/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #pragma once #define AK_TEST_SUITE #define ASSERT(x) \ { \ if (!(x)) \ fprintf(stderr, "\033[31;1mFAIL\033[0m: %s:%d: ASSERT(%s) failed\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, #x); \ } #define RELEASE_ASSERT(x) \ { \ if (!(x)) \ fprintf(stderr, "\033[31;1mFAIL\033[0m: %s:%d: RELEASE_ASSERT(%s) failed\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, #x); \ } #define ASSERT_NOT_REACHED() \ { \ fprintf(stderr, "\033[31;1mFAIL\033[0m: %s:%d: ASSERT_NOT_REACHED() called\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); \ abort(); \ } #define TODO() \ { \ fprintf(stderr, "\033[31;1mFAIL\033[0m: %s:%d: TODO() called\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); \ abort(); \ } #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace AK { class TestElapsedTimer { public: TestElapsedTimer() { restart(); } void restart() { gettimeofday(&m_started, nullptr); } u64 elapsed_milliseconds() { struct timeval now; gettimeofday(&now, nullptr); struct timeval delta; timersub(&now, &m_started, &delta); return delta.tv_sec * 1000 + delta.tv_usec / 1000; } private: struct timeval m_started; }; using TestFunction = AK::Function; class TestCase : public RefCounted { public: TestCase(const String& name, TestFunction&& fn, bool is_benchmark) : m_name(name) , m_function(move(fn)) , m_is_benchmark(is_benchmark) { } bool is_benchmark() const { return m_is_benchmark; } const String& name() const { return m_name; } const TestFunction& func() const { return m_function; } private: String m_name; TestFunction m_function; bool m_is_benchmark; }; class TestSuite { public: static TestSuite& the() { if (s_global == nullptr) s_global = new TestSuite(); return *s_global; } static void release() { if (s_global) delete s_global; s_global = nullptr; } void run(const NonnullRefPtrVector&); void main(const String& suite_name, int argc, char** argv); NonnullRefPtrVector find_cases(const String& search, bool find_tests, bool find_benchmarks); void add_case(const NonnullRefPtr& test_case) { m_cases.append(test_case); } private: static TestSuite* s_global; NonnullRefPtrVector m_cases; u64 m_testtime = 0; u64 m_benchtime = 0; String m_suite_name; }; void TestSuite::main(const String& suite_name, int argc, char** argv) { m_suite_name = suite_name; Core::ArgsParser args_parser; bool do_tests_only = false; bool do_benchmarks_only = false; bool do_list_cases = false; const char* search_string = "*"; args_parser.add_option(do_tests_only, "Only run tests.", "tests", 0); args_parser.add_option(do_benchmarks_only, "Only run benchmarks.", "bench", 0); args_parser.add_option(do_list_cases, "List avaliable test cases.", "list", 0); args_parser.add_positional_argument(search_string, "Only run matching cases.", "pattern", Core::ArgsParser::Required::No); args_parser.parse(argc, argv); const auto& matching_tests = find_cases(search_string, !do_benchmarks_only, !do_tests_only); if (do_list_cases) { out() << "Avaliable cases for " << suite_name << ":"; for (const auto& test : matching_tests) { out() << " " << test.name(); } } else { out() << "Running " << matching_tests.size() << " cases out of " << m_cases.size(); run(matching_tests); } } NonnullRefPtrVector TestSuite::find_cases(const String& search, bool find_tests, bool find_benchmarks) { NonnullRefPtrVector matches; for (const auto& t : m_cases) { if (!search.is_empty() && !t.name().matches(search, CaseSensitivity::CaseInsensitive)) { continue; } if (!find_tests && !t.is_benchmark()) { continue; } if (!find_benchmarks && t.is_benchmark()) { continue; } matches.append(t); } return matches; } void TestSuite::run(const NonnullRefPtrVector& tests) { size_t test_count = 0; size_t benchmark_count = 0; TestElapsedTimer global_timer; for (const auto& t : tests) { const auto test_type = t.is_benchmark() ? "benchmark" : "test"; dbg() << "START Running " << test_type << " " << t.name(); TestElapsedTimer timer; t.func()(); const auto time = timer.elapsed_milliseconds(); warn() << "\033[32;1mPASS\033[0m: " << time << " ms running " << test_type << " " << t.name(); if (t.is_benchmark()) { m_benchtime += time; benchmark_count++; } else { m_testtime += time; test_count++; } } dbg() << "Finished " << test_count << " tests and " << benchmark_count << " benchmarks in " << global_timer.elapsed_milliseconds() << " ms (" << m_testtime << " tests, " << m_benchtime << " benchmarks, " << (global_timer.elapsed_milliseconds() - (m_testtime + m_benchtime)) << " other)"; } // Use SFINAE to print if we can. // This trick is good enough for TestSuite.h, but not flexible enough to be put into LogStream.h. template struct MaybeStream { static const Stream& call(const Stream& stream, const LHS&, const RHS&) { return stream; } }; template struct MaybeStream(0) << "" << *reinterpret_cast(0) << "" << *reinterpret_cast(0) << "")>> { static const Stream& call(const Stream& stream, const LHS& lhs, const RHS& rhs) { return stream << ": LHS=\"" << lhs << "\", RHS=\"" << rhs << "\""; } }; template static const Stream& maybe_print_rhs_lhs(const Stream& stream, const LHS& lhs, const RHS& rhs) { return MaybeStream::call(stream, lhs, rhs); } template static const Stream& force_print_rhs_lhs(const Stream& stream, const LHS& lhs, const RHS& rhs) { using _ = decltype(*reinterpret_cast(0) << "" << *reinterpret_cast(0) << "" << *reinterpret_cast(0) << ""); (void)sizeof(_); return MaybeStream::call(stream, lhs, rhs); } } using AK::TestCase; using AK::TestSuite; #define __TESTCASE_FUNC(x) __test_##x #define __TESTCASE_TYPE(x) __TestCase_##x #define TEST_CASE(x) \ static void __TESTCASE_FUNC(x)(); \ struct __TESTCASE_TYPE(x) { \ __TESTCASE_TYPE(x) \ () { TestSuite::the().add_case(adopt(*new TestCase(#x, __TESTCASE_FUNC(x), false))); } \ }; \ static struct __TESTCASE_TYPE(x) __TESTCASE_TYPE(x); \ static void __TESTCASE_FUNC(x)() #define __BENCHMARK_FUNC(x) __benchmark_##x #define __BENCHMARK_TYPE(x) __BenchmarkCase_##x #define BENCHMARK_CASE(x) \ static void __BENCHMARK_FUNC(x)(); \ struct __BENCHMARK_TYPE(x) { \ __BENCHMARK_TYPE(x) \ () { TestSuite::the().add_case(adopt(*new TestCase(#x, __BENCHMARK_FUNC(x), true))); } \ }; \ static struct __BENCHMARK_TYPE(x) __BENCHMARK_TYPE(x); \ static void __BENCHMARK_FUNC(x)() #define TEST_MAIN(x) \ TestSuite* TestSuite::s_global = nullptr; \ template \ constexpr size_t compiletime_lenof(const char(&)[N]) \ { \ return N - 1; \ } \ int main(int argc, char** argv) \ { \ static_assert(compiletime_lenof(#x) != 0, "Set SuiteName"); \ TestSuite::the().main(#x, argc, argv); \ TestSuite::release(); \ } #define EXPECT_EQ(a, b) \ { \ auto lhs = (a); \ auto rhs = (b); \ if (lhs != rhs) \ AK::maybe_print_rhs_lhs(warn() << "\033[31;1mFAIL\033[0m: " __FILE__ ":" << __LINE__ << ": EXPECT_EQ(" #a ", " #b ") failed", lhs, rhs); \ } // If you're stuck and `EXPECT_EQ` seems to refuse to print anything useful, // try this: It'll spit out a nice compiler error telling you why it doesn't print. #define EXPECT_EQ_FORCE(a, b) \ { \ auto lhs = (a); \ auto rhs = (b); \ if (lhs != rhs) \ AK::force_print_rhs_lhs(warn() << "\033[31;1mFAIL\033[0m: " __FILE__ ":" << __LINE__ << ": EXPECT_EQ(" #a ", " #b ") failed", lhs, rhs); \ } #define EXPECT(x) \ { \ if (!(x)) \ warn() << "\033[31;1mFAIL\033[0m: " __FILE__ ":" << __LINE__ << ": EXPECT(" #x ") failed"; \ }