/* * Copyright (c) 2020, Benoit Lormeau * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #pragma once #include #include namespace AK { class GenericLexer { public: constexpr explicit GenericLexer(StringView input) : m_input(input) { } constexpr size_t tell() const { return m_index; } constexpr size_t tell_remaining() const { return m_input.length() - m_index; } StringView remaining() const { return m_input.substring_view(m_index); } StringView input() const { return m_input; } constexpr bool is_eof() const { return m_index >= m_input.length(); } constexpr char peek(size_t offset = 0) const { return (m_index + offset < m_input.length()) ? m_input[m_index + offset] : '\0'; } Optional peek_string(size_t length, size_t offset = 0) const { if (m_index + offset + length > m_input.length()) return {}; return m_input.substring_view(m_index + offset, length); } constexpr bool next_is(char expected) const { return peek() == expected; } constexpr bool next_is(StringView expected) const { for (size_t i = 0; i < expected.length(); ++i) if (peek(i) != expected[i]) return false; return true; } constexpr bool next_is(char const* expected) const { for (size_t i = 0; expected[i] != '\0'; ++i) if (peek(i) != expected[i]) return false; return true; } constexpr void retreat() { VERIFY(m_index > 0); --m_index; } constexpr void retreat(size_t count) { VERIFY(m_index >= count); m_index -= count; } constexpr char consume() { VERIFY(!is_eof()); return m_input[m_index++]; } template constexpr bool consume_specific(T const& next) { if (!next_is(next)) return false; if constexpr (requires { next.length(); }) { ignore(next.length()); } else { ignore(sizeof(next)); } return true; } #ifndef KERNEL bool consume_specific(ByteString const& next) { return consume_specific(StringView { next }); } #endif constexpr bool consume_specific(char const* next) { return consume_specific(StringView { next, __builtin_strlen(next) }); } constexpr char consume_escaped_character(char escape_char = '\\', StringView escape_map = "n\nr\rt\tb\bf\f"sv) { if (!consume_specific(escape_char)) return consume(); auto c = consume(); for (size_t i = 0; i < escape_map.length(); i += 2) { if (c == escape_map[i]) return escape_map[i + 1]; } return c; } StringView consume(size_t count); StringView consume_all(); StringView consume_line(); StringView consume_until(char); StringView consume_until(char const*); StringView consume_until(StringView); StringView consume_quoted_string(char escape_char = 0); #ifndef KERNEL Optional consume_and_unescape_string(char escape_char = '\\'); #endif template ErrorOr consume_decimal_integer(); enum class UnicodeEscapeError { MalformedUnicodeEscape, UnicodeEscapeOverflow, }; #ifndef KERNEL Result consume_escaped_code_point(bool combine_surrogate_pairs = true); #endif constexpr void ignore(size_t count = 1) { count = min(count, m_input.length() - m_index); m_index += count; } constexpr void ignore_until(char stop) { while (!is_eof() && peek() != stop) { ++m_index; } } constexpr void ignore_until(char const* stop) { while (!is_eof() && !next_is(stop)) { ++m_index; } } /* * Conditions are used to match arbitrary characters. You can use lambdas, * ctype functions, or is_any_of() and its derivatives (see below). * A few examples: * - `if (lexer.next_is(isdigit))` * - `auto name = lexer.consume_while([](char c) { return isalnum(c) || c == '_'; });` * - `lexer.ignore_until(is_any_of("<^>"));` */ // Test the next character against a Condition template constexpr bool next_is(TPredicate pred) const { return pred(peek()); } // Consume and return characters while `pred` returns true template StringView consume_while(TPredicate pred) { size_t start = m_index; while (!is_eof() && pred(peek())) ++m_index; size_t length = m_index - start; if (length == 0) return {}; return m_input.substring_view(start, length); } // Consume and return characters until `pred` return true template StringView consume_until(TPredicate pred) { size_t start = m_index; while (!is_eof() && !pred(peek())) ++m_index; size_t length = m_index - start; if (length == 0) return {}; return m_input.substring_view(start, length); } // Ignore characters while `pred` returns true template constexpr void ignore_while(TPredicate pred) { while (!is_eof() && pred(peek())) ++m_index; } // Ignore characters until `pred` returns true template constexpr void ignore_until(TPredicate pred) { while (!is_eof() && !pred(peek())) ++m_index; } protected: StringView m_input; size_t m_index { 0 }; private: #ifndef KERNEL Result decode_code_point(); Result decode_single_or_paired_surrogate(bool combine_surrogate_pairs); #endif }; constexpr auto is_any_of(StringView values) { return [values](auto c) { return values.contains(c); }; } constexpr auto is_not_any_of(StringView values) { return [values](auto c) { return !values.contains(c); }; } constexpr auto is_path_separator = is_any_of("/\\"sv); constexpr auto is_quote = is_any_of("'\""sv); } #if USING_AK_GLOBALLY using AK::GenericLexer; using AK::is_any_of; using AK::is_path_separator; using AK::is_quote; #endif