#!/bin/sh set -e die() { echo "die: $*" exit 1 } if [ "$(id -u)" != 0 ]; then exec sudo -E -- "$0" "$@" || die "this script needs to run as root" else : "${SUDO_UID:=0}" "${SUDO_GID:=0}" fi if [ "$(uname -s)" = "Darwin" ]; then export PATH="/usr/local/opt/e2fsprogs/bin:$PATH" export PATH="/usr/local/opt/e2fsprogs/sbin:$PATH" export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/e2fsprogs/bin:$PATH" export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/e2fsprogs/sbin:$PATH" fi SCRIPT_DIR="$(dirname "${0}")" # Prepend the toolchain qemu directory so we pick up QEMU from there PATH="$SCRIPT_DIR/../Toolchain/Local/qemu/bin:$PATH" # Also prepend the i686 toolchain directory because that's where most # people will have their QEMU binaries if they built them before the # directory was changed to Toolchain/Local/qemu. PATH="$SCRIPT_DIR/../Toolchain/Local/i686/bin:$PATH" disk_usage() { # shellcheck disable=SC2003 if [ "$(uname -s)" = "Darwin" ]; then expr "$(du -sk "$1" | cut -f1)" else expr "$(du -sk --apparent-size "$1" | cut -f1)" fi } inode_usage() { find "$1" | wc -l } INODE_SIZE=128 INODE_COUNT=$(($(inode_usage "$SERENITY_SOURCE_DIR/Base") + $(inode_usage Root))) DISK_SIZE_BYTES=$((($(disk_usage "$SERENITY_SOURCE_DIR/Base") + $(disk_usage Root) + INODE_COUNT) * 1024)) # Try to use heuristics to guess a good disk size and inode count. # The disk must notably fit: # * Data blocks (for both files and directories), # * Indirect/doubly indirect/triply indirect blocks, # * Inodes and block bitmaps for each block group, # * Plenty of extra free space and free inodes. DISK_SIZE_BYTES=$(((DISK_SIZE_BYTES + (INODE_COUNT * INODE_SIZE * 2)) * 3)) INODE_COUNT=$((INODE_COUNT * 7)) USE_EXISTING=0 if [ -f _disk_image ]; then USE_EXISTING=1 echo "checking existing image" result=0 e2fsck -f -y _disk_image || result=$? if [ $result -ge 4 ]; then rm -f _disk_image USE_EXISTING=0 echo "failed, not using existing image" else echo "done" fi fi if [ $USE_EXISTING -eq 1 ]; then OLD_DISK_SIZE_BYTES=$(wc -c < _disk_image) if [ $DISK_SIZE_BYTES -gt "$OLD_DISK_SIZE_BYTES" ]; then echo "resizing disk image..." qemu-img resize -f raw _disk_image $DISK_SIZE_BYTES || die "could not resize disk image" if ! resize2fs _disk_image; then rm -f _disk_image USE_EXISTING=0 echo "failed, not using existing image" fi echo "done" fi fi if [ $USE_EXISTING -ne 1 ]; then printf "setting up disk image... " qemu-img create -q -f raw _disk_image $DISK_SIZE_BYTES || die "could not create disk image" chown "$SUDO_UID":"$SUDO_GID" _disk_image || die "could not adjust permissions on disk image" echo "done" printf "creating new filesystem... " if [ "$(uname -s)" = "OpenBSD" ]; then VND=$(vnconfig _disk_image) (echo "e 0"; echo 83; echo n; echo 0; echo "*"; echo "quit") | fdisk -e "$VND" newfs_ext2fs -D $INODE_SIZE -n $INODE_COUNT "/dev/r${VND}i" || die "could not create filesystem" elif [ "$(uname -s)" = "FreeBSD" ]; then MD=$(mdconfig _disk_image) mke2fs -q -I $INODE_SIZE -N $INODE_COUNT _disk_image || die "could not create filesystem" else if [ -x /sbin/mke2fs ]; then /sbin/mke2fs -q -I $INODE_SIZE -N $INODE_COUNT _disk_image || die "could not create filesystem" else mke2fs -q -I $INODE_SIZE -N $INODE_COUNT _disk_image || die "could not create filesystem" fi fi echo "done" fi printf "mounting filesystem... " mkdir -p mnt use_genext2fs=0 if [ "$(uname -s)" = "Darwin" ]; then mount_cmd="fuse-ext2 _disk_image mnt -o rw+,allow_other,uid=501,gid=20" elif [ "$(uname -s)" = "OpenBSD" ]; then mount_cmd="mount -t ext2fs "/dev/${VND}i" mnt/" elif [ "$(uname -s)" = "FreeBSD" ]; then mount_cmd="fuse-ext2 -o rw+,direct_io "/dev/${MD}" mnt/" else mount_cmd="mount _disk_image mnt/" fi if ! eval "$mount_cmd"; then if command -v genext2fs 1>/dev/null ; then echo "mount failed but genext2fs exists, use it instead" use_genext2fs=1 else die "could not mount filesystem and genext2fs is missing" fi else echo "done" fi cleanup() { if [ -d mnt ]; then if [ $use_genext2fs = 0 ] ; then printf "unmounting filesystem... " umount mnt || ( sleep 1 && sync && umount mnt ) rmdir mnt else rm -rf mnt fi if [ "$(uname -s)" = "OpenBSD" ]; then vnconfig -u "$VND" elif [ "$(uname -s)" = "FreeBSD" ]; then mdconfig -d -u "$MD" fi echo "done" fi } trap cleanup EXIT script_path=$(cd -P -- "$(dirname -- "$0")" && pwd -P) "$script_path/build-root-filesystem.sh" if [ $use_genext2fs = 1 ]; then # regenerate new image, since genext2fs is unable to reuse the previously written image. # genext2fs is very slow in generating big images, so I use a smaller image here. size can be updated # if it's not enough. # not using "-I $INODE_SIZE" since it hangs. Serenity handles whatever default this uses instead. genext2fs -B 4096 -b $((DISK_SIZE_BYTES / 4096)) -d mnt _disk_image || die "try increasing image size (genext2fs -b)" # if using docker with shared mount, file is created as root, so make it writable for users chmod 0666 _disk_image fi