/* * Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Linus Groh * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include namespace JS { GC_DEFINE_ALLOCATOR(WrappedFunction); // 3.1.1 WrappedFunctionCreate ( callerRealm: a Realm Record, Target: a function object, ), https://tc39.es/proposal-shadowrealm/#sec-wrappedfunctioncreate ThrowCompletionOr> WrappedFunction::create(Realm& realm, Realm& caller_realm, FunctionObject& target) { auto& vm = realm.vm(); // 1. Let internalSlotsList be the internal slots listed in Table 2, plus [[Prototype]] and [[Extensible]]. // 2. Let wrapped be MakeBasicObject(internalSlotsList). // 3. Set wrapped.[[Prototype]] to callerRealm.[[Intrinsics]].[[%Function.prototype%]]. // 4. Set wrapped.[[Call]] as described in 2.1. // 5. Set wrapped.[[WrappedTargetFunction]] to Target. // 6. Set wrapped.[[Realm]] to callerRealm. auto& prototype = *caller_realm.intrinsics().function_prototype(); auto wrapped = realm.create(caller_realm, target, prototype); // 7. Let result be CopyNameAndLength(wrapped, Target). auto result = copy_name_and_length(vm, *wrapped, target); // 8. If result is an Abrupt Completion, throw a TypeError exception. if (result.is_throw_completion()) return vm.throw_completion(ErrorType::WrappedFunctionCopyNameAndLengthThrowCompletion); // 9. Return wrapped. return wrapped; } // 2 Wrapped Function Exotic Objects, https://tc39.es/proposal-shadowrealm/#sec-wrapped-function-exotic-objects WrappedFunction::WrappedFunction(Realm& realm, FunctionObject& wrapped_target_function, Object& prototype) : FunctionObject(prototype) , m_wrapped_target_function(wrapped_target_function) , m_realm(realm) { } void WrappedFunction::visit_edges(Visitor& visitor) { Base::visit_edges(visitor); visitor.visit(m_wrapped_target_function); visitor.visit(m_realm); } // 2.1 [[Call]] ( thisArgument, argumentsList ), https://tc39.es/proposal-shadowrealm/#sec-wrapped-function-exotic-objects-call-thisargument-argumentslist ThrowCompletionOr WrappedFunction::internal_call(Value this_argument, ReadonlySpan arguments_list) { auto& vm = this->vm(); // 1. Let callerContext be the running execution context. // NOTE: No-op, kept by the VM in its execution context stack. // 2. Let calleeContext be PrepareForWrappedFunctionCall(F). auto callee_context = ExecutionContext::create(); prepare_for_wrapped_function_call(*this, *callee_context); // 3. Assert: calleeContext is now the running execution context. VERIFY(&vm.running_execution_context() == callee_context); // 4. Let result be Completion(OrdinaryWrappedFunctionCall(F, thisArgument, argumentsList)). auto result = ordinary_wrapped_function_call(*this, this_argument, arguments_list); // 5. Remove calleeContext from the execution context stack and restore callerContext as the running execution context. vm.pop_execution_context(); // 6. Return ? result. return result; } // 2.2 OrdinaryWrappedFunctionCall ( F: a wrapped function exotic object, thisArgument: an ECMAScript language value, argumentsList: a List of ECMAScript language values, ), https://tc39.es/proposal-shadowrealm/#sec-ordinary-wrapped-function-call ThrowCompletionOr ordinary_wrapped_function_call(WrappedFunction const& function, Value this_argument, ReadonlySpan arguments_list) { auto& vm = function.vm(); // 1. Let target be F.[[WrappedTargetFunction]]. auto const& target = function.wrapped_target_function(); // 2. Assert: IsCallable(target) is true. VERIFY(Value(&target).is_function()); // 3. Let callerRealm be F.[[Realm]]. auto* caller_realm = function.realm(); // 4. NOTE: Any exception objects produced after this point are associated with callerRealm. VERIFY(vm.current_realm() == caller_realm); // 5. Let targetRealm be ? GetFunctionRealm(target). auto* target_realm = TRY(get_function_realm(vm, target)); // 6. Let wrappedArgs be a new empty List. auto wrapped_args = GC::MarkedVector { vm.heap() }; wrapped_args.ensure_capacity(arguments_list.size()); // 7. For each element arg of argumentsList, do for (auto const& arg : arguments_list) { // a. Let wrappedValue be ? GetWrappedValue(targetRealm, arg). auto wrapped_value = TRY(get_wrapped_value(vm, *target_realm, arg)); // b. Append wrappedValue to wrappedArgs. wrapped_args.append(wrapped_value); } // 8. Let wrappedThisArgument to ? GetWrappedValue(targetRealm, thisArgument). auto wrapped_this_argument = TRY(get_wrapped_value(vm, *target_realm, this_argument)); // 9. Let result be the Completion Record of Call(target, wrappedThisArgument, wrappedArgs). auto result = call(vm, &target, wrapped_this_argument, wrapped_args.span()); // 10. If result.[[Type]] is normal or result.[[Type]] is return, then if (!result.is_throw_completion()) { // a. Return ? GetWrappedValue(callerRealm, result.[[Value]]). return get_wrapped_value(vm, *caller_realm, result.value()); } // 11. Else, else { // a. Throw a TypeError exception. return vm.throw_completion(ErrorType::WrappedFunctionCallThrowCompletion); } // NOTE: Also see "Editor's Note" in the spec regarding the TypeError above. } // 2.3 PrepareForWrappedFunctionCall ( F: a wrapped function exotic object, ), https://tc39.es/proposal-shadowrealm/#sec-prepare-for-wrapped-function-call void prepare_for_wrapped_function_call(WrappedFunction const& function, ExecutionContext& callee_context) { auto& vm = function.vm(); // 1. Let callerContext be the running execution context. auto const& caller_context = vm.running_execution_context(); // 2. Let calleeContext be a new execution context. // NOTE: In the specification, PrepareForWrappedFunctionCall "returns" a new callee execution context. // To avoid heap allocations, we put our ExecutionContext objects on the C++ stack instead. // Whoever calls us should put an ExecutionContext on their stack and pass that as the `callee_context`. // 3. Set the Function of calleeContext to F. callee_context.function = &const_cast(function); // 4. Let calleeRealm be F.[[Realm]]. auto* callee_realm = function.realm(); // 5. Set the Realm of calleeContext to calleeRealm. callee_context.realm = callee_realm; // 6. Set the ScriptOrModule of calleeContext to null. callee_context.script_or_module = {}; // 7. If callerContext is not already suspended, suspend callerContext. // NOTE: We don't support this concept yet. (void)caller_context; // 8. Push calleeContext onto the execution context stack; calleeContext is now the running execution context. vm.push_execution_context(callee_context); // 9. NOTE: Any exception objects produced after this point are associated with calleeRealm. // 10. Return calleeContext. // NOTE: No-op, see NOTE after step 2. } }