/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include //#define DEBUG_ITEM_RECTS namespace GUI { struct TreeView::MetadataForIndex { bool open { false }; }; TreeView::MetadataForIndex& TreeView::ensure_metadata_for_index(const ModelIndex& index) const { ASSERT(index.is_valid()); auto it = m_view_metadata.find(index.internal_data()); if (it != m_view_metadata.end()) return *it->value; auto new_metadata = make(); auto& new_metadata_ref = *new_metadata; m_view_metadata.set(index.internal_data(), move(new_metadata)); return new_metadata_ref; } TreeView::TreeView() { set_fill_with_background_color(true); set_background_role(ColorRole::Base); set_foreground_role(ColorRole::BaseText); set_headers_visible(false); m_expand_bitmap = Gfx::Bitmap::load_from_file("/res/icons/treeview-expand.png"); m_collapse_bitmap = Gfx::Bitmap::load_from_file("/res/icons/treeview-collapse.png"); } TreeView::~TreeView() { } ModelIndex TreeView::index_at_event_position(const Gfx::IntPoint& a_position, bool& is_toggle) const { auto position = a_position.translated(0, -header_height()).translated(horizontal_scrollbar().value() - frame_thickness(), vertical_scrollbar().value() - frame_thickness()); is_toggle = false; if (!model()) return {}; ModelIndex result; traverse_in_paint_order([&](const ModelIndex& index, const Gfx::IntRect& rect, const Gfx::IntRect& toggle_rect, int) { if (toggle_rect.contains(position)) { result = index; is_toggle = true; return IterationDecision::Break; } if (rect.contains_vertically(position.y())) { result = index; return IterationDecision::Break; } return IterationDecision::Continue; }); return result; } void TreeView::doubleclick_event(MouseEvent& event) { if (!model()) return; auto& model = *this->model(); bool is_toggle; auto index = index_at_event_position(event.position(), is_toggle); if (!index.is_valid()) return; if (event.button() == MouseButton::Left) { if (selection().first() != index) selection().set(index); if (model.row_count(index)) toggle_index(index); else activate(index); } } void TreeView::set_open_state_of_all_in_subtree(const ModelIndex& root, bool open) { if (root.is_valid()) { ensure_metadata_for_index(root).open = open; if (model()->row_count(root)) { if (on_toggle) on_toggle(root, open); } } int row_count = model()->row_count(root); int column = model()->tree_column(); for (int row = 0; row < row_count; ++row) { auto index = model()->index(row, column, root); set_open_state_of_all_in_subtree(index, open); } } void TreeView::expand_tree(const ModelIndex& root) { if (!model()) return; set_open_state_of_all_in_subtree(root, true); update_column_sizes(); update_content_size(); update(); } void TreeView::collapse_tree(const ModelIndex& root) { if (!model()) return; set_open_state_of_all_in_subtree(root, false); update_column_sizes(); update_content_size(); update(); } void TreeView::toggle_index(const ModelIndex& index) { ASSERT(model()->row_count(index)); auto& metadata = ensure_metadata_for_index(index); metadata.open = !metadata.open; if (on_toggle) on_toggle(index, metadata.open); update_column_sizes(); update_content_size(); update(); } template void TreeView::traverse_in_paint_order(Callback callback) const { ASSERT(model()); auto& model = *this->model(); int indent_level = 1; int y_offset = 0; int tree_column_x_offset = this->tree_column_x_offset(); Function traverse_index = [&](const ModelIndex& index) { int row_count_at_index = model.row_count(index); if (index.is_valid()) { auto& metadata = ensure_metadata_for_index(index); int x_offset = tree_column_x_offset + horizontal_padding() + indent_level * indent_width_in_pixels(); auto node_text = index.data().to_string(); Gfx::IntRect rect = { x_offset, y_offset, icon_size() + icon_spacing() + text_padding() + font_for_index(index)->width(node_text) + text_padding(), item_height() }; Gfx::IntRect toggle_rect; if (row_count_at_index > 0) { int toggle_x = tree_column_x_offset + horizontal_padding() + (indent_width_in_pixels() * indent_level) - (icon_size() / 2) - 4; toggle_rect = { toggle_x, rect.y(), toggle_size(), toggle_size() }; toggle_rect.center_vertically_within(rect); } if (callback(index, rect, toggle_rect, indent_level) == IterationDecision::Break) return IterationDecision::Break; y_offset += item_height(); // NOTE: Skip traversing children if this index is closed! if (!metadata.open) return IterationDecision::Continue; } if (indent_level > 0 && !index.is_valid()) return IterationDecision::Continue; ++indent_level; int row_count = model.row_count(index); for (int i = 0; i < row_count; ++i) { if (traverse_index(model.index(i, model.tree_column(), index)) == IterationDecision::Break) return IterationDecision::Break; } --indent_level; return IterationDecision::Continue; }; int root_count = model.row_count(); for (int root_index = 0; root_index < root_count; ++root_index) { if (traverse_index(model.index(root_index, model.tree_column(), ModelIndex())) == IterationDecision::Break) break; } } void TreeView::paint_event(PaintEvent& event) { Frame::paint_event(event); Painter painter(*this); painter.add_clip_rect(frame_inner_rect()); painter.add_clip_rect(event.rect()); if (fill_with_background_color()) painter.fill_rect(event.rect(), palette().color(background_role())); if (!model()) return; auto& model = *this->model(); painter.translate(frame_inner_rect().location()); painter.translate(-horizontal_scrollbar().value(), -vertical_scrollbar().value()); auto visible_content_rect = this->visible_content_rect(); int tree_column = model.tree_column(); int tree_column_x_offset = this->tree_column_x_offset(); int y_offset = header_height(); int painted_row_index = 0; traverse_in_paint_order([&](const ModelIndex& index, const Gfx::IntRect& a_rect, const Gfx::IntRect& a_toggle_rect, int indent_level) { if (!a_rect.intersects_vertically(visible_content_rect)) return IterationDecision::Continue; auto rect = a_rect.translated(0, y_offset); auto toggle_rect = a_toggle_rect.translated(0, y_offset); #ifdef DEBUG_ITEM_RECTS painter.fill_rect(rect, Color::WarmGray); #endif bool is_selected_row = selection().contains(index); Color text_color = palette().color(foreground_role()); if (is_selected_row) text_color = is_focused() ? palette().selection_text() : palette().inactive_selection_text(); Color background_color; Color key_column_background_color; if (is_selected_row) { background_color = is_focused() ? palette().selection() : palette().inactive_selection(); key_column_background_color = is_focused() ? palette().selection() : palette().inactive_selection(); } else { if (alternating_row_colors() && (painted_row_index % 2)) { background_color = Color(220, 220, 220); key_column_background_color = Color(200, 200, 200); } else { background_color = palette().color(background_role()); key_column_background_color = Color(220, 220, 220); } } int row_width = 0; for (int column_index = 0; column_index < model.column_count(); ++column_index) { if (is_column_hidden(column_index)) continue; row_width += this->column_width(column_index) + horizontal_padding() * 2; } if (frame_inner_rect().width() > row_width) { row_width = frame_inner_rect().width(); } Gfx::IntRect row_rect { 0, rect.y(), row_width, rect.height() }; painter.fill_rect(row_rect, background_color); int x_offset = 0; for (int column_index = 0; column_index < model.column_count(); ++column_index) { if (is_column_hidden(column_index)) continue; int column_width = this->column_width(column_index); painter.draw_rect(toggle_rect, text_color); if (column_index != tree_column) { Gfx::IntRect cell_rect(horizontal_padding() + x_offset, rect.y(), column_width, item_height()); auto cell_index = model.index(index.row(), column_index, index.parent()); if (auto* delegate = column_data(column_index).cell_painting_delegate.ptr()) { delegate->paint(painter, cell_rect, palette(), cell_index); } else { auto data = cell_index.data(); if (data.is_bitmap()) { painter.blit(cell_rect.location(), data.as_bitmap(), data.as_bitmap().rect()); } else if (data.is_icon()) { if (auto bitmap = data.as_icon().bitmap_for_size(16)) painter.blit(cell_rect.location(), *bitmap, bitmap->rect()); } else { if (!is_selected_row) text_color = cell_index.data(ModelRole::ForegroundColor).to_color(palette().color(foreground_role())); auto text_alignment = cell_index.data(ModelRole::TextAlignment).to_text_alignment(Gfx::TextAlignment::CenterLeft); painter.draw_text(cell_rect, data.to_string(), font_for_index(cell_index), text_alignment, text_color, Gfx::TextElision::Right); } } } else { // It's the tree column! Gfx::IntRect icon_rect = { rect.x(), rect.y(), icon_size(), icon_size() }; auto icon = index.data(ModelRole::Icon); if (icon.is_icon()) { if (auto* bitmap = icon.as_icon().bitmap_for_size(icon_size())) { if (m_hovered_index.is_valid() && m_hovered_index.parent() == index.parent() && m_hovered_index.row() == index.row()) painter.blit_brightened(icon_rect.location(), *bitmap, bitmap->rect()); else painter.blit(icon_rect.location(), *bitmap, bitmap->rect()); } } Gfx::IntRect text_rect = { icon_rect.right() + 1 + icon_spacing(), rect.y(), rect.width() - icon_size() - icon_spacing(), rect.height() }; auto node_text = index.data().to_string(); painter.draw_text(text_rect, node_text, font_for_index(index), Gfx::TextAlignment::Center, text_color); auto index_at_indent = index; for (int i = indent_level; i > 0; --i) { auto parent_of_index_at_indent = index_at_indent.parent(); bool index_at_indent_is_last_in_parent = index_at_indent.row() == model.row_count(parent_of_index_at_indent) - 1; Gfx::IntPoint a { tree_column_x_offset + horizontal_padding() + indent_width_in_pixels() * i - icon_size() / 2, rect.y() - 2 }; Gfx::IntPoint b { a.x(), a.y() + item_height() - 1 }; if (index_at_indent_is_last_in_parent) b.set_y(rect.center().y()); if (!(i != indent_level && index_at_indent_is_last_in_parent)) painter.draw_line(a, b, Color::MidGray); if (i == indent_level) { Gfx::IntPoint c { a.x(), rect.center().y() }; Gfx::IntPoint d { c.x() + icon_size() / 2, c.y() }; painter.draw_line(c, d, Color::MidGray); } index_at_indent = parent_of_index_at_indent; } if (!toggle_rect.is_empty()) { auto& metadata = ensure_metadata_for_index(index); if (metadata.open) painter.blit(toggle_rect.location(), *m_collapse_bitmap, m_collapse_bitmap->rect()); else painter.blit(toggle_rect.location(), *m_expand_bitmap, m_expand_bitmap->rect()); } } x_offset += column_width + horizontal_padding() * 2; } return IterationDecision::Continue; }); // Untranslate the painter vertically and do the column headers. painter.translate(0, vertical_scrollbar().value()); paint_headers(painter); } void TreeView::scroll_into_view(const ModelIndex& a_index, Orientation orientation) { if (!a_index.is_valid()) return; Gfx::IntRect found_rect; traverse_in_paint_order([&](const ModelIndex& index, const Gfx::IntRect& rect, const Gfx::IntRect&, int) { if (index == a_index) { found_rect = rect; return IterationDecision::Break; } return IterationDecision::Continue; }); ScrollableWidget::scroll_into_view(found_rect, orientation); } void TreeView::did_update_model(unsigned flags) { m_view_metadata.clear(); AbstractTableView::did_update_model(flags); } void TreeView::did_update_selection() { AbstractView::did_update_selection(); if (!model()) return; auto index = selection().first(); if (!index.is_valid()) return; #if 0 bool opened_any = false; for (auto current = index; current.is_valid(); current = current.parent()) { auto& metadata_for_ancestor = ensure_metadata_for_index(current); if (!metadata_for_ancestor.open) { metadata_for_ancestor.open = true; opened_any = true; } } if (opened_any) update_content_size(); update(); #endif if (activates_on_selection()) activate(index); } void TreeView::keydown_event(KeyEvent& event) { if (!model()) return; auto cursor_index = selection().first(); if (event.key() == KeyCode::Key_Space) { if (model()->row_count(cursor_index)) toggle_index(cursor_index); return; } if (event.key() == KeyCode::Key_Up) { ModelIndex previous_index; ModelIndex found_index; traverse_in_paint_order([&](const ModelIndex& index, const Gfx::IntRect&, const Gfx::IntRect&, int) { if (index == cursor_index) { found_index = previous_index; return IterationDecision::Break; } previous_index = index; return IterationDecision::Continue; }); if (found_index.is_valid()) { selection().set(found_index); scroll_into_view(selection().first(), Orientation::Vertical); update(); } return; } if (event.key() == KeyCode::Key_Down) { ModelIndex previous_index; ModelIndex found_index; traverse_in_paint_order([&](const ModelIndex& index, const Gfx::IntRect&, const Gfx::IntRect&, int) { if (previous_index == cursor_index) { found_index = index; return IterationDecision::Break; } previous_index = index; return IterationDecision::Continue; }); if (found_index.is_valid()) { selection().set(found_index); scroll_into_view(selection().first(), Orientation::Vertical); update(); } return; } auto open_tree_node = [&](bool open, MetadataForIndex& metadata) { if (on_toggle) on_toggle(cursor_index, open); metadata.open = open; update_column_sizes(); update_content_size(); update(); }; if (event.key() == KeyCode::Key_Left) { if (cursor_index.is_valid() && model()->row_count(cursor_index)) { if (event.ctrl()) { collapse_tree(cursor_index); return; } auto& metadata = ensure_metadata_for_index(cursor_index); if (metadata.open) { open_tree_node(false, metadata); return; } } if (cursor_index.is_valid() && cursor_index.parent().is_valid()) { selection().set(cursor_index.parent()); scroll_into_view(selection().first(), Orientation::Vertical); return; } } if (event.key() == KeyCode::Key_Right) { if (cursor_index.is_valid() && model()->row_count(cursor_index)) { if (event.ctrl()) { expand_tree(cursor_index); return; } auto& metadata = ensure_metadata_for_index(cursor_index); if (!metadata.open) { open_tree_node(true, metadata); return; } selection().set(model()->index(0, model()->tree_column(), cursor_index)); scroll_into_view(selection().first(), Orientation::Vertical); return; } } if (event.key() == KeyCode::Key_Return) { if (cursor_index.is_valid() && model()->row_count(cursor_index)) { toggle_index(cursor_index); return; } } } int TreeView::item_count() const { int count = 0; traverse_in_paint_order([&](const ModelIndex&, const Gfx::IntRect&, const Gfx::IntRect&, int) { ++count; return IterationDecision::Continue; }); return count; } void TreeView::update_column_sizes() { if (!model()) return; auto& model = *this->model(); int column_count = model.column_count(); int row_count = model.row_count(); int tree_column = model.tree_column(); int tree_column_x_offset = 0; for (int column = 0; column < column_count; ++column) { if (column == tree_column) continue; if (is_column_hidden(column)) continue; int header_width = header_font().width(model.column_name(column)); int column_width = header_width; for (int row = 0; row < row_count; ++row) { auto cell_data = model.index(row, column).data(); int cell_width = 0; if (cell_data.is_bitmap()) { cell_width = cell_data.as_bitmap().width(); } else { cell_width = font().width(cell_data.to_string()); } column_width = max(column_width, cell_width); } auto& column_data = this->column_data(column); column_data.width = max(column_data.width, column_width); column_data.has_initialized_width = true; if (column < tree_column) tree_column_x_offset += column_width; } int tree_column_header_width = header_font().width(model.column_name(tree_column)); int tree_column_width = tree_column_header_width; traverse_in_paint_order([&](const ModelIndex&, const Gfx::IntRect& rect, const Gfx::IntRect&, int) { tree_column_width = max(rect.right() - tree_column_x_offset, tree_column_width); return IterationDecision::Continue; }); auto& column_data = this->column_data(tree_column); column_data.width = max(column_data.width, tree_column_width); column_data.has_initialized_width = true; } int TreeView::tree_column_x_offset() const { int tree_column = model()->tree_column(); int offset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < tree_column; ++i) { if (!is_column_hidden(i)) { offset += column_width(i); offset += horizontal_padding(); } } return offset; } }