#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //#define CEVENTLOOP_DEBUG //#define DEFERRED_INVOKE_DEBUG static CEventLoop* s_main_event_loop; static Vector* s_event_loop_stack; HashMap>* CEventLoop::s_timers; HashTable* CEventLoop::s_notifiers; int CEventLoop::s_next_timer_id = 1; int CEventLoop::s_wake_pipe_fds[2]; CEventLoop::CEventLoop() { if (!s_event_loop_stack) { s_event_loop_stack = new Vector; s_timers = new HashMap>; s_notifiers = new HashTable; } if (!s_main_event_loop) { s_main_event_loop = this; int rc = pipe(s_wake_pipe_fds); ASSERT(rc == 0); s_event_loop_stack->append(this); } #ifdef CEVENTLOOP_DEBUG dbgprintf("(%u) CEventLoop constructed :)\n", getpid()); #endif } CEventLoop::~CEventLoop() { } CEventLoop& CEventLoop::main() { ASSERT(s_main_event_loop); return *s_main_event_loop; } CEventLoop& CEventLoop::current() { return *s_event_loop_stack->last(); } void CEventLoop::quit(int code) { m_exit_requested = true; m_exit_code = code; } struct CEventLoopPusher { public: CEventLoopPusher(CEventLoop& event_loop) : m_event_loop(event_loop) { if (&m_event_loop != s_main_event_loop) { m_event_loop.take_pending_events_from(CEventLoop::current()); s_event_loop_stack->append(&event_loop); } } ~CEventLoopPusher() { if (&m_event_loop != s_main_event_loop) { s_event_loop_stack->take_last(); CEventLoop::current().take_pending_events_from(m_event_loop); } } private: CEventLoop& m_event_loop; }; int CEventLoop::exec() { CEventLoopPusher pusher(*this); for (;;) { if (m_exit_requested) return m_exit_code; pump(); } ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } void CEventLoop::pump(WaitMode mode) { if (m_queued_events.is_empty()) wait_for_event(mode); decltype(m_queued_events) events; { LOCKER(m_lock); events = move(m_queued_events); } for (int i = 0; i < events.size(); ++i) { auto& queued_event = events.at(i); auto* receiver = queued_event.receiver.ptr(); if (!queued_event.event) { dbg() << "CEventLoop: FIXME: Null event in queue."; continue; } auto& event = *queued_event.event; #ifdef CEVENTLOOP_DEBUG dbgprintf("CEventLoop: %s{%p} event %u\n", receiver->class_name(), receiver, (unsigned)event.type()); #endif if (!receiver) { switch (event.type()) { case CEvent::Quit: ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return; default: dbg() << "Event type " << event.type() << " with no receiver :("; } } else if (event.type() == CEvent::Type::DeferredInvoke) { #ifdef DEFERRED_INVOKE_DEBUG printf("DeferredInvoke: receiver=%s{%p}\n", receiver->class_name(), receiver); #endif static_cast(event).m_invokee(*receiver); } else { receiver->event(event); } if (m_exit_requested) { LOCKER(m_lock); // FIXME: Shouldn't we only prepend the events that haven't been processed yet? m_queued_events.prepend(move(events)); return; } } } void CEventLoop::post_event(CObject& receiver, OwnPtr&& event) { LOCKER(m_lock); #ifdef CEVENTLOOP_DEBUG dbgprintf("CEventLoop::post_event: {%u} << receiver=%p, event=%p\n", m_queued_events.size(), &receiver, event.ptr()); #endif m_queued_events.append({ receiver.make_weak_ptr(), move(event) }); } void CEventLoop::wait_for_event(WaitMode mode) { fd_set rfds; fd_set wfds; FD_ZERO(&rfds); FD_ZERO(&wfds); int max_fd = 0; auto add_fd_to_set = [&max_fd](int fd, fd_set& set) { FD_SET(fd, &set); if (fd > max_fd) max_fd = fd; }; int max_fd_added = -1; add_fd_to_set(s_wake_pipe_fds[0], rfds); max_fd = max(max_fd, max_fd_added); for (auto& notifier : *s_notifiers) { if (notifier->event_mask() & CNotifier::Read) add_fd_to_set(notifier->fd(), rfds); if (notifier->event_mask() & CNotifier::Write) add_fd_to_set(notifier->fd(), wfds); if (notifier->event_mask() & CNotifier::Exceptional) ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } bool queued_events_is_empty; { LOCKER(m_lock); queued_events_is_empty = m_queued_events.is_empty(); } timeval now; struct timeval timeout = { 0, 0 }; bool should_wait_forever = false; if (mode == WaitMode::WaitForEvents) { if (!s_timers->is_empty() && queued_events_is_empty) { gettimeofday(&now, nullptr); get_next_timer_expiration(timeout); timeval_sub(timeout, now, timeout); } else { should_wait_forever = true; } } else { should_wait_forever = false; } int marked_fd_count = CSyscallUtils::safe_syscall(select, max_fd + 1, &rfds, &wfds, nullptr, should_wait_forever ? nullptr : &timeout); if (FD_ISSET(s_wake_pipe_fds[0], &rfds)) { char buffer[32]; auto nread = read(s_wake_pipe_fds[0], buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (nread < 0) { perror("read from wake pipe"); ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } ASSERT(nread > 0); } if (!s_timers->is_empty()) { gettimeofday(&now, nullptr); } for (auto& it : *s_timers) { auto& timer = *it.value; if (!timer.has_expired(now)) continue; #ifdef CEVENTLOOP_DEBUG dbgprintf("CEventLoop: Timer %d has expired, sending CTimerEvent to %p\n", timer.timer_id, timer.owner); #endif post_event(*timer.owner, make(timer.timer_id)); if (timer.should_reload) { timer.reload(now); } else { // FIXME: Support removing expired timers that don't want to reload. ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } } if (!marked_fd_count) return; for (auto& notifier : *s_notifiers) { if (FD_ISSET(notifier->fd(), &rfds)) { if (notifier->on_ready_to_read) post_event(*notifier, make(notifier->fd())); } if (FD_ISSET(notifier->fd(), &wfds)) { if (notifier->on_ready_to_write) post_event(*notifier, make(notifier->fd())); } } } bool CEventLoop::EventLoopTimer::has_expired(const timeval& now) const { return now.tv_sec > fire_time.tv_sec || (now.tv_sec == fire_time.tv_sec && now.tv_usec >= fire_time.tv_usec); } void CEventLoop::EventLoopTimer::reload(const timeval& now) { fire_time = now; fire_time.tv_sec += interval / 1000; fire_time.tv_usec += (interval % 1000) * 1000; } void CEventLoop::get_next_timer_expiration(timeval& soonest) { ASSERT(!s_timers->is_empty()); bool has_checked_any = false; for (auto& it : *s_timers) { auto& fire_time = it.value->fire_time; if (!has_checked_any || fire_time.tv_sec < soonest.tv_sec || (fire_time.tv_sec == soonest.tv_sec && fire_time.tv_usec < soonest.tv_usec)) soonest = fire_time; has_checked_any = true; } } int CEventLoop::register_timer(CObject& object, int milliseconds, bool should_reload) { ASSERT(milliseconds >= 0); auto timer = make(); timer->owner = object.make_weak_ptr(); timer->interval = milliseconds; timeval now; gettimeofday(&now, nullptr); timer->reload(now); timer->should_reload = should_reload; int timer_id = ++s_next_timer_id; // FIXME: This will eventually wrap around. ASSERT(timer_id); // FIXME: Aforementioned wraparound. timer->timer_id = timer_id; s_timers->set(timer_id, move(timer)); return timer_id; } bool CEventLoop::unregister_timer(int timer_id) { auto it = s_timers->find(timer_id); if (it == s_timers->end()) return false; s_timers->remove(it); return true; } void CEventLoop::register_notifier(Badge, CNotifier& notifier) { s_notifiers->set(¬ifier); } void CEventLoop::unregister_notifier(Badge, CNotifier& notifier) { s_notifiers->remove(¬ifier); } void CEventLoop::wake() { char ch = '!'; int nwritten = write(s_wake_pipe_fds[1], &ch, 1); if (nwritten < 0) { perror("CEventLoop::wake: write"); ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } }