#include "types.h" #include "kmalloc.h" #include "VGA.h" #include "i386.h" #include "Assertions.h" #include "Process.h" #include "MemoryManager.h" #include "IRQHandler.h" #include "PIC.h" //#define PAGE_FAULT_DEBUG struct DescriptorTablePointer { WORD size; void* address; } PACKED; static DescriptorTablePointer s_idtr; static DescriptorTablePointer s_gdtr; static Descriptor* s_idt; static Descriptor* s_gdt; static IRQHandler** s_irqHandler; static Vector* s_gdt_freelist; static WORD s_gdtLength; word gdt_alloc_entry() { ASSERT(s_gdt_freelist); ASSERT(!s_gdt_freelist->isEmpty()); return s_gdt_freelist->takeLast(); } void gdt_free_entry(word entry) { s_gdt_freelist->append(entry); } extern "C" void handleIRQ(); extern "C" void commonIRQEntry(); asm( ".globl commonIRQEntry\n" "commonIRQEntry: \n" " pusha\n" " pushw %ds\n" " pushw %es\n" " pushw %ss\n" " pushw %ss\n" " popw %ds\n" " popw %es\n" " call handleIRQ\n" " popw %es\n" " popw %ds\n" " popa\n" " iret\n" ); #define EH_ENTRY(ec) \ extern "C" void exception_ ## ec ## _handler(RegisterDumpWithExceptionCode&); \ extern "C" void exception_ ## ec ## _entry(); \ asm( \ ".globl exception_" # ec "_entry\n" \ "exception_" # ec "_entry: \n" \ " pusha\n" \ " pushw %ds\n" \ " pushw %es\n" \ " pushw %fs\n" \ " pushw %gs\n" \ " pushw %ss\n" \ " pushw %ss\n" \ " pushw %ss\n" \ " pushw %ss\n" \ " pushw %ss\n" \ " popw %ds\n" \ " popw %es\n" \ " popw %fs\n" \ " popw %gs\n" \ " mov %esp, %eax\n" \ " call exception_" # ec "_handler\n" \ " popw %gs\n" \ " popw %gs\n" \ " popw %fs\n" \ " popw %es\n" \ " popw %ds\n" \ " popa\n" \ " add $0x4, %esp\n" \ " iret\n" \ ); #define EH_ENTRY_NO_CODE(ec) \ extern "C" void exception_ ## ec ## _handler(RegisterDump&); \ extern "C" void exception_ ## ec ## _entry(); \ asm( \ ".globl exception_" # ec "_entry\n" \ "exception_" # ec "_entry: \n" \ " pusha\n" \ " pushw %ds\n" \ " pushw %es\n" \ " pushw %fs\n" \ " pushw %gs\n" \ " pushw %ss\n" \ " pushw %ss\n" \ " pushw %ss\n" \ " pushw %ss\n" \ " pushw %ss\n" \ " popw %ds\n" \ " popw %es\n" \ " popw %fs\n" \ " popw %gs\n" \ " mov %esp, %eax\n" \ " call exception_" # ec "_handler\n" \ " popw %gs\n" \ " popw %gs\n" \ " popw %fs\n" \ " popw %es\n" \ " popw %ds\n" \ " popa\n" \ " iret\n" \ ); // 6: Invalid Opcode EH_ENTRY_NO_CODE(6); void exception_6_handler(RegisterDump& regs) { kprintf("%s invalid opcode: %u(%s)\n", current->isRing0() ? "Kernel" : "Process", current->pid(), current->name().characters()); word ss; dword esp; if (current->isRing0()) { ss = regs.ds; esp = regs.esp; } else { ss = regs.ss_if_crossRing; esp = regs.esp_if_crossRing; } kprintf("pc=%w:%x ds=%w es=%w fs=%w gs=%w\n", regs.cs, regs.eip, regs.ds, regs.es, regs.fs, regs.gs); kprintf("eax=%x ebx=%x ecx=%x edx=%x\n", regs.eax, regs.ebx, regs.ecx, regs.edx); kprintf("ebp=%x esp=%x esi=%x edi=%x\n", regs.ebp, esp, regs.esi, regs.edi); if (current->isRing0()) { kprintf("Oh shit, we've crashed in ring 0 :(\n"); HANG; } HANG; current->crash(); } // 13: General Protection Fault EH_ENTRY(13); void exception_13_handler(RegisterDumpWithExceptionCode& regs) { kprintf("%s GPF: %u(%s)\n", current->isRing0() ? "Kernel" : "User", current->pid(), current->name().characters()); word ss; dword esp; if (current->isRing0()) { ss = regs.ds; esp = regs.esp; } else { ss = regs.ss_if_crossRing; esp = regs.esp_if_crossRing; } kprintf("exception code: %w\n", regs.exception_code); kprintf("pc=%w:%x ds=%w es=%w fs=%w gs=%w\n", regs.cs, regs.eip, regs.ds, regs.es, regs.fs, regs.gs); kprintf("eax=%x