/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Gfx { void Path::approximate_elliptical_arc_with_cubic_beziers(FloatPoint center, FloatSize radii, float x_axis_rotation, float theta, float theta_delta) { float sin_x_rotation; float cos_x_rotation; AK::sincos(x_axis_rotation, sin_x_rotation, cos_x_rotation); auto arc_point_and_derivative = [&](float t, FloatPoint& point, FloatPoint& derivative) { float sin_angle; float cos_angle; AK::sincos(t, sin_angle, cos_angle); point = FloatPoint { center.x() + radii.width() * cos_x_rotation * cos_angle - radii.height() * sin_x_rotation * sin_angle, center.y() + radii.width() * sin_x_rotation * cos_angle + radii.height() * cos_x_rotation * sin_angle, }; derivative = FloatPoint { -radii.width() * cos_x_rotation * sin_angle - radii.height() * sin_x_rotation * cos_angle, -radii.width() * sin_x_rotation * sin_angle + radii.height() * cos_x_rotation * cos_angle, }; }; auto approximate_arc_between = [&](float start_angle, float end_angle) { auto t = AK::tan((end_angle - start_angle) / 2); auto alpha = AK::sin(end_angle - start_angle) * ((AK::sqrt(4 + 3 * t * t) - 1) / 3); FloatPoint p1, d1; FloatPoint p2, d2; arc_point_and_derivative(start_angle, p1, d1); arc_point_and_derivative(end_angle, p2, d2); auto q1 = p1 + d1.scaled(alpha, alpha); auto q2 = p2 - d2.scaled(alpha, alpha); cubic_bezier_curve_to(q1, q2, p2); }; // FIXME: Come up with a more mathematically sound step size (using some error calculation). auto step = theta_delta; int step_count = 1; while (fabs(step) > AK::Pi / 4) { step /= 2; step_count *= 2; } float prev = theta; float t = prev + step; for (int i = 0; i < step_count; i++, prev = t, t += step) approximate_arc_between(prev, t); } void Path::elliptical_arc_to(FloatPoint point, FloatSize radii, float x_axis_rotation, bool large_arc, bool sweep) { auto next_point = point; double rx = radii.width(); double ry = radii.height(); double x_axis_rotation_s; double x_axis_rotation_c; AK::sincos(static_cast(x_axis_rotation), x_axis_rotation_s, x_axis_rotation_c); FloatPoint last_point = this->last_point(); // Step 1 of out-of-range radii correction if (rx == 0.0 || ry == 0.0) { append_segment(next_point); return; } // Step 2 of out-of-range radii correction if (rx < 0) rx *= -1.0; if (ry < 0) ry *= -1.0; // POSSIBLY HACK: Handle the case where both points are the same. auto same_endpoints = next_point == last_point; if (same_endpoints) { if (!large_arc) { // Nothing is going to be drawn anyway. return; } // Move the endpoint by a small amount to avoid division by zero. next_point.translate_by(0.01f, 0.01f); } // Find (cx, cy), theta_1, theta_delta // Step 1: Compute (x1', y1') auto x_avg = static_cast(last_point.x() - next_point.x()) / 2.0; auto y_avg = static_cast(last_point.y() - next_point.y()) / 2.0; auto x1p = x_axis_rotation_c * x_avg + x_axis_rotation_s * y_avg; auto y1p = -x_axis_rotation_s * x_avg + x_axis_rotation_c * y_avg; // Step 2: Compute (cx', cy') double x1p_sq = x1p * x1p; double y1p_sq = y1p * y1p; double rx_sq = rx * rx; double ry_sq = ry * ry; // Step 3 of out-of-range radii correction double lambda = x1p_sq / rx_sq + y1p_sq / ry_sq; double multiplier; if (lambda > 1.0) { auto lambda_sqrt = AK::sqrt(lambda); rx *= lambda_sqrt; ry *= lambda_sqrt; multiplier = 0.0; } else { double numerator = rx_sq * ry_sq - rx_sq * y1p_sq - ry_sq * x1p_sq; double denominator = rx_sq * y1p_sq + ry_sq * x1p_sq; multiplier = AK::sqrt(AK::max(0., numerator) / denominator); } if (large_arc == sweep) multiplier *= -1.0; double cxp = multiplier * rx * y1p / ry; double cyp = multiplier * -ry * x1p / rx; // Step 3: Compute (cx, cy) from (cx', cy') x_avg = (last_point.x() + next_point.x()) / 2.0f; y_avg = (last_point.y() + next_point.y()) / 2.0f; double cx = x_axis_rotation_c * cxp - x_axis_rotation_s * cyp + x_avg; double cy = x_axis_rotation_s * cxp + x_axis_rotation_c * cyp + y_avg; double theta_1 = AK::atan2((y1p - cyp) / ry, (x1p - cxp) / rx); double theta_2 = AK::atan2((-y1p - cyp) / ry, (-x1p - cxp) / rx); auto theta_delta = theta_2 - theta_1; if (!sweep && theta_delta > 0.0) { theta_delta -= 2 * AK::Pi; } else if (sweep && theta_delta < 0) { theta_delta += 2 * AK::Pi; } approximate_elliptical_arc_with_cubic_beziers( { cx, cy }, { rx, ry }, x_axis_rotation, theta_1, theta_delta); } void Path::text(Utf8View text, Font const& font) { if (!is(font)) { // FIXME: This API only accepts Gfx::Font for ease of use. dbgln("Cannot path-ify bitmap fonts!"); return; } auto& scaled_font = static_cast(font); auto font_list = Gfx::FontCascadeList::create(); font_list->add(scaled_font); for_each_glyph_position( last_point(), text, font_list, [&](DrawGlyphOrEmoji glyph_or_emoji) { if (glyph_or_emoji.has()) { auto& glyph = glyph_or_emoji.get(); move_to(glyph.position); auto glyph_id = scaled_font.glyph_id_for_code_point(glyph.code_point); scaled_font.append_glyph_path_to(*this, glyph_id); } }, IncludeLeftBearing::Yes); } Path Path::place_text_along(Utf8View text, Font const& font) const { if (!is(font)) { // FIXME: This API only accepts Gfx::Font for ease of use. dbgln("Cannot path-ify bitmap fonts!"); return {}; } auto lines = split_lines(); auto next_point_for_offset = [&, line_index = 0U, distance_along_path = 0.0f, last_line_length = 0.0f](float offset) mutable -> Optional { while (line_index < lines.size() && offset > distance_along_path) { last_line_length = lines[line_index++].length(); distance_along_path += last_line_length; } if (offset > distance_along_path) return {}; if (last_line_length > 1) { // If the last line segment was fairly long, compute the point in the line. float p = (last_line_length + offset - distance_along_path) / last_line_length; auto current_line = lines[line_index - 1]; return current_line.a() + (current_line.b() - current_line.a()).scaled(p); } if (line_index >= lines.size()) return {}; return lines[line_index].a(); }; auto font_list = Gfx::FontCascadeList::create(); font_list->add(font); auto& scaled_font = static_cast(font); Gfx::Path result_path; Gfx::for_each_glyph_position( {}, text, font_list, [&](Gfx::DrawGlyphOrEmoji glyph_or_emoji) { auto* glyph = glyph_or_emoji.get_pointer(); if (!glyph) return; auto offset = glyph->position.x(); auto width = font.glyph_width(glyph->code_point); auto start = next_point_for_offset(offset); if (!start.has_value()) return; auto end = next_point_for_offset(offset + width); if (!end.has_value()) return; // Find the angle between the start and end points on the path. auto delta = *end - *start; auto angle = AK::atan2(delta.y(), delta.x()); Gfx::Path glyph_path; // Rotate the glyph then move it to start point. auto glyph_id = scaled_font.glyph_id_for_code_point(glyph->code_point); scaled_font.append_glyph_path_to(glyph_path, glyph_id); auto transform = Gfx::AffineTransform {} .translate(*start) .multiply(Gfx::AffineTransform {}.rotate_radians(angle)) .multiply(Gfx::AffineTransform {}.translate({ 0, -scaled_font.pixel_metrics().ascent })); glyph_path = glyph_path.copy_transformed(transform); result_path.append_path(glyph_path); }, Gfx::IncludeLeftBearing::Yes); return result_path; } void Path::close() { // If there's no `moveto` starting this subpath assume the start is (0, 0). FloatPoint first_point_in_subpath = { 0, 0 }; for (auto it = end(); it-- != begin();) { auto segment = *it; if (segment.command() == PathSegment::MoveTo) { first_point_in_subpath = segment.point(); break; } } if (first_point_in_subpath != last_point()) line_to(first_point_in_subpath); } void Path::close_all_subpaths() { auto it = begin(); // Note: Get the end outside the loop as closing subpaths will move the end. auto end = this->end(); while (it < end) { // If there's no `moveto` starting this subpath assume the start is (0, 0). FloatPoint first_point_in_subpath = { 0, 0 }; auto segment = *it; if (segment.command() == PathSegment::MoveTo) { first_point_in_subpath = segment.point(); ++it; } // Find the end of the current subpath. FloatPoint cursor = first_point_in_subpath; while (it < end) { auto segment = *it; if (segment.command() == PathSegment::MoveTo) break; cursor = segment.point(); ++it; } // Close the subpath. if (first_point_in_subpath != cursor) { move_to(cursor); line_to(first_point_in_subpath); } } } ByteString Path::to_byte_string() const { // Dumps this path as an SVG compatible string. StringBuilder builder; if (is_empty() || m_commands.first() != PathSegment::MoveTo) builder.append("M 0,0"sv); for (auto segment : *this) { if (!builder.is_empty()) builder.append(' '); switch (segment.command()) { case PathSegment::MoveTo: builder.append('M'); break; case PathSegment::LineTo: builder.append('L'); break; case PathSegment::QuadraticBezierCurveTo: builder.append('Q'); break; case PathSegment::CubicBezierCurveTo: builder.append('C'); break; } for (auto point : segment.points()) builder.appendff(" {},{}", point.x(), point.y()); } return builder.to_byte_string(); } void Path::segmentize_path() { Vector segments; FloatBoundingBox bounding_box; auto add_line = [&](auto const& p0, auto const& p1) { segments.append({ p0, p1 }); bounding_box.add_point(p1); }; FloatPoint cursor { 0, 0 }; for (auto segment : *this) { switch (segment.command()) { case PathSegment::MoveTo: bounding_box.add_point(segment.point()); break; case PathSegment::LineTo: { add_line(cursor, segment.point()); break; } case PathSegment::QuadraticBezierCurveTo: { Painter::for_each_line_segment_on_bezier_curve(segment.through(), cursor, segment.point(), [&](FloatPoint p0, FloatPoint p1) { add_line(p0, p1); }); break; } case PathSegment::CubicBezierCurveTo: { Painter::for_each_line_segment_on_cubic_bezier_curve(segment.through_0(), segment.through_1(), cursor, segment.point(), [&](FloatPoint p0, FloatPoint p1) { add_line(p0, p1); }); break; } } cursor = segment.point(); } m_split_lines = SplitLines { move(segments), bounding_box }; } Path Path::copy_transformed(Gfx::AffineTransform const& transform) const { Path result; result.m_commands = m_commands; result.m_points.ensure_capacity(m_points.size()); for (auto point : m_points) result.m_points.unchecked_append(transform.map(point)); return result; } template struct RoundTrip { RoundTrip(ReadonlySpan span) : m_span(span) { } size_t size() const { return m_span.size() * 2 - 1; } T const& operator[](size_t index) const { // Follow the path: if (index < m_span.size()) return m_span[index]; // Then in reverse: if (index < size()) return m_span[size() - index - 1]; // Then wrap around again: