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synced 2025-01-25 18:52:22 -05:00
The backend methods in WindowServer already exist. This just adds the IPC plumbing to connect those methods to GUI::Window.
327 lines
11 KiB
327 lines
11 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2018-2021, Andreas Kling <kling@serenityos.org>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#pragma once
#include <AK/Function.h>
#include <AK/OwnPtr.h>
#include <AK/String.h>
#include <AK/Variant.h>
#include <AK/WeakPtr.h>
#include <LibCore/Object.h>
#include <LibGUI/FocusSource.h>
#include <LibGUI/Forward.h>
#include <LibGUI/ResizeDirection.h>
#include <LibGUI/WindowMode.h>
#include <LibGUI/WindowType.h>
#include <LibGfx/Forward.h>
#include <LibGfx/Rect.h>
#include <LibGfx/StandardCursor.h>
namespace GUI {
class WindowBackingStore;
class Window : public Core::Object {
virtual ~Window() override;
static Window* from_window_id(int);
bool is_modified() const;
void set_modified(bool);
bool is_modal() const { return m_window_mode != WindowMode::Modeless; }
bool is_blocking() const { return m_window_mode == WindowMode::Blocking; }
bool is_capturing_input() const { return m_window_mode == WindowMode::CaptureInput; }
bool is_fullscreen() const { return m_fullscreen; }
void set_fullscreen(bool);
bool is_maximized() const { return m_maximized; }
void set_maximized(bool);
bool is_minimized() const { return m_minimized; }
void set_minimized(bool);
bool is_frameless() const { return m_frameless; }
void set_frameless(bool);
void set_forced_shadow(bool);
bool is_resizable() const { return m_resizable; }
void set_resizable(bool resizable) { m_resizable = resizable; }
bool is_obeying_widget_min_size() { return m_obey_widget_min_size; }
void set_obey_widget_min_size(bool);
bool is_minimizable() const { return m_minimizable; }
void set_minimizable(bool minimizable) { m_minimizable = minimizable; }
bool is_closeable() const { return m_closeable; }
void set_closeable(bool closeable) { m_closeable = closeable; }
void set_double_buffering_enabled(bool);
void set_has_alpha_channel(bool);
bool has_alpha_channel() const { return m_has_alpha_channel; }
void set_opacity(float);
float opacity() const { return m_opacity_when_windowless; }
void set_alpha_hit_threshold(float);
float alpha_hit_threshold() const { return m_alpha_hit_threshold; }
WindowType window_type() const { return m_window_type; }
void set_window_type(WindowType);
WindowMode window_mode() const { return m_window_mode; }
void set_window_mode(WindowMode);
int window_id() const { return m_window_id; }
void make_window_manager(unsigned event_mask);
String title() const;
void set_title(String);
enum class CloseRequestDecision {
Function<void()> on_close;
Function<CloseRequestDecision()> on_close_request;
Function<void(bool is_active_input)> on_active_input_change;
Function<void(bool is_active_window)> on_active_window_change;
Function<void(InputPreemptor)> on_input_preemption;
int x() const { return rect().x(); }
int y() const { return rect().y(); }
int width() const { return rect().width(); }
int height() const { return rect().height(); }
Gfx::IntRect rect() const;
Gfx::IntRect applet_rect_on_screen() const;
Gfx::IntSize size() const { return rect().size(); }
void set_rect(Gfx::IntRect const&);
void set_rect(int x, int y, int width, int height) { set_rect({ x, y, width, height }); }
Gfx::IntPoint position() const { return rect().location(); }
Gfx::IntSize minimum_size() const;
void set_minimum_size(Gfx::IntSize const&);
void set_minimum_size(int width, int height) { set_minimum_size({ width, height }); }
