/* * Copyright (c) 2020, the SerenityOS developers. * Copyright (c) 2024, Sam Atkins * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Web::HTML { GC_DEFINE_ALLOCATOR(HTMLDialogElement); HTMLDialogElement::HTMLDialogElement(DOM::Document& document, DOM::QualifiedName qualified_name) : HTMLElement(document, move(qualified_name)) { } HTMLDialogElement::~HTMLDialogElement() = default; void HTMLDialogElement::initialize(JS::Realm& realm) { Base::initialize(realm); WEB_SET_PROTOTYPE_FOR_INTERFACE(HTMLDialogElement); } void HTMLDialogElement::visit_edges(JS::Cell::Visitor& visitor) { Base::visit_edges(visitor); visitor.visit(m_close_watcher); } void HTMLDialogElement::removed_from(Node* old_parent) { HTMLElement::removed_from(old_parent); // 1. If removedNode's close watcher is not null, then: if (m_close_watcher) { // 1.1. Destroy removedNode's close watcher. m_close_watcher->destroy(); // 1.2. Set removedNode's close watcher to null. m_close_watcher = nullptr; } // 2. If removedNode's node document's top layer contains removedNode, then remove an element from the top layer // immediately given removedNode. if (document().top_layer_elements().contains(*this)) document().remove_an_element_from_the_top_layer_immediately(*this); } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/interactive-elements.html#queue-a-dialog-toggle-event-task void HTMLDialogElement::queue_a_dialog_toggle_event_task(AK::String old_state, AK::String new_state) { // 1. If element's dialog toggle task tracker is not null, then: if (m_dialog_toggle_task_tracker.has_value()) { // 1. Set oldState to element's dialog toggle task tracker's old state. old_state = m_dialog_toggle_task_tracker->old_state; // 2. Remove element's dialog toggle task tracker's task from its task queue. HTML::main_thread_event_loop().task_queue().remove_tasks_matching([&](auto const& task) { return task.id() == m_dialog_toggle_task_tracker->task_id; }); // 3. Set element's dialog toggle task tracker to null. m_dialog_toggle_task_tracker = {}; } // 2. Queue an element task given the DOM manipulation task source and element to run the following steps: auto task_id = queue_an_element_task(Task::Source::DOMManipulation, [this, old_state, new_state = move(new_state)]() { // 1. Fire an event named toggle at element, using ToggleEvent, with the oldState attribute initialized to // oldState and the newState attribute initialized to newState. ToggleEventInit event_init {}; event_init.old_state = move(old_state); event_init.new_state = move(new_state); dispatch_event(ToggleEvent::create(realm(), HTML::EventNames::toggle, move(event_init))); // 2. Set element's dialog toggle task tracker to null. m_dialog_toggle_task_tracker = {}; }); // 3. Set element's dialog toggle task tracker to a struct with task set to the just-queued task and old state set to oldState. m_dialog_toggle_task_tracker = ToggleTaskTracker { .task_id = task_id, .old_state = move(old_state), }; } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/interactive-elements.html#dom-dialog-show WebIDL::ExceptionOr HTMLDialogElement::show() { // 1. If this has an open attribute and the is modal flag of this is false, then return. if (has_attribute(AttributeNames::open) && !m_is_modal) return {}; // 2. If this has an open attribute, then throw an "InvalidStateError" DOMException. if (has_attribute(AttributeNames::open)) return WebIDL::InvalidStateError::create(realm(), "Dialog already open"_string); // 3. If the result of firing an event named beforetoggle, using ToggleEvent, // with the cancelable attribute initialized to true, the oldState attribute initialized to "closed", // and the newState attribute initialized to "open" at this is false, then return. ToggleEventInit event_init {}; event_init.cancelable = true; event_init.old_state = "closed"_string; event_init.new_state = "open"_string; auto beforetoggle_result = dispatch_event(ToggleEvent::create(realm(), HTML::EventNames::beforetoggle, move(event_init))); if (!beforetoggle_result) return {}; // 4. If this has an open attribute, then return. if (has_attribute(AttributeNames::open)) return {}; // 5. Queue a dialog toggle event task given subject, "closed", and "open". queue_a_dialog_toggle_event_task("closed"_string, "open"_string); // 6. Add an open attribute to this, whose value is the empty