/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling * Copyright (c) 2021, Max Wipfli * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include namespace AK { char s_single_dot = '.'; LexicalPath::LexicalPath(String s) : m_string(move(s)) { canonicalize(); } Vector LexicalPath::parts() const { Vector vector; vector.ensure_capacity(m_parts.size()); for (auto& part : m_parts) vector.unchecked_append(part); return vector; } void LexicalPath::canonicalize() { // NOTE: We never allow an empty m_string, if it's empty, we just set it to '.'. if (m_string.is_empty()) { m_string = "."; m_dirname = m_string; m_basename = {}; m_title = {}; m_extension = {}; m_parts.clear(); return; } // NOTE: If there are no dots, no '//' and the path doesn't end with a slash, it is already canonical. if (m_string.contains("."sv) || m_string.contains("//"sv) || m_string.ends_with('/')) { auto parts = m_string.split_view('/'); size_t approximate_canonical_length = 0; Vector canonical_parts; for (auto& part : parts) { if (part == ".") continue; if (part == "..") { if (canonical_parts.is_empty()) { if (is_absolute()) { // At the root, .. does nothing. continue; } } else { if (canonical_parts.last() != "..") { // A .. and a previous non-.. part cancel each other. canonical_parts.take_last(); continue; } } } approximate_canonical_length += part.length() + 1; canonical_parts.append(part); } if (canonical_parts.is_empty() && !is_absolute()) canonical_parts.append("."); StringBuilder builder(approximate_canonical_length); if (is_absolute()) builder.append('/'); builder.join('/', canonical_parts); m_string = builder.to_string(); } m_parts = m_string.split_view('/'); auto last_slash_index = m_string.view().find_last_of('/'); if (!last_slash_index.has_value()) { // The path contains a single part and is not absolute. m_dirname = "."sv m_dirname = { &s_single_dot, 1 }; } else if (*last_slash_index == 0) { // The path contains a single part and is absolute. m_dirname = "/"sv m_dirname = m_string.substring_view(0, 1); } else { m_dirname = m_string.substring_view(0, *last_slash_index); } if (m_string == "/") m_basename = m_string; else { VERIFY(m_parts.size() > 0); m_basename = m_parts.last(); } auto last_dot_index = m_basename.find_last_of('.'); // NOTE: if the dot index is 0, this means we have ".foo", it's not an extension, as the title would then be "". if (last_dot_index.has_value() && *last_dot_index != 0) { m_title = m_basename.substring_view(0, *last_dot_index); m_extension = m_basename.substring_view(*last_dot_index + 1); } else { m_title = m_basename; m_extension = {}; } } bool LexicalPath::has_extension(StringView const& extension) const { return m_string.ends_with(extension, CaseSensitivity::CaseInsensitive); } String LexicalPath::canonicalized_path(String path) { return LexicalPath(move(path)).string(); } String LexicalPath::relative_path(String absolute_path, String const& prefix) { if (!LexicalPath { absolute_path }.is_absolute() || !LexicalPath { prefix }.is_absolute()) return {}; if (!absolute_path.starts_with(prefix)) return absolute_path; size_t prefix_length = LexicalPath { prefix }.string().length(); if (prefix != "/") prefix_length++; if (prefix_length >= absolute_path.length()) return {}; return absolute_path.substring(prefix_length); } void LexicalPath::append(String const& component) { StringBuilder builder; builder.append(m_string); builder.append('/'); builder.append(component); m_string = builder.to_string(); canonicalize(); } }