void move_to(int x, int y) { move_to({ x, y }); }
void move_to(Gfx::IntPoint const& point) { set_rect({ point, size() }); }
void resize(int width, int height) { resize({ width, height }); }
void resize(Gfx::IntSize const& size) { set_rect({ position(), size }); }
void center_on_screen();
void center_within(Window const&);
virtual void event(Core::Event&) override;
bool is_visible() const;
bool is_active() const;
bool is_active_input() const { return m_is_active_input; }
void show();
void hide();
virtual void close();
void move_to_front();
void start_interactive_resize(ResizeDirection resize_direction);
Widget* main_widget() { return m_main_widget; }
Widget const* main_widget() const { return m_main_widget; }
void set_main_widget(Widget*);
template<class T, class... Args>
inline ErrorOr<NonnullRefPtr<T>> try_set_main_widget(Args&&... args)
auto widget = TRY(T::try_create(forward<Args>(args)...));
return widget;
template<class T, class... Args>
inline T& set_main_widget(Args&&... args)
auto widget = T::construct(forward<Args>(args)...);
return *widget;
Widget* default_return_key_widget() { return m_default_return_key_widget; }
Widget const* default_return_key_widget() const { return m_default_return_key_widget; }
void set_default_return_key_widget(Widget*);
Widget* focused_widget() { return m_focused_widget; }
Widget const* focused_widget() const { return m_focused_widget; }
void set_focused_widget(Widget*, FocusSource = FocusSource::Programmatic);
void update();
void update(Gfx::IntRect const&);
void set_automatic_cursor_tracking_widget(Widget*);
Widget* automatic_cursor_tracking_widget() { return m_automatic_cursor_tracking_widget.ptr(); }
Widget const* automatic_cursor_tracking_widget() const { return m_automatic_cursor_tracking_widget.ptr(); }
Widget* hovered_widget() { return m_hovered_widget.ptr(); }
Widget const* hovered_widget() const { return m_hovered_widget.ptr(); }
void set_hovered_widget(Widget*);
Gfx::Bitmap* back_bitmap();
Gfx::IntSize size_increment() const { return m_size_increment; }
void set_size_increment(Gfx::IntSize const&);
Gfx::IntSize base_size() const { return m_base_size; }
void set_base_size(Gfx::IntSize const&);
Optional<Gfx::IntSize> const& resize_aspect_ratio() const { return m_resize_aspect_ratio; }
void set_resize_aspect_ratio(int width, int height) { set_resize_aspect_ratio(Gfx::IntSize(width, height)); }
void set_no_resize_aspect_ratio() { set_resize_aspect_ratio({}); }
void set_resize_aspect_ratio(Optional<Gfx::IntSize> const& ratio);
void set_cursor(Gfx::StandardCursor);
void set_cursor(NonnullRefPtr<Gfx::Bitmap>);
void set_icon(Gfx::Bitmap const*);
void apply_icon();
Gfx::Bitmap const* icon() const { return m_icon.ptr(); }
Vector<Widget&> focusable_widgets(FocusSource) const;
void schedule_relayout();
void refresh_system_theme();
static void for_each_window(Badge<ConnectionToWindowServer>, Function<void(Window&)>);
static void update_all_windows(Badge<ConnectionToWindowServer>);
void notify_state_changed(Badge<ConnectionToWindowServer>, bool minimized, bool maximized, bool occluded);
void notify_input_preempted(Badge<ConnectionToWindowServer>, InputPreemptor);
virtual bool is_visible_for_timer_purposes() const override { return m_visible_for_timer_purposes; }
Action* action_for_shortcut(Shortcut const&);
void did_add_widget(Badge<Widget>, Widget&);
void did_remove_widget(Badge<Widget>, Widget&);
Window* find_parent_window();
void set_progress(Optional<int>);
void update_cursor(Badge<Widget>) { update_cursor(); }
void did_disable_focused_widget(Badge<Widget>);
Menu& add_menu(String name);