ebx=%x ecx=%x edx=%x\n", regs.eax, regs.ebx, regs.ecx, regs.edx); kprintf("ebp=%x esp=%x esi=%x edi=%x\n", regs.ebp, esp, regs.esi, regs.edi); if (current->isRing0()) { kprintf("Oh shit, we've crashed in ring 0 :(\n"); HANG; } current->crash(); } // 14: Page Fault EH_ENTRY(14); void exception_14_handler(RegisterDumpWithExceptionCode& regs) { ASSERT(current); dword faultAddress; asm ("movl %%cr2, %%eax":"=a"(faultAddress)); dbgprintf("Ring%u page fault in %s(%u), %s laddr=%p\n", regs.cs & 3, current->name().characters(), current->pid(), regs.exception_code & 2 ? "write" : "read", faultAddress); word ss; dword esp; if (current->isRing0()) { ss = regs.ds; esp = regs.esp; } else { ss = regs.ss_if_crossRing; esp = regs.esp_if_crossRing; } #ifdef PAGE_FAULT_DEBUG dbgprintf("exception code: %w\n", regs.exception_code); dbgprintf("pc=%w:%x ds=%w es=%w fs=%w gs=%w\n", regs.cs, regs.eip, regs.ds, regs.es, regs.fs, regs.gs); dbgprintf("stk=%w:%x\n", ss, esp); dbgprintf("eax=%x ebx=%x ecx=%x edx=%x\n", regs.eax, regs.ebx, regs.ecx, regs.edx); dbgprintf("ebp=%x esp=%x esi=%x edi=%x\n", regs.ebp, esp, regs.esi, regs.edi); byte* codeptr = (byte*)regs.eip; dbgprintf("code: %b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b\n", codeptr[0], codeptr[1], codeptr[2], codeptr[3], codeptr[4], codeptr[5], codeptr[6], codeptr[7] ); #endif if (current->isRing0()) HANG; auto response = MM.handle_page_fault(PageFault(regs.exception_code, LinearAddress(faultAddress))); if (response == PageFaultResponse::ShouldCrash) { kprintf("Crashing after unresolved page fault\n"); kprintf("exception code: %w\n", regs.exception_code); kprintf("pc=%w:%x ds=%w es=%w fs=%w gs=%w\n", regs.cs, regs.eip, regs.ds, regs.es, regs.fs, regs.gs); kprintf("stk=%w:%x\n", ss, esp); kprintf("eax=%x ebx=%x ecx=%x edx=%x\n", regs.eax, regs.ebx, regs.ecx, regs.edx); kprintf("ebp=%x esp=%x esi=%x edi=%x\n", regs.ebp, esp, regs.esi, regs.edi); current->crash(); } else if (response == PageFaultResponse::Continue) { #ifdef PAGE_FAULT_DEBUG dbgprintf("Continuing after resolved page fault\n"); #endif } else { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } } #define EH(i, msg) \ static void _exception ## i () \ { \ kprintf(msg"\n"); \ DWORD cr0, cr2, cr3, cr4; \ asm ("movl %%cr0, %%eax":"=a"(cr0)); \ asm ("movl %%cr2, %%eax":"=a"(cr2)); \ asm ("movl %%cr3, %%eax":"=a"(cr3)); \ asm ("movl %%cr4, %%eax":"=a"(cr4)); \ kprintf("CR0=%x CR2=%x CR3=%x CR4=%x\n", cr0, cr2, cr3, cr4); \ HANG; \ } EH(0, "Divide error") EH(1, "Debug exception") EH(2, "Unknown error") EH(3, "Breakpoint") EH(4, "Overflow") EH(5, "Bounds check") EH(6, "Invalid opcode") EH(7, "Coprocessor not available") EH(8, "Double fault") EH(9, "Coprocessor segment overrun") EH(10, "Invalid TSS") EH(11, "Segment not present") EH(12, "Stack exception") EH(13, "General protection fault") EH(14, "Page fault") EH(15, "Unknown error") EH(16, "Coprocessor error") static void writeRawGDTEntry(WORD selector, DWORD low, DWORD high) { WORD i = (selector & 0xfffc) >> 3; s_gdt[i].low = low; s_gdt[i].high = high; if (i > s_gdtLength) { s_gdtr.size = (s_gdtLength + 1) * 8; } } void writeGDTEntry(WORD selector, Descriptor& descriptor) { writeRawGDTEntry(selector, descriptor.low, descriptor.high); } Descriptor& getGDTEntry(WORD selector) { WORD i = (selector & 0xfffc) >> 3; return *(Descriptor*)(&s_gdt[i]); } void flushGDT() { s_gdtr.address = s_gdt; s_gdtr.size = (s_gdtLength * 8) - 1; asm("lgdt %0"::"m"(s_gdtr)); } void