/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "DirectoryView.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include NonnullRefPtr LauncherHandler::create_launch_action(Function launch_handler) { RefPtr icon; auto icon_file = details().icons.get("16x16"); if (icon_file.has_value()) icon = Gfx::Bitmap::load_from_file(icon_file.value()); return GUI::Action::create(details().name, move(icon), [this, launch_handler = move(launch_handler)](auto&) { launch_handler(*this); }); } RefPtr DirectoryView::get_default_launch_handler(const NonnullRefPtrVector& handlers) { // If this is an application, pick it first for (size_t i = 0; i < handlers.size(); i++) { if (handlers[i].details().launcher_type == Desktop::Launcher::LauncherType::Application) return handlers[i]; } // If there's a handler preferred by the user, pick this first for (size_t i = 0; i < handlers.size(); i++) { if (handlers[i].details().launcher_type == Desktop::Launcher::LauncherType::UserPreferred) return handlers[i]; } // Otherwise, use the user's default, if available for (size_t i = 0; i < handlers.size(); i++) { if (handlers[i].details().launcher_type == Desktop::Launcher::LauncherType::UserDefault) return handlers[i]; } // If still no match, use the first one we find if (!handlers.is_empty()) { return handlers[0]; } return {}; } NonnullRefPtrVector DirectoryView::get_launch_handlers(const URL& url) { NonnullRefPtrVector handlers; for (auto& h : Desktop::Launcher::get_handlers_with_details_for_url(url)) { handlers.append(adopt(*new LauncherHandler(h))); } return handlers; } NonnullRefPtrVector DirectoryView::get_launch_handlers(const String& path) { return get_launch_handlers(URL::create_with_file_protocol(path)); } void DirectoryView::handle_activation(const GUI::ModelIndex& index) { if (!index.is_valid()) return; dbgprintf("on activation: %d,%d, this=%p, m_model=%p\n", index.row(), index.column(), this, m_model.ptr()); auto& node = model().node(index); auto path = node.full_path(model()); struct stat st; if (stat(path.characters(), &st) < 0) { perror("stat"); return; } if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { open(path); return; } auto url = URL::create_with_file_protocol(path); auto launcher_handlers = get_launch_handlers(url); auto default_launcher = get_default_launch_handler(launcher_handlers); if (default_launcher && on_launch) { on_launch(url, *default_launcher); } else { auto error_message = String::format("Could not open %s", path.characters()); GUI::MessageBox::show(error_message, "File Manager", GUI::MessageBox::Type::Error); } } DirectoryView::DirectoryView() : m_model(GUI::FileSystemModel::create()) { set_active_widget(nullptr); set_content_margins({ 2, 2, 2, 2 }); m_icon_view = add(); m_icon_view->set_model(model()); m_columns_view = add(); m_columns_view->set_model(model()); m_table_view = add(); m_table_view->set_model(GUI::SortingProxyModel::create(m_model)); m_table_view->model()->set_key_column_and_sort_order(GUI::FileSystemModel::Column::Name, GUI::SortOrder::Ascending); m_icon_view->set_model_column(GUI::FileSystemModel::Column::Name); m_columns_view->set_model_column(GUI::FileSystemModel::Column::Name); m_model->on_error = [this](int error, const char* error_string) { bool quit = false; if (m_path_history.size()) open(m_path_history.at(m_path_history_position)); else quit = true; if (on_error) on_error(error, error_string, quit); }; m_model->on_complete = [this] { m_table_view->selection().clear(); m_icon_view->selection().clear(); add_path_to_history(model().root_path()); if (on_path_change) on_path_change(model().root_path()); }; m_model->register_client(*this); m_model->on_thumbnail_progress = [this](int done, int total) { if (on_thumbnail_progress) on_thumbnail_progress(done, total); }; m_icon_view->on_activation = [&](const GUI::ModelIndex& index) { handle_activation(index); }; m_columns_view->on_activation = [&](const GUI::ModelIndex& index) { handle_activation(index); }; m_table_view->on_activation = [&](auto& index) { handle_activation(map_table_view_index(index)); }; m_table_view->on_selection_change = [this] { update_statusbar(); if (on_selection_change) on_selection_change(*m_table_view); }; m_icon_view->on_selection_change = [this] { update_statusbar(); if (on_selection_change) on_selection_change(*m_icon_view); }; m_columns_view->on_selection_change = [this] { update_statusbar(); if (on_selection_change) on_selection_change(*m_columns_view); }; m_table_view->on_context_menu_request = [this](auto& index, auto& event) { if (on_context_menu_request) on_context_menu_request(*m_table_view, map_table_view_index(index), event); }; m_icon_view->on_context_menu_request = [this](auto& index, auto& event) { if (on_context_menu_request) on_context_menu_request(*m_icon_view, index, event); }; m_columns_view->on_context_menu_request = [this](auto& index, auto& event) { if (on_context_menu_request) on_context_menu_request(*m_columns_view, index, event); }; m_table_view->on_drop = [this](auto& index, auto& event) { if (on_drop) on_drop(*m_table_view, map_table_view_index(index), event); }; m_icon_view->on_drop = [this](auto& index, auto& event) { if (on_drop) on_drop(*m_icon_view, index, event); }; m_columns_view->on_drop = [this](auto& index, auto& event) { if (on_drop) on_drop(*m_columns_view, index, event); }; set_view_mode(ViewMode::Icon); } DirectoryView::~DirectoryView() { m_model->unregister_client(*this); } void DirectoryView::on_model_update(unsigned flags) { if (flags & GUI::Model::UpdateFlag::InvalidateAllIndexes) { for_each_view_implementation([](auto& view) { view.selection().clear(); }); } update_statusbar(); } void DirectoryView::set_view_mode(ViewMode mode) { if (m_view_mode == mode) return; m_view_mode = mode; update(); if (mode == ViewMode::Table) { set_active_widget(m_table_view); return; } if (mode == ViewMode::Columns) { set_active_widget(m_columns_view); return; } if (mode == ViewMode::Icon) { set_active_widget(m_icon_view); return; } ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } void DirectoryView::add_path_to_history(const StringView& path) { if (m_path_history.size() && m_path_history.at(m_path_history_position) == path) return; if (m_path_history_position < m_path_history.size()) m_path_history.resize(m_path_history_position + 1); m_path_history.append(path); m_path_history_position = m_path_history.size() - 1; } void DirectoryView::open(const StringView& path) { if (model().root_path() == path) { model().update(); return; } model().set_root_path(path); } void DirectoryView::set_status_message(const StringView& message) { if (on_status_message) on_status_message(message); } void DirectoryView::open_parent_directory() { auto path = String::format("%s/..", model().root_path().characters()); model().set_root_path(path); } void DirectoryView::refresh() { model().update(); } void DirectoryView::open_previous_directory() { if (m_path_history_position > 0) { m_path_history_position--; model().set_root_path(m_path_history[m_path_history_position]); } } void DirectoryView::open_next_directory() { if (m_path_history_position < m_path_history.size() - 1) { m_path_history_position++; model().set_root_path(m_path_history[m_path_history_position]); } } GUI::ModelIndex DirectoryView::map_table_view_index(const GUI::ModelIndex& index) const { auto& filter_model = (const GUI::SortingProxyModel&)*m_table_view->model(); return filter_model.map_to_target(index); } void DirectoryView::update_statusbar() { size_t total_size = model().node({}).total_size; if (current_view().selection().is_empty()) { set_status_message(String::format("%d item%s (%s)", model().row_count(), model().row_count() != 1 ? "s" : "", human_readable_size(total_size).characters())); return; } int selected_item_count = current_view().selection().size(); size_t selected_byte_count = 0; current_view().selection().for_each_index([&](auto& index) { auto& model = *current_view().model(); auto size_index = model.sibling(index.row(), GUI::FileSystemModel::Column::Size, model.parent_index(index)); auto file_size = model.data(size_index).to_i32(); selected_byte_count += file_size; }); StringBuilder builder; builder.append(String::number(selected_item_count)); builder.append(" item"); if (selected_item_count != 1) builder.append('s'); builder.append(" selected ("); builder.append(human_readable_size(selected_byte_count).characters()); builder.append(')'); if (selected_item_count == 1) { auto index = current_view().selection().first(); // FIXME: This is disgusting. This code should not even be aware that there is a GUI::SortingProxyModel in the table view. if (m_view_mode == ViewMode::Table) index = map_table_view_index(index); auto& node = model().node(index); if (!node.symlink_target.is_empty()) { builder.append(" -> "); builder.append(node.symlink_target); } } set_status_message(builder.to_string()); }