ErrorOr<NonnullRefPtr<Menu>> try_add_menu(String name);
void flash_menubar_menu_for(MenuItem const&);
void flush_pending_paints_immediately();
Menubar& menubar() { return *m_menubar; }
Menubar const& menubar() const { return *m_menubar; }
void set_blocks_emoji_input(bool b) { m_blocks_emoji_input = b; }
bool blocks_emoji_input() const { return m_blocks_emoji_input; }
void set_always_on_top(bool always_on_top = true);
Window(Core::Object* parent = nullptr);
virtual void wm_event(WMEvent&);
virtual void screen_rects_change_event(ScreenRectsChangeEvent&);
virtual void applet_area_rect_change_event(AppletAreaRectChangeEvent&);
virtual void enter_event(Core::Event&);
virtual void leave_event(Core::Event&);
void update_min_size();
void update_cursor();
void focus_a_widget_if_possible(FocusSource);
void handle_drop_event(DropEvent&);
void handle_mouse_event(MouseEvent&);
void handle_multi_paint_event(MultiPaintEvent&);
void handle_key_event(KeyEvent&);
void handle_resize_event(ResizeEvent&);
void handle_input_entered_or_left_event(Core::Event&);
void handle_became_active_or_inactive_event(Core::Event&);
void handle_close_request();
void handle_theme_change_event(ThemeChangeEvent&);
void handle_fonts_change_event(FontsChangeEvent&);
void handle_screen_rects_change_event(ScreenRectsChangeEvent&);
void handle_applet_area_rect_change_event(AppletAreaRectChangeEvent&);
void handle_drag_move_event(DragEvent&);
void handle_entered_event(Core::Event&);
void handle_left_event(Core::Event&);
void server_did_destroy();
OwnPtr<WindowBackingStore> create_backing_store(Gfx::IntSize const&);
void set_current_backing_store(WindowBackingStore&, bool flush_immediately = false);
void flip(Vector<Gfx::IntRect, 32> const& dirty_rects);
void force_update();
bool are_cursors_the_same(AK::Variant<Gfx::StandardCursor, NonnullRefPtr<Gfx::Bitmap>> const&, AK::Variant<Gfx::StandardCursor, NonnullRefPtr<Gfx::Bitmap>> const&) const;
WeakPtr<Widget> m_previously_focused_widget;
OwnPtr<WindowBackingStore> m_front_store;
OwnPtr<WindowBackingStore> m_back_store;
NonnullRefPtr<Menubar> m_menubar;
RefPtr<Gfx::Bitmap> m_icon;
int m_window_id { 0 };
float m_opacity_when_windowless { 1.0f };
float m_alpha_hit_threshold { 0.0f };
RefPtr<Widget> m_main_widget;
WeakPtr<Widget> m_default_return_key_widget;
WeakPtr<Widget> m_focused_widget;
WeakPtr<Widget> m_automatic_cursor_tracking_widget;
WeakPtr<Widget> m_hovered_widget;
Gfx::IntRect m_rect_when_windowless;
Gfx::IntSize m_minimum_size_when_windowless { 0, 0 };
String m_title_when_windowless;
Vector<Gfx::IntRect, 32> m_pending_paint_event_rects;
Gfx::IntSize m_size_increment;
Gfx::IntSize m_base_size;
WindowType m_window_type { WindowType::Normal };
WindowMode m_window_mode { WindowMode::Modeless };
AK::Variant<Gfx::StandardCursor, NonnullRefPtr<Gfx::Bitmap>> m_cursor { Gfx::StandardCursor::None };
AK::Variant<Gfx::StandardCursor, NonnullRefPtr<Gfx::Bitmap>> m_effective_cursor { Gfx::StandardCursor::None };
bool m_is_active_input { false };
bool m_has_alpha_channel { false };
bool m_double_buffering_enabled { true };
bool m_resizable { true };
bool m_obey_widget_min_size { true };
Optional<Gfx::IntSize> m_resize_aspect_ratio {};
bool m_minimizable { true };
bool m_closeable { true };
bool m_maximized { false };
bool m_minimized { false };
bool m_fullscreen { false };
bool m_frameless { false };
bool m_forced_shadow { false };
bool m_layout_pending { false };
bool m_visible_for_timer_purposes { true };
bool m_visible { false };
bool m_moved_by_client { false };
bool m_blocks_emoji_input { false };
struct AK::Formatter<GUI::Window> : Formatter<Core::Object> {