string. TRY(set_attribute(AttributeNames::open, {})); // FIXME: 7. Set this's previously focused element to the focused element. // FIXME: 8. Let hideUntil be the result of running topmost popover ancestor given this, null, and false. // FIXME: 9. If hideUntil is null, then set hideUntil to this's node document. // FIXME: 10. Run hide all popovers given this's node document. // 11. Run the dialog focusing steps given this. run_dialog_focusing_steps(); return {}; } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/interactive-elements.html#dom-dialog-showmodal WebIDL::ExceptionOr HTMLDialogElement::show_modal() { // 1. If this has an open attribute and the is modal flag of this is true, then return. if (has_attribute(AttributeNames::open) && m_is_modal) return {}; // 2. If this has an open attribute, then throw an "InvalidStateError" DOMException. if (has_attribute(AttributeNames::open)) return WebIDL::InvalidStateError::create(realm(), "Dialog already open"_string); // 3. If this's node document is not fully active, then throw an "InvalidStateError" DOMException. if (!document().is_fully_active()) return WebIDL::InvalidStateError::create(realm(), "Document is not fully active"_string); // 4. If this is not connected, then throw an "InvalidStateError" DOMException. if (!is_connected()) return WebIDL::InvalidStateError::create(realm(), "Dialog not connected"_string); // 5. If this is in the popover showing state, then throw an "InvalidStateError" DOMException. if (popover_visibility_state() == PopoverVisibilityState::Showing) return WebIDL::InvalidStateError::create(realm(), "Dialog already open as popover"_string); // 6. If the result of firing an event named beforetoggle, using ToggleEvent, // with the cancelable attribute initialized to true, the oldState attribute initialized to "closed", // and the newState attribute initialized to "open" at this is false, then return. ToggleEventInit event_init {}; event_init.cancelable = true; event_init.old_state = "closed"_string; event_init.new_state = "open"_string; auto beforetoggle_result = dispatch_event(ToggleEvent::create(realm(), HTML::EventNames::beforetoggle, move(event_init))); if (!beforetoggle_result) return {}; // 7. If this has an open attribute, then return. if (has_attribute(AttributeNames::open)) return {}; // 8. If this is not connected, then return. if (!is_connected()) return {}; // 9. If this is in the popover showing state, then return. if (popover_visibility_state() == PopoverVisibilityState::Showing) return {}; // 10. Queue a dialog toggle event task given subject, "closed", and "open". queue_a_dialog_toggle_event_task("closed"_string, "open"_string); // 11. Add an open attribute to this, whose value is the empty string. TRY(set_attribute(AttributeNames::open, {})); // 12. Set the is modal flag of this to true. m_is_modal = true; // FIXME: 13. Let this's node document be blocked by the modal dialog this. // 14. If this's node document's top layer does not already contain this, then add an element to the top layer given this. if (!document().top_layer_elements().contains(*this)) document().add_an_element_to_the_top_layer(*this); // 15. Set this's close watcher to the result of establishing a close watcher given this's relevant global object, with: m_close_watcher = CloseWatcher::establish(*document().window()); // - cancelAction given canPreventClose being to return the result of firing an event named cancel at this, with the cancelable attribute initialized to canPreventClose. auto cancel_callback_function = JS::NativeFunction::create( realm(), [this](JS::VM& vm) { auto& event = verify_cast(vm.argument(0).as_object()); bool can_prevent_close = event.cancelable(); auto should_continue = dispatch_event(DOM::Event::create(realm(), HTML::EventNames::cancel, { .cancelable = can_prevent_close })); if (!should_continue) event.prevent_default(); return JS::js_undefined(); }, 0, "", &realm()); auto cancel_callback = realm().heap().allocate(*cancel_callback_function, realm()); m_close_watcher->add_event_listener_without_options(HTML::EventNames::cancel, DOM::IDLEventListener::create(realm(), cancel_callback)); // - closeAction being to close the dialog given this and null. auto close_callback_function = JS::NativeFunction::create( realm(), [this](JS::VM&) { close_the_dialog({}); return