexer.next_is("\\u"sv)) { auto code_point_or_error = lexer.consume_escaped_code_point(); if (code_point_or_error.is_error()) { switch (code_point_or_error.error()) { case GenericLexer::UnicodeEscapeError::MalformedUnicodeEscape: return encoding_failure(StringValueStatus::MalformedUnicodeEscape); case GenericLexer::UnicodeEscapeError::UnicodeEscapeOverflow: return encoding_failure(StringValueStatus::UnicodeEscapeOverflow); } } builder.append_code_point(code_point_or_error.value()); continue; } lexer.ignore(); VERIFY(!lexer.is_eof()); // Line continuation if (lexer.next_is('\n') || lexer.next_is('\r')) { if (lexer.next_is("\r\n")) lexer.ignore(); lexer.ignore(); continue; } // Line continuation if (lexer.next_is(LINE_SEPARATOR_STRING) || lexer.next_is(PARAGRAPH_SEPARATOR_STRING)) { lexer.ignore(3); continue; } // Null-byte escape if (lexer.next_is('0') && !is_ascii_digit(lexer.peek(1))) { lexer.ignore(); builder.append('\0'); continue; } // Hex escape if (lexer.next_is('x')) { lexer.ignore(); if (!is_ascii_hex_digit(lexer.peek()) || !is_ascii_hex_digit(lexer.peek(1))) return encoding_failure(StringValueStatus::MalformedHexEscape); auto code_point = hex2int(lexer.consume()) * 16 + hex2int(lexer.consume()); VERIFY(code_point <= 255); builder.append_code_point(code_point); continue; } // In non-strict mode LegacyOctalEscapeSequence is allowed in strings: // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-additional-syntax-string-literals DeprecatedString octal_str; auto is_octal_digit = [](char ch) { return ch >= '0' && ch <= '7'; }; auto is_zero_to_three = [](char ch) { return ch >= '0' && ch <= '3'; }; auto is_four_to_seven = [](char ch) { return ch >= '4' && ch <= '7'; }; // OctalDigit [lookahead ∉ OctalDigit] if (is_octal_digit(lexer.peek()) && !is_octal_digit(lexer.peek(1))) octal_str = lexer.consume(1); // ZeroToThree OctalDigit [lookahead ∉ OctalDigit] else if (is_zero_to_three(lexer.peek()) && is_octal_digit(lexer.peek(1)) && !is_octal_digit(lexer.peek(2))) octal_str = lexer.consume(2); // FourToSeven OctalDigit else if (is_four_to_seven(lexer.peek()) && is_octal_digit(lexer.peek(1))) octal_str = lexer.consume(2); // ZeroToThree OctalDigit OctalDigit else if (is_zero_to_three(lexer.peek()) && is_octal_digit(lexer.peek(1)) && is_octal_digit(lexer.peek(2))) octal_str = lexer.consume(3); if (!octal_str.is_null()) { status = StringValueStatus::LegacyOctalEscapeSequence; auto code_point = strtoul(octal_str.characters(), nullptr, 8); VERIFY(code_point <= 255); builder.append_code_point(code_point); continue; } if (lexer.next_is('8') || lexer.next_is('9')) { status = StringValueStatus::LegacyOctalEscapeSequence; builder.append(lexer.consume()); continue; } lexer.retreat(); builder.append(lexer.consume_escaped_character('\\', "b\bf\fn\nr\rt\tv\v"sv)); } return builder.to_deprecated_string(); } // Static Semantics: TRV, https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-static-semantics-trv DeprecatedString Token::raw_template_value() const { return value().replace("\r\n"sv, "\n"sv, ReplaceMode::All).replace("\r"sv, "\n"sv, ReplaceMode::All); } bool Token::bool_value() const { VERIFY(type() == TokenType::BoolLiteral); return value() == "true"; } bool Token::is_identifier_name() const { // IdentifierNames are Identifiers + ReservedWords // The standard defines this reversed: Identifiers are IdentifierNames except reserved words // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#prod-Identifier return m_type == TokenType::Identifier || m_type == TokenType::EscapedKeyword || m_type == TokenType::Await || m_type == TokenType::Async || m_type == TokenType::BoolLiteral || m_type == TokenType::Break || m_type == TokenType::Case || m_type == TokenType::Catch || m_type == TokenType::Class || m_type == TokenType::Const || m_type == TokenType::Continue || m_type == TokenType::Debugger || m_type == TokenType::Default || m_type == TokenType::Delete || m_type == TokenType::Do || m_type == TokenType::Else || m_type == TokenType::Enum || m_type == TokenType::Export || m_type == TokenType::Extends || m_type == TokenType::Finally || m_type == TokenType::For || m_type == TokenType::Function || m_type == TokenType::If || m_type == TokenType::Import || m_type == TokenType::In || m_type == TokenType::Instanceof || m_type == TokenType::Let || m_type == TokenType::New || m_type == TokenType::NullLiteral || m_type == TokenType::Return || m_type == TokenType::Super || m_type == TokenType::Switch || m_type == TokenType::This || m_type == TokenType::Throw || m_type == TokenType::Try || m_type == TokenType::Typeof || m_type == TokenType::Var || m_type == TokenType::Void || m_type == TokenType::While || m_type == TokenType::With || m_type == TokenType::Yield; } bool Token::trivia_contains_line_terminator() const { return m_trivia.contains('\n') || m_trivia.contains('\r') || m_trivia.contains(LINE_SEPARATOR_STRING) || m_trivia.contains(PARAGRAPH_SEPARATOR_STRING); } }