gdt_init() { s_gdt = static_cast(kmalloc_eternal(sizeof(Descriptor) * 256)); s_gdtLength = 5; s_gdt_freelist = new Vector(); s_gdt_freelist->ensureCapacity(256); for (size_t i = s_gdtLength; i < 256; ++i) s_gdt_freelist->unchecked_append(i * 8); s_gdtLength = 256; s_gdtr.address = s_gdt; s_gdtr.size = (s_gdtLength * 8) - 1; writeRawGDTEntry(0x0000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000); writeRawGDTEntry(0x0008, 0x0000ffff, 0x00cf9a00); writeRawGDTEntry(0x0010, 0x0000ffff, 0x00cf9200); writeRawGDTEntry(0x0018, 0x0000ffff, 0x00cffa00); writeRawGDTEntry(0x0020, 0x0000ffff, 0x00cff200); flushGDT(); } static void unimp_trap() { kprintf("Unhandled IRQ."); HANG; } void registerIRQHandler(byte irq, IRQHandler& handler) { ASSERT(!s_irqHandler[irq]); s_irqHandler[irq] = &handler; kprintf("irq handler for %u: %p\n", irq, &handler); registerInterruptHandler(IRQ_VECTOR_BASE + irq, commonIRQEntry); } void unregisterIRQHandler(byte irq, IRQHandler& handler) { ASSERT(s_irqHandler[irq] == &handler); s_irqHandler[irq] = nullptr; } void registerInterruptHandler(BYTE index, void (*f)()) { s_idt[index].low = 0x00080000 | LSW((f)); s_idt[index].high = ((DWORD)(f) & 0xffff0000) | 0x8e00; flushIDT(); } void registerUserCallableInterruptHandler(BYTE index, void (*f)()) { s_idt[index].low = 0x00080000 | LSW((f)); s_idt[index].high = ((DWORD)(f) & 0xffff0000) | 0xef00; flushIDT(); } void flushIDT() { asm("lidt %0"::"m"(s_idtr)); } /* If an 8259 gets cranky, it'll generate a spurious IRQ7. * ATM I don't have a clear grasp on when/why this happens, * so I ignore them and assume it makes no difference. */ extern "C" void irq7_handler(); asm( ".globl irq7_handler \n" "irq7_handler: \n" " iret\n" ); void idt_init() { s_idt = static_cast(kmalloc_eternal(sizeof(Descriptor) * 256)); s_idtr.address = s_idt; s_idtr.size = 0x100 * 8; for (BYTE i = 0xff; i > 0x10; --i) registerInterruptHandler(i, unimp_trap); registerInterruptHandler(0x00, _exception0); registerInterruptHandler(0x01, _exception1); registerInterruptHandler(0x02, _exception2); registerInterruptHandler(0x03, _exception3); registerInterruptHandler(0x04, _exception4); registerInterruptHandler(0x05, _exception5); registerInterruptHandler(0x06, exception_6_entry); registerInterruptHandler(0x07, _exception7); registerInterruptHandler(0x08, _exception8); registerInterruptHandler(0x09, _exception9); registerInterruptHandler(0x0a, _exception10); registerInterruptHandler(0x0b, _exception11); registerInterruptHandler(0x0c, _exception12); registerInterruptHandler(0x0d, exception_13_entry); registerInterruptHandler(0x0e, exception_14_entry); registerInterruptHandler(0x0f, _exception15); registerInterruptHandler(0x10, _exception16); registerInterruptHandler(0x57, irq7_handler); s_irqHandler = static_cast(kmalloc_eternal(sizeof(IRQHandler*) * 16)); for (byte i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { s_irqHandler[i] = nullptr; } flushIDT(); } void load_task_register(WORD selector) { asm("ltr %0"::"r"(selector)); } void handleIRQ() { WORD isr = PIC::getISR(); if (!isr) { kprintf("Spurious IRQ\n"); return; } byte irq; for (byte i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { if (isr & (1 << i)) { irq = i; break; } } if (s_irqHandler[irq]) s_irqHandler[irq]->handleIRQ(); PIC::eoi(irq); } void __assertion_failed(const char* msg, const char* file, unsigned line, const char* func) { asm volatile("cli"); kprintf("ASSERTION FAILED: %s\n%s:%u in %s\n", msg, file, line, func); asm volatile("hlt"); }