JS::js_undefined(); }, 0, "", &realm()); auto close_callback = realm().heap().allocate(*close_callback_function, realm()); m_close_watcher->add_event_listener_without_options(HTML::EventNames::close, DOM::IDLEventListener::create(realm(), close_callback)); // FIXME: 16. Set this's previously focused element to the focused element. // FIXME: 17. Let hideUntil be the result of running topmost popover ancestor given this, null, and false. // FIXME: 18. If hideUntil is null, then set hideUntil to this's node document. // FIXME: 19. Run hide all popovers until given hideUntil, false, and true. // 20. Run the dialog focusing steps given this. run_dialog_focusing_steps(); return {}; } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/interactive-elements.html#dom-dialog-close void HTMLDialogElement::close(Optional return_value) { // 1. If returnValue is not given, then set it to null. // 2. Close the dialog this with returnValue. close_the_dialog(move(return_value)); } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/interactive-elements.html#dom-dialog-returnvalue String HTMLDialogElement::return_value() const { return m_return_value; } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/interactive-elements.html#dom-dialog-returnvalue void HTMLDialogElement::set_return_value(String return_value) { m_return_value = move(return_value); } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/interactive-elements.html#close-the-dialog void HTMLDialogElement::close_the_dialog(Optional result) { // 1. If subject does not have an open attribute, then return. if (!has_attribute(AttributeNames::open)) return; // 2. Fire an event named beforetoggle, using ToggleEvent, with the oldState attribute initialized to "open" and the newState attribute initialized to "closed" at subject. ToggleEventInit event_init {}; event_init.old_state = "open"_string; event_init.new_state = "closed"_string; dispatch_event(ToggleEvent::create(realm(), HTML::EventNames::beforetoggle, move(event_init))); // 3. If subject does not have an open attribute, then return. if (!has_attribute(AttributeNames::open)) return; // 4. Queue a dialog toggle event task given subject, "open", and "closed". queue_a_dialog_toggle_event_task("open"_string, "closed"_string); // 5. Remove subject's open attribute. remove_attribute(AttributeNames::open); // 6. If the is modal flag of subject is true, then request an element to be removed from the top layer given subject. if (m_is_modal) document().request_an_element_to_be_remove_from_the_top_layer(*this); // FIXME: 7. Let wasModal be the value of subject's is modal flag. // 8. Set the is modal flag of subject to false. m_is_modal = false; // 9. If result is not null, then set the returnValue attribute to result. if (result.has_value()) set_return_value(result.release_value()); // FIXME: 10. If subject's previously focused element is not null, then: // 1. Let element be subject's previously focused element. // 2. Set subject's previously focused element to null. // 3. If subject's node document's focused area of the document's DOM anchor is a shadow-including inclusive descendant of element, // or wasModal is true, then run the focusing steps for element; the viewport should not be scrolled by doing this step. // 11. Queue an element task on the user interaction task source given the subject element to fire an event named close at subject. queue_an_element_task(HTML::Task::Source::UserInteraction, [this] { auto close_event = DOM::Event::create(realm(), HTML::EventNames::close); dispatch_event(close_event); }); // 12. If subject's close watcher is not null, then: if (m_close_watcher) { // 9.1 Destroy subject's close watcher. m_close_watcher->destroy(); // 9.2 Set subject's close watcher to null. m_close_watcher = nullptr; } } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/interactive-elements.html#dialog-focusing-steps void HTMLDialogElement::run_dialog_focusing_steps() { // 1. Let control be null GC::Ptr control = nullptr; // FIXME 2. If subject has the autofocus attribute, then set control to subject. // FIXME 3. If control is null, then set control to the focus delegate of subject. // 4. If control is null, then set control to subject. if (!control) control = this; // 5. Run the focusing steps for control. run_focusing_steps(control); } }