return m_span[index - size() + 1]; } private: ReadonlySpan m_span; }; Path Path::stroke_to_fill(float thickness) const { // Note: This convolves a polygon with the path using the algorithm described // in https://keithp.com/~keithp/talks/cairo2003.pdf (3.1 Stroking Splines via Convolution) VERIFY(thickness > 0); auto lines = split_lines(); if (lines.is_empty()) return Path {}; // Paths can be disconnected, which a pain to deal with, so split it up. Vector> segments; segments.append({ lines.first().a() }); for (auto& line : lines) { if (line.a() == segments.last().last()) { segments.last().append(line.b()); } else { segments.append({ line.a(), line.b() }); } } constexpr auto flatness = 0.15f; auto pen_vertex_count = 4; if (thickness > flatness) { pen_vertex_count = max( static_cast(ceilf(AK::Pi / acosf(1 - (2 * flatness) / thickness))), pen_vertex_count); } if (pen_vertex_count % 2 == 1) pen_vertex_count += 1; Vector pen_vertices; pen_vertices.ensure_capacity(pen_vertex_count); // Generate vertices for the pen (going counterclockwise). The pen does not necessarily need // to be a circle (or an approximation of one), but other shapes are untested. float theta = 0; float theta_delta = (AK::Pi * 2) / pen_vertex_count; for (int i = 0; i < pen_vertex_count; i++) { float sin_theta; float cos_theta; AK::sincos(theta, sin_theta, cos_theta); pen_vertices.unchecked_append({ cos_theta * thickness / 2, sin_theta * thickness / 2 }); theta -= theta_delta; } auto wrapping_index = [](auto& vertices, auto index) { return vertices[(index + vertices.size()) % vertices.size()]; }; auto angle_between = [](auto p1, auto p2) { auto delta = p2 - p1; return atan2f(delta.y(), delta.x()); }; struct ActiveRange { float start; float end; bool in_range(float angle) const { // Note: Since active ranges go counterclockwise start > end unless we wrap around at 180 degrees return ((angle <= start && angle >= end) || (start < end && angle <= start) || (start < end && angle >= end)); } }; Vector active_ranges; active_ranges.ensure_capacity(pen_vertices.size()); for (auto i = 0; i < pen_vertex_count; i++) { active_ranges.unchecked_append({ angle_between(wrapping_index(pen_vertices, i - 1), pen_vertices[i]), angle_between(pen_vertices[i], wrapping_index(pen_vertices, i + 1)) }); } auto clockwise = [](float current_angle, float target_angle) { if (target_angle < 0) target_angle += AK::Pi * 2; if (current_angle < 0) current_angle += AK::Pi * 2; if (target_angle < current_angle) target_angle += AK::Pi * 2; return (target_angle - current_angle) <= AK::Pi; }; Path convolution; for (auto& segment : segments) { RoundTrip shape { segment }; bool first = true; auto add_vertex = [&](auto v) { if (first) { convolution.move_to(v); first = false; } else { convolution.line_to(v); } }; auto shape_idx = 0u; auto slope = [&] { return angle_between(shape[shape_idx], shape[shape_idx + 1]); }; auto start_slope = slope(); // Note: At least one range must be active. auto active = *active_ranges.find_first_index_if([&](auto& range) { return range.in_range(start_slope); }); while (shape_idx < shape.size()) { add_vertex(shape[shape_idx] + pen_vertices[active]); auto slope_now = slope(); auto range = active_ranges[active]; if (range.in_range(slope_now)) { shape_idx++; } else { if (clockwise(slope_now, range.end)) { if (active == static_cast(pen_vertex_count - 1)) active = 0; else active++; } else { if (active == 0) active = pen_vertex_count - 1; else active--; } } } } return